Creating and using a bootloader
A bootloader is a program that loads Mbed OS when a board is turned on. This guide explains how to create a bootloader, how to create a main program to go with the bootloader and how to use this bootloader to perform software updates.
Arm Mbed OS managed bootloader
The tools of Arm Mbed OS know how to manage some bootloader projects. The tools can manage bootloader projects where the bootloader comes before the application in ROM and the application starts immediately after the bootloader. If your bootloader does not meet both of these requirements, then please read the unmanaged bootloader section. A managed bootloader project automatically merges the bootloader image with the application image as part of the application image build process.
Background: boot sequences and fault tolerance
A boot sequence can have several stages of bootloaders, leading to an application. The different stages (including the application) may need to evolve over time, to add features or bug-fixes. Upgrades are possible for boot sequences with two or more stages: any active stage can replace the next stage in the sequence; when the system restarts, it executes the updated components. Typically, however, the very first stage isn't replaced; because it takes control on startup, a faulty upgrade of this stage can make recovery impossible. This is known as stage 0 bootloader.
To protect against faults in the newly updated components, we store multiple versions (up to a certain maximum number of versions). Each stage is responsible for detecting faults in the following component and rolling it back if it discovers faults. For example, if the third stage is unstable, needs additional functionality or is otherwise behaving incorrectly, the second stage (during the next startup sequence) can roll the third stage back to an earlier version before handing over control. This results in a boot sequence tree traversed depth-first as the system recovers from successive faults.
Most boot sequences are composed of three stages:
- Boot selector (also known as root bootloader or stage zero bootloader): does not get upgraded.
- Bootloader: upgradable, with several versions stored on the device.
- Application: upgradable, with several versions stored on the device.
Fault tolerance ultimately rests on the sanity of the first-stage bootloader. This bootloader is usually kept minimal to ensure dependable operation.
The Mbed OS bootloader is a hybrid of the boot selector and a bootloader, but it fulfills the requirements of the boot selector: It is small enough to minimize the chance of bugs, but advanced enough to install new images.
Managed and unmanaged bootloader tool integration
Mbed tools (Mbed CLI, Online Compiler) can manage bootloaders where:
- The bootloader comes before the application in ROM.
- The application starts immediately after the bootloader.
If the Mbed tool finds a managed bootloader, the image build process automatically merges the bootloader image with the application image.
If your bootloader does not meet the two requirements of a manageable bootloader, you will need an unmanaged bootloader. The Mbed tools do not automatically combine this bootloader with the application image; you need to write your own scripts to build your full image.
Creating the bootloader
Creating a bootloader is similar to creating a regular application. The only additional step you need is to specify the size of the bootloader as a target override in mbed_app.json
in the target field target.restrict_size
"target_overrides": {
"target.restrict_size": "0x20000"
Adding this field:
- Restricts the bootloader code from growing larger than the specified size.
- Pads the output image to exactly the size specified.
- Defines the symbols
It produces the following ROM layout:
| |
| |
| |
| Reserved |
| |
| |
| Application |
| (is a bootloader) |
| |
+-------------------+ APPLICATION_ADDR == Start of ROM
When the bootloader finishes its work, it needs to start the main program. To do this, the bootloader must flush or power down any external components it is using, such as filesystems or socket connections. After the bootloader powers down these components, it can start the main program by making a call to the function mbed_start_application(uintptr_t address)
and passing on the base address of the next image to start. For Arm Mbed OS applications, the main program starts immediately after the bootloader, so you can use the symbol POST_APPLICATION_ADDR
as its starting address.
Call the bootloader to start the main program:
Creating the main program
To create an application using a bootloader, you must first have created the bootloader binary and added it to the current project. You must then specify the bootloader image in mbed_app.json
in the target_override
"target_overrides": {
"target.bootloader_img": "bootloader/my_bootloader.bin"
Adding this field has the following effects:
When a build occurs, the application builds for the address immediately after the bootloader. The build system does this automatically by defining the symbols
in the linker script (.sct
). -
At the end of building, the build image is automatically combined with the bootloader to create the final image.
Note: When building offline, the original uncombined image is in the same directory
. -
It defines the symbols
It produces the following ROM layout:
|-------------------| APPLICATION_ADDR + APPLICATION_SIZE == End of ROM
| |
| |
| Application |
| (main program ) |
| |
| |
| Bootloader |
| |
+-------------------+ BOOTLOADER_ADDR == Start of ROM
Adding an application header
Take this one step further, and add a metadata header to the bootloader and application, so the bootloader can verify the integrity of the application. Create an mbed_lib.json
that the bootloader and application share and that has the following contents.
