Updated for more display types. Fixed memoryaddress confusion in address() method. Added new getAddress() method. Added support for UDCs, Backlight control and other features such as control through I2C and SPI port expanders and controllers with native I2C and SPI interfaces. Refactored to fix issue with pins that are default declared as NC.

Dependents:   GPSDevice TestTextLCD SD to Flash Data Transfer DrumMachine ... more

Fork of TextLCD by Simon Ford


Hello World! for the TextLCD

#include "mbed.h"
#include "TextLCD.h"
// Host PC Communication channels
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
// I2C Communication
I2C i2c_lcd(p28,p27); // SDA, SCL
// SPI Communication
SPI spi_lcd(p5, NC, p7); // MOSI, MISO, SCLK

//TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20);                // RS, E, D4-D7, LCDType=LCD16x2, BL=NC, E2=NC, LCDTCtrl=HD44780
//TextLCD_SPI lcd(&spi_lcd, p8, TextLCD::LCD40x4);   // SPI bus, 74595 expander, CS pin, LCD Type  
TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD20x4);  // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type
//TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x42, TextLCD::LCD16x2, TextLCD::WS0010); // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type, Device Type
//TextLCD_SPI_N lcd(&spi_lcd, p8, p9);               // SPI bus, CS pin, RS pin, LCDType=LCD16x2, BL=NC, LCDTCtrl=ST7032_3V3   
//TextLCD_I2C_N lcd(&i2c_lcd, ST7032_SA, TextLCD::LCD16x2, NC, TextLCD::ST7032_3V3); // I2C bus, Slaveaddress, LCD Type, BL=NC, LCDTCtrl=ST7032_3V3  

int main() {
    pc.printf("LCD Test. Columns=%d, Rows=%d\n\r", lcd.columns(), lcd.rows());
    for (int row=0; row<lcd.rows(); row++) {
      int col=0;
      pc.printf("MemAddr(Col=%d, Row=%d)=0x%02X\n\r", col, row, lcd.getAddress(col, row));      
//      lcd.putc('-');
      lcd.putc('0' + row);      
      for (col=1; col<lcd.columns()-1; col++) {    
      pc.printf("MemAddr(Col=%d, Row=%d)=0x%02X\n\r", col, row, lcd.getAddress(col, row));      
// Show cursor as blinking character
// Set and show user defined characters. A maximum of 8 UDCs are supported by the HD44780.
// They are defined by a 5x7 bitpattern. 
    lcd.setUDC(0, (char *) udc_0);  // Show |>
    lcd.setUDC(1, (char *) udc_1);  // Show <|


Handbook page

More info is here



File content as of revision 31:ef31cd8a00d1:

/* mbed TextLCD Library, for a 4-bit LCD based on HD44780
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2010, sford, http://mbed.org
 *               2013, v01: WH, Added LCD types, fixed LCD address issues, added Cursor and UDCs 
 *               2013, v02: WH, Added I2C and SPI bus interfaces  
 *               2013, v03: WH, Added support for LCD40x4 which uses 2 controllers 
 *               2013, v04: WH, Added support for Display On/Off, improved 4bit bootprocess
 *               2013, v05: WH, Added support for 8x2B, added some UDCs   
 *               2013, v06: WH, Added support for devices that use internal DC/DC converters 
 *               2013, v07: WH, Added support for backlight and include portdefinitions for LCD2004 Module from DFROBOT 
 *               2014, v08: WH, Refactored in Base and Derived Classes to deal with mbed lib change regarding 'NC' defined pins 
 *               2014, v09: WH/EO, Added Class for Native SPI controllers such as ST7032 
 *               2014, v10: WH, Added Class for Native I2C controllers such as ST7032i, Added support for MCP23008 I2C portexpander, Added support for Adafruit module  
 *               2014, v11: WH, Added support for native I2C controllers such as PCF21XX, Improved the _initCtrl() method to deal with differences between all supported controllers  
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#include "TextLCD.h"
#include "mbed.h"

