The MGC3130 is the world’s first electrical-field (E-field) based three-dimensional (3D) tracking and gesture controller

Dependencies:   BufferedArray

Dependents:   NucleoMGC3130 i2c_master

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RuntimeParameter/OutputEnable.h	Wed Oct 07 20:43:39 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#ifndef UK_AC_HERTS_SMARTLAB_MGC3130_OutputEnable
+#define UK_AC_HERTS_SMARTLAB_MGC3130_OutputEnable
+#include "Parameter.h"
+The Argument0 defines which Data need to be enabled or disabled.
+The Argument1 defines the mask for the Data which need to be configured.
+Bits 0...12: Payload elements: If set to ‘1’, payload elements will be part of the message
+Bit 0: DSP Status
+Bit 1: Gesture Data
+Bit 2: TouchInfo
+Bit 3: AirWheelInfo
+Bit 4: xyzPosition
+Bit 5: Noise Power
+Bit 6...10: These bits are reserved and must be set to ‘0’
+Bit 11: CICData (Uncalibrated Signal)
+Bit 12: SDData (Signal Deviation)
+Bits 13...15: These bits are reserved and must be set to ‘0’
+Bits 16...17: SystemInfo status bits: If set to ‘1’, the reporting of a state change in the payload element SystemInfo is enabled
+Bit 16: EnvironmentalNoise indication
+Bit 17: Clipping indication
+Bit 18: DSP running
+Bits 19: AirWheelCounterDecimation: If set to ‘1’, the AirWheel counter is decimated by the factor of 4
+Bit 20: TimeStampOverflow: This applies when AirWheel or Touch Detection is ongoing. If activated, a message will be sent when the counter in the payload element TimeStamp is overflowing (TimeStamp=0)
+Bits 21...26: These bits are reserved
+Bits 27...31: GesturesInfo status bits: If set to ‘1’, the reporting of a state change in the payload element GestureInfo is enabled.
+Bit 27: HandPresence flag
+Bit 28: HandHold flag
+Bit 29: HandInside flag
+Bit 30: This bit is reserved
+Bit 31: GestureInProgress flag
+class OutputEnable: public Parameter
+    OutputEnable();
+    OutputEnable * enableDSPStatus(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enableGestureData(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enableTouchInfo(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enableAirWheelInfo(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enablexyzPosition(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enableNoisePower(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enableUncalibratedSignal(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enableSignalDeviation(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enableEnvironmentalNoise(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enableClipping(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enableDSP(bool enable);
+    //If set, the AirWheel counter is decimated by the factor of 4
+    OutputEnable * enableAirWheelCounterDecimation(bool enable);
+    //This applies when AirWheel or Touch Detection is ongoing. If activated, a message will be sent when the counter in the payload element TimeStamp is overflowing (TimeStamp=0)
+    OutputEnable * enableTimeStampOverflow(bool enable);
+    //GesturesInfo status bits: If set to ‘1’, the reporting of a state change in the payload element GestureInfo is enabled.
+    OutputEnable * enableHandPresence(bool enable);
+    //GesturesInfo status bits: If set to ‘1’, the reporting of a state change in the payload element GestureInfo is enabled.
+    OutputEnable * enableHandHold(bool enable);
+    //GesturesInfo status bits: If set to ‘1’, the reporting of a state change in the payload element GestureInfo is enabled.
+    OutputEnable * enableHandInside(bool enable);
+    OutputEnable * enableGestureInProgress(bool enable);
\ No newline at end of file