8 years, 11 months ago.

How can I make my shield referenced in mbed component section?

Hi, I'm ulrich, my company (wi6labs) designed a lora shield matching most popular prototyping platform. Our froggy factory board is lora based design but is very different from the official lora shield https://developer.mbed.org/components/SX1276MB1xAS/

our board include Lora Radio chip + microcontroller. our board is compatible with nucleo plateform and should be compatible with mbded.

Could you please tell us how can we make our shield referenced in component section? we have library available for nucleo platform.

Best regards,


1 Answer

8 years, 11 months ago.

Anyone can make a component page. So just add your shield there with the proper libraries and example code. I do assume those libraries use mbed functions? (For for example GPIO?), otherwise it kinda removes the point of putting it on mbed site imo.