//For Testing only
//DigitalOut led1(LED1);
//DigitalOut led2(LED2);
//  led2=!led2;    

/** Some sample User Defined Chars 5x7 dots */
const char udc_ae[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x05, 0x1F, 0x14, 0x1F, 0x00};  //æ
const char udc_0e[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x13, 0x15, 0x19, 0x0E, 0x00};  //ø
const char udc_ao[] = {0x0E, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x01, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x0F, 0x00};  //å
const char udc_AE[] = {0x0F, 0x14, 0x14, 0x1F, 0x14, 0x14, 0x17, 0x00};  //Æ
const char udc_0E[] = {0x0E, 0x13, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x19, 0x0E, 0x00};  //Ø
const char udc_Ao[] = {0x0E, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x11, 0x11, 0x00};  //Å
const char udc_PO[] = {0x04, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x1F, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1F, 0x00};  //Padlock Open
const char udc_PC[] = {0x1C, 0x10, 0x08, 0x1F, 0x1B, 0x1B, 0x1F, 0x00};  //Padlock Closed

const char udc_0[]  = {0x18, 0x14, 0x12, 0x11, 0x12, 0x14, 0x18, 0x00};  // |>
const char udc_1[]  = {0x03, 0x05, 0x09, 0x11, 0x09, 0x05, 0x03, 0x00};  // <|
const char udc_2[]  = {0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00};  // |
const char udc_3[]  = {0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x00};  // ||
const char udc_4[]  = {0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x00};  // |||
const char udc_5[]  = {0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00};  // =
const char udc_6[]  = {0x15, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x00};  // checkerboard
const char udc_7[]  = {0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00};  // \

const char udc_degr[]   = {0x06, 0x09, 0x09, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};  // Degree symbol

const char udc_TM_T[]   = {0x1F, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};  // Trademark T
const char udc_TM_M[]   = {0x11, 0x1B, 0x15, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};  // Trademark M

//const char udc_Bat_Hi[] = {0x0E, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x00};  // Battery Full
//const char udc_Bat_Ha[] = {0x0E, 0x11, 0x13, 0x17, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x00};  // Battery Half
//const char udc_Bat_Lo[] = {0x0E, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x00};  // Battery Low
const char udc_Bat_Hi[] = {0x0E, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x00};  // Battery Full
const char udc_Bat_Ha[] = {0x0E, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x00};  // Battery Half
const char udc_Bat_Lo[] = {0x0E, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x00};  // Battery Low
const char udc_AC[]     = {0x0A, 0x0A, 0x1F, 0x11, 0x0E, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00};  // AC Power

//const char udc_smiley[] = {0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x04, 0x11, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00};  // Smiley
//const char udc_droopy[] = {0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x11, 0x00};  // Droopey
//const char udc_note[]   = {0x01, 0x03, 0x05, 0x09, 0x0B, 0x1B, 0x18, 0x00};  // Note

//const char udc_bar_1[]  = {0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00};  // Bar 1
//const char udc_bar_2[]  = {0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00};  // Bar 11
//const char udc_bar_3[]  = {0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x00};  // Bar 111
//const char udc_bar_4[]  = {0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x00};  // Bar 1111
//const char udc_bar_5[]  = {0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x00};  // Bar 11111

//const char udc_ch_1[]  =  {0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00};  // Hor bars 4
//const char udc_ch_2[]  =  {0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x1f};  // Hor bars 4 (inverted)
//const char udc_ch_3[]  =  {0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15, 0x15};  // Ver bars 3
//const char udc_ch_4[]  =  {0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a};  // Ver bars 3 (inverted)
//const char udc_ch_yr[] =  {0x08, 0x0f, 0x12, 0x0f, 0x0a, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x02};  // Year   (kana)
//const char udc_ch_mo[] =  {0x0f, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x09, 0x09, 0x13};  // Month  (kana)
//const char udc_ch_dy[] =  {0x1f, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x1F};  // Day    (kana)
//const char udc_ch_mi[] =  {0x0C, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x13};  // minute (kana)

