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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
17 #ifndef MBED_CRC_API_H
18 #define MBED_CRC_API_H
20 #include "cmsis.h"
21 #include "hal/crc_api.h"
22 #ifdef DEVICE_CRC
23 #include "device.h"
24 #endif
25 #include "platform/mbed_assert.h"
27 #ifdef __cplusplus
29 #include "platform/SingletonPtr.h"
30 #include "platform/PlatformMutex.h"
32 #ifdef UNITTEST
33 #include <type_traits>
35 #else
36 #include <mstd_type_traits>
37 #endif
39 namespace mbed {
40 /** \addtogroup drivers-public-api */
41 /** @{*/
42 /**
43  * \defgroup drivers_MbedCRC MbedCRC class
44  * @{
45  */
47 extern SingletonPtr<PlatformMutex> mbed_crc_mutex;
49 /** CRC mode selection
50  */
51 enum class CrcMode {
52  HARDWARE, /// Use hardware (if available), else table-based computation
53  TABLE, /// Use table-based computation (if table available), else bitwise
54  BITWISE /// Always use bitwise manual computation
55 };
57 #ifndef DOXYGEN_ONLY
58 namespace impl {
59 template<uint32_t polynomial, uint8_t width, CrcMode mode>
60 class MbedCRC;
62 constexpr bool have_crc_table(uint32_t polynomial, uint8_t width)
63 {
65  return (polynomial == POLY_32BIT_ANSI && width == 32) ||
66  (polynomial == POLY_16BIT_IBM && width == 16) ||
67  (polynomial == POLY_16BIT_CCITT && width == 16) ||
68  (polynomial == POLY_8BIT_CCITT && width == 8) ||
69  (polynomial == POLY_7BIT_SD && width == 7);
70 #else
71  return false;
72 #endif
73 }
75 constexpr CrcMode choose_crc_mode(uint32_t polynomial, uint8_t width, CrcMode mode_limit)
76 {
77  return
79  mode_limit == CrcMode::HARDWARE && HAL_CRC_IS_SUPPORTED(polynomial, width) ? CrcMode::HARDWARE :
80 #endif
81  mode_limit <= CrcMode::TABLE && have_crc_table(polynomial, width) ? CrcMode::TABLE :
82  CrcMode::BITWISE;
83 }
84 #endif // DOXYGEN_ONLY
86 } // namespace impl
88 /** CRC object provides CRC generation through hardware or software
89  *
90  * CRC sums can be generated using three different methods: hardware, software ROM tables
91  * and bitwise computation. The mode used is normally selected automatically based on required
92  * polynomial and hardware capabilities. Any polynomial in standard form (`x^3 + x + 1`)
93  * can be used for computation, but custom ones can affect the performance.
94  *
95  * First choice is the hardware mode. The supported polynomials are hardware specific, and
96  * you need to consult your MCU manual to discover them. Next, ROM polynomial tables
97  * are tried (you can find list of supported polynomials here ::crc_polynomial). If the selected
98  * configuration is supported, it will accelerate the software computations. If ROM tables
99  * are not available for the selected polynomial, then CRC is computed at run time bit by bit
100  * for all data input.
101  *
102  * If desired, the mode can be manually limited for a given instance by specifying the mode_limit
103  * template parameter. This might be appropriate to ensure a table is not pulled in for a
104  * non-speed-critical CRC, or to avoid the hardware set-up overhead if you know you will be
105  * calling `compute` with very small data sizes.
