10 years, 7 months ago.

arduino shield or avnet wigo ??

hi I am new to mbed world. I am currently using kl25z mbed microcontroller. I am interested in internet of things but unfortunately mbed kl25z dont have any built in wifi or ethernet module.. after reading material from the internet I came to know that wi-go and arduino shield both allow the kl25z to support wifi connectivity ?? Can any one suggest which option is the better one ??

Hello zain aftab,

if you meant arduino wifi shield which uses HDG104, then this module does not have a driver on mbed (have not found it yet).

From those 2, choose Wi-Go. Visit cc3000 cookbook http://mbed.org/cookbook/cc3000 what the library provides and how many examples are ready-to-be-imported. The library is still in the development . I can reveal, soon all examples will be much shorter :)


posted by Martin Kojtal 19 Oct 2013

2 Answers

10 years, 7 months ago.

Do you mean the official arduino wifi shield or one of the many you can find on ebay?

If you mean the official one, I would go for the wi-go (with just a quick scan of the arduino wifi shield). The wi-go is a bit more expensive, but not all that much, and it does give alot of other stuff, like a battery + charging circuit. However mainly because the wi-go wifi module is essentially a CC3000 module, and there is mbed code for that, including the required configuration files specifically for the wi-go board. So you should just be able to download a hello-world program from the site and get started.

Meanwhile there is no mbed code for the arduino wifi shield. You can of course port arduino code, but that is a decision for you to make.

How exactly do you "port" the arduino code in order to make the wifi shield work with the kl25z in the mbed compiler?

posted by Nicola Lacalendola 10 Nov 2013

Well you search the arduino code, copy it, be happy that Arduino uses C++ syntax also, and then you replace all Arduino specific code with mbed specific code. But it is generally a bit more of a problem in practise than that. At least it is easier than the other way around.

posted by Erik - 10 Nov 2013
zain aftab
10 years, 7 months ago.

thanks to both of you for your answers.. from where I can buy the wi-go module.. Actually I am living in UK. The shipment cost from US is twice the actual price. Can you guys tell me about the alternate source to purchase

thanks in advance cheers zain

While shipping is pricey, it shows me half the actual price of the item.

posted by Erik - 19 Oct 2013

So is there any alternate source to buy wi-go module other than avnet official web site ! Anazon,farnell,rss online are not showing this module

posted by zain aftab 19 Oct 2013