10 years, 11 months ago.

Mbed with Alchemy websocket server

Dear all,

I received my first mbed yesterday and loving it. but I met some problem when I tried to use websocket client library with Alchemy websocket server.

I am doing a remote monitoring project, where we use a websocket server implemented by "Alchemy websocket", it is a C# based server. I have tried to use a html file to connect to this server and it worked correctly.

However, when I tried to use mbed as a websocket client to connect to this server. It didn't work. On the server side, it just showed a message that a client disconnected, and no further response. On the mbed side, it kept saying that ws.connect() returns false and kept retrying...

My mbed program is pretty much the same as the "websocket over ethernet" example. Just change the URL to "server IP:port".

(By the way, I also tried using mbed websocket client with Node.js server, that one worked, but somehow slow. So I really want to give Alchemy one more try. )

Please share your experience if you have tried this mbed + alchemy thing and help me identify where is the problem. If mbed just couldn't work with Alchemy, please kindly give me a confirmed answer and then I will move on to some other server.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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