106  *
107  * @note Synchronization level: Thread safe
108  *
109  * @tparam polynomial CRC polynomial value in hex
110  * @tparam width CRC polynomial width
111  * @tparam mode_limit Maximum amount of acceleration to use
112  *
113  * Example: Compute CRC data
114  * @code
115  *
116  * #include "mbed.h"
117  *
118  * int main() {
119  * MbedCRC<POLY_32BIT_ANSI, 32> ct;
120  *
121  * char test[] = "123456789";
122  * uint32_t crc = 0;
123  *
124  * printf("\nPolynomial = 0x%lx Width = %d \n", ct.get_polynomial(), ct.get_width());
125  *
126  * ct.compute((void *)test, strlen((const char*)test), &crc);
127  *
128  * printf("The CRC of data \"123456789\" is : 0x%lx\n", crc);
129  * return 0;
130  * }
131  * @endcode
132  * Example: Compute CRC with data available in parts
133  * @code
134  *
135  * #include "mbed.h"
136  * int main() {
137  * MbedCRC<POLY_32BIT_ANSI, 32> ct;
138  *
139  * char test[] = "123456789";
140  * uint32_t crc = 0;
141  *
142  * printf("\nPolynomial = 0x%lx Width = %d \n", ct.get_polynomial(), ct.get_width());
143  * ct.compute_partial_start(&crc);
144  * ct.compute_partial((void *)&test, 4, &crc);
145  * ct.compute_partial((void *)&test[4], 5, &crc);
146  * ct.compute_partial_stop(&crc);
147  * printf("The CRC of data \"123456789\" is : 0x%lx\n", crc);
148  * return 0;
149  * }
150  * @endcode
151  */
152 template <uint32_t polynomial = POLY_32BIT_ANSI, uint8_t width = 32, CrcMode mode_limit = CrcMode::HARDWARE>
153 class MbedCRC {
154  impl::MbedCRC<polynomial, width, impl::choose_crc_mode(polynomial, width, mode_limit)> crc_impl;
156 public:
157  /* Backwards compatibility */
158  enum CrcMode {
159 #if DEVICE_CRC
160  HARDWARE = int(::mbed::CrcMode::HARDWARE),
161 #endif
162  TABLE = int(::mbed::CrcMode::TABLE),
163  BITWISE = int(::mbed::CrcMode::BITWISE)
164  };
166  typedef size_t crc_data_size_t;
168  /** Lifetime of CRC object
169  *
170  * @param initial_xor Initial value/seed to Xor
171  * @param final_xor Final Xor value
172  * @param reflect_data
173  * @param reflect_remainder
174  * @note Default constructor without any arguments is valid only for supported CRC polynomials. :: crc_polynomial_t
175  * MbedCRC <POLY_7BIT_SD, 7> ct; --- Valid POLY_7BIT_SD
176  * MbedCRC <0x1021, 16> ct; --- Valid POLY_16BIT_CCITT
177  * MbedCRC <POLY_16BIT_CCITT, 32> ct; --- Invalid, compilation error
178  * MbedCRC <POLY_16BIT_CCITT, 32> ct (i,f,rd,rr) Constructor can be used for not supported polynomials
179  * MbedCRC<POLY_16BIT_CCITT, 16> sd(0, 0, false, false); Constructor can also be used for supported
180  * polynomials with different initial/final/reflect values
181  *
182  */
183  constexpr
184  MbedCRC(uint32_t initial_xor, uint32_t final_xor, bool reflect_data, bool reflect_remainder) :
185  crc_impl(initial_xor, final_xor, reflect_data, reflect_remainder)
186  {
187  }
189  /* Default values for different types of polynomials
190  */
191  // *INDENT-OFF*
192  template<uint32_t poly = polynomial, std::enable_if_t<poly == POLY_32BIT_ANSI && width == 32, int> = 0>
193  constexpr MbedCRC() : MbedCRC(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, true, true)
194  {
195  }
197  template<uint32_t poly = polynomial, std::enable_if_t<poly == POLY_16BIT_IBM && width == 16, int> = 0>
198  constexpr MbedCRC() : MbedCRC(0, 0, true, true)
199  {
200  }
202  template<uint32_t poly = polynomial, std::enable_if_t<poly == POLY_16BIT_CCITT && width == 16, int> = 0>
203  constexpr MbedCRC() : MbedCRC(0xFFFF, 0, false, false)
204  {
205  }
207  template<uint32_t poly = polynomial, std::enable_if_t<poly == POLY_7BIT_SD && width == 7, int> = 0>
208  constexpr MbedCRC() : MbedCRC(0, 0, false, false)
209  {
210  }
212  template<uint32_t poly = polynomial, std::enable_if_t<poly == POLY_8BIT_CCITT && width == 8, int> = 0>
213  constexpr MbedCRC() : MbedCRC(0, 0, false, false)
214  {
215  }
216  // *INDENT-ON*
218  /** Compute CRC for the data input
219  * Compute CRC performs the initialization, computation and collection of
220  * final CRC.
