
Dependencies:   DisplayApp mbed-os-lychee

diff -r 000000000000 -r 78f7f7683a42 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 30 06:52:18 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EasyAttach_CameraAndLCD.h"
+#include "JPEG_Converter.h"
+#include "dcache-control.h"
+#include "DisplayApp.h"
+/**** User Selection *********/
+/** JPEG out setting **/
+#define JPEG_ENCODE_QUALITY    (75)    /* JPEG encode quality (min:1, max:75 (Considering the size of JpegBuffer, about 75 is the upper limit.)) */
+#define VFIELD_INT_SKIP_CNT    (0)     /* A guide for GR-LYCHEE.  0:60fps, 1:30fps, 2:20fps, 3:15fps, 4:12fps, 5:10fps */
+/*! Frame buffer stride: Frame buffer stride should be set to a multiple of 32 or 128
+    in accordance with the frame buffer burst transfer mode. */
+#define VIDEO_PIXEL_HW         (640u)  /* VGA */
+#define VIDEO_PIXEL_VW         (480u)  /* VGA */
+#define FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE    (((VIDEO_PIXEL_HW * 2) + 31u) & ~31u)
+DisplayBase Display;
+#if defined(__ICCARM__)
+#pragma data_alignment=32
+static uint8_t user_frame_buffer0[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * FRAME_BUFFER_HEIGHT]@ ".mirrorram";
+#pragma data_alignment=32
+static uint8_t JpegBuffer[2][1024 * 64];
+static uint8_t user_frame_buffer0[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * FRAME_BUFFER_HEIGHT]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(32)));
+static uint8_t JpegBuffer[2][1024 * 64]__attribute((aligned(32)));
+static size_t jcu_encode_size[2];
+static JPEG_Converter Jcu;
+static int jcu_buf_index_write = 0;
+static int jcu_buf_index_write_done = 0;
+static int jcu_buf_index_read = 0;
+static volatile int jcu_encoding = 0;
+static volatile int image_change = 0;
+static DisplayApp  display_app;
+static int Vfield_Int_Cnt = 0;
+static void JcuEncodeCallBackFunc(JPEG_Converter::jpeg_conv_error_t err_code) {
+    if (err_code == JPEG_Converter::JPEG_CONV_OK) {
+        jcu_buf_index_write_done = jcu_buf_index_write;
+        image_change = 1;
+    }
+    jcu_encoding = 0;
+static void snapshot(void) {
+    while ((jcu_encoding == 1) || (image_change == 0)) {
+        Thread::wait(1);
+    }
+    jcu_buf_index_read = jcu_buf_index_write_done;
+    image_change = 0;
+    display_app.SendJpeg(JpegBuffer[jcu_buf_index_read], (int)jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_read]);
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vfield(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type) {
+    if (Vfield_Int_Cnt < VFIELD_INT_SKIP_CNT) {
+        Vfield_Int_Cnt++;
+        return;
+    }
+    Vfield_Int_Cnt = 0;
+    //Interrupt callback function
+    if (jcu_encoding == 0) {
+        JPEG_Converter::bitmap_buff_info_t bitmap_buff_info;
+        JPEG_Converter::encode_options_t   encode_options;
+        bitmap_buff_info.width              = VIDEO_PIXEL_HW;
+        bitmap_buff_info.height             = VIDEO_PIXEL_VW;
+        bitmap_buff_info.format             = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_YCbCr422;
+        bitmap_buff_info.buffer_address     = (void *)user_frame_buffer0;
+        encode_options.encode_buff_size     = sizeof(JpegBuffer[0]);
+        encode_options.p_EncodeCallBackFunc = &JcuEncodeCallBackFunc;
+        encode_options.input_swapsetting    = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16_8BIT;
+        jcu_encoding = 1;
+        if (jcu_buf_index_read == jcu_buf_index_write) {
+            jcu_buf_index_write ^= 1;  // toggle
+        }
+        jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_write] = 0;
+        dcache_invalid(JpegBuffer[jcu_buf_index_write], sizeof(JpegBuffer[0]));
+        if (Jcu.encode(&bitmap_buff_info, JpegBuffer[jcu_buf_index_write],
+            &jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_write], &encode_options) != JPEG_Converter::JPEG_CONV_OK) {
+            jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_write] = 0;
+            jcu_encoding = 0;
+        }
+    }
+static void Start_Video_Camera(void) {
+    // Initialize the background to black
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(user_frame_buffer0); i += 2) {
+        user_frame_buffer0[i + 0] = 0x10;
+        user_frame_buffer0[i + 1] = 0x80;
+    }
+    // Interrupt callback function setting (Field end signal for recording function in scaler 0)
+    Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_VFIELD, 0, IntCallbackFunc_Vfield);
+    // Video capture setting (progressive form fixed)
+    Display.Video_Write_Setting(
+        DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_0,
+        DisplayBase::COL_SYS_NTSC_358,
+        (void *)user_frame_buffer0,
+        DisplayBase::VIDEO_FORMAT_YCBCR422,
+        DisplayBase::WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16BIT,
+        VIDEO_PIXEL_VW,
+    );
+    EasyAttach_CameraStart(Display, DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_0);
+int main(void) {
+    Jcu.SetQuality(JPEG_ENCODE_QUALITY);
+    EasyAttach_Init(Display);
+    Start_Video_Camera();
+    while (1) {
+        snapshot();
+    }