


File content as of revision 0:78a2573ad768:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "MAX30105.h"
#include "millis.h"


MAX30105::MAX30105(I2C &i2c): _i2c(i2c)


int MAX30105::writeRegValue(uint8_t reg,  char value)
    char cmdData[2] = { (char)reg, value };
    if (_i2c.write(MAX30105_ADDRESS, cmdData, sizeof(cmdData)) != 0) {
        return MAX30105_ERROR;
    return MAX30105_NO_ERROR;

int MAX30105::writeReg(uint8_t reg )
    char cmdData[1] = { (char)reg };
    if (_i2c.write(MAX30105_ADDRESS, cmdData, sizeof(cmdData)) != 0) {
        return MAX30105_ERROR;
    return MAX30105_NO_ERROR;


int MAX30105::readReg(uint8_t reg, char *value)
    char cmdData[1] = { (char)reg };
    if (_i2c.write(MAX30105_ADDRESS, cmdData, sizeof(cmdData)) != 0) {
        return MAX30105_ERROR;
    if (, value, 1) != 0) {
        return MAX30105_ERROR;
    return MAX30105_NO_ERROR;


uint8_t MAX30105::readRegister8(uint8_t address, uint8_t reg){
    char *data = new char[5];,data,5);
    return (uint8_t)data; 

void MAX30105::writeRegister8(uint8_t address, uint8_t reg, uint8_t value){

     writeRegValue(reg, value);


bool MAX30105::safeCheck(uint8_t maxTimeToCheck)
  uint32_t markTime = millis();
    if(millis() - markTime > maxTimeToCheck) return(false);

    if(check() == true) //We found new data!



// NOTE: Amplitude values: 0x00 = 0mA, 0x7F = 25.4mA, 0xFF = 50mA (typical)
// See datasheet, page 21
void MAX30105::setPulseAmplitudeRed(uint8_t amplitude) {
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_LED1_PULSEAMP, amplitude);


void MAX30105::setPulseAmplitudeIR(uint8_t amplitude) {
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_LED2_PULSEAMP, amplitude);


void MAX30105::setPulseAmplitudeGreen(uint8_t amplitude) {
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_LED3_PULSEAMP, amplitude);

void MAX30105::setPulseAmplitudeProximity(uint8_t amplitude) {
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_LED_PROX_AMP, amplitude);
//Begin Interrupt configuration


uint8_t MAX30105::getINT1(void) {
  return (readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_INTSTAT1));


uint8_t MAX30105::getINT2(void) {
  return (readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_INTSTAT2));


void MAX30105::enableAFULL(void) {


void MAX30105::disableAFULL(void) {


void MAX30105::enableDATARDY(void) {


void MAX30105::disableDATARDY(void) {


void MAX30105::enableALCOVF(void) {


void MAX30105::disableALCOVF(void) {


void MAX30105::enablePROXINT(void) {


void MAX30105::disablePROXINT(void) {


void MAX30105::enableDIETEMPRDY(void) {


void MAX30105::disableDIETEMPRDY(void) {

//End Interrupt configuration

void MAX30105::softReset(void) {
  bitMask(MAX30105_MODECONFIG, MAX30105_RESET_MASK, MAX30105_RESET);

  // Poll for bit to clear, reset is then complete
  // Timeout after 100ms
  unsigned long startTime = millis();
  while (millis() - startTime < 100)
    uint8_t response = readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_MODECONFIG);
    if ((response & MAX30105_RESET) == 0) break; //We're done!
    wait(1); //Let's not over burden the I2C bus


void MAX30105::shutDown(void) {
  // Put IC into low power mode (datasheet pg. 19)
  // During shutdown the IC will continue to respond to I2C commands but will
  // not update with or take new readings (such as temperature)


void MAX30105::wakeUp(void) {
  // Pull IC out of low power mode (datasheet pg. 19)


