This is a slight mod of the source code uploaded by Sam Thys - Please check out the original project, this fork is only a hack of some working code to fix a few playability issues. See for a listing

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd LM75B MMA7660 mbed

Fork of Snake by Sam Thys

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00001 // original sources Sam Thys -
00002 // modified by: zaphodikus Jul 2018
00003 // uses thermometer and accelerometer on the LPC7760 to generate random
00004 // fruit positions
00005 #include "mbed.h"
00006 #include "C12832_lcd.h"
00007 #include "LM75B.h"
00008 #include "MMA7660.h"
00010 MMA7660 MMA(p28,p27); // accelerometer
00011 C12832_LCD lcd;
00012 Ticker gameticker;
00013 LM75B tmp(p28,p27); // I2C Temperature Sensor
00015 //-- Variable --
00016 enum direction { up, down, left, right, null};
00017 enum gamemode { start,stop,run,pause};
00018 direction currentdirection;
00019 direction lastdirection;
00020 gamemode game;
00021 // -- Classes --
00022 struct point
00023 {
00024      int x;
00025      int y;
00026     };
00027 //---------------------
00028 struct point snakeHead;
00029 struct point fruit;
00030 int countFruit=0;
00031 float board_temp;
00033 point* snakeBody=new point[countFruit+5];
00034 // -- I/O setting --
00035 InterruptIn upHandler(p12);
00036 InterruptIn downHandler(p15);
00037 InterruptIn leftHandler(p13);
00038 InterruptIn rightHandler(p16);
00039 InterruptIn centerHandler(p14);
00041 // -- Functions --
00043 void placeFruit()
00044 {
00045     board_temp = tmp;
00047     int data[3];
00048     MMA.readData((int*)&data);
00049     srand(data[0]*192 + data[1]*192 + data[2]*192 + board_temp*2048);
00050     fruit.x = rand() % 126 +1;  
00051     fruit.y = rand() % 30 +1; 
00052 }
00054 void direction_up()
00055 {
00056     if ( currentdirection!=down)
00057         currentdirection=up;
00058 }
00059 void direction_down()
00060 {
00061     if ( currentdirection!=up)
00062         currentdirection=down;
00063 }
00064 void direction_left()
00065 {
00066     if ( currentdirection!=right)
00067         currentdirection=left;
00068 }
00069 void direction_right()
00070 {
00071     if ( currentdirection!=left)
00072         currentdirection=right;
00073 }
00075 void center_button()
00076 {
00077     if (game==pause)
00078     {
00079         currentdirection=lastdirection;
00080         game=run;
00081     }
00082     else if (game==run)
00083     {
00084         lastdirection=currentdirection;
00085         currentdirection=null;
00086         game=pause;
00087     }
00088     else if (game==stop)
00089     {
00090         for (int i=0;i<=4;i++)
00091         {
00092             snakeBody[i].x=(snakeHead.x)-(i+1);
00093             snakeBody[i].y=15;
00094         }
00095         currentdirection=null;
00096         game=run;
00097     }
00098 }
00100 void tickHandler() 
00101 {
00103     if (game==run)
00104     {
00105        if (currentdirection!=null)
00106         {
00107             for (int j=(countFruit+4);j>=1;j--)
00108             {
00109                 snakeBody[j]=snakeBody[j-1];
00110             }
00111             snakeBody[0]=snakeHead;
00112         }
00114         switch (currentdirection)
00115         {
00116             case up:
00117                 snakeHead.y+=1;
00118                 break;
00119             case down:
00120                 snakeHead.y-=1;
00121                 break;
00122             case left:
00123                 snakeHead.x-=1;
00124                 break;
00125             case right:
00126                 snakeHead.x+=1;
00127                 break;
00129          }        
00131          if ((snakeHead.y == 0 ||snakeHead.y == 31 ||snakeHead.x == 127 ||snakeHead.x == 0) )
00132          {
00133              lcd.cls();
00134             lcd.locate(25,5);
00135             lcd.printf("Game Over!!");
00136             lcd.locate(25,15);
00137             lcd.printf("Score > %d",countFruit);
00138             currentdirection=null;
00139             snakeHead.x=15;
00140             snakeHead.y=15;
00141             game=stop;
00142             countFruit=0;
00143          }
00144          else if ((snakeHead.y == fruit.y )&& (snakeHead.x == fruit.x)  )
00145          {
00146             countFruit +=1;
00147             placeFruit();
00148          }
00149          else
00150          {
00151              lcd.cls();
00152             lcd.pixel(snakeHead.x,snakeHead.y,1);
00153             lcd.copy_to_lcd();
00154             for(int k=0;k<=(countFruit +4);k++)
00155             {
00156                 lcd.pixel(snakeBody[k].x,snakeBody[k].y,1);
00157             }
00158             lcd.pixel(fruit.x-1,fruit.y-1, 1);
00159             lcd.pixel(fruit.x-1,fruit.y, 1);
00160             lcd.pixel(fruit.x-1,fruit.y+1, 1);
00161             lcd.pixel(fruit.x,fruit.y-1, 1);
00162             lcd.pixel(fruit.x,fruit.y, 1);
00163             lcd.pixel(fruit.x,fruit.y+1, 1);
00164             lcd.pixel(fruit.x+1,fruit.y-1, 1);
00165             lcd.pixel(fruit.x+1,fruit.y, 1);
00166             lcd.pixel(fruit.x+1,fruit.y+1, 1);
00167             lcd.rect(0,0, 127, 31, 1);
00168             lcd.copy_to_lcd();
00169          }
00171         for (int a=0;a<=(countFruit +4);a++)
00172         {
00173             if ( snakeBody[a].x==snakeHead.x && snakeBody[a].y==snakeHead.y)
00174                {
00175                     lcd.cls();
00176                     lcd.locate(25,5);
00177                     lcd.printf("Game Over!!");
00178                     lcd.locate(25,15);
00179                     lcd.printf("U score is %d",countFruit
00180             );
00181                     currentdirection=null;
00182                     snakeHead.x=15;
00183                     snakeHead.y=15;
00184                     game=stop;
00185                     countFruit
00186                 =0;
00188                 }
00189         }
00190     }
00191     else if (game==pause)
00192     {
00193         lcd.cls();
00194         lcd.locate(30,15);
00195         lcd.printf("pause");
00196     }
00197 }
00200 //--------------------------------
00201 int main()
00202 {
00203     game=run;
00204     lcd.rect(0, 0, 127, 31, 1);
00205     lcd.copy_to_lcd();
00206     currentdirection=null;
00207     snakeHead.x=15;
00208     snakeHead.y=15;
00209     for (int i=0;i<=4;i++)
00210     {
00211         snakeBody[i].x=(snakeHead.x)-(i+1);
00212         snakeBody[i].y=15;
00213     }
00214     placeFruit();
00215     gameticker.attach(&tickHandler, 0.1);
00216     // set interrupt handlers
00217     upHandler.rise(&direction_up);
00218     downHandler.rise(&direction_down);
00219     leftHandler.rise(&direction_left);
00220     rightHandler.rise(&direction_right);
00221     centerHandler.rise(&center_button);
00223     while (1)
00224     {
00226     }
00227 }