221  *
222  * @param buffer Data bytes
223  * @param size Size of data
224  * @param crc CRC is the output value
225  * @return 0 on success, negative error code on failure
226  */
227  int32_t compute(const void *buffer, crc_data_size_t size, uint32_t *crc)
228  {
229  return crc_impl.compute(buffer, size, crc);
230  }
232  /** Compute partial CRC for the data input.
233  *
234  * CRC data if not available fully, CRC can be computed in parts with available data.
235  *
236  * In case of hardware, intermediate values and states are saved by hardware. Mutex
237  * locking is used to serialize access to hardware CRC.
238  *
239  * In case of software CRC, previous CRC output should be passed as argument to the
240  * current compute_partial call. Please note the intermediate CRC value is maintained by
241  * application and not the driver.
242  *
243  * @pre: Call `compute_partial_start` to start the partial CRC calculation.
244  * @post: Call `compute_partial_stop` to get the final CRC value.
245  *
246  * @param buffer Data bytes
247  * @param size Size of data
248  * @param crc CRC value is intermediate CRC value filled by API.
249  * @return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure
250  * @note: CRC as output in compute_partial is not final CRC value, call `compute_partial_stop`
251  * to get final correct CRC value.
252  */
253  int32_t compute_partial(const void *buffer, crc_data_size_t size, uint32_t *crc)
254  {
255  return crc_impl.compute_partial(buffer, size, crc);
256  }
258  /** Compute partial start, indicate start of partial computation.
259  *
260  * This API should be called before performing any partial computation
261  * with compute_partial API.
262  *
263  * @param crc Initial CRC value set by the API
264  * @return 0 on success or a negative in case of failure
265  * @note: CRC is an out parameter and must be reused with compute_partial
266  * and `compute_partial_stop` without any modifications in application.
267  */
268  int32_t compute_partial_start(uint32_t *crc)
269  {
270  return crc_impl.compute_partial_start(crc);
271  }
273  /** Get the final CRC value of partial computation.
274  *
275  * CRC value available in partial computation is not correct CRC, as some
276  * algorithms require remainder to be reflected and final value to be XORed
277  * This API is used to perform final computation to get correct CRC value.
278  *
279  * @param crc CRC result
280  * @return 0 on success or a negative in case of failure.
281  */
282  int32_t compute_partial_stop(uint32_t *crc)
283  {
284  return crc_impl.compute_partial_stop(crc);
285  }
287  /** Get the current CRC polynomial.
288  *
289  * @return Polynomial value
290  */
291  static constexpr uint32_t get_polynomial()
292  {
293  return polynomial;
294  }
296  /** Get the current CRC width
297  *
298  * @return CRC width
299  */
300  static constexpr uint8_t get_width()
301  {
302  return width;
303  }
304 };
306 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
307 /* Internal implementation - basically same as public, but actual mode locked in */
308 namespace impl {
310 template <uint32_t polynomial, uint8_t width, CrcMode mode>
311 class MbedCRC {
312 public:
313  typedef size_t crc_data_size_t;
315  constexpr
316  MbedCRC(uint32_t initial_xor, uint32_t final_xor, bool reflect_data, bool reflect_remainder) :
317  _initial_value(adjust_initial_value(initial_xor, reflect_data)),
318  _final_xor(final_xor),
319  _reflect_data(reflect_data),
320  _reflect_remainder(reflect_remainder)
321  {
322  static_assert(width <= 32, "Max 32-bit CRC supported");
323  }
325  /** Compute CRC for the data input
326  * Compute CRC performs the initialization, computation and collection of
327  * final CRC.
328  *
329  * @param buffer Data bytes
330  * @param size Size of data
331  * @param crc CRC is the output value
332  * @return 0 on success, negative error code on failure
333  */
334  int32_t compute(const void *buffer, crc_data_size_t size, uint32_t *crc)
335  {
336  int32_t status;
338  status = compute_partial_start(crc);
339  if (0 != status) {
340  return status;
341  }
343  status = compute_partial(buffer, size, crc);
344  if (0 != status) {
345  return status;
346  }
348  status = compute_partial_stop(crc);
349  return status;
350  }
352  /** Compute partial CRC for the data input.
