OSC meeseage receiver for Sparkfun CC3000 WiFi Shield. Supports the following boards: FRDM-KL25Z,ST Nucleo F401RE,ST Nucleo F030R8,LPCXpresso1549,Seeduino-Arch-Pro.

Dependencies:   cc3000_hostdriver_mbedsocket mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 1c9ac526d377 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Aug 31 04:28:50 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+    CC3000 OSC message receiver
+    Sparkfun CC3000 WiFi Shield meets mbed!
+    This program supports the following mbed boards with Sparkfun CC3000 Sheild.
+    '#define' switches board.(refer to source code)
+    (1)FRDM-KL25Z (KL25Z)
+    (2)ST Nucleo F401RE (STM32F401)
+    (3)ST Nucleo F030R8 (STM32F030)
+    (4)LPCXpresso1549 (LPC1549)
+    (5)Seeduino-Arch-Pro (ARCH_PRO)
+ Please push RESET button on CC3000 WiFi Shield to start the program.
+  reference:  
+    https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12071 for CC300 Shield
+    http://opensoundcontrol.org/introduction-osc for OSC(Open Sound Control)
+  date: 2014/8/31
+  written by: xshige
+console out sample:
+C3000 OSC receiver demo.
+IP address:
+Wait for packet...
+incomming OSC msg:
+/1 ,
+Received packet from:
+Wait for packet...
+incomming OSC msg:
+/1/fader3 ,f 0.565401
+Received packet from:
+Wait for packet...
+incomming OSC msg:
+/1/fader3 ,f 0.565401
+Received packet from:
+Wait for packet...
+incomming OSC msg:
+/4 ,
+Received packet from:
+Wait for packet...
+incomming OSC msg:
+/3 ,
+Received packet from:
+Wait for packet...
+incomming OSC msg:
+/3/xy ,ff 0.604869 0.505618
+Received packet from:
+Wait for packet...
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "cc3000.h"
+// define board you like (KL25Z, LPC1549, STM32F401, STM32F030 ...)
+//#define KL25Z
+#define STM32F401
+//#define STM32F030
+//#define LPC1549
+//#define ARCH_PRO
+// define SSID, PASSWORD you like
+#define SSID "ssid"
+#define PASSWORD "password"
+#include "UDPSocket.h"
+using namespace mbed_cc3000;
+/* cc3000 module declaration specific for user's board. */
+#if defined(KL25Z)
+// for KL25Z
+cc3000 wifi(PTD4, PTC9, PTD0, SPI(PTD2, PTD3, PTD1), SSID, PASSWORD, WPA2, false);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+#if defined(STM32F401)
+// for Nucleo STM32F401
+cc3000 wifi(PA_10, PA_8, PB_6, SPI(PA_7, PA_6, PA_5), SSID, PASSWORD, WPA2, false);
+// for Nucleo STM32F401
+#if defined(STM32F030)
+// for Nucleo STM32F030
+cc3000 wifi(PA_10, PA_8, PB_6, SPI(PA_7, PA_6, PA_5), SSID, PASSWORD, WPA2, false);
+// for Nucleo STM32F030
+#if defined(LPC1549)
+// for LPC1549
+cc3000 wifi(P0_29, P0_0, P0_27, SPI(P0_28, P0_12, P0_16), SSID, PASSWORD, WPA2, false);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+#if defined(ARCH_PRO)
+// for Seeed Studio Arch Pro
+cc3000 wifi(P0_4, P2_5, P0_6, SPI(P0_9, P0_8, P0_7), SSID, PASSWORD, WPA2, false);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+// OSC related
+#include "OSCmsgCodec.h"
+#define INCOMMING_PORT 8000
+#define PACKET_SIZE 512
+#define RECBUF_SIZE 256
+#define PERIOD_BUZZER 10
+union OSCarg msg[10];
+char recbuf[RECBUF_SIZE],buff[PACKET_SIZE],packet[PACKET_SIZE];
+int main() {
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    printf("\n\nCC3000 OSC receiver demo. \n");
+    wifi.init();
+    if (wifi.connect() == -1) {
+        printf("Failed to connect. Please verify connection details and try again. \n");
+    } else {
+        printf("IP address: %s \n", wifi.getIPAddress());
+    }
+    UDPSocket sock;
+    sock.bind(INCOMMING_PORT);
+    Endpoint receiver;
+    while (true) {
+        printf("\nWait for packet...\n");
+        int n = sock.receiveFrom(receiver, recbuf, sizeof(recbuf));
+        if (n > 0) {
+            decOSCmsg(recbuf, msg);
+            pc.printf("incomming OSC msg:\n%s %s", msg[0].address, msg[1].typeTag);
+            for(int m=0; m < (strlen(msg[1].typeTag)-1); m++) {
+                if (msg[1].typeTag[m+1]=='f') pc.printf(" %f",msg[m+2].f);
+                if (msg[1].typeTag[m+1]=='i') pc.printf(" %d",msg[m+2].i);                
+            }
+            pc.printf("\n");
+            printf("Received packet from: %s \n", receiver.get_address());
+            printf("-------------------\n");
+        };
+    } // while