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att_defs.h File Reference

Attribute protocol constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification. More...

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ATT PDU Format

ATT PDU defaults and constants

#define ATT_HDR_LEN   1
 Attribute PDU header length. More...
#define ATT_AUTH_SIG_LEN   12
 Authentication signature length. More...
#define ATT_DEFAULT_MTU   23
 Default value of ATT_MTU. More...
#define ATT_MAX_MTU   517
 Maximum value of ATT_MTU. More...
 Default maximum payload length for most PDUs. More...
ATT Maximum Value Parameters

maximum values for ATT attribute length and offset

#define ATT_VALUE_MAX_LEN   512
 Maximum attribute value length. More...
#define ATT_VALUE_MAX_OFFSET   511
 Maximum attribute value offset. More...
ATT Transaction Timeout

Maximum time allowed between transaction request and response.

 Maximum transaction timeout in seconds. More...
ATT Error Codes

ATT Protocol operation status codes found in PDUs

#define ATT_SUCCESS   0x00
 Operation successful. More...
#define ATT_ERR_HANDLE   0x01
 Invalid handle. More...
#define ATT_ERR_READ   0x02
 Read not permitted. More...
#define ATT_ERR_WRITE   0x03
 Write not permitted. More...
#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU   0x04
 Invalid pdu. More...
#define ATT_ERR_AUTH   0x05
 Insufficient authentication. More...
#define ATT_ERR_NOT_SUP   0x06
 Request not supported. More...
#define ATT_ERR_OFFSET   0x07
 Invalid offset. More...
#define ATT_ERR_AUTHOR   0x08
 Insufficient authorization. More...
#define ATT_ERR_QUEUE_FULL   0x09
 Prepare queue full. More...
#define ATT_ERR_NOT_FOUND   0x0A
 Attribute not found. More...
#define ATT_ERR_NOT_LONG   0x0B
 Attribute not long. More...
#define ATT_ERR_KEY_SIZE   0x0C
 Insufficient encryption key size. More...
#define ATT_ERR_LENGTH   0x0D
 Invalid attribute value length. More...
#define ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY   0x0E
 Other unlikely error. More...
#define ATT_ERR_ENC   0x0F
 Insufficient encryption. More...
#define ATT_ERR_GROUP_TYPE   0x10
 Unsupported group type. More...
#define ATT_ERR_RESOURCES   0x11
 Insufficient resources. More...
 Client out of synch with database. More...
 Value not allowed. More...
#define ATT_ERR_WRITE_REJ   0xFC
 Write request rejected. More...
#define ATT_ERR_CCCD   0xFD
 CCCD improperly configured. More...
 Procedure already in progress. More...
#define ATT_ERR_RANGE   0xFF
 Value out of range. More...
Proprietary Internal Error Codes

These codes may be sent to application but are not present in any ATT PDU.

#define ATT_ERR_MEMORY   0x70
 Out of memory. More...
#define ATT_ERR_TIMEOUT   0x71
 Transaction timeout. More...
#define ATT_ERR_OVERFLOW   0x72
 Transaction overflow. More...
#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_RSP   0x73
 Invalid response PDU. More...
#define ATT_ERR_CANCELLED   0x74
 Request cancelled. More...
#define ATT_ERR_UNDEFINED   0x75
 Other undefined error. More...
#define ATT_ERR_REQ_NOT_FOUND   0x76
 Required characteristic not found. More...
#define ATT_ERR_MTU_EXCEEDED   0x77
 Attribute PDU length exceeded MTU size. More...
#define ATT_ERR_NO_CHANNEL   0x78
 No enhanced channel available. More...
#define ATT_CONTINUING   0x79
 Procedure continuing. More...
#define ATT_RSP_PENDING   0x7A
 Response delayed pending higher layer. More...
ATT Application Error Codes

These codes may be sent to application but are not present in any ATT PDU.

#define ATT_ERR_VALUE_RANGE   0x80
 Value out of range. More...
 Invalid change counter. More...
 Opcode out of range. More...
#define ATT_ERR_MUTE_DISABLE   0x82
 Mute disable. More...
#define ATT_ERR_VALUE_RANGE_x83   0x83
 Value out of range 0x83. More...
ATT HCI Error Status
#define ATT_HCI_ERR_BASE   0x20
 Base value for HCI error status values passed through ATT. Since the values of HCI and ATT error codes overlap, the constant ATT_HCI_ERR_BASE is added to HCI error codes before being passed through ATT. See HCI_SUCCESS for HCI error code values. More...

PDU Types for all possible over-the-air ATT operations.

#define ATT_PDU_ERR_RSP   0x01
 Error response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_MTU_REQ   0x02
 Exchange mtu request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_MTU_RSP   0x03
 Exchange mtu response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_FIND_INFO_REQ   0x04
 Find information request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_FIND_INFO_RSP   0x05
 Find information response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_FIND_TYPE_REQ   0x06
 Find by type value request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_FIND_TYPE_RSP   0x07
 Find by type value response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_READ_TYPE_REQ   0x08
 Read by type request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_READ_TYPE_RSP   0x09
 Read by type response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_READ_REQ   0x0A
 Read request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_READ_RSP   0x0B
 Read response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_READ_BLOB_REQ   0x0C
 Read blob request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_READ_BLOB_RSP   0x0D
 Read blob response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_READ_MULT_REQ   0x0E
 Read multiple request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_READ_MULT_RSP   0x0F
 Read multiple response. More...
 Read by group type request. More...
 Read by group type response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_WRITE_REQ   0x12
 Write request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_WRITE_RSP   0x13
 Write response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_WRITE_CMD   0x52
 Write command. More...
 Signed write command. More...
#define ATT_PDU_PREP_WRITE_REQ   0x16
 Prepare write request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_PREP_WRITE_RSP   0x17
 Prepare write response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_EXEC_WRITE_REQ   0x18
 Execute write request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_EXEC_WRITE_RSP   0x19
 Execute write response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_VALUE_NTF   0x1B
 Handle value notification. More...
#define ATT_PDU_VALUE_IND   0x1D
 Handle value indication. More...
#define ATT_PDU_VALUE_CNF   0x1E
 Handle value confirmation. More...
#define ATT_PDU_READ_MULT_VAR_REQ   0x20
 Read multiple variable length request. More...
#define ATT_PDU_READ_MULT_VAR_RSP   0x21
 Read multiple variable length response. More...
#define ATT_PDU_MULT_VALUE_NTF   0x23
 Handle value multiple notification. More...
ATT PDU Length Fields

Length constants of PDU fixed length fields

#define ATT_ERR_RSP_LEN   5
 Error response length. More...
#define ATT_MTU_REQ_LEN   3
 MTU request length. More...
#define ATT_MTU_RSP_LEN   3
 MTU response length. More...
 Find information request length. More...
 Find information response length. More...
 Find type request length. More...
 Find type response length. More...
 Read type request length. More...
 Read type response length. More...
#define ATT_READ_REQ_LEN   3
 Read request length. More...
#define ATT_READ_RSP_LEN   1
 Read response length. More...
 Read blob request legnth. More...
 Read blob response length. More...
 Read multiple request length. More...
 Read multiple response length. More...
 Read group type request length. More...
 Read group type response length. More...
#define ATT_WRITE_REQ_LEN   3
 Write request length. More...
#define ATT_WRITE_RSP_LEN   1
 Write response length. More...
#define ATT_WRITE_CMD_LEN   3
 Write command length. More...
 Signed write command length. More...
 Prepared write command length. More...
 Prepared write response length. More...
 Execute write request length. More...
 Execute write response length. More...
#define ATT_VALUE_NTF_LEN   3
 Value notification length. More...
#define ATT_VALUE_IND_LEN   3
 Value indication length. More...
#define ATT_VALUE_CNF_LEN   1
 Value confirmation length. More...
 Base read multiple variable request length. More...
 Base read multiple variable response length. More...
 Base multiple variable notification length. More...
ATT Find Information Response Format
#define ATT_FIND_HANDLE_16_UUID   0x01
 Handle and 16 bit UUID. More...
#define ATT_FIND_HANDLE_128_UUID   0x02
 Handle and 128 bit UUID. More...
ATT Execute Write Request Flags
#define ATT_EXEC_WRITE_CANCEL   0x00
 Cancel all prepared writes. More...
#define ATT_EXEC_WRITE_ALL   0x01
 Write all pending prepared writes. More...
#define ATT_PDU_MASK_SERVER   0x01
 Server bit mask. More...
#define ATT_PDU_MASK_COMMAND   0x40
 Command bit mask. More...
#define ATT_PDU_MASK_SIGNED   0x80
 Auth signature bit mask. More...
ATT Handle Constants

Invalid, minimum and maximum handle values.

#define ATT_HANDLE_NONE   0x0000
 Handle none. More...
#define ATT_HANDLE_START   0x0001
 Handle start. More...
 Handle max. More...
ATT UUID Lengths
#define ATT_NO_UUID_LEN   0
 Length when no UUID is present ;-) More...
#define ATT_16_UUID_LEN   2
 Length in bytes of a 16 bit UUID. More...
#define ATT_128_UUID_LEN   16
 Length in bytes of a 128 bit UUID. More...
GATT Characteristic Properties

Properties for how a characteristic may be interacted with through the ATT Protocol.

#define ATT_PROP_BROADCAST   0x01
 Permit broadcasts. More...
#define ATT_PROP_READ   0x02
 Permit reads. More...
#define ATT_PROP_WRITE_NO_RSP   0x04
 Permit writes without response. More...
#define ATT_PROP_WRITE   0x08
 Permit writes with response. More...
#define ATT_PROP_NOTIFY   0x10
 Permit notifications. More...
#define ATT_PROP_INDICATE   0x20
 Permit indications. More...
 Permit signed writes. More...
#define ATT_PROP_EXTENDED   0x80
 More properties defined in extended properties. More...
GATT Characteristic Extended Properties
 Permit reliable writes. More...
 Permit write to characteristic descriptor. More...
GATT Client Charactertic Configuration

Configures a characteristic to send notifications or indications, if applicable.

#define ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY   0x0001
 Notify the value. More...
#define ATT_CLIENT_CFG_INDICATE   0x0002
 Indicate the value. More...
GATT Server Characteristic Configuration
 Broadcast the value. More...
GATT Characteristic Format

GATT Format descriptor values

#define ATT_FORMAT_BOOLEAN   0x01
 Boolean. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_2BIT   0x02
 Unsigned 2 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_NIBBLE   0x03
 Unsigned 4 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT8   0x04
 Unsigned 8 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT12   0x05
 Unsigned 12 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT16   0x06
 Unsigned 16 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT24   0x07
 Unsigned 24 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT32   0x08
 Unsigned 32 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT48   0x09
 Unsigned 48 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT64   0x0A
 Unsigned 64 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT128   0x0B
 Unsigned 128 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT8   0x0C
 Signed 8 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT12   0x0D
 Signed 12 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT16   0x0E
 Signed 16 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT24   0x0F
 Signed 24 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT32   0x10
 Signed 32 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT48   0x11
 Signed 48 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT64   0x12
 Signed 64 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT128   0x13
 Signed 128 bit integer. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_FLOAT32   0x14
 IEEE-754 32 bit floating point. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_FLOAT64   0x15
 IEEE-754 64 bit floating point. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_SFLOAT   0x16
 IEEE-11073 16 bit SFLOAT. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_FLOAT   0x17
 IEEE-11073 32 bit FLOAT. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_DUINT16   0x18
 IEEE-20601 format. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_UTF8   0x19
 UTF-8 string. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_UTF16   0x1A
 UTF-16 string. More...
#define ATT_FORMAT_STRUCT   0x1B
 Opaque structure. More...
GATT Database Hash

GATT database hash values

 Database hash length. More...
GATT Client Supported Features

Flags of features supported by the GATT Client

#define ATTS_CSF_ROBUST_CACHING   (1<<0)
 Robust caching. More...
#define ATTS_CSF_EATT_BEARER   (1<<1)
 Enhanced ATT Bearer. More...
#define ATTS_CSF_MULTI_VAL_NTF   (1<<2)
 Multiple Handle Value Notifications. More...
#define ATTS_CSF_ALL_FEATURES   (0x7)
 Mask of all client supported features. More...
#define ATT_CSF_LEN   1
 Length of client supported features array. More...
GATT Server Supported Features

Flags of features supported by the GATT Server

#define ATTS_SSF_EATT   (1<<0)
 Enhanced ATT supported. More...

Detailed Description

Attribute protocol constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification.

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Definition in file att_defs.h.

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