353  *
354  * CRC data if not available fully, CRC can be computed in parts with available data.
355  *
356  * In case of hardware, intermediate values and states are saved by hardware. Mutex
357  * locking is used to serialize access to hardware CRC.
358  *
359  * In case of software CRC, previous CRC output should be passed as argument to the
360  * current compute_partial call. Please note the intermediate CRC value is maintained by
361  * application and not the driver.
362  *
363  * @pre: Call `compute_partial_start` to start the partial CRC calculation.
364  * @post: Call `compute_partial_stop` to get the final CRC value.
365  *
366  * @param buffer Data bytes
367  * @param size Size of data
368  * @param crc CRC value is intermediate CRC value filled by API.
369  * @return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure
370  * @note: CRC as output in compute_partial is not final CRC value, call `compute_partial_stop`
371  * to get final correct CRC value.
372  */
373  int32_t compute_partial(const void *buffer, crc_data_size_t size, uint32_t *crc)
374  {
375  const uint8_t *data = static_cast<const uint8_t *>(buffer);
376  return do_compute_partial(data, size, crc);
377  }
379  /** Compute partial start, indicate start of partial computation.
380  *
381  * This API should be called before performing any partial computation
382  * with compute_partial API.
383  *
384  * @param crc Initial CRC value set by the API
385  * @return 0 on success or a negative in case of failure
386  * @note: CRC is an out parameter and must be reused with compute_partial
387  * and `compute_partial_stop` without any modifications in application.
388  */
389  int32_t compute_partial_start(uint32_t *crc)
390  {
391 #if DEVICE_CRC
392  if (mode == CrcMode::HARDWARE) {
393  lock();
394  crc_mbed_config_t config;
395  config.polynomial = polynomial;
396  config.width = width;
397  config.initial_xor = _initial_value;
398  config.final_xor = _final_xor;
399  config.reflect_in = _reflect_data;
400  config.reflect_out = _reflect_remainder;
403  }
404 #endif
406  *crc = _initial_value;
407  return 0;
408  }
410  /** Get the final CRC value of partial computation.
411  *
412  * CRC value available in partial computation is not correct CRC, as some
413  * algorithms require remainder to be reflected and final value to be XORed
414  * This API is used to perform final computation to get correct CRC value.
415  *
416  * @param crc CRC result
417  * @return 0 on success or a negative in case of failure.
418  */
419  int32_t compute_partial_stop(uint32_t *crc)
420  {
421 #if DEVICE_CRC
422  if (mode == CrcMode::HARDWARE) {
423  *crc = hal_crc_get_result();
424  unlock();
425  return 0;
426  }
427 #endif
428  uint_fast32_t p_crc = *crc;
429  if (mode == CrcMode::BITWISE) {
430  if (_reflect_data) {
431  /* CRC has MSB in bottom bit of register */
432  if (!_reflect_remainder) {
433  p_crc = reflect_crc(p_crc);
434  }
435  } else {
436  /* CRC has MSB in top bit of register */
437  p_crc = _reflect_remainder ? reflect(p_crc) : shift_right(p_crc);
438  }
439  } else { // TABLE
440  /* CRC has MSB in bottom bit of register */
441  if (!_reflect_remainder) {
442  p_crc = reflect_crc(p_crc);
443  }
444  }
446  p_crc ^= _final_xor;
447  p_crc &= get_crc_mask();
448  *crc = p_crc;
450  return 0;
451  }
453 private:
454  /** Guaranteed constexpr reflection (all toolchains)
455  *
456  * @note This should never be run-time evaluated - very inefficient
457  * @param Register value to be reflected (full 32-bit value)
458  * @return Reflected value (full 32-bit value)
459  */
460  static constexpr uint32_t reflect_constant(uint32_t data)
461  {
462  /* Doing this hard way to keep it C++11 constexpr and hence ARM C 5 compatible */
463  return ((data & 0x00000001) << 31) |
464  ((data & 0x00000002) << 29) |
