
Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of FINAL_PROJECT_4180 by Gedeon Nyengele

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "lib.h"
00003 #include <cstring>
00005 #define CMD_ENROLL  0x01
00006 #define CMD_AUTH    0x02
00007 #define FACE_FID    0x01
00008 #define SPEECH_FID  0x02
00009 #define VOICE_FID   0x03
00010 #define SUCCESS     0x55
00011 #define FAILURE     0x8A
00013 int hashcode(const char *data, int size)
00014 {
00015     int hash = 17;
00016     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
00017         hash += 31*hash + data[i];
00018     }
00019     return hash;
00020 }
00021 void read_mag_card(Serial *device, char *dest, int *size)
00022 {
00023     int pos = 0;
00024     bool done = false;
00025     int markercount = 0;
00026     while (!done) {
00027         while (!device->readable());
00028         dest[pos] = device->getc();
00029         if (dest[pos] == '?') markercount++;
00030         if (markercount >= 2) done  = true;
00031         pos++;
00032     }
00033     *size = pos - 1;
00034 }
00036 bool fp_enroll(FPScanner *fp)
00037 {
00038     bool status = true;
00039     fp->SetLED(true);
00040     while(!fp->IsPressFinger()) wait(0.030);
00041     fp->CaptureFinger(true);
00042     if (fp->Identify1_N() == 200) {
00043         int id = fp->GetEnrollCount();
00044         if (fp->EnrollStart(id) == 0) {
00045             fp->CaptureFinger(true);
00046             fp->Enroll1();
00047             fp->CaptureFinger(true);
00048             fp->Enroll2();
00049             fp->CaptureFinger(true);
00050             fp->Enroll3();
00051             fp->SetLED(false);
00052         } else status = false;
00053     } else status = false;
00055     return status;
00056 }
00058 bool fp_auth(FPScanner *fp)
00059 {
00060     bool status = false;
00061     fp->SetLED(true);
00062     while(!fp->IsPressFinger()) wait(0.030);
00063     fp->CaptureFinger(true);
00064     if (fp->Identify1_N() != 200) status = true;
00065     fp->SetLED(false);
00066     return status;
00067 }
00069 bool face_enroll(char *user_id, Serial *android)
00070 {
00071     char CMD[] = {
00072         0x0A,
00073         CMD_ENROLL,
00074         0x02,
00075         0x04,
00076         0x01,
00077         user_id[0],
00078         user_id[1],
00079         user_id[2],
00080         user_id[3],
00081         FACE_FID,
00082         '\0'
00083     };
00085     for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CMD)/ sizeof(char); i++) {
00086         while(!android->writeable());
00087         android->putc(CMD[i]);
00088     }
00090     while (!android->readable());
00091     char temp = android->getc();
00092     if (temp == SUCCESS) return true;
00093     else return false;
00094 }
00096 bool face_auth(char *user_id, Serial *android)
00097 {
00098     char CMD[] = {
00099         0x0A,
00100         CMD_AUTH,
00101         0x02,
00102         0x04,
00103         0x01,
00104         user_id[0],
00105         user_id[1],
00106         user_id[2],
00107         user_id[3],
00108         FACE_FID,
00109         '\0'
00110     };
00112     for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CMD)/ sizeof(char); i++) {
00113         while(!android->writeable());
00114         android->putc(CMD[i]);
00115     }
00117     while (!android->readable());
00118     char temp = android->getc();
00119     if (temp == SUCCESS) return true;
00120     else return false;
00121 }
00123 bool speech_enroll(char *user_id, Serial *android)
00124 {
00125     char CMD[] = {
00126         0x0A,
00127         CMD_ENROLL,
00128         0x02,
00129         0x04,
00130         0x01,
00131         user_id[0],
00132         user_id[1],
00133         user_id[2],
00134         user_id[3],
00135         SPEECH_FID,
00136         '\0'
00137     };
00139     for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CMD)/ sizeof(char); i++) {
00140         while(!android->writeable());
00141         android->putc(CMD[i]);
00142     }
00144     while (!android->readable());
00145     char temp = android->getc();
00146     if (temp == SUCCESS) return true;
00147     else return false;
00148 }
00150 bool speech_auth(char *user_id, Serial *android)
00151 {
00152     char CMD[] = {
00153         0x0A,
00154         CMD_AUTH,
00155         0x02,
00156         0x04,
00157         0x01,
00158         user_id[0],
00159         user_id[1],
00160         user_id[2],
00161         user_id[3],
00162         SPEECH_FID,
00163         '\0'
00164     };
00166     for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CMD)/ sizeof(char); i++) {
00167         while(!android->writeable());
00168         android->putc(CMD[i]);
00169     }
00171     while (!android->readable());
00172     char temp = android->getc();
00173     if (temp == SUCCESS) return true;
00174     else return false;
00175 }
00177 bool voice_enroll(char *user_id, Serial *android)
00178 {
00179     char CMD[] = {
00180         0x0A,
00181         CMD_ENROLL,
00182         0x02,
00183         0x04,
00184         0x01,
00185         user_id[0],
00186         user_id[1],
00187         user_id[2],
00188         user_id[3],