/** Create a TextLCD_Base interface
  * @param type  Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
  * @param ctrl  LCD controller (default = HD44780)           
TextLCD_Base::TextLCD_Base(LCDType type, LCDCtrl ctrl) : _type(type), _ctrl(ctrl) {
  // Extract LCDType data  

  // Columns encoded in b7..b0
  _nr_cols = (_type & 0xFF);          

  // Rows encoded in b15..b8  
  _nr_rows = ((_type >> 8) & 0xFF);  

  // Addressing mode encoded in b19..b16  
  _addr_mode = _type & LCD_T_ADR_MSK;

/**  Init the LCD Controller(s)
  *  Clear display 
void TextLCD_Base::_init() {
  // Select and configure second LCD controller when needed
  if(_type==LCD40x4) {
    _ctrl_idx=_LCDCtrl_1;        // Select 2nd controller   
    _initCtrl();                 // Init 2nd controller   
  // Select and configure primary LCD controller
  _ctrl_idx=_LCDCtrl_0;          // Select primary controller  
  _initCtrl();                   // Init primary controller

  // Reset Cursor location

/**  Init the LCD controller
  *  4-bit mode, number of lines, fonttype, no cursor etc
  *  Note: some configurations are commented out because they have not yet been tested due to lack of hardware
void TextLCD_Base::_initCtrl() {

    this->_setRS(false); // command mode
    wait_ms(20);         // Wait 20ms to ensure powered up

    // send "Display Settings" 3 times (Only top nibble of 0x30 as we've got 4-bit bus)    
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        wait_ms(15);     // This command takes 1.64ms, so wait for it 
    _writeNibble(0x2);   // 4-bit mode
    wait_us(40);         // most instructions take 40us

    // Display is now in 4-bit mode
    // Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices
    // Device specific initialisations: DC/DC converter to generate VLCD or VLED, number of lines etc
    switch (_ctrl) {
      case KS0078:

          // Initialise Display configuration
          switch (_type) {
            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
//            case LCD12x1:                                
            case LCD16x1:                                            
//            case LCD20x1:
            case LCD24x1:
              _writeCommand(0x20); // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV
                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
                                   //    N=0  (1 line)                                   
                                   //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
                                   //   DH=0  (Disp shift=disable, special mode for KS0078)                                
                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse=Normal, special mode for KS0078)


//            case LCD12x3D:         // Special mode for KS0078            
//            case LCD12x3D1:        // Special mode for KS0078            
//            case LCD12x4D:         // Special mode for KS0078            
//            case LCD16x3D:             
//            case LCD16x4D:            
//            case LCD24x3D:         // Special mode for KS0078
//            case LCD24x3D1:        // Special mode for KS0078
            case LCD24x4D:         // Special mode for KS0078

              _writeCommand(0x2A); // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV
                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
                                   //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078 in 4-line mode)
                                   //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
                                   //   DH=1  (Disp shift=enable, special mode for KS0078)                                
                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse=Normal, special mode for KS0078)

              _writeCommand(0x2E); // Function set 001 DL N RE(1) BE 0
                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
                                   //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078 in 4-line mode)
                                   //   RE=1  (Ena Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
                                   //   BE=1  (Blink Enable, CG/SEG RAM, special mode for KS0078)                                
                                   //    X=0 (Reverse, special mode for KS0078)

              _writeCommand(0x09); // Ext Function set 0000 1 FW BW NW
                                   //   FW=0  (5-dot font, special mode for KS0078)
                                   //   BW=0  (Cur BW invert disable, special mode for KS0078)
                                   //   NW=1  (4 Line, special mode for KS0078)                                

