wolfSSL SSL/TLS library, support up to TLS1.3

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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wolfssl/error-ssl.h	Tue Aug 22 10:48:22 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+/* error-ssl.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 wolfSSL Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of wolfSSL.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA
+ */
+#include <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/error-crypt.h>   /* pull in wolfCrypt errors */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    extern "C" {
+enum wolfSSL_ErrorCodes {
+    INPUT_CASE_ERROR             = -301,   /* process input state error */
+    PREFIX_ERROR                 = -302,   /* bad index to key rounds  */
+    MEMORY_ERROR                 = -303,   /* out of memory            */
+    VERIFY_FINISHED_ERROR        = -304,   /* verify problem on finished */
+    VERIFY_MAC_ERROR             = -305,   /* verify mac problem       */
+    PARSE_ERROR                  = -306,   /* parse error on header    */
+    UNKNOWN_HANDSHAKE_TYPE       = -307,   /* weird handshake type     */
+    SOCKET_ERROR_E               = -308,   /* error state on socket    */
+    SOCKET_NODATA                = -309,   /* expected data, not there */
+    INCOMPLETE_DATA              = -310,   /* don't have enough data to
+                                              complete task            */
+    UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE          = -311,   /* unknown type in record hdr */
+    DECRYPT_ERROR                = -312,   /* error during decryption  */
+    FATAL_ERROR                  = -313,   /* recvd alert fatal error  */
+    ENCRYPT_ERROR                = -314,   /* error during encryption  */
+    FREAD_ERROR                  = -315,   /* fread problem            */
+    NO_PEER_KEY                  = -316,   /* need peer's key          */
+    NO_PRIVATE_KEY               = -317,   /* need the private key     */
+    RSA_PRIVATE_ERROR            = -318,   /* error during rsa priv op */
+    NO_DH_PARAMS                 = -319,   /* server missing DH params */
+    BUILD_MSG_ERROR              = -320,   /* build message failure    */
+    BAD_HELLO                    = -321,   /* client hello malformed   */
+    DOMAIN_NAME_MISMATCH         = -322,   /* peer subject name mismatch */
+    WANT_READ                    = -323,   /* want read, call again    */
+    NOT_READY_ERROR              = -324,   /* handshake layer not ready */
+    PMS_VERSION_ERROR            = -325,   /* pre m secret version error */
+    VERSION_ERROR                = -326,   /* record layer version error */
+    WANT_WRITE                   = -327,   /* want write, call again   */
+    BUFFER_ERROR                 = -328,   /* malformed buffer input   */
+    VERIFY_CERT_ERROR            = -329,   /* verify cert error        */
+    VERIFY_SIGN_ERROR            = -330,   /* verify sign error        */
+    CLIENT_ID_ERROR              = -331,   /* psk client identity error  */
+    SERVER_HINT_ERROR            = -332,   /* psk server hint error  */
+    PSK_KEY_ERROR                = -333,   /* psk key error  */
+    ZLIB_INIT_ERROR              = -334,   /* zlib init error  */
+    ZLIB_COMPRESS_ERROR          = -335,   /* zlib compression error  */
+    ZLIB_DECOMPRESS_ERROR        = -336,   /* zlib decompression error  */
+    GETTIME_ERROR                = -337,   /* gettimeofday failed ??? */
+    GETITIMER_ERROR              = -338,   /* getitimer failed ??? */
+    SIGACT_ERROR                 = -339,   /* sigaction failed ??? */
