10 years, 2 months ago.

Is it possible to develope the software on ST Nucleo F103RB and program a F103Cb

Hello all! I am retired and started learn MCU's a few years ago, so, my knowledge is very limited. I started with the AVR's, doing programs in assembly small projects. I also did some C programing using the AvrStudio and later using the Arduino, as I said, my knowledge is very limited, but, I want to migrate to the ARM MCU's. I normally design the circuit, make the PCB myself and make embebed the programing using the AvrStudio, so, it is a bit difficult to make the PCB for a 64 pins MCU.

Can I develope the code in the ST Nucleo F103RB platform and later program a STM32F103CB a 48 pins MCU? If yes, how I do it? Thanks in advance. Regards, Manuel

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