8 years, 3 months ago.

speed sensor question

I am interested in reading the speed sensor. Can someone help me on how to read it and how to decode the value?

Question relating to:

JKSoft Wallbot BLE is an mbed enabled robotics kit which has two wheels and magnets underneath of the boards. You can control this robot by iOS App.

1 Answer

8 years, 3 months ago.


The Wallbot BLE use MPU-6050 accelerator on board. https://developer.mbed.org/components/MPU-6050/

Also, there are encoders for both wheels (L_ENC1/2 and R_ENC1/2) which you can read pulse width values. We (Wallbot BLE team) haven't tried to calculate speed value from these values. Good luck!

Accepted Answer

Thanks Junichi,

Do you know how many pulses per revolution does the encoder have? I ma trying to use the QEI code to count the pulses, but it seems not stable, and I missed a lot of pulses.

Also do you have the wheel diameter information?

posted by Weigen Qiu 28 Feb 2016