              _writeCommand(0x2A); // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV
                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
                                   //    N=1  (Dont care for KS0078 in 4 line mode)
                                   //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
                                   //   DH=1  (Disp shift enable, special mode for KS0078)                                
                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse normal, special mode for KS0078)
              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD16x1C and LCD40x4)            
              _writeCommand(0x28); // Function set 001 DL N RE(0) DH REV
                                   //   DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
                                   //   Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                    
                                   //    N=1  (2 lines)                                   
                                   //   RE=0  (Dis. Extended Regs, special mode for KS0078)
                                   //   DH=0  (Disp shift=disable, special mode for KS0078)                                
                                   //   REV=0 (Reverse=Normal, special mode for KS0078)

          } // switch type

          break; // case KS0078 Controller
      case ST7032_3V3:
          // ST7032 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3

          // Initialise Display configuration
          switch (_type) {
            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
//            case LCD12x1:                                
            case LCD16x1:                                            
//            case LCD20x1:                    
            case LCD24x1:                    
              _writeCommand(0x21);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices

              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 

              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte

              _writeCommand(0x57);    //booster circuit is turned on. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          

            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 

              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays        
              _writeCommand(0x29);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices

              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 

              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte

              _writeCommand(0x57);    //booster circuit is turned on. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
              _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          
          } // switch type    
          break; // case ST7032_3V3 Controller

      case ST7032_5V:
          // ST7032 controller: Disable Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V      

          // Initialise Display configuration
          switch (_type) {
            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
//            case LCD12x1:                                
            case LCD16x1:                                            
//            case LCD20x1:                    
            case LCD24x1:                    
              _writeCommand(0x21);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices

              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 

              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte

              _writeCommand(0x53);    //booster circuit is turned off. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0 1-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          

            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 

              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays        
              _writeCommand(0x29);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Select Instruction Set = 1
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices

              _writeCommand(0x1C);    //Internal OSC frequency adjustment Framefreq=183HZ, bias will be 1/4 

              _writeCommand(0x73);    //Contrast control low byte

              _writeCommand(0x53);    //booster circuit is turned off. /ICON display off. /Contrast control high byte
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
              _writeCommand(0x6C);    //Follower control
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up
              _writeCommand(0x28);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1 2-line display mode, 5*7dot, Return to Instruction Set = 0                  
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                                                          
          } // switch type    
          break; // case ST7032_5V Controller

      case ST7036:
          // ST7036 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=5V
          // Note: supports 1,2 or 3 lines
          // Initialise Display configuration
          switch (_type) {
            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2D is a special case of 16x1
//            case LCD12x1:                                
            case LCD16x1:   
            case LCD24x1:                                                                         
              _writeCommand(0x21);    // 4-bit Databus, N=0 1 Line, DH=0 5x7font, IS2,IS1 = 01 Select Instruction Set = 1
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
              _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 1 or 2-Lines LCD 
//              _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
              _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
              _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
              wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
              _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
              _writeCommand(0x20);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
//            case LCD12x3:                                            
            case LCD16x3:                                            
              _writeCommand(0x29);    // 4-bit Databus, N=1 2 Line, DH=0 5x7font, IS2,IS1 = 01 Select Instruction Set = 1
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
//              _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 1 or 2-Lines LCD 
              _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
              _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
              _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
              wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
              _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
              _writeCommand(0x28);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0