void MAX30105::setLEDMode(uint8_t mode) {
  // Set which LEDs are used for sampling -- Red only, RED+IR only, or custom.
  // See datasheet, page 19
  bitMask(MAX30105_MODECONFIG, MAX30105_MODE_MASK, mode);


void MAX30105::setADCRange(uint8_t adcRange) {
  // adcRange: one of MAX30105_ADCRANGE_2048, _4096, _8192, _16384
  bitMask(MAX30105_PARTICLECONFIG, MAX30105_ADCRANGE_MASK, adcRange);


void MAX30105::setSampleRate(uint8_t sampleRate) {
  // sampleRate: one of MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_50, _100, _200, _400, _800, _1000, _1600, _3200
  bitMask(MAX30105_PARTICLECONFIG, MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_MASK, sampleRate);


void MAX30105::setPulseWidth(uint8_t pulseWidth) {
  // pulseWidth: one of MAX30105_PULSEWIDTH_69, _188, _215, _411
  bitMask(MAX30105_PARTICLECONFIG, MAX30105_PULSEWIDTH_MASK, pulseWidth);


void MAX30105::enableSlot(uint8_t slotNumber, uint8_t device) {

  uint8_t originalContents;

  switch (slotNumber) {
    case (1):
      bitMask(MAX30105_MULTILEDCONFIG1, MAX30105_SLOT1_MASK, device);
    case (2):
      bitMask(MAX30105_MULTILEDCONFIG1, MAX30105_SLOT2_MASK, device << 4);
    case (3):
      bitMask(MAX30105_MULTILEDCONFIG2, MAX30105_SLOT3_MASK, device);
    case (4):
      bitMask(MAX30105_MULTILEDCONFIG2, MAX30105_SLOT4_MASK, device << 4);
      //Shouldn't be here!


void MAX30105::disableSlots(void) {
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_MULTILEDCONFIG1, 0);
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_MULTILEDCONFIG2, 0);

// FIFO Configuration


//Set sample average (Table 3, Page 18)
void MAX30105::setFIFOAverage(uint8_t numberOfSamples) {
  bitMask(MAX30105_FIFOCONFIG, MAX30105_SAMPLEAVG_MASK, numberOfSamples);

//Resets all points to start in a known state
//Page 15 recommends clearing FIFO before beginning a read
void MAX30105::clearFIFO(void) {
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_FIFOWRITEPTR, 0);
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_FIFOOVERFLOW, 0);
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_FIFOREADPTR, 0);


//Enable roll over if FIFO over flows
void MAX30105::enableFIFORollover(void) {


//Disable roll over if FIFO over flows
void MAX30105::disableFIFORollover(void) {


//Set number of samples to trigger the almost full interrupt (Page 18)
//Power on default is 32 samples
//Note it is reverse: 0x00 is 32 samples, 0x0F is 17 samples
void MAX30105::setFIFOAlmostFull(uint8_t numberOfSamples) {
  bitMask(MAX30105_FIFOCONFIG, MAX30105_A_FULL_MASK, numberOfSamples);


//Read the FIFO Write Pointer
uint8_t MAX30105::getWritePointer(void) {
  return (readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_FIFOWRITEPTR));


//Read the FIFO Read Pointer
uint8_t MAX30105::getReadPointer(void) {
  return (readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_FIFOREADPTR));


float MAX30105::readTemperature() {
  //DIE_TEMP_RDY interrupt must be enabled
  //See issue 19:
  // Step 1: Config die temperature register to take 1 temperature sample
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_DIETEMPCONFIG, 0x01);

  // Poll for bit to clear, reading is then complete
  // Timeout after 100ms
  unsigned long startTime = millis();
  while (millis() - startTime < 100)
    //uint8_t response = readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_DIETEMPCONFIG); //Original way
    //if ((response & 0x01) == 0) break; //We're done!
    //Check to see if DIE_TEMP_RDY interrupt is set
    uint8_t response = readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_INTSTAT2);
    if ((response & MAX30105_INT_DIE_TEMP_RDY_ENABLE) > 0) break; //We're done!
    wait(1); //Let's not over burden the I2C bus
  //TODO How do we want to fail? With what type of error?
  //? if(millis() - startTime >= 100) return(-999.0);

