11 years, 2 months ago.

7 Segment LED

I've just run program example 3.5 from the book and after getting my head around what was happening I've had to invert each byte so for 0 which should be 0x3F I have 0xC0, for 1 which should be 0x06 I have 0xF9. Does this imply my 7 segment display has logic inverters inside?

7 Segment display was in a bag of bits I bought from local shop.

Many Thanks Degs

1 Answer

11 years, 2 months ago.

Sounds like a common anode, meaning all anodes are supplied by 5v and you pull the cathode to ground to create a potential difference across the LED. Unless im confused by the question. I did the exact same thing, just gessed they would al be common cathode.

  • apologies for my poor spelling still getting used to touchscreen. You will have one pin marked a/k if this pin is at 5v then you definately have common annode.

Accepted Answer