9 years, 11 months ago.

Request general purpose RpcBuffer class implementation

Hi, mbed-rpc team,

I am developing an EPD product, which reveals display buffer to host controller. I used to Arduino Firmata to implement that, but since I switched to mbed, RPC over serial (or USB serial) is recommended for future implementation.

I am not very familiar with C++. However I tried to refer other Rpc* classes for implementations. Since the mbed-rpc project can be build offline with Keil MDK. I exported to Keil and planned to checked-in my changes when I finish my works.

During the process, I found I must touch code inside mbed. For example, create a new file Buffer.h inside the mbed folder, rather than mbed-rpc folder.

I can do it offline in MDK, but I don't know how to do it in online compiler, since mbed folder is source of mbed library.

Additionally, I would like to propose to add more virtual devices with rpc, such as "buffer", "ring buffer","variable", besides existing GPIO/ADC/PWM/Serial/SPI pheripherals.

Otherwise, I have to implement it with raw uart routines.

Question relating to:

mbed RPC

Hello, I am not familiar with mbed RPC yet. I wonder why do you need to create Buffer.h inside mbed folder?

You should be able to add a new classes for RPC, because add_rpc_class is a template.

I would like to know more about your use cause.

posted by Martin Kojtal 29 May 2014
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