+    SETITIMER_ERROR              = -340,   /* setitimer failed ??? */
+    LENGTH_ERROR                 = -341,   /* record layer length error */
+    PEER_KEY_ERROR               = -342,   /* can't decode peer key */
+    ZERO_RETURN                  = -343,   /* peer sent close notify */
+    SIDE_ERROR                   = -344,   /* wrong client/server type */
+    NO_PEER_CERT                 = -345,   /* peer didn't send key */
+    NTRU_KEY_ERROR               = -346,   /* NTRU key error  */
+    NTRU_DRBG_ERROR              = -347,   /* NTRU drbg error  */
+    NTRU_ENCRYPT_ERROR           = -348,   /* NTRU encrypt error  */
+    NTRU_DECRYPT_ERROR           = -349,   /* NTRU decrypt error  */
+    ECC_CURVETYPE_ERROR          = -350,   /* Bad ECC Curve Type */
+    ECC_CURVE_ERROR              = -351,   /* Bad ECC Curve */
+    ECC_PEERKEY_ERROR            = -352,   /* Bad Peer ECC Key */
+    ECC_MAKEKEY_ERROR            = -353,   /* Bad Make ECC Key */
+    ECC_EXPORT_ERROR             = -354,   /* Bad ECC Export Key */
+    ECC_SHARED_ERROR             = -355,   /* Bad ECC Shared Secret */
+    NOT_CA_ERROR                 = -357,   /* Not a CA cert error */
+    BAD_CERT_MANAGER_ERROR       = -359,   /* Bad Cert Manager */
+    OCSP_CERT_REVOKED            = -360,   /* OCSP Certificate revoked */
+    CRL_CERT_REVOKED             = -361,   /* CRL Certificate revoked */
+    CRL_MISSING                  = -362,   /* CRL Not loaded */
+    MONITOR_SETUP_E              = -363,   /* CRL Monitor setup error */
+    THREAD_CREATE_E              = -364,   /* Thread Create Error */
+    OCSP_NEED_URL                = -365,   /* OCSP need an URL for lookup */
+    OCSP_CERT_UNKNOWN            = -366,   /* OCSP responder doesn't know */
+    OCSP_LOOKUP_FAIL             = -367,   /* OCSP lookup not successful */
+    MAX_CHAIN_ERROR              = -368,   /* max chain depth exceeded */
+    COOKIE_ERROR                 = -369,   /* dtls cookie error */
+    SEQUENCE_ERROR               = -370,   /* dtls sequence error */
+    SUITES_ERROR                 = -371,   /* suites pointer error */
+    SSL_NO_PEM_HEADER            = -372,   /* no PEM header found */
+    OUT_OF_ORDER_E               = -373,   /* out of order message */
+    BAD_KEA_TYPE_E               = -374,   /* bad KEA type found */
+    SANITY_CIPHER_E              = -375,   /* sanity check on cipher error */
+    RECV_OVERFLOW_E              = -376,   /* RXCB returned more than rqed */
+    GEN_COOKIE_E                 = -377,   /* Generate Cookie Error */
+    NO_PEER_VERIFY               = -378,   /* Need peer cert verify Error */
+    FWRITE_ERROR                 = -379,   /* fwrite problem */
+    CACHE_MATCH_ERROR            = -380,   /* chache hdr match error */
+    UNKNOWN_SNI_HOST_NAME_E      = -381,   /* Unrecognized host name Error */
+    UNKNOWN_MAX_FRAG_LEN_E       = -382,   /* Unrecognized max frag len Error */
+    KEYUSE_SIGNATURE_E           = -383,   /* KeyUse digSignature error */
+    KEYUSE_ENCIPHER_E            = -385,   /* KeyUse keyEncipher error */
+    EXTKEYUSE_AUTH_E             = -386,   /* ExtKeyUse server|client_auth */
+    SEND_OOB_READ_E              = -387,   /* Send Cb out of bounds read */
+    SECURE_RENEGOTIATION_E       = -388,   /* Invalid Renegotiation Info */
+    SESSION_TICKET_LEN_E         = -389,   /* Session Ticket too large */
+    SESSION_TICKET_EXPECT_E      = -390,   /* Session Ticket missing   */
+    SCR_DIFFERENT_CERT_E         = -391,   /* SCR Different cert error  */
+    SESSION_SECRET_CB_E          = -392,   /* Session secret Cb fcn failure */