465  ((data & 0x00000004) << 27) |
466  ((data & 0x00000008) << 25) |
467  ((data & 0x00000010) << 23) |
468  ((data & 0x00000020) << 21) |
469  ((data & 0x00000040) << 19) |
470  ((data & 0x00000080) << 17) |
471  ((data & 0x00000100) << 15) |
472  ((data & 0x00000200) << 13) |
473  ((data & 0x00000400) << 11) |
474  ((data & 0x00000800) << 9) |
475  ((data & 0x00001000) << 7) |
476  ((data & 0x00002000) << 5) |
477  ((data & 0x00004000) << 3) |
478  ((data & 0x00008000) << 1) |
479  ((data & 0x00010000) >> 1) |
480  ((data & 0x00020000) >> 3) |
481  ((data & 0x00040000) >> 5) |
482  ((data & 0x00080000) >> 7) |
483  ((data & 0x00100000) >> 9) |
484  ((data & 0x00200000) >> 11) |
485  ((data & 0x00400000) >> 13) |
486  ((data & 0x00800000) >> 15) |
487  ((data & 0x01000000) >> 17) |
488  ((data & 0x02000000) >> 19) |
489  ((data & 0x04000000) >> 21) |
490  ((data & 0x08000000) >> 23) |
491  ((data & 0x10000000) >> 25) |
492  ((data & 0x20000000) >> 27) |
493  ((data & 0x40000000) >> 29) |
494  ((data & 0x80000000) >> 31);
495  }
497  /** General reflection
498  *
499  * @note This is used when we may need to perform run-time computation, so
500  * we need the possibility to produce the optimal run-time RBIT instruction. But
501  * if the compiler doesn't treat RBIT as a built-in, it's useful to have a C fallback
502  * for the constant case, avoiding runtime RBIT(0) computations. This is an
503  * optimization only available for some toolchains; others will always use runtime
504  * RBIT. If we require a constant expression, use reflect_constant instead.
505  *
506  * @param Register value to be reflected (full 32-bit value)
507  * @return Reflected value (full 32-bit value)
508  */
510  static constexpr uint32_t reflect(uint32_t data)
511  {
512  return mstd::is_constant_evaluated() ? reflect_constant(data) : __RBIT(data);
513  }
514 #else
515  static uint32_t reflect(uint32_t data)
516  {
517  return __RBIT(data);
518  }
519 #endif
521  /** Data bytes may need to be reflected.
522  *
523  * @param data value to be reflected (bottom 8 bits)
524  * @return Reflected value (bottom 8 bits)
525  */
527  uint_fast32_t reflect_byte(uint_fast32_t data)
528  {
529  return reflect(data) >> 24;
530  }
532  /** Get the current CRC polynomial, reflected at bottom of register.
533  *
534  * @return Reflected polynomial value (so x^width term would be at bit -1)
535  */
536  static constexpr uint32_t get_reflected_polynomial()
537  {
538  return shift_right(reflect_constant(polynomial));
539  }
541  /** Get the current CRC polynomial, at top of register.
542  *
543  * @return Shifted polynomial value (so x^width term would be at bit 32)
544  */
545  static constexpr uint32_t get_top_polynomial()
546  {
547  return shift_left(polynomial);
548  }
550  const uint32_t _initial_value;
551  const uint32_t _final_xor;
552  const bool _reflect_data;
553  const bool _reflect_remainder;
555  // *INDENT-OFF*
556  using crc_table_t = std::conditional_t<width <= 8, uint8_t,
557  std::conditional_t<width <= 16, uint16_t,
558  uint32_t
559  >>;
560  // *INDENT-ON*
563  /* Tables only actually defined for mode == TABLE, and certain polynomials - see below */
564  static const crc_table_t _crc_table[MBED_CRC_TABLE_SIZE];
565 #endif
567  static constexpr uint32_t adjust_initial_value(uint32_t initial_xor, bool reflect_data)
568  {
569  if (mode == CrcMode::BITWISE) {
570  /* For bitwise calculation, CRC register is reflected if data is, to match input.
571  * (MSB at bottom of register). If not reflected, it is at the top of the register
572  * (MSB at top of register).
573  */
574  return reflect_data ? reflect_crc(initial_xor) : shift_left(initial_xor);
575  } else if (mode == CrcMode::TABLE) {
576  /* For table calculation, CRC value is reflected, to match tables.
