8 years, 9 months ago.

Signals and components required for own PCB from NUCLEO-L053R8

Hello, I'm new to this field. I wondering what are the signals and components required from NUCLEO-L053R8 board to make a own PCB.

I have done programming a sensors for a data logging application. Now I want to make my own PCB which must have a USB port and ST link to dump the code in to the controller.

I would like to have low power consumption and small size.

What are the components and signals i must use here.

thank you.

1 Answer

8 years, 8 months ago.

You can use either a standalone STlink programmer or use the ST link interface on your Nucleo board to flash the processor or your own board. Just make sure that the SWD pins on your own hardware are accessible (SWDIO, SWCLK, GND, optionally nRST and SWO). You can also use the Nucleo programmer to get serial port (printf) connections between target and the PC. In that case you should connect the serial port pins of your own PCB to the TX/RX pins that are found on the nucleo programmer. Note that you should disconnect the existing target serial port on the Nucleo by removing some jumpers.

As alternative flash option you can also use the built-in ST UART1 bootloader. In that case make sure you can pull the boot0 pin of your target high. You could either use a regular PC serial port (at 5V level) or use a USB-Serial converter. Details are in several ST application notes. A general discussion on hardware design is in: http://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/application_note/CD00164185.pdf