9 years, 10 months ago.

The code can not run into main in Keil MDK4.7.x


Due to debug requirement, I export the code into Keil uVision 4.7.x. But I can not run into main after reset.

It seems Keil MDK falls into semihost_exit after cpp initialization. So far I have no idea if it is issue of SSD1306 or any class initialization.

Yours sincerely Allan K Liu

Question relating to:

A buffered display driver for the SSD1306 OLED controller. Please note that this is a work-in-progress; only very rudimentary drawing support is provided. OLED, SSD1306

Please, dont spam. I saw this question already posted in the forum section. these type of "user-errors" are currently handled by mbed error function, will be changed to asserts in the next revision.

Why did you need debug requirement? Don't you have any LED to shown error pattern or STDIO_MESSAGES enabled?

posted by Martin Kojtal 08 Jun 2014

Well, I need debug because I really need it to help me find problems for me, since I am a newbie for C++, and my project may cause many issues like stack overflow.

Actually, I have found PinNames MUST be valid for hardware supported one. So that is really a "user error". Bibang based software SPI should be another class.

Additionally, I am struggling on 4KB/8KB devices. I found that I have to change mbed platform code for *.sct and startup*.s for IRAM and SP definitions. Otherwise, I have to build mbed for MDK As a result, I have two solutions.

A) Discard 2bpp support, so only 1.5KB is needed for framebuffer. It can support 4KB device. 2) Use external FRAM as framebuffer, as I did many times on EPD. It works, but I hate that. Since each time host update display, I have to write it into external FRAM via I2C and read back to refresh it.

posted by Kai Liu 09 Jun 2014

thanks for clarification.

Creating a new platform should become easier.

posted by Martin Kojtal 09 Jun 2014

1 Answer

9 years, 10 months ago.

I looked at your project and this is an issue of pinnames for the SPI peripheral on the LPC1114 according to https://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-src/file/96162ccfbf43/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC11XX_11CXX/spi_api.c

Accepted Answer

Thanks. I realized that issue now. Only hardware supported PinNames are allowed. Otherwise it will have problem anyway.

posted by Kai Liu 09 Jun 2014