577  * (MSB at bottom of register). */
578  return reflect_crc(initial_xor);
579  } else { // CrcMode::HARDWARE
580  return initial_xor;
581  }
582  }
584  /** Acquire exclusive access to CRC hardware/software.
585  */
586  static void lock()
587  {
588 #if DEVICE_CRC
589  if (mode == CrcMode::HARDWARE) {
590  mbed_crc_mutex->lock();
591  }
592 #endif
593  }
595  /** Release exclusive access to CRC hardware/software.
596  */
597  static void unlock()
598  {
599 #if DEVICE_CRC
600  if (mode == CrcMode::HARDWARE) {
601  mbed_crc_mutex->unlock();
602  }
603 #endif
604  }
606  /** Get the CRC data mask.
607  *
608  * @return CRC data mask is generated based on current CRC width
609  */
610  static constexpr uint32_t get_crc_mask()
611  {
612  return (uint32_t)((uint32_t)2U << (width - 1)) - 1U;
613  }
615  /** CRC values may need to be reflected.
616  *
617  * @param CRC value to be reflected (width bits at bottom of 32-bit word)
618  * @return Reflected value (still at bottom of 32-bit word)
619  */
621  uint32_t reflect_crc(uint32_t data)
622  {
623  return reflect(data) >> (32 - width);
624  }
626  /** Register values may need to be shifted left.
627  *
628  * @param Register value to be shifted up (in bottom width bits)
629  * @return Shifted value (in top width bits)
630  */
631  static constexpr uint32_t shift_left(uint32_t data)
632  {
633  return data << (32 - width);
634  }
636  /** Register values may need to be shifted right.
637  *
638  * @param Register value to be shifted right (in top width bits)
639  * @return Shifted value (in bottom width bits)
640  */
641  static constexpr uint32_t shift_right(uint32_t data)
642  {
643  return data >> (32 - width);
644  }
646  /* Check to see if we can do assembler optimizations */
647 #if (defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__) && \
648  (defined __arm__ || defined __ARM_ARCH)
649 #if (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1U) || \
650  (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1U) || \
651  (__ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ == 1U) || \
652  (__ARM_ARCH_8_1M_MAIN__ == 1U) || \
653  (__ARM_ARCH_7A__ == 1U)
654  /* ARM that has Thumb-2 - same unified assembly is good for either ARM or Thumb state (LSRS; IT CS; EORCS reg/imm) */
655 #define MBED_CRC_ARM_THUMB2 1
656 #define MBED_CRC_THUMB1 0
657 #elif (__ARM_ARCH_6M__ == 1U) || \
658  (__ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ == 1U)
659  /* Thumb-1-only ARM-M device - use Thumb-1 compatible assembly with branch (LSRS; BCC; EORS reg) */
660 #define MBED_CRC_ARM_THUMB2 0
661 #define MBED_CRC_THUMB1 1
662 #else // __ARM_ARCH_xxx
663 #error "Unknown ARM architecture for CRC optimization"
664 #endif // __ARM_ARCH_xxx
665 #else // __arm__ || defined __ICC_ARM__ || defined __ARM_ARCH
666  /* Seem to be compiling for non-ARM, or an unsupported toolchain, so stick with C implementations */
667 #define MBED_CRC_ARM_THUMB2 0
668 #define MBED_CRC_THUMB1 0
669 #endif
671  // *INDENT-OFF*
672  /** Process 1 bit of non-reflected CRC
673  *
674  * Shift the p_crc register left 1 bit - if a one is shifted
675  * out, exclusive-or with the polynomial mask.
676  *
677  * Assembler optimizations can be applied here, to make
678  * use of the CPU's carry output from shifts.