            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 

              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD16x1C and LCD40x4)       
              _writeCommand(0x29);    // 4-bit Databus, N=1 2 Line, DH=0 5x7font, IS2,IS1 = 01 Select Instruction Set = 1              
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms 
              _writeCommand(0x14);    // Bias: 1/5, 2-Lines LCD 
//             _writeCommand(0x15);    // Bias: 1/5, 3-Lines LCD           
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
              _writeCommand(0x55);    // Icon off, Booster on, Set Contrast C5, C4
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
              _writeCommand(0x6D);    // Voltagefollower On, Ampl ratio Rab2, Rab1, Rab0
              wait_ms(200);           // > 200ms!
              _writeCommand(0x78);    // Set Contrast C3, C2, C1, C0
              wait_ms(30);            // > 26,3ms
              _writeCommand(0x28);    // Return to Instruction Set = 0
          } // switch type
          break; // case ST7036 Controller
      case PCF2113_3V3:
          // PCF2113 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3
          // Note1: The PCF21XX family of controllers has several types that dont have an onboard voltage generator for V-LCD.
          //        You must supply this LCD voltage externally and not enable VGen.
          // Note2: The early versions of PCF2116 controllers (eg PCF2116C) can not generate sufficiently negative voltage for the LCD at a VDD of 3V3. 
          //        You must supply this voltage externally and not enable VGen or you must use a higher VDD (e.g. 5V) and enable VGen.
          //        More recent versions of the controller (eg PCF2116K) have an improved VGen that will work with 3V3.
          // Note3: See datasheet, members of the PCF21XX family support different numbers of rows/columns. Not all can support 3 or 4 rows.
          // Note4: See datasheet, you can also disable VGen by connecting Vo to VDD. VLCD will then be used directly as LCD voltage.
          // Note5: PCF2113 is different wrt to VLCD generator !           
          // Note6: See datasheet, the PCF21XX-C and PCF21XX-K use a non-standard character set. This may result is strange text when not corrected..
          // Initialise Display configuration
          switch (_type) {
//            case LCD12x1:                                
            case LCD24x1:                    
              _writeCommand(0x21);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode, extended IS
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode              
              _writeCommand(0x9F);    //Set VLCD A : VGen for Chars and Icons
              _writeCommand(0xDF);    //Set VLCD B : VGen for Icons Only
              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode
//              _writeCommand(0x24);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=1 2-line/12 chars display mode, standard IS
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    

//Tested OK for PCF2113
//Note: PCF2113 is different wrt to VLCD generator ! 
            case LCD12x2:                    
              _writeCommand(0x21);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode, extended IS
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode              
              _writeCommand(0x9F);    //Set VLCD A : VGen for Chars and Icons
              _writeCommand(0xDF);    //Set VLCD B : VGen for Icons Only
//              _writeCommand(0x20);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode
              _writeCommand(0x24);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, M=1 2-line/12 chars display mode, standard IS
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    
              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
          } // switch type    

          break; // case PCF2113_3V3 Controller

      case PCF2116_3V3:
          // PCF2116 controller: Initialise Voltage booster for VLCD. VDD=3V3
          // Note1: The PCF21XX family of controllers has several types that dont have an onboard voltage generator for V-LCD.
          //        You must supply this LCD voltage externally and not enable VGen.
          // Note2: The early versions of PCF2116 controllers (eg PCF2116C) can not generate sufficiently negative voltage for the LCD at a VDD of 3V3. 
          //        You must supply this voltage externally and not enable VGen or you must use a higher VDD (e.g. 5V) and enable VGen.
          //        More recent versions of the controller (eg PCF2116K) have an improved VGen that will work with 3V3.
          // Note3: See datasheet, members of the PCF21XX family support different numbers of rows/columns. Not all can support 3 or 4 rows.
          // Note4: See datasheet, you can also disable VGen by connecting Vo to VDD. VLCD will then be used directly as LCD voltage.
          // Note5: PCF2113 is different wrt to VLCD generator !           
          // Note6: See datasheet, the PCF21XX-C and PCF21XX-K use a non-standard character set. This may result is strange text when not corrected..
          // Initialise Display configuration
          switch (_type) {
//            case LCD12x1:
//            case LCD12x2:                                                                            
            case LCD24x1:                    
              _writeCommand(0x22);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=0/M=0 1-line/24 chars display mode, G=1 VGen on                               
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    

            case LCD12x3D:                                
            case LCD12x3D1:                                
            case LCD12x4D:
              _writeCommand(0x2E);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1/M=1 4-line/12 chars display mode, G=1 VGen on                               
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode              
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up                                                    

            case LCD24x2:
              _writeCommand(0x2A);    //FUNCTION SET 4 bit, N=1/M=0 2-line/24 chars display mode, G=1 VGen on
                                      //Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for I2C mode
              wait_ms(10);            // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up   

