uart mirroring with everything stripped down.

Fork of MoxDes-mbed-os-BLE-USB-passthru by Thomas Moxon

Sat Apr 29 01:32:11 2017 +0000
mbed OS V5 working version

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
moxondesign 2:3e203cc2a88f 1 # Moxon Design mbed OS V5 BLE UartService to USBUART passthru
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 2
moxondesign 2:3e203cc2a88f 3 This guide reviews the steps required to get BLU UART working on an mbed OS platform.
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 4
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 5 Please install [mbed CLI](
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 6
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 7 ## Import the example application
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 8
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 9 From the command-line, import the example:
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 10
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 11 ```
moxondesign 2:3e203cc2a88f 12 mbed import MoxDes-mbed-os-BLE-USB-passthru
moxondesign 2:3e203cc2a88f 13 cd MoxDes-mbed-os-BLE-USB-passthru
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 14 ```
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 15
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 16 ### Now compile
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 17
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 18 Invoke `mbed compile`, and specify the name of your platform and your favorite toolchain (`GCC_ARM`, `ARM`, `IAR`). For example, for the ARM Compiler 5:
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 19
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 20 ```
moxondesign 2:3e203cc2a88f 21 mbed compile -m nRF42-DK -t ARM
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 22 ```
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 23
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 24
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 25 ### Program your board
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 26
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 27 1. Connect your mbed device to the computer over USB.
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 28 1. Copy the binary file to the mbed device.
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 29 1. Press the reset button to start the program.
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 30
moxondesign 2:3e203cc2a88f 31 The BLE device should advertise as "BLART" (BLe-uART)
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 32
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 33 ## Export the project to Keil MDK, and debug your application
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 34
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 35 From the command-line, run the following command:
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 36
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 37 ```
moxondesign 2:3e203cc2a88f 38 mbed export -m nRF42-DK -i uvision
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 39 ```
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 40
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 41 To debug the application:
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 42
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 43 1. Start uVision.
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 44 1. Import the uVision project generated earlier.
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 45 1. Compile your application, and generate an `.axf` file.
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 46 1. Make sure uVision is configured to debug over CMSIS-DAP (From the Project menu > Options for Target '...' > Debug tab > Use CMSIS-DAP Debugger).
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 47 1. Set breakpoints, and start a debug session.
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 48
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 49 ![Image of uVision](img/uvision.png)
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 50
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 51 ## Troubleshooting
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 52
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 53 1. Make sure `mbed-cli` is working correctly and its version is `>1.0.0`
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 54
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 55 ```
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 56 mbed --version
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 57 ```
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 58
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 59 If not, you can update it:
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 60
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 61 ```
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 62 pip install mbed-cli --upgrade
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 63 ```
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 64
moxondesign 0:2d1d68397ff7 65 2. If using Keil MDK, make sure you have a license installed. [MDK-Lite]( has a 32 KB restriction on code size.