00189         VOICE_FID,
00190         '\0'
00191     };
00193     for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CMD)/ sizeof(char); i++) {
00194         while(!android->writeable());
00195         android->putc(CMD[i]);
00196     }
00198     while (!android->readable());
00199     char temp = android->getc();
00200     if (temp == SUCCESS) return true;
00201     else return false;
00202 }
00204 bool voice_auth(char *user_id, Serial *android)
00205 {
00206     char CMD[] = {
00207         0x0A,
00208         CMD_AUTH,
00209         0x02,
00210         0x04,
00211         0x01,
00212         user_id[0],
00213         user_id[1],
00214         user_id[2],
00215         user_id[3],
00216         VOICE_FID,
00217         '\0'
00218     };
00220     for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CMD)/ sizeof(char); i++) {
00221         while(!android->writeable());
00222         android->putc(CMD[i]);
00223     }
00225     while (!android->readable());
00226     char temp = android->getc();
00227     if (temp == SUCCESS) return true;
00228     else return false;
00229 }
00231 void buzzer(PwmOut *speaker, int seconds)
00232 {
00233     speaker->period(1.0/500.0);
00234     *speaker = 0.5;
00235     wait(seconds);
00236     *speaker = 0.0;
00237 }
00239 void display_msg(Cryst_LCD *lcd, char *text)
00240 {
00241     lcd->cls();
00242     lcd->locate(1, 0);
00243     lcd->printf("%s", text);
00244 }
00246 void greeting(Cryst_LCD *lcd)
00247 {
00248     lcd->cls();
00249     lcd->locate(0, 7);
00250     lcd->printf("WELCOME");
00251     lcd->locate(3, 0);
00252     lcd->printf("*:AUTH");
00253     lcd->locate(3, 12);
00254     lcd->printf("#:ENROLL");
00255 }
00257 bool prompt(const char* msg, Cryst_LCD *lcd, Keypad<4, 3>* pad)
00258 {
00259     bool res = false;
00260     char temp;
00261     lcd->cls();
00262     lcd->locate(0,0);
00263     lcd->printf("%s", msg);
00264     lcd->locate(3, 0);
00265     lcd->printf("*:NO");
00266     lcd->locate(3, 15);
00267     lcd->printf("#:YES");
00268     while ((temp = pad->getKeyChar()) != '#' && temp != '*');
00269     if (temp == '#') res = true;
00270     return res;
00271 }
00273 bool is_valid_user(char *user_id)
00274 {
00275     char full_path[30];
00276     std::strcpy(full_path, "/local/");
00277     char filename[10];
00278     std::memcpy(filename, user_id, 4);
00279     filename[4] = '\0';
00280     std::strcat(filename, ".TXT");
00281     std::strcat(full_path, filename);
00282     FILE *fp = fopen(full_path, "r");
00283     if (fp == NULL)return false;
00284     else fclose(fp);
00285     return true;
00286 }
00288 bool write_hash_to_file(char *user_id, int hash)
00289 {
00290     char full_path[30];
00291     std::strcpy(full_path, "/local/");
00292     char filename[10];
00293     std::memcpy(filename, user_id, 4);
00294     filename[4] = '\0';
00295     std::strcat(filename, ".TXT");
00296     std::strcat(full_path, filename);
00297     FILE *fp = fopen(full_path, "w");
00298     if (fp == NULL) return false;
00299     fprintf(fp, "%d", hash);
00300     fclose(fp);
00301     return true;
00302 }
00304 bool read_hash_from_file(char *user_id, int *hash)
00305 {
00306     bool success_read = false;
00307     char full_path[30];
00308     std::strcpy(full_path, "/local/");
00309     char filename[10];
00310     std::memcpy(filename, user_id, 4);
00311     filename[4] = '\0';
00312     std::strcat(filename, ".TXT");
00313     std::strcat(full_path, filename);
00314     FILE *fp = fopen(full_path, "r");
00315     if (fp) {
00316         int t = fscanf(fp, "%d", hash);
00317         if (t != 0 && t != EOF) success_read = true;
00318         fclose(fp);
00319     }
00320     return success_read;
00321 }
00323 bool read_pin(char *buffer, int length, Cryst_LCD* lcd, Keypad<4, 3>* pad)
00324 {
00325     bool res = false;
00326     int cur = 0;
00327     lcd->cls();
00328     lcd->locate(3,0);
00329     lcd->printf("*:CLEAR");
00330     lcd->locate(3, 13);
00331     lcd->printf("#:ENTER");
00332     lcd->locate(0,0);
00333     lcd->printf("Enter 4-Digit PIN:\n");
00334     lcd->cursor_on();
00335     lcd->cursor_blink();
00336     bool done  = false;
00337     char temp_char;
00338     while (!done) {
00339         temp_char = pad->getKeyChar();
00340         if (temp_char == '#') done = true;
00341         else if (temp_char == '*') {
00342             lcd->clear_line();
00343             cur = 0;
00344         } else {
00345             if (cur < 19) lcd->printf("%C", '*');
00346             if (cur < length) buffer[cur] = temp_char;
00347             cur++;
00348         }
00349     }
00350     if (cur == length) res = true;
00351     lcd->cursor_off();
00352     lcd->cursor_no_blink();
00353     return res;
00354 }
00357 bool fp_clearAll(FPScanner *fp)
00358 {
00359     bool status;
00360     fp->SetLED(true);
00361     status = fp->DeleteAll();
00362     fp->SetLED(false);
00363     return status;
00364 }
00366 char clear_serial_buffer(Serial *dev)
00367 {
00368     char temp;
00369     while (dev->readable()) {
00370         temp = dev->getc();
00371     }
00372     return temp;
00373 }