9 years, 9 months ago.

IC nrf51822

I have programmed my program with NRF51822 MKIT (10024). After that I developed a external circuit with IC nrf51822. Question: which external CMSIS dap debugger to bottle fits perfectly. carthagotata@yahoo.fr

1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

You might like to try one of the new nxp mbed boards which allow external targets to be programmed. Instructions on using them with nrf51822 and precompiled cmsis-dap binary for your needs here :- http://bril-tech.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/bluetoothsmartmbed-3.html

Accepted Answer

Tank you very much David, can I Flaschen with an external debugger ATSAM3U2CA-AU?

posted by Dani Wurf 14 Jul 2014

there is a hardware debugger for CMSIS dap?with ATSAM3U2CA-AU Thanks Nouri

posted by Dani Wurf 14 Jul 2014