Xively C library

Dependents:   Application-xively-jumpstart-demo Application-xively-jumpstart-demo Modified_Xively_Jumpstart HW7-1_Xively_Thermostat

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for mbed-libxively-6eca970


comm_layer_t _The communication layer interface_ - contains function pointers, that's what we expose to the layers above and below
connection_t _The connection structure_ - holds data needed for further processing and error handling
data_layer_t _The data layer interface_ - contains function pointers, that's what we expose to the layers above and below
transport_layer_t _The transport layer interface_ - contains function pointers, that's what we expose to the layers above and below
xi_context_t _The context structure_ - it's the first agument for all functions that communicate with Xively API (_i.e
xi_datapoint_t _Xively datapoint structure_ - it contains value and timestamp
xi_datapoint_value_t The datapoint value union
xi_feed_t _Xively feed structure_ - it contains a fixed array of datastream
xi_globals_t Global run-time settings structure
xi_response_t _The response structure_ - it's the return type for all functions that communicate with Xively API (_i.e
xi_timestamp_t The datapoint timestamp


comm_layer.h [code] Defines _communication layer_ abstraction interface
connection.h [code] Defines `connection_t`, which is used by the _communication layer_
csv_data.c [code] Implements CSV _data layer_ encoders and decoders specific to Xively CSV data format [see csv_data.h ]
csv_data.h [code] Implements CSV _data layer_ encoders and decoders specific to Xively CSV data format
csv_data_layer.c [code] Implements CSV _data layer_ abstration interface [see csv_data_layer.h and data_layer.h ]
csv_data_layer.h [code] Implements CSV _data layer_ abstration interface
data_layer.h [code] Defines _data layer_ abstraction interface
http_consts.h [code] Constants used by our HTTP parser
http_layer_parser.c [code] Our simple HTTP parser [see http_layer_parser.h ]
http_layer_parser.h [code] Our simple HTTP parser
http_layer_queries.c [code] Helpers for making HTTP requests (specific to Xively REST/HTTP API)
http_layer_queries.h [code] Helpers for making HTTP requests (specific to Xively REST/HTTP API) [see http_layer_queries.h ]
http_transport.c [code] Implements HTTP _transport layer_ abstraction interface [see http_transport.h and transport_layer.h ]
http_transport.h [code] Implements HTTP _transport layer_ abstraction interface
http_transport_layer.c [code] Implements HTTP _transport layer_ encoders and decoders specific to Xively REST/HTTP API [see http_transport_layer.h ]
http_transport_layer.h [code] Implements HTTP _transport layer_ encoders and decoders specific to Xively REST/HTTP API
mbed_comm.cpp [code] Implements mbed _communication layer_ abstraction interface using [TCPSocketConnection]( http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/Socket/docs/tip/classTCPSocketConnection.html ) [see comm_layer.h ]
mbed_comm.h [code] Implements mbed _communication layer_ functions [see comm_layer.h and mbed_comm.cpp ]
mbed_comm_layer.c [code] Implements mbed _communication layer_ abstraction interface [see comm_layer.h ]
mbed_comm_layer_data_specific.h [code] Declares layer-specific data structure
transport_layer.h [code] Defines _transport layer_ abstraction interface
xi_allocator.c [code] Our custom `alloc()` and `free()` [see xi_allocator.h ]
xi_allocator.h [code] Our custom `alloc()` and `free()`
xi_consts.h [code] Constants that user may wish to override based on their needs
xi_debug.h [code] Macros to use for debugging (relies on `xi_printf()`)
xi_err.c [code] Error handling (POSIX-like) [see xi_err.h ]
xi_err.h [code] Error handling (POSIX-like)
xi_globals.c [code] Global run-time settings used by the library [see xi_globals.h ]
xi_globals.h [code] Global run-time settings used by the library
xi_helpers.c [code] General helpers used by the library [see xi_helpers.h ]
xi_helpers.h [code] General helpers used by the library
xi_macros.h [code] General macros used by the library
xi_printf.c [code] Our custom `printf()` hook [see xi_printf.h ]
xi_printf.h [code] Our custom `printf()` hook
xively.c [code] Xively C library [see xively.h ]
xively.h [code] Xively C library