9 years, 5 months ago.

Problem with my FRDM K64F board

Hi All,

I'm not able to copy the *.bin to "BOOTLOADER" disk media and run the problem. Able to detect the "BOOTLOADER" disk when I press RESET button and unmounted (removed) automatically when I copy the *.bin to "BOOTLOADER" disk.

Earlier it worked well but now not working. Continously green LED was blinking.

Also not able to run any examples. Please help me out from this problem.

Regards, Titus S.

2 Answers

9 years, 5 months ago.

Sounds like you need to go through these steps. http://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Firmware-FRDM-K64F

Accepted Answer

Thanks a lot to both of them. That link was fixed the problem.

posted by Titus Stalin 02 Dec 2014
9 years, 5 months ago.


why does a board enter bootloader mode? That one is for updating interface chip, not the target. To flash the target, it should appear as mbed drive, with mbed htm page on the drive.

Regards, 0xc0170

I don't know, actually I'm getting "BOOTLOADER" disk with "bootload.htm" file. How can I boot with required "mbed" disk for flashing binaries ? Is there any setup or jumper ? What I'm missing ?

posted by Titus Stalin 02 Dec 2014