9 years, 9 months ago.

How to update/change service definition on Master Control Panel?

I would like to know how to update/change the value of the service definition on Master Control Panel.


Question relating to:

The nRF51822-mKIT is a low cost ARM mbed enabled development board for Bluetooth® Smart designs with the nRF51822 SoC. The kit gives access to all GPIO pins via pin headers …

Hi, could you give more details on your question. For ex. what are you trying to achieve, how it related to nRF51822-mkit. (Haven't tried, but not sure if BLE API support services definition update)

posted by devsar devsar 24 Jul 2014

For example, running the Bluetooth LE Example Health Thermometer code on the nRF51822-mKIT and executing the Master Control Panel I get: PrimaryService, Health Thermometer (0x1809) CharateristicDecleration, Properties: Indicate, Characteristic UUID: 0x2A1C Temperature Measurment, Value: ........ I have altered this code to read a different type of sensor, so I would like to change "Health Thermometer" and "Temperature measurement" to a different label. I have changed the code but it does not seem to update the application.

posted by Heath Pritchett 25 Jul 2014
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