Multitech Dragonfly

Mbed Compatibility

Mbed Enabled

  • -

Mbed OS Support

  • Mbed OS 5.10
  • Mbed OS 5.11
  • Mbed OS 5.12
  • Mbed OS 5.13
  • Mbed OS 5.14
  • Mbed OS 5.15
  • Mbed OS 5.8
  • Mbed OS 5.9

Use this module with Mbed


The MultiConnect® Dragonfly™ cellular SoMs are complete, ready-to-integrate processing and communications devices that offer developers the functionality of a SoM with the convenience of an onboard cellular radio all in one compact design. With its integrated Cortex M4 processor, developers can host their application and have access to a full suite of interfaces for connecting sensors or other remote assets.

Dragonfly also comes with an ARM mbed compatible software library for even faster development. This powerful suite of hardware and software products greatly reduces your time to market and makes your Internet of Things (IoT) device a reality today.

Technical Specification

Target Core
  • Cortex-M4
Clock Speed 100Mhz
Flash 512KB
Hardware Interfaces
  • ADC (6)
  • GPIO (16)
  • I2C (2)
  • SPI (2)
  • UART (1)
  • Connector
  • IC RSS (Canada)
Mbed Studio support
  • Build and run
Target Vendor and Part Number ST - STM32F411RET
Connectivity Vendor and Part Number -
Technical Documentation

Example Programs

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