10 years, 7 months ago.

Server Error 500



Please advise a solution to this problem.

***************************** QUESTION IN THE QUESTION TAB

Is importing a library not functioning?

When I try to import libraries (e.g. MODSERIAL, SDFileSystem, etc), I get the error "Connection Error: server responded with failure code 500". The server is https://mbed.org .

I have tried using Chromium and Firefox on two different computers, running different versions of Ubuntu.

I have tried importing libraries to different programs.

I am, however, able to import programs normally, and am able to download the libraries from their web sites and upload them from my disk.

I am also able to update libraries that have already been imported.

Is anyone else seeing this behavior?

1 Answer

10 years, 7 months ago.

Please explain: Is this a server error? I wish to understand.