9 years, 7 months ago.

LPCXpresso compiles larger code size?

I have been recently switching between Mbed online compiler and LPCXpresso because of the need of debugging. One think I noticed was that some code generated from LPCXpresso was constantly larger than Mbed.

One example was serial hello world plus sdfilesystem. Code from LPCXpresso is about 88kB while bin file from mbed is only 34kb.

I am a little curious, am I doing something wrong in LPCXpresso or mbed has some sort of secret algorism to reduce code size?

In case anyone is using LPCXpresso and having the same problem as I am, I asked the same question in LPCware forum, the answer from LPCXpresso support was: linker-scripts needs to be manually modified. When this is done, code size from both mbed compiler and LPCXpresso works are very close for all the applications I tested. For more information, please check the following discussion: http://www.lpcware.com/content/forum/code-size-mbed-application-built-lpcxpresso#comment-1140125

posted by Zhiyong Li 17 Sep 2014
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