7 years, 8 months ago.

DAPLink on custom board (MKL26Z128VFM4)

Hello all,

I've designed a custom development board using MKL26Z128VFM4. I tested the hardware and USb connections using KDS 2.x hic_generic example and it was correctly identified by the PC.

Although, when trying to port the bootloader kl26z_bl (used on micro:bit board) I'm getting wrong descriptor error. Trying to run on ubuntu I'm receiving error -71.

Any ideas?

1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

The micro:bit bootloader should work on other boards with a KL26Z. Is your board wired different than the microbit? Some ideas you could try are attaching a debugger to check for a crash, loading interface firmware in addition to the bootloader, and finally capturing USB traffic with wireshark or other tools.

The board has different wiring than the micro:bit. But, as far as I checked, for the bootloader the only wiring relevant is the USB connections. And KSDK 2.0 examples worked just fine. I've tried debugging the code, USB interruptions are being called but as USB request have timeout I couldn't inspect further.

posted by Otavio Borges 04 Oct 2016