9 years, 10 months ago.

USB serial communication


I´ve a kl46z and i just got started with it. I´ve been using shift registers and the integrated display and it works fine. But now I´m getting started with USBserial communication.

Basically, I want to send a String that has some letters and eachone has a different value. They are also separated by a character. For example: R123-S121-T120

I want to asign that value to a diferent variable depending on the letter.

Also when I connect the kl46z I cannot assign a COMPORT to it. In the device manager it appears as unknown. How can I fix this?

Sorry for my English, I´m from Argentina :)

Thanks for reading.

1 Answer

9 years, 10 months ago.

Do you mean USBSerial via the USB SDA connector, which is easiest (https://mbed.org/handbook/SerialPC), or via the KL46 USB connector (in which case it completely runs on the KL46 itself, see: https://mbed.org/handbook/USBSerial). In both cases you will need drivers.

In the second case you might look at https://mbed.org/handbook/USBMouse also. Different program, but this doesn't need any drivers, so you can just try if the USB works. (There is a known issue on the KL25 USB combined with some USB chipsets/drivers. But after a very long time it has finally been figured out and should soon be fixed).