Simple TLS Client with wolfSSL

Dependencies:   wolfSSL

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/client-tls.cpp	Fri Jun 05 00:32:49 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+/* client-tcp.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 wolfSSL Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of wolfSSL. (formerly known as CyaSSL)
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    <stdio.h>
+#include    <stdlib.h>
+#include    <string.h>
+#include    <wolfssl/ssl.h>          /* wolfSSL security library */
+#include    <wolfssl/wolfcrypt/error-crypt.h>
+#include    <wolfssl/certs_test.h>   /* memory image test certs */
+#include    <user_settings.h>
+#define MAXDATASIZE (1024*4)
+static int SocketReceive(WOLFSSL* ssl, char *buf, int sz, void *sock)
+    int recvd;
+    recvd = ((TCPSocket *)sock)->recv(buf, sz) ;
+    if(recvd > 0)return recvd;
+    else if (recvd == 0) {
+    }
+    else if (recvd == EWOULDBLOCK) /* for non-blocing */
+    else
+static int SocketSend(WOLFSSL* ssl, char *buf, int sz, void *sock)
+    int sent;
+    sent = ((TCPSocket *)sock)->send(buf, sz);
+    if(sent > 0)return sent;
+    else if (sent == 0) {
+    }
+    else if (sent == EWOULDBLOCK) /* for non-blocing */
+    else
+static int getline(char *prompt, char *buff, int size)
+    int sz ;
+    printf("%s", prompt) ;
+    for(sz = 0 ;  (sz < size) && ((*buff = getchar()) != '\r'); sz++, buff++) {
+        putchar(*buff) ;
+        if(*buff == '\\') {
+            if(++sz >= size)break ;
+            *buff = getchar() ;
+            putchar(*buff) ;
+            switch(*buff) {
+                case 'n' :
+                    *buff = '\n' ;
+                    break ;
+                case 'r' :
+                    *buff = '\r' ;
+                    break ;
+                case 't' :
+                    *buff = '\t' ;
+                    break ;
+                case '\\':
+                    *buff = '\\' ;
+                    break ;
+                default:
+                    buff[1] = buff[0] ;
+                    buff[0] = '\\' ;
+                    buff++ ;
+            }
+        } else if(*buff == '\b') {
+            if(sz >= 2) {
+                buff-=2 ;
+                sz-=2;
+            }
+        }
+    } ;
+    putchar('\n') ;
+    *buff = '\0' ;
+    return sz ;
+ *  clients initial contact with server. Socket to connect to: sock
+ */
+int ClientGreet(TCPSocket *socket, WOLFSSL *ssl)
+    /* data to send to the server, data recieved from the server */
+    char    sendBuff[MAXDATASIZE], rcvBuff[MAXDATASIZE] = {0};
+    int     ret ;
+    ret = getline("Message for server: ", sendBuff, MAXDATASIZE);
+    printf("Send[%d]:\n%s\n", ret, sendBuff) ;
+    if (wolfSSL_write(ssl, sendBuff, strlen(sendBuff)) < 0) {
+        /* the message is not able to send, or error trying */
+        ret = wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0);
+        printf("Write error[%d]\n", ret, wc_GetErrorString(ret));
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if ((ret = wolfSSL_read(ssl, rcvBuff, sizeof(rcvBuff)-1)) < 0) {
+        /* the server failed to send data, or error trying */
+        ret = wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0);
+        printf("Read error[%d], %s\n", ret, wc_GetErrorString(ret));
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    rcvBuff[ret] = '\0' ; 
+    printf("Recieved: %s\n", rcvBuff);
+    return ret;
+ * applies TLS 1.2 security layer to data being sent.
+ */
+int Security(TCPSocket *socket)
+    WOLFSSL_METHOD*  method  = 0;
+    WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx = 0;
+    WOLFSSL*     ssl = 0;    /* create WOLFSSL object */
+    int          ret = 0;
+    const unsigned char *cert  = ca_cert_der_2048;
+    int sizeof_cert = sizeof_ca_cert_der_2048;
+    #ifdef WOLFSSL_TLS13
+    char tls_version[2];
+    int  tlsVer = 0 ;
+    while((tlsVer != 2) && (tlsVer != 3)){
+        getline("TLS ver(2/3): ", tls_version, sizeof(tls_version)) ;
+        tlsVer = atoi(tls_version);
+    }
+    if(tlsVer == 3)method = wolfTLSv1_3_client_method();
+    else           method = wolfTLSv1_2_client_method();
+    #else
+    method = wolfTLSv1_2_client_method();
+    #endif
+    /* create and initiLize WOLFSSL_CTX structure */
+    if ((ctx = wolfSSL_CTX_new(method)) == NULL) {
+        printf("SSL_CTX_new error.\n");
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    wolfSSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, 0);
+    wolfSSL_SetIORecv(ctx, SocketReceive) ;
+    wolfSSL_SetIOSend(ctx, SocketSend) ;
+    if ((ret = wolfSSL_CTX_load_verify_buffer(ctx, ca_cert_der_2048,
+        sizeof_ca_cert_der_2048, WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1))!= WOLFSSL_SUCCESS){
+        printf("can't load buffer ca file(%d)\n", ret);
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if ((ssl = wolfSSL_new(ctx)) == NULL) {
+        printf("wolfSSL_new error.\n");
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    wolfSSL_SetIOReadCtx(ssl, (void *)socket) ;
+    wolfSSL_SetIOWriteCtx(ssl, (void *)socket) ;
+    ret = wolfSSL_connect(ssl);
+    if (ret == SSL_SUCCESS) {
+        printf("TLS Connected\n") ;
+        ret = ClientGreet(socket, ssl);
+    } else {
+        ret = wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0);
+        printf("TLS Connect error[%d], %s\n", ret, wc_GetErrorString(ret));
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    /* frees all data before client termination */
+    wolfSSL_shutdown(ssl);
+    wolfSSL_free(ssl);
+    wolfSSL_CTX_free(ctx);
+    wolfSSL_Cleanup();
+    return ret;
+ * command line argumentCount and argumentValues
+ */
+void net_main(const void *av)
+    char server_addr[40] ;
+    char server_port[10] ;
+    NetworkInterface *net;
+    SocketAddress a;
+    TCPSocket socket;
+    int port;
+    printf("Starting TLS Client,...\n") ;
+    wolfSSL_Init();      /* initialize wolfSSL */
+    /* wolfSSL_Debugging_ON(); */
+    net = NetworkInterface::get_default_instance();
+    if (!net) {
+        printf("Error! No network inteface found.\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    while(1) {
+        if(net->connect() == 0)break;
+        printf("Retry Init\n") ;
+    }
+    net->get_ip_address(&a);
+    printf("Client Addr: %s\n", a.get_ip_address() ? a.get_ip_address() : "None");
+    getline((char *)"Server Addr: ", server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) ;
+    getline((char *)"Server Port: ", server_port, sizeof(server_port)) ;
+    if ( != 0) {
+        printf("Error!\n");
+    }
+    port = atoi(server_port);
+    while (socket.connect(server_addr, port) < 0) {
+        printf("Unable to connect to (%s) on port (%s)\n", server_addr, server_port);
+        wait(1.0);
+    }
+    printf("TCP Connected\n") ;
+    Security(&socket);
+    return ;
+int main(void)
+    DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+#define STACK_SIZE 24000
+    Thread t(net_main, NULL, osPriorityNormal, STACK_SIZE);
+    while(1){
+        myled = 1;
+        wait(0.5) ;
+        myled = 0;
+        wait(0.5) ;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file