9 years, 8 months ago.

InterruptIn error on STM32F401 NUCLEO

I just get this message :

"InterruptIn error: pin not supported"

for any pin used for InterruptIn except for the USER_BUTTON aka PC_13 input. Build OK but got this message on the serial.

Any other thing to do to using external interrupt inputs on NUCLEO F401 boards ? What is the default mapping of the STM32F401 EXTin in MBED ?

Question relating to:

Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F401RET6 microcontroller.

1 Answer

9 years, 8 months ago.

Update your mbed lib (right mouse button, update). It could support more than it currently does, but in principle every pin should work as InterruptIn pin (just not as many simultaniously as the hardware can theoretically support).

I just did so. Didn't noticed there the mbed lib I was using was not up to date ...

Now I can setup any pin as interruptIn. BUT what formely worked on the PC_13/USER_BUTTON only doesn't work anymore (either on this one or any other pin).

The Interrupt signal I am monitoring is an active low signal ...

posted by Laurent Pouillard 01 Sep 2014

Well that shouldn't happen. Question 1: You are making edges, right? The mbed interrupts are edge interrupts, not level interrupts. And you are using just the standard demo code?

If it still doesn't work with that I can look at it later, but no idea how much later ;). Or maybe someone else has a solution.

posted by Erik - 01 Sep 2014