679  *
680  * @param p_crc input register value
681  * @return updated register value
682  */
683  static uint_fast32_t do_1_bit_normal(uint_fast32_t p_crc)
684  {
686  __asm(".syntax unified\n\t"
687  "LSLS" "\t%[p_crc], %[p_crc], #1\n\t"
688  "IT" "\tCS\n\t"
689  "EORCS" "\t%[p_crc], %[poly]"
690  : [p_crc] "+&r" (p_crc)
691  : [poly] "rI" (get_top_polynomial())
692  : "cc");
693 #elif MBED_CRC_THUMB1
694  __asm(".syntax unified\n\t"
695  "LSLS" "\t%[p_crc], %[p_crc], #1\n\t"
696  "BCC" "\t%=f\n\t"
697  "EORS" "\t%[p_crc], %[poly]\n"
698  "%=:"
699  : [p_crc] "+&l" (p_crc)
700  : [poly] "l" (get_top_polynomial())
701  : "cc");
702 #else
703  if (p_crc & 0x80000000) {
704  p_crc = (p_crc << 1) ^ get_top_polynomial();
705  } else {
706  p_crc = (p_crc << 1);
707  }
708 #endif
709  return p_crc;
710  }
712  /** Process 1 bit of reflected CRC
713  *
714  * Shift the p_crc register right 1 bit - if a one is shifted
715  * out, exclusive-or with the polynomial mask.
716  *
717  * Assembler optimizations can be applied here, to make
718  * use of the CPU's carry output from shifts.
719  *
720  * @param p_crc input register value
721  * @return updated register value
722  */
723  static uint_fast32_t do_1_bit_reflected(uint_fast32_t p_crc)
724  {
726  __asm(".syntax unified\n\t"
727  "LSRS" "\t%[p_crc], %[p_crc], #1\n\t"
728  "IT" "\tCS\n\t"
729  "EORCS" "\t%[p_crc], %[poly]"
730  : [p_crc] "+&r" (p_crc)
731  : [poly] "rI" (get_reflected_polynomial())
732  : "cc");
733 #elif MBED_CRC_THUMB1
734  __asm(".syntax unified\n\t"
735  "LSRS" "\t%[p_crc], %[p_crc], #1\n\t"
736  "BCC" "\t%=f\n\t"
737  "EORS" "\t%[p_crc], %[poly]\n"
738  "%=:"
739  : [p_crc] "+&l" (p_crc)
740  : [poly] "l" (get_reflected_polynomial())
741  : "cc");
742 #else
743  if (p_crc & 1) {
744  p_crc = (p_crc >> 1) ^ get_reflected_polynomial();
745  } else {
746  p_crc = (p_crc >> 1);
747  }
748 #endif
749  return p_crc;
750  }
751  // *INDENT-ON*
753  /** Bitwise CRC computation.
754  *
755  * @param buffer data buffer
756  * @param size size of the data
757  * @param crc CRC value is filled in, but the value is not the final
758  * @return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure
759  */
760  template<CrcMode mode_ = mode>
761  std::enable_if_t<mode_ == CrcMode::BITWISE, int32_t>
762  do_compute_partial(const uint8_t *data, crc_data_size_t size, uint32_t *crc) const
763  {
764  uint_fast32_t p_crc = *crc;
766  if (_reflect_data) {
767  /* Everything is reflected to match data - MSB of polynomial at bottom of 32-bit register */
768  for (crc_data_size_t byte = 0; byte < size; byte++) {
769  p_crc ^= data[byte];
771  // Perform modulo-2 division, a bit at a time
772  for (unsigned int bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit) {
773  p_crc = do_1_bit_reflected(p_crc);
774  }
775  }
776  } else {
777  /* Polynomial is shifted to put MSB of polynomial at top of 32-bit register */
778  for (crc_data_size_t byte = 0; byte < size; byte++) {
779  p_crc ^= (uint_fast32_t) data[byte] << 24;
781  // Perform modulo-2 division, a bit at a time
782  for (unsigned int bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit) {
783  p_crc = do_1_bit_normal(p_crc);
784  }
785  }
786  }
788  *crc = p_crc;
790  return 0;
791  }
794  /** CRC computation using ROM tables.