              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 
          } // switch type    

          break; // case PCF2116_3V3 Controller

//      case PCF21XX_5V:
          // PCF21XX controller: No Voltage generator for VLCD. VDD=5V

      case WS0010:         
          // WS0010 OLED controller: Initialise DC/DC Voltage converter for LEDs
          // Note1: Identical to RS0010  
          // Note2: supports 1 or 2 lines (and 16x100 graphics)
          //        supports 4 fonts (English/Japanese (default), Western European-I, English/Russian, Western European-II)
                           // Cursor/Disp shift set 0001 SC RL  0 0
                           // Mode and Power set    0001 GC PWR 1 1                           
                           //  GC  = 0 (Graph Mode=1, Char Mode=0)             
                           //  PWR = 1 (DC/DC On/Off)
//@Todo: This may be needed to enable a warm reboot
          //_writeCommand(0x13);   // DC/DC off              
          //wait_ms(10);           // Wait 10ms to ensure powered down                  
          _writeCommand(0x17);   // DC/DC on        
          wait_ms(10);           // Wait 10ms to ensure powered up        

          // Initialise Display configuration
          switch (_type) {                    
            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
//            case LCD12x1:                                
            case LCD16x1:                                            
            case LCD24x1:
              _writeCommand(0x20); // Function set 001 DL N F FT1 FT0
                                   //  DL=0  (4 bits bus)             
                                   //   N=0  (1 line)
                                   //   F=0  (5x7 dots font)
                                   //  FT=00 (00 = Engl/Jap, 01 = WestEur1, 10 = Engl/Russian, 11 = WestEur2

            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
            case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 

              // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD16x1C and LCD40x4)       
              _writeCommand(0x28); // Function set 001 DL N F FT1 FT0
                                   //  DL=0  (4 bits bus)
                                   //   N=1  (2 lines)
                                   //   F=0  (5x7 dots font)
                                   //  FT=00 (00 = Engl/Jap, 01 = WestEur1, 10 = Engl/Russian, 11 = WestEur2

           } // switch type
           break; // case WS0100 Controller
          // Devices fully compatible to HD44780 that do not use any DC/DC Voltage converters but external VLCD

          // Initialise Display configuration
          switch (_type) {
            case LCD8x1:         //8x1 is a regular 1 line display
            case LCD8x2B:        //8x2B is a special case of 16x1
//            case LCD12x1:                                
            case LCD16x1:                                            
//            case LCD20x1:                                                        
            case LCD24x1:
//            case LCD40x1:            
              _writeCommand(0x20); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
                                   //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)             
                                   //   N=0 (1 line)
                                   //   F=0 (5x7 dots font)

//            case LCD12x3D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
//            case LCD12x3D1:           // Special mode for PCF2116
//            case LCD12x4D:            // Special mode for PCF2116
//            case LCD24x3D:            // Special mode for KS0078
            case LCD24x4D:            // Special mode for KS0078
              error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support this Display type\n\r"); 

            // All other LCD types are initialised as 2 Line displays (including LCD16x1C and LCD40x4)
              _writeCommand(0x28); // Function set 001 DL N F - -
                                   //  DL=0 (4 bits bus)
                                   //  Note: 4 bit mode is ignored for native SPI and I2C devices                                 
                                   //   N=1 (2 lines)
                                   //   F=0 (5x7 dots font, only option for 2 line display)
                                   //    -  (Don't care)                                
          } // switch type

          break; // case default Controller
    } // switch Controller specific initialisations 

