7 years, 7 months ago.

Secured DFU with mbed OS 5?

Does the latest mbed support the latest (SDK 12) Secured DFU service?

1 Answer

7 years, 6 months ago.

Not yet.

Is there a timetable when this will be released? Also, can you please add a request that whenever this is released both single bank and dual bank bootloaders will be supported?

posted by Shay Ohayon 22 Nov 2016

Is there a timetable when this will be released?

Not at the moment, update is worked on for the SDK v11 and, I believe, it will be available in a "near future". I don't know when update to SDK v12 will happen.

Also, can you please add a request that whenever this is released both single bank and dual bank bootloaders will be supported?

I will forward these requests.

posted by Vincent (pan-) Coubard 23 Nov 2016

Dear Vincent,

Does regular DFU work with OS5? I wasn't able to get it to work at all. Every attempt to upload the hex file from nrf toolbox causes a disconnect and DFU fails. Is it still possible to upload only hex file or is it required to use the zip file package?

posted by Shay Ohayon 03 Dec 2016