11 years ago.

HELP! Online compiler won't save my files


I've started encountering a problem on the online compiler this afternoon. I have quite a large project and I can't save any new text to the main.cpp. I enter the text and main.cpp on the tab goes bold to show changes. When I press the save button or save all nothing happens. I've tried it on Firefox on my computer and laptop. I've tried exporting the folder to my colleague's account. I've tried with Opera. I just can't save the file. Other files save fine.

Please help. I have deadlines today.

Thanks Tim

I just saw the same thing on my machine.

posted by Ned Konz 06 Jun 2013

Found it. When I copied a chunk of text from another file it had the degrees symbol in it. When pasted into main.cpp this changed to a diamond with a question mark in it which I assume means the compiler didn't recognize the symbol. After deleting this character, the file now saves.

posted by Tim Barry 06 Jun 2013

1 Answer

11 years ago.

nvm, problem solved already.

My file that never saved is still stuck. I had hit save, saw the "saving..." dialog for a very long time, and it's never come back to me.

This is on a file that had only minor edits and has compiled before.

I killed the browser, logged out of the site, logged back in, and now when I edit the file and try to save it nothing appears to happen.

posted by Ned Konz 06 Jun 2013

I think it's a copy and paste problem. Look through the code and see if there's any weird characters. That seemed to solve the problem for me.... for now.

posted by Tim Barry 06 Jun 2013