    // Controller general initialisations                                          
    _writeCommand(0x01); // cls, and set cursor to 0
    wait_ms(10);         // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
                         // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms  

    _writeCommand(0x02); // Return Home 
                         //   Cursor Home, DDRAM Address to Origin

    _writeCommand(0x06); // Entry Mode 0000 0 1 I/D S 
                         //   Cursor Direction and Display Shift
                         //   I/D=1 (Cur incr)
                         //     S=0 (No display shift)                        

    _writeCommand(0x14); // Cursor or Display shift 0001 S/C R/L x x 
                         //   S/C=0 Cursor moves
                         //   R/L=1 Right

//    _writeCommand(0x0C); // Display Ctrl 0000 1 D C B
//                         //   Display On, Cursor Off, Blink Off   

/** Clear the screen, Cursor home. 
void TextLCD_Base::cls() {

  // Select and configure second LCD controller when needed
  if(_type==LCD40x4) {
    _ctrl_idx=_LCDCtrl_1; // Select 2nd controller

    // Second LCD controller Cursor always Off
    _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, CurOff_BlkOff);

    // Second LCD controller Clearscreen
    _writeCommand(0x01);  // cls, and set cursor to 0    
    wait_ms(10);          // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
                          // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms
    _ctrl_idx=_LCDCtrl_0; // Select primary controller
  // Primary LCD controller Clearscreen
  _writeCommand(0x01);    // cls, and set cursor to 0
  wait_ms(10);            // The CLS command takes 1.64 ms.
                          // Since we are not using the Busy flag, Lets be safe and take 10 ms

  // Restore cursormode on primary LCD controller when needed
  if(_type==LCD40x4) {
  setAddress(0, 0);  // Reset Cursor location
                     // Note: this is needed because some displays (eg PCF21XX) don't use line 0 in the '3 Line' mode.   

/** Locate cursor to a screen column and row
  * @param column  The horizontal position from the left, indexed from 0
  * @param row     The vertical position from the top, indexed from 0
void TextLCD_Base::locate(int column, int row) {
   // setAddress() does all the heavy lifting:
   //   check column and row sanity, 
   //   switch controllers for LCD40x4 if needed
   //   switch cursor for LCD40x4 if needed
   //   set the new memory address to show cursor at correct location
   setAddress(column, row);

/** Write a single character (Stream implementation)
int TextLCD_Base::_putc(int value) {
  int addr;
    if (value == '\n') {
      //No character to write
      //Update Cursor      
      _column = 0;
      if (_row >= rows()) {
        _row = 0;
    else {
      //Character to write      
      //Update Cursor
      if (_column >= columns()) {
        _column = 0;
        if (_row >= rows()) {
          _row = 0;
    } //else

    //Set next memoryaddress, make sure cursor blinks at next location
    addr = getAddress(_column, _row);
    _writeCommand(0x80 | addr);
    return value;

// get a single character (Stream implementation)
int TextLCD_Base::_getc() {
    return -1;

// Write a nibble using the 4-bit interface
void TextLCD_Base::_writeNibble(int value) {

// Enable is Low
    this->_setData(value & 0x0F);   // Low nibble
    wait_us(1); // Data setup time        
    wait_us(1); // Datahold time

// Enable is Low

// Write a byte using the 4-bit interface
void TextLCD_Base::_writeByte(int value) {

// Enable is Low
    this->_setData(value >> 4);   // High nibble
    wait_us(1); // Data setup time    
    wait_us(1); // Data hold time
    this->_setData(value >> 0);   // Low nibble
    wait_us(1); // Data setup time        
    wait_us(1); // Datahold time

// Enable is Low


// Write a command byte to the LCD controller
void TextLCD_Base::_writeCommand(int command) {

    wait_us(1);  // Data setup time for RS       
    wait_us(40); // most instructions take 40us            