"name": "application_header",
"target_overrides": {
"*": {
"target.header_format": [
["magic", "const", "32be", "0x5a51b3d4"],
["headerVersion", "const", "32be", "2"],
["firmwareVersion", "timestamp", "64be", null],
["firmwareSize", "size", "64be", ["application"]],
["firmwareHash", "digest", "SHA256", "application"],
["headerCRC", "digest", "CRCITT32be", "header"]
This configuration adds a new region, named header, after the bootloader and before the application header. The ROM of your target now looks as follows:
|-------------------| APPLICATION_ADDR + APPLICATION_SIZE == End of ROM
| |
| |
| Application |
| (main program ) |
| |
| Header |
| |
| Bootloader |
| |
+-------------------+ BOOTLOADER_ADDR == Start of ROM
Prebuilt bootloaders
Prebuilt bootloader mode is an option to merge prebuilt bootloaders into your application. mbed-os\features\FEATURE_BOOTLOADER\
contains the available supported targets with the corresponding prebuilt bootloader organized in folders specific to targets. For example: FEATURE_BOOTLOADER/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4/TARGET_STM32F429xI/TARGET_NUCLEO_F429ZI/mbed-bootloader-block_device-sotp-v3_4_0.bin
Please note that this bootloader is not the same as the public mbed-bootloader
, which Mbed OS uses to generate the bootloader binaries in mbed-os
There are two ways to test prebuilt bootloader mode.
You can add the BOOTLOADER feature into mbed_app.json
located in the root application directory:
"target_overrides": {
"*": {
"target.features_add": ["BOOTLOADER"]
Alternatively, you can add -C 'target.features_add=["BOOTLOADER"]'
to your mbed compile
command-line arguments.
There are two ways to add support for new targets:
You can place the prebuilt binary bootloader in mbed-os/feature/FEATURE_BOOTLOADER
, and add the fields below with values corresponding to your binary:
"target_overrides": {
"target.app_offset": "0x10400",
"target.header_offset": "0x10000",
"target.header_format": [
["magic", "const", "32be", "0x5a51b3d4"],
["headerVersion", "const", "32be", "2"],
["firmwareVersion", "timestamp", "64be", null],
["firmwareSize", "size", "64be", ["application"]],
["firmwareHash", "digest", "SHA256", "application"],
["headerCRC", "digest", "CRCITT32be", "header"]
"target.bootloader_img": "your_bootloader.bin"
Alternatively, you can edit mbed_app.json
, and override the target bootloader with the path to the bootloader and other fields:
"target_overrides": {
"target.bootloader_img": "PATH_TO_BOOTLOADER/your_bootloader.bin"
"target.app_offset": "0x10400",
"target.header_offset": "0x10000",
"target.header_format": [
["magic", "const", "32be", "0x5a51b3d4"],
["headerVersion", "const", "32be", "2"],
["firmwareVersion", "timestamp", "64be", null],
["firmwareSize", "size", "64be", ["application"]],
["firmwareHash", "digest", "SHA256", "application"],
["headerCRC", "digest", "CRCITT32be", "header"]
Unmanaged bootloader
You want to have an unmanaged bootloader when your bootloader's requirements conflict with the requirements of the managed bootloader. You need an unmanaged bootloader when your bootloader does not come before your application in ROM or your application does not start immediately after your bootloader. Unlike a managed bootloader, an unmanaged bootloader does not automatically merge the bootloader image with the application image after building the application. We expect users of an unmanaged bootloader build to construct their own set of scripts built atop the mbed compile
primitive to perform bootloader and application merging.
An unmanaged bootloader build is a method of controlling the link location of a program within Mbed OS. There are two configuration options available for changing the link location: target.mbed_app_start
and target.mbed_app_size
. Please see bootloader configuration for complete descriptions of these options.
Exporter limitations
Although the exporters can export bootloader projects using the bootloader parameters, there are some limitations.
The exporters do not interpret Mbed OS configuration, and any changes to configuration parameters, especially bootloader parameters, require you to rerun the mbed export
Further, the exporters have limited support for the postbuild merge that bootloader builds use.
Managed bootloader projects
The postbuild merge step is available when exporting to uVision from an offline project. This requires the installation of Mbed CLI and all of the Python dependencies on the local system.
No other exporters implement the postbuild merge step. After exporting a project with the target.bootloader_img
setting, you are responsible for flashing the binary mentioned in the configuration parameter. If you do not flash this bootloader image, the device does not boot correctly.
Unmanaged bootloader projects
After exporting a project with the target.mbed_app_start
setting, you are responsible for ensuring that a boot loader is present, if needed. Without flashing this boot loader image, the device will not boot correctly.