10 years, 4 months ago.

Embedded Web server

Hi I am new to this field .

Actually am trying to control the peripheral connected to the LPC1768 by using embedded web server(Based upon the values given in web page).

Here i am using landtiger development board in that one they given DP83848VV VBC IC in between the LPC1768 and RJ45, if i want to transfer the data or receive the data from the LPC1768 i have to use the that DP83848. How the Dp83848c is working(i.e how that one transmitting the data and receiving data).

I Have few question on embedded web services by using LPC1768(Keil Software)

1Q.How i can receive the data from the web page to LPC1768 by using Ethernet...?

2Q.What was the procedure to that one..?

Thank You in advance.

1 Answer

10 years, 3 months ago.

1A. Your similar question is in Embedded Web server. 2A. I'm unfamiliar with the DP83848, so of little help there