  // Step 2: Read die temperature register (integer)
  int8_t tempInt = readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_DIETEMPINT);
  uint8_t tempFrac = readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_DIETEMPFRAC); //Causes the clearing of the DIE_TEMP_RDY interrupt

  // Step 3: Calculate temperature (datasheet pg. 23)
  return (float)tempInt + ((float)tempFrac * 0.0625);


// Returns die temp in F
float MAX30105::readTemperatureF() {
  float temp = readTemperature();

  if (temp != -999.0) temp = temp * 1.8 + 32.0;

  return (temp);


// Set the PROX_INT_THRESHold
void MAX30105::setPROXINTTHRESH(uint8_t val) {
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_PROXINTTHRESH, val);


// Device ID and Revision
uint8_t MAX30105::readPartID() {
  return readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_PARTID);


void MAX30105::readRevisionID() {
  revisionID = readRegister8(_i2caddr, MAX30105_REVISIONID);


uint8_t MAX30105::getRevisionID() {
  return revisionID;


//Setup the sensor
//The MAX30105 has many settings. By default we select:
// Sample Average = 4
// Mode = MultiLED
// ADC Range = 16384 (62.5pA per LSB)
// Sample rate = 50
//Use the default setup if you are just getting started with the MAX30105 sensor
void MAX30105::setup(uint8_t powerLevel, uint8_t sampleAverage, uint8_t ledMode, int sampleRate, int pulseWidth, int adcRange) {
  softReset(); //Reset all configuration, threshold, and data registers to POR values

  //FIFO Configuration
  //The chip will average multiple samples of same type together if you wish
  if (sampleAverage == 1) setFIFOAverage(MAX30105_SAMPLEAVG_1); //No averaging per FIFO record
  else if (sampleAverage == 2) setFIFOAverage(MAX30105_SAMPLEAVG_2);
  else if (sampleAverage == 4) setFIFOAverage(MAX30105_SAMPLEAVG_4);
  else if (sampleAverage == 8) setFIFOAverage(MAX30105_SAMPLEAVG_8);
  else if (sampleAverage == 16) setFIFOAverage(MAX30105_SAMPLEAVG_16);
  else if (sampleAverage == 32) setFIFOAverage(MAX30105_SAMPLEAVG_32);
  else setFIFOAverage(MAX30105_SAMPLEAVG_4);

  //setFIFOAlmostFull(2); //Set to 30 samples to trigger an 'Almost Full' interrupt
  enableFIFORollover(); //Allow FIFO to wrap/roll over

  //Mode Configuration
  if (ledMode == 3) setLEDMode(MAX30105_MODE_MULTILED); //Watch all three LED channels
  else if (ledMode == 2) setLEDMode(MAX30105_MODE_REDIRONLY); //Red and IR
  else setLEDMode(MAX30105_MODE_REDONLY); //Red only
  activeLEDs = ledMode; //Used to control how many uint8_ts to read from FIFO buffer

  //Particle Sensing Configuration
  if(adcRange < 4096) setADCRange(MAX30105_ADCRANGE_2048); //7.81pA per LSB
  else if(adcRange < 8192) setADCRange(MAX30105_ADCRANGE_4096); //15.63pA per LSB
  else if(adcRange < 16384) setADCRange(MAX30105_ADCRANGE_8192); //31.25pA per LSB
  else if(adcRange == 16384) setADCRange(MAX30105_ADCRANGE_16384); //62.5pA per LSB
  else setADCRange(MAX30105_ADCRANGE_2048);

  if (sampleRate < 100) setSampleRate(MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_50); //Take 50 samples per second
  else if (sampleRate < 200) setSampleRate(MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_100);
  else if (sampleRate < 400) setSampleRate(MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_200);
  else if (sampleRate < 800) setSampleRate(MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_400);
  else if (sampleRate < 1000) setSampleRate(MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_800);
  else if (sampleRate < 1600) setSampleRate(MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_1000);
  else if (sampleRate < 3200) setSampleRate(MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_1600);
  else if (sampleRate == 3200) setSampleRate(MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_3200);
  else setSampleRate(MAX30105_SAMPLERATE_50);

