8 years, 6 months ago.

Is the Adaptative Data Rate enabled?


I am testing the AT+ADR=1 command to validate the Adaptative Data Rate functionality. But when I configure it, the SF (spread factor) mantains constant and don't change. Is always SF = 9. Could this means it is not implemented in mDot firmware? Or could it be that it's not implemented in the server or gateway side?

Thank you and regards,


Question relating to:

Reference AT Command Application for MultiTech MDOT. AT Commands can be issued on the DIN, DOUT pins that are connected to the DB9 port provided on the UDK development board. … Lora, mdot, multitech

We are still working on ADR support in Conduit and mDot.

If you enable logging on the mDot with AT+LOG=6, you can see debug output on the virtual com port over the USB connection to the UDK or over the DB_RX/TX pins. When an ADR response is received you will see output as such:

[TRACE] Rx Window 1 - Frequency: 925700000 Bandwidth: 2 Datarate: 10
[TRACE] Rx Packet Type: 5 Size: 17
[TRACE] ADDRESS: 00001119
[TRACE] PAYLOAD: a0191100002506000341ff0001c8b6ea58
[TRACE] MIC: 58eab6c8 RX_MIC: 58eab6c8
[TRACE] Got an ack
[TRACE] Empty payload
[DEBUG] ADR Datarate KO

In this case the mDot rejected the ADR request.

We should have full ADR support in our next release.

posted by Jason Reiss 07 Oct 2015
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