11 years, 5 months ago.

Text LCD works on breadboard and on veroboard show squares


I used text LCD on breadboard and connected it to the MBED and it works. After, I made a veroboard and connected the LCD with the same connections and it did show squares. I desoldered and connect it on the breadboard it show squares for few mins and then it worked.

I checked for shorts and connections on the breadboard and still did not figure out whats wrong.

1 Answer

11 years, 5 months ago.

LCDs show one row of squares when they have powersupply and contrast voltage, but are not (correctly) initialised. Check your connections, software or timing. Sometimes all rows seem to show squares, meaning that the contrast voltage is wrong.

Since your LCD works on a breadboard, but not on the veroboard it is likely that you have a connection problem. It is strange that it only works on the breadboard after a 'few minutes'. Did you restart the software to make it work. Note that your LCD needs a short delay after power-on before you start your software to initialise the display. mbed may be too fast for the slow display.