  //The longer the pulse width the longer range of detection you'll have
  //At 69us and 0.4mA it's about 2 inches
  //At 411us and 0.4mA it's about 6 inches
  if (pulseWidth < 118) setPulseWidth(MAX30105_PULSEWIDTH_69); //Page 26, Gets us 15 bit resolution
  else if (pulseWidth < 215) setPulseWidth(MAX30105_PULSEWIDTH_118); //16 bit resolution
  else if (pulseWidth < 411) setPulseWidth(MAX30105_PULSEWIDTH_215); //17 bit resolution
  else if (pulseWidth == 411) setPulseWidth(MAX30105_PULSEWIDTH_411); //18 bit resolution
  else setPulseWidth(MAX30105_PULSEWIDTH_69);

  //LED Pulse Amplitude Configuration
  //Default is 0x1F which gets us 6.4mA
  //powerLevel = 0x02, 0.4mA - Presence detection of ~4 inch
  //powerLevel = 0x1F, 6.4mA - Presence detection of ~8 inch
  //powerLevel = 0x7F, 25.4mA - Presence detection of ~8 inch
  //powerLevel = 0xFF, 50.0mA - Presence detection of ~12 inch


  //Multi-LED Mode Configuration, Enable the reading of the three LEDs
  enableSlot(1, SLOT_RED_LED);
  if (ledMode > 1) enableSlot(2, SLOT_IR_LED);
  if (ledMode > 2) enableSlot(3, SLOT_GREEN_LED);
  //enableSlot(1, SLOT_RED_PILOT);
  //enableSlot(2, SLOT_IR_PILOT);
  //enableSlot(3, SLOT_GREEN_PILOT);

  clearFIFO(); //Reset the FIFO before we begin checking the sensor

// Data Collection

//Tell caller how many samples are available
uint8_t MAX30105::available(void)
  int8_t numberOfSamples = sense.head - sense.tail;
  if (numberOfSamples < 0) numberOfSamples += STORAGE_SIZE;

  return (numberOfSamples);


//Report the most recent red value
uint32_t MAX30105::getRed(void)
  //Check the sensor for new data for 250ms
    return ([sense.head]);
    return(0); //Sensor failed to find new data


//Report the most recent IR value
uint32_t MAX30105::getIR(void)
  //Check the sensor for new data for 250ms
    return (sense.IR[sense.head]);
    return(0); //Sensor failed to find new data


//Report the most recent Green value
uint32_t MAX30105::getGreen(void)
  //Check the sensor for new data for 250ms
    return ([sense.head]);
    return(0); //Sensor failed to find new data


//Report the next Red value in the FIFO
uint32_t MAX30105::getFIFORed(void)
  return ([sense.tail]);


//Report the next IR value in the FIFO
uint32_t MAX30105::getFIFOIR(void)
  return (sense.IR[sense.tail]);


//Report the next Green value in the FIFO
uint32_t MAX30105::getFIFOGreen(void)
  return ([sense.tail]);


//Advance the tail
void MAX30105::nextSample(void)
  if(available()) //Only advance the tail if new data is available
    sense.tail %= STORAGE_SIZE; //Wrap condition


//Polls the sensor for new data
//Call regularly
//If new data is available, it updates the head and tail in the main struct
//Returns number of new samples obtained

uint16_t MAX30105::check(void)
  //Read register FIDO_DATA in (3-uint8_t * number of active LED) chunks

  uint8_t readPointer = getReadPointer();
  uint8_t writePointer = getWritePointer();

  int numberOfSamples = 0;

