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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2020 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 /**
19  * @file WHD utilities
20  *
21  * Utilities to help do specialized (not general purpose) WHD specific things
22  */
23 #include "whd_chip.h"
24 #include "whd_events_int.h"
25 #include "whd_types_int.h"
30 #ifdef __cplusplus
31 extern "C" {
32 #endif
34 /** Searches for a specific WiFi Information Element in a byte array
35  *
36  * Traverse a string of 1-byte tag/1-byte length/variable-length value
37  * triples, returning a pointer to the substring whose first element
38  * matches tag
39  *
40  * @note : This function has been copied directly from the standard Broadcom host driver file wl/exe/wlu.c
41  *
42  *
43  * @param tlv_buf : The byte array containing the Information Elements (IEs)
44  * @param buflen : The length of the tlv_buf byte array
45  * @param key : The Information Element tag to search for
46  *
47  * @return NULL : if no matching Information Element was found
48  * Non-Null : Pointer to the start of the matching Information Element
49  */
51 whd_tlv8_header_t *whd_parse_tlvs(const whd_tlv8_header_t *tlv_buf, uint32_t buflen, dot11_ie_id_t key);
53 /** Checks if a WiFi Information Element is a WPA entry
54  *
55  * Is this body of this tlvs entry a WPA entry? If
56  * not update the tlvs buffer pointer/length
57  *
58  * @note : This function has been copied directly from the standard Broadcom host driver file wl/exe/wlu.c
59  *
60  * @param wpaie : The byte array containing the Information Element (IE)
61  * @param tlvs : The larger IE array to be updated if not a WPA IE
62  * @param tlvs_len : The current length of larger IE array
63  *
64  * @return WHD_TRUE : if IE matches the WPA OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) and its type = 1
65  * WHD_FALSE : otherwise
66  */
67 whd_bool_t whd_is_wpa_ie(vendor_specific_ie_header_t *wpaie, whd_tlv8_header_t **tlvs, uint32_t *tlvs_len);
69 /** Searches for a specific WiFi Information Element in a byte array
70  *
71  * Traverse a string of 1-byte tag/1-byte length/variable-length value
72  * triples, returning a pointer to the substring whose first element
73  * matches tag
74  *
75  * @note : This function has been copied directly from the standard Broadcom host driver file wl/exe/wlu.c
76  *
77  *
78  * @param tlv_buf : The byte array containing the Information Elements (IEs)
79  * @param buflen : The length of the tlv_buf byte array
80  * @param key : The Information Element tag to search for
81  *
82  * @return NULL : if no matching Information Element was found
83  * Non-Null : Pointer to the start of the matching Information Element
84  */
85 whd_tlv8_header_t *whd_parse_dot11_tlvs(const whd_tlv8_header_t *tlv_buf, uint32_t buflen, dot11_ie_id_t key);
87 /******************************************************
88 * Debug helper functionality
89 ******************************************************/
91 const char *whd_event_to_string(whd_event_num_t var);
92 char *whd_ssid_to_string(uint8_t *value, uint8_t length, char *ssid_buf, uint8_t ssid_buf_len);
93 const char *whd_status_to_string(whd_event_status_t status);
94 const char *whd_reason_to_string(whd_event_reason_t reason);
95 char *whd_ether_ntoa(const uint8_t *ea, char *buf, uint8_t buf_len);
96 #endif /* ifdef WPRINT_ENABLE_WHD_DEBUG */
98 /**
99  ******************************************************************************
100  * Prints partial details of a scan result on a single line
101  * @param[in] record : A pointer to the whd_scan_result_t record
102  *
103  */
104 extern void whd_print_scan_result(whd_scan_result_t *record);
106 /**
107  ******************************************************************************
108  * Convert a security bitmap to string
109  * @param[in] security : security of type whd_security_t
110  * @param[in] out_str : a character array to store output
111  * @param[in] out_str_len : length of out_str char array
112  *
113  */
114 extern void whd_convert_security_type_to_string(whd_security_t security, char *out_str, uint16_t out_str_len);
116 /*!
117  ******************************************************************************
118  * Convert an IOCTL to a string.
119  *
120  * @param[in] cmd The ioct_log value.
121  * @param[out] ioctl_str The string value after conversion.
122  * @param[out] ioctl_str_len The string length of the IOCTL string.
123  *
124  * @result
125  */
126 void whd_ioctl_to_string(uint32_t cmd, char *ioctl_str, uint16_t ioctl_str_len);
128 /*!
129  ******************************************************************************
130  * Convert event, status and reason value coming from firmware to string.
131  *
132  * @param[in] cmd The event value in numeric form.
133  * @param[in] flag The status value in numeric form.
134  * @param[in] reason The reson value in numeric form.
135  * @param[out] ioctl_str The string representation of event, status and reason.
136  * @param[out] ioctl_str_len The str_len of ioctl_str.
137  *
138  * @result
139  */
140 void whd_event_info_to_string(uint32_t cmd, uint16_t flag, uint32_t reason, char *ioctl_str, uint16_t ioctl_str_len);
142 /*!
143  ******************************************************************************
144  * Prints Hexdump and ASCII dump for data passed as argument.
145  *
146  * @param[in] data The data which has to be converted into hex and ascii format.
147  * @param[in] data_len The length of data.
148  *
149  * @result
150  */
151 void whd_hexdump(uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len);
153 extern wl_chanspec_t whd_channel_to_wl_band(whd_driver_t whd_driver, uint32_t channel);
155 /*!
156  ******************************************************************************
157  * Convert an ipv4 string to a uint32_t.
158  *
159  * @param[in] ip4addr : IP address in string format
160  * @param[in] len : length of the ip address string
161  * @param[out] dest : IP address format in uint32
162  *
163  * @return
164  */
165 bool whd_str_to_ip(const char *ip4addr, size_t len, void *dest);
167 /*!
168  ******************************************************************************
169  * Print binary IPv4 address to a string.
170  * String must contain enough room for full address, 16 bytes exact.
171  * @param[in] ip4addr : IPv4 address
172  * @param[out] p : ipv4 address in string format
173  *
174  * @return
175  */
176 uint8_t whd_ip4_to_string(const void *ip4addr, char *p);
178 #ifdef __cplusplus
179 } /* extern "C" */
180 #endif
181 #endif
Structure for storing scan results.
Definition: whd_types.h:690
Enumeration of Wi-Fi security modes.
Definition: whd_types.h:182
uint16_t wl_chanspec_t
Channel specified in uint16_t.
Definition: whd_types.h:720
Boolean values.
Definition: whd_types.h:162
Defines common constants used with WHD within src folder.
Header for Event detection.
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