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1 /*****************************************************************************
2  * @file ble_bufsize.h
3  * @author MCD
4  * @brief Definition of BLE stack buffers size
5  *****************************************************************************
6  * @attention
7  *
8  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
9  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
10  *
11  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
12  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
13  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
14  * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
15  *
16  *****************************************************************************
17  */
19 #ifndef BLE_BUFSIZE_H__
20 #define BLE_BUFSIZE_H__
23 /*
24  * BLE_DEFAULT_ATT_MTU: minimum MTU value that GATT must support.
25  */
26 #define BLE_DEFAULT_ATT_MTU 23
28 /*
29  * BLE_DEFAULT_MAX_ATT_SIZE: maximum attribute size.
30  */
33 /*
34  * BLE_PREP_WRITE_X_ATT: compute how many Prepare Write Request are needed to
35  * write a characteristic with size 'max_att' when the used ATT_MTU value is
36  * equal to BLE_DEFAULT_ATT_MTU (23).
37  */
38 #define BLE_PREP_WRITE_X_ATT(max_att) \
39  (DIVC(max_att, BLE_DEFAULT_ATT_MTU - 5) * 2)
41 /*
42  * BLE_DEFAULT_PREP_WRITE_LIST_SIZE: default minimum Prepare Write List size.
43  */
47 /*
48  * BLE_MEM_BLOCK_X_MTU: compute how many memory blocks are needed to compose
49  * an ATT packet with ATT_MTU=mtu.
50  */
51 #define BLE_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE 32
53 #define BLE_MEM_BLOCK_X_TX(mtu) \
54  (DIVC((mtu) + 4U, BLE_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1U)
56 #define BLE_MEM_BLOCK_X_RX(mtu, n_link) \
57  ((DIVC((mtu) + 4U, BLE_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE) + 2U) * (n_link) + 1)
59 #define BLE_MEM_BLOCK_X_MTU(mtu, n_link) \
60  (BLE_MEM_BLOCK_X_TX(mtu) + BLE_MEM_BLOCK_X_RX(mtu, n_link))
62 /*
63  * BLE_MBLOCKS_SECURE_CONNECTIONS: minimum number of blocks required for
64  * secure connections
65  */
68 /*
69  * BLE_MBLOCKS_CALC: minimum number of buffers needed by the stack.
70  * This is the minimum racomanded value and depends on:
71  * - pw: size of Prepare Write List
72  * - mtu: ATT_MTU size
73  * - n_link: maximum number of simultaneous connections
74  */
75 #define BLE_MBLOCKS_CALC(pw, mtu, n_link) \
76  ((pw) + MAX(BLE_MEM_BLOCK_X_MTU(mtu, n_link), \
79 /*
81  * A part of the RAM, is dinamically allocated by initilizing all the pointers
82  * defined in a global context variable "mem_alloc_ctx_p".
83  * This initialization is made in the Dynamic_allocator functions, which
84  * assing a portion of RAM given by the external application to the above
85  * mentioned "global pointers".
86  *
87  * The size of this Dynamic RAM is made of 2 main components:
88  * - a part that is parameters-dependent (num of links, GATT buffers, ...),
89  * and which value is explicited by the following macro;
90  * - a part, that may be considered "fixed", i.e. independent from the above
91  * mentioned parameters.
92 */
93 #if (BEACON_ONLY != 0)
94 #define BLE_FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES 6212 /* Beacon only */
95 #elif (LL_ONLY != 0)
96 #define BLE_FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES 6272 /* LL only */
97 #elif (SLAVE_ONLY != 0)
98 #define BLE_FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES 6712 /* Peripheral only */
99 #elif (BASIC_FEATURES != 0)
100 #define BLE_FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES 6972 /* Basic Features */
101 #else
102 #define BLE_FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES 7240 /* Full stack */
103 #endif
105 /*
106  * BLE_PER_LINK_SIZE_BYTES: additional memory size used per link
107  */
108 #if (BEACON_ONLY != 0)
109 #define BLE_PER_LINK_SIZE_BYTES 148 /* Beacon only */
110 #elif (LL_ONLY != 0)
111 #define BLE_PER_LINK_SIZE_BYTES 196 /* LL only */
112 #elif (SLAVE_ONLY != 0)
113 #define BLE_PER_LINK_SIZE_BYTES 332 /* Peripheral only */
114 #elif (BASIC_FEATURES != 0)
115 #define BLE_PER_LINK_SIZE_BYTES 332 /* Basic Features */
116 #else
117 #define BLE_PER_LINK_SIZE_BYTES 384 /* Full stack */
118 #endif
120 /*
121  * BLE_TOTAL_BUFFER_SIZE: this macro returns the amount of memory, in bytes,
122  * needed for the storage of data structures (except GATT database elements)
123  * whose size depends on the number of supported connections.
124  *
125  * @param n_link: Maximum number of simultaneous connections that the device
126  * will support. Valid values are from 1 to 8.
127  *
128  * @param mblocks_count: Number of memory blocks allocated for packets.
129  */
130 #define BLE_TOTAL_BUFFER_SIZE(n_link, mblocks_count) \
132  (BLE_PER_LINK_SIZE_BYTES * (n_link)) + \
133  ((BLE_MEM_BLOCK_SIZE + 12) * (mblocks_count)))
135 /*
136  * BLE_TOTAL_BUFFER_SIZE_GATT: this macro returns the amount of memory,
137  * in bytes, needed for the storage of GATT database elements.
138  *
139  * @param num_gatt_attributes: Maximum number of Attributes (i.e. the number
140  * of characteristic + the number of characteristic values + the number of
141  * descriptors, excluding the services) that can be stored in the GATT
142  * database. Note that certain characteristics and relative descriptors are
143  * added automatically during device initialization so this parameters should
144  * be 9 plus the number of user Attributes
145  *
146  * @param num_gatt_services: Maximum number of Services that can be stored in
147  * the GATT database. Note that the GAP and GATT services are automatically
148  * added so this parameter should be 2 plus the number of user services
149  *
150  * @param att_value_array_size: Size of the storage area for Attribute values.
151  */
152 #define BLE_TOTAL_BUFFER_SIZE_GATT(num_gatt_attributes, num_gatt_services, att_value_array_size) \
153  (((((att_value_array_size) - 1) | 3) + 1) + \
154  (40 * (num_gatt_attributes)) + (48 * (num_gatt_services)))
157 #endif /* BLE_BUFSIZE_H__ */
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