  //Do we have new data?
  if (readPointer != writePointer)
    //Calculate the number of readings we need to get from sensor
    numberOfSamples = writePointer - readPointer;
    if (numberOfSamples < 0) numberOfSamples += 32; //Wrap condition

    //We now have the number of readings, now calc uint8_ts to read
    //For this example we are just doing Red and IR (3 uint8_ts each)
    int uint8_tsLeftToRead = numberOfSamples * activeLEDs * 3;

    //Get ready to read a burst of data from the FIFO register
    //buraya bak

    //We may need to read as many as 288 uint8_ts so we read in blocks no larger than I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH
    //I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH changes based on the platform. 64 uint8_ts for SAMD21, 32 uint8_ts for Uno.
    //Wire.requestFrom() is limited to BUFFER_LENGTH which is 32 on the Uno
    while (uint8_tsLeftToRead > 0)
      int toGet = uint8_tsLeftToRead;
      if (toGet > I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH)
        //If toGet is 32 this is bad because we read 6 uint8_ts (Red+IR * 3 = 6) at a time
        //32 % 6 = 2 left over. We don't want to request 32 uint8_ts, we want to request 30.
        //32 % 9 (Red+IR+GREEN) = 5 left over. We want to request 27.

        toGet = I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH - (I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH % (activeLEDs * 3)); //Trim toGet to be a multiple of the samples we need to read

      uint8_tsLeftToRead -= toGet;

      //Request toGet number of uint8_ts from sensor
      //buraya bak
      _i2c.requestFrom(MAX30105_ADDRESS, toGet);
      while (toGet > 0)
        sense.head++; //Advance the head of the storage struct
        sense.head %= STORAGE_SIZE; //Wrap condition

        uint8_t temp[sizeof(uint32_t)]; //Array of 4 uint8_ts that we will convert into long
        uint32_t tempLong;

        //Burst read three uint8_ts - RED
        //buraya bak
        temp[3] = 0;
        temp[2] = _i2cPort->read();
        temp[1] = _i2cPort->read();
        temp[0] = _i2cPort->read();

        //Convert array to long
        memcpy(&tempLong, temp, sizeof(tempLong));
        tempLong &= 0x3FFFF; //Zero out all but 18 bits[sense.head] = tempLong; //Store this reading into the sense array

        if (activeLEDs > 1)
          //Burst read three more uint8_ts - IR
          temp[3] = 0;
          temp[2] = _i2cPort->read();
          temp[1] = _i2cPort->read();
          temp[0] = _i2cPort->read();
          //Convert array to long
          memcpy(&tempLong, temp, sizeof(tempLong));

          tempLong &= 0x3FFFF; //Zero out all but 18 bits
          sense.IR[sense.head] = tempLong;

        if (activeLEDs > 2)
          //Burst read three more uint8_ts - Green
          temp[3] = 0;
          temp[2] = _i2cPort->read();
          temp[1] = _i2cPort->read();
          temp[0] = _i2cPort->read();
          //Convert array to long
          memcpy(&tempLong, temp, sizeof(tempLong));

          tempLong &= 0x3FFFF; //Zero out all but 18 bits

[sense.head] = tempLong;

        toGet -= activeLEDs * 3;

    } //End while (uint8_tsLeftToRead > 0)

  } //End readPtr != writePtr

  return (numberOfSamples);  //Let the world know how much new data we found


//Check for new data but give up after a certain amount of time
//Returns true if new data was found
//Returns false if new data was not found

//Given a register, read it, mask it, and then set the thing
void MAX30105::bitMask(uint8_t reg, uint8_t mask, uint8_t thing)
  // Grab current register context
  uint8_t originalContents = readRegister8(_i2caddr, reg);

  // Zero-out the portions of the register we're interested in
  originalContents = originalContents & mask;

  // Change contents
  writeRegister8(_i2caddr, reg, originalContents | thing);