8 years, 7 months ago.

unable to get Mbed Virtual Serial Port on FRDM K64F


Even though I connect K64 USB cable to PC, There is no new device found in my PC device manager. Do I need to do anything extra for this?


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1 Answer

8 years, 7 months ago.

Hi Ashok,

If you're trying to use the default serial port (through the USB connection that you use to program the device) you'll need to follow the instructions on this page: https://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Windows-serial-configuration

Printf will print to this serial port by default.

If you're trying use the USBSerial class, you need to install the driver mentioned on the page to which you linked.

Hope that helps! Brian

Hello Brian, Thanks for the answer, Now I can see 2 COM ports in PC device manager. 1. Mbed Serial Port 2. Mbed Virtual Serial Port. whats the purpose of this 2nd COM Port ?


posted by Ashok Athukuri 22 Sep 2015

I believe #1 (Mbed Serial Port) is the one for the mbed's debug serial port (the one printf writes to by default). I believe #2 (Mbed Virtual Serial Port) is used for the USBSerial class you mentioned in your post.

If you are simply trying to get debug output from the K64F, I recommend using the default printf and the first serial port (Mbed Serial Port)

posted by Brian Daniels 22 Sep 2015