11 years, 2 months ago.

differences between kl25z and mbed

I just got my kl25z and I am enjoying it. I am wondering about the differences between the Mbed and the kl25z. I know that I can look in the litrature, but who wants to reinvent the wheel? Will we be seeing some kl25z libraries (like acessing the accelerometer)?

1 Answer

11 years, 2 months ago.

Did you already check here: http://mbed.org/handbook/mbed-FRDM-KL25Z-Examples

One of the main obvious differences is the form factor, the regular mbed form factor (just like for example arduino nano) is imo more suitable for prototyping something, while the KL25Z/regular arduino form factor is a bit more like a development board. Besides that KL25Z is slower than LP1768, same speed as 11u24, And it lacks flash memory, so no local file system.

NO, I did not see that. Thank you.

posted by chris burns 06 Mar 2013