795  *
796  * @param buffer data buffer
797  * @param size size of the data
798  * @param crc CRC value is filled in, but the value is not the final
799  * @return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure
800  */
801  template<CrcMode mode_ = mode>
802  std::enable_if_t<mode_ == CrcMode::TABLE, int32_t>
803  do_compute_partial(const uint8_t *data, crc_data_size_t size, uint32_t *crc) const
804  {
805  uint_fast32_t p_crc = *crc;
806  // GCC has been observed to not hoist the load of _reflect_data out of the loop
807  // Note the inversion because table and CRC are reflected - data must be
808  bool reflect = !_reflect_data;
810  for (crc_data_size_t byte = 0; byte < size; byte++) {
811  uint_fast32_t data_byte = data[byte];
812  if (reflect) {
813  data_byte = reflect_byte(data_byte);
814  }
815 #if MBED_CRC_TABLE_SIZE == 16
816  p_crc = _crc_table[(data_byte ^ p_crc) & 0xF] ^ (p_crc >> 4);
817  data_byte >>= 4;
818  p_crc = _crc_table[(data_byte ^ p_crc) & 0xF] ^ (p_crc >> 4);
819 #else
820  p_crc = _crc_table[(data_byte ^ p_crc) & 0xFF] ^ (p_crc >> 8);
821 #endif
822  }
823  *crc = p_crc;
824  return 0;
825  }
826 #endif
828 #ifdef DEVICE_CRC
829  /** Hardware CRC computation.
830  *
831  * @param buffer data buffer
832  * @param size size of the data
833  * @return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure
834  */
835  template<CrcMode mode_ = mode>
836  std::enable_if_t<mode_ == CrcMode::HARDWARE, int32_t>
837  do_compute_partial(const uint8_t *data, crc_data_size_t size, uint32_t *) const
838  {
839  hal_crc_compute_partial(data, size);
840  return 0;
841  }
842 #endif
844 };
847 /* Declarations of the tables we provide. (Not strictly needed, but compilers
848  * can warn if they see us using the template without a generic definition, so
849  * let it know we have provided these specialisations.)
850  */
851 template<>
852 const uint8_t MbedCRC<POLY_7BIT_SD, 7, CrcMode::TABLE>::_crc_table[MBED_CRC_TABLE_SIZE];
854 template<>
855 const uint8_t MbedCRC<POLY_8BIT_CCITT, 8, CrcMode::TABLE>::_crc_table[MBED_CRC_TABLE_SIZE];
857 template<>
858 const uint16_t MbedCRC<POLY_16BIT_CCITT, 16, CrcMode::TABLE>::_crc_table[MBED_CRC_TABLE_SIZE];
860 template<>
861 const uint16_t MbedCRC<POLY_16BIT_IBM, 16, CrcMode::TABLE>::_crc_table[MBED_CRC_TABLE_SIZE];
863 template<>
864 const uint32_t MbedCRC<POLY_32BIT_ANSI, 32, CrcMode::TABLE>::_crc_table[MBED_CRC_TABLE_SIZE];
866 #endif // MBED_CRC_TABLE_SIZE > 0
868 } // namespace impl
870 #endif // !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
872 /** @}*/
873 /** @}*/
875 } // namespace mbed
877 #endif // __cplusplus
879 /* Internal helper for mbed_error.c crash recovery */
880 #ifdef __cplusplus
881 extern "C"
882 #endif
883 uint32_t mbed_tiny_compute_crc32(const void *data, int datalen);
885 #endif
Definition: crc_api.h:34
Definition: crc_api.h:31
uint32_t final_xor
Final xor value for the computation.
Definition: crc_api.h:46
void hal_crc_compute_partial_start(const crc_mbed_config_t *config)
Initialize the hardware CRC module with the given polynomial.
uint32_t width
CRC Bit Width.
Definition: crc_api.h:42
void unlock()
Unlock a PlatformMutex that the same thread has previously locked.
Definition: PlatformMutex.h:81
Definition: crc_api.h:33
void lock()
Wait until a PlatformMutex becomes available.
Definition: PlatformMutex.h:71
Definition: crc_api.h:32
void hal_crc_compute_partial(const uint8_t *data, const size_t size)
Writes data to the current CRC module.
bool reflect_out
Reflect bits in final result before returning.
Definition: crc_api.h:50
uint32_t polynomial
CRC Polynomial.
Definition: crc_api.h:40
Definition: crc_api.h:35
bool reflect_in
Reflect bits on input.
Definition: crc_api.h:48
Definition: ATHandler.h:46
uint32_t initial_xor
Initial seed value for the computation.
Definition: crc_api.h:44
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