+    NO_CHANGE_CIPHER_E           = -393,   /* Finished before change cipher */
+    SANITY_MSG_E                 = -394,   /* Sanity check on msg order error */
+    DUPLICATE_MSG_E              = -395,   /* Duplicate message error */
+    SNI_UNSUPPORTED              = -396,   /* SSL 3.0 does not support SNI */
+    SOCKET_PEER_CLOSED_E         = -397,   /* Underlying transport closed */
+    BAD_TICKET_KEY_CB_SZ         = -398,   /* Bad session ticket key cb size */
+    BAD_TICKET_MSG_SZ            = -399,   /* Bad session ticket msg size    */
+    BAD_TICKET_ENCRYPT           = -400,   /* Bad user ticket encrypt        */
+    DH_KEY_SIZE_E                = -401,   /* DH Key too small */
+    SNI_ABSENT_ERROR             = -402,   /* No SNI request. */
+    RSA_SIGN_FAULT               = -403,   /* RSA Sign fault */
+    HANDSHAKE_SIZE_ERROR         = -404,   /* Handshake message too large */
+    UNKNOWN_ALPN_PROTOCOL_NAME_E = -405,   /* Unrecognized protocol name Error*/
+    BAD_CERTIFICATE_STATUS_ERROR = -406,   /* Bad certificate status message */
+    OCSP_INVALID_STATUS          = -407,   /* Invalid OCSP Status */
+    RSA_KEY_SIZE_E               = -409,   /* RSA key too small */
+    ECC_KEY_SIZE_E               = -410,   /* ECC key too small */
+    DTLS_EXPORT_VER_E            = -411,   /* export version error */
+    INPUT_SIZE_E                 = -412,   /* input size too big error */
+    CTX_INIT_MUTEX_E             = -413,   /* initialize ctx mutex error */
+    EXT_MASTER_SECRET_NEEDED_E   = -414,   /* need EMS enabled to resume */
+    DTLS_POOL_SZ_E               = -415,   /* exceeded DTLS pool size */
+    DECODE_E                     = -416,   /* decode handshake message error */
+    HTTP_TIMEOUT                 = -417,   /* HTTP timeout for OCSP or CRL req */
+    WRITE_DUP_READ_E             = -418,   /* Write dup write side can't read */
+    WRITE_DUP_WRITE_E            = -419,   /* Write dup read side can't write */
+    INVALID_CERT_CTX_E           = -420,   /* TLS cert ctx not matching */
+    BAD_KEY_SHARE_DATA           = -421,   /* Key Share data invalid */
+    MISSING_HANDSHAKE_DATA       = -422,   /* Handshake message missing data */
+    BAD_BINDER                   = -423,   /* Binder does not match */
+    EXT_NOT_ALLOWED              = -424,   /* Extension not allowed in msg */
+    INVALID_PARAMETER            = -425,   /* Security parameter invalid */
+    MCAST_HIGHWATER_CB_E         = -426,   /* Multicast highwater cb err */
+    ALERT_COUNT_E                = -427,   /* Alert Count exceeded err */
+    EXT_MISSING                  = -428,   /* Required extension not found */
+    /* add strings to wolfSSL_ERR_reason_error_string in internal.c !!!!! */
+    /* begin negotiation parameter errors */
+    UNSUPPORTED_SUITE            = -500,   /* unsupported cipher suite */
+    MATCH_SUITE_ERROR            = -501,   /* can't match cipher suite */
+    COMPRESSION_ERROR            = -502,   /* compression mismatch */
+    KEY_SHARE_ERROR              = -503,   /* key share mismatch */
+    POST_HAND_AUTH_ERROR         = -504,   /* client won't do post-hand auth */
+    HRR_COOKIE_ERROR             = -505    /* HRR msg cookie mismatch */
+    /* end negotiation parameter errors only 10 for now */
+    /* add strings to wolfSSL_ERR_reason_error_string in internal.c !!!!! */
+    /* no error stings go down here, add above negotiation errors !!!! */
+    enum {
+    };
+void SetErrorString(int err, char* buff);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+    }  /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* wolfSSL_ERROR_H */