// Write a data byte to the LCD controller
void TextLCD_Base::_writeData(int data) {

    wait_us(1);  // Data setup time for RS 
    wait_us(40); // data writes take 40us                

#if (0)
// This is the original _address() method.
// It is confusing since it returns the memoryaddress or-ed with the set memorycommand 0x80.
// Left it in here for compatibility with older code. New applications should use getAddress() instead.
int TextLCD_Base::_address(int column, int row) {
    switch (_type) {
        case LCD20x4:
            switch (row) {
                case 0:
                    return 0x80 + column;
                case 1:
                    return 0xc0 + column;
                case 2:
                    return 0x94 + column;
                case 3:
                    return 0xd4 + column;
        case LCD16x2B:
            return 0x80 + (row * 40) + column;
        case LCD16x2:
        case LCD20x2:
            return 0x80 + (row * 0x40) + column;

// This replaces the original _address() method.
// Left it in here for compatibility with older code. New applications should use getAddress() instead.
int TextLCD_Base::_address(int column, int row) {
  return 0x80 | getAddress(column, row);

// This is new method to return the memory address based on row, column and displaytype.
/** Return the memoryaddress of screen column and row location
   * @param column  The horizontal position from the left, indexed from 0
   * @param row     The vertical position from the top, indexed from 0
   * @param return  The memoryaddress of screen column and row location
   *  Note: some configurations are commented out because they have not yet been tested due to lack of hardware   
int TextLCD_Base::getAddress(int column, int row) {

    switch (_addr_mode) {

        case LCD_T_A:
          //Default addressing mode for 1, 2 and 4 rows (except 40x4)
          //The two available rows are split and stacked on top of eachother. Addressing for 3rd and 4th line continues where lines 1 and 2 were split.          
          //Displays top rows when less than four are used.          
          switch (row) {
            case 0:
              return 0x00 + column;
            case 1:
              return 0x40 + column;
            case 2:
              return 0x00 + _nr_cols + column;
            case 3:
              return 0x40 + _nr_cols + column;
            // Should never get here.
              return 0x00;                    
        case LCD_T_B:
          // LCD8x2B is a special layout of LCD16x1
          if (row==0) 
            return 0x00 + column;                        
//            return _nr_cols + column;                                    
            return 0x08 + column;                        

        case LCD_T_C:
          // LCD16x1C is a special layout of LCD8x2
          if (column<8) 
            return 0x00 + column;                        
            return 0x40 + (column - 8);                        

// Not sure about this one, seems wrong.
// Left in for compatibility with original library
//        case LCD16x2B:      
//            return 0x00 + (row * 40) + column;

        case LCD_T_D:
          //Alternate addressing mode for 3 and 4 row displays (except 40x4). Used by PCF21XX, KS0078
          //The 4 available rows start at a hardcoded address.                    
          //Displays top rows when less than four are used.
          switch (row) {
            case 0:
              return 0x00 + column;
            case 1:
              return 0x20 + column;
            case 2:
              return 0x40 + column;
            case 3:
              return 0x60 + column;
            // Should never get here.
              return 0x00;                    

        case LCD_T_D1:
          //Alternate addressing mode for 3 row displays. Used by PCF21XX, KS0078
          //The 4 available rows start at a hardcoded address.                              
          //Skips top row of 4 row display and starts display at row 1
          switch (row) {
            case 0:
              return 0x20 + column;
            case 1:
              return 0x40 + column;
            case 2:
              return 0x60 + column;
            // Should never get here.
              return 0x00;                    
        case LCD_T_E:                
          // LCD40x4 is a special case since it has 2 controllers.
          // Each controller is configured as 40x2 (Type A)
          if (row<2) { 
            // Test to see if we need to switch between controllers  
            if (_ctrl_idx != _LCDCtrl_0) {

              // Second LCD controller Cursor Off
              _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, CurOff_BlkOff);    

              // Select primary controller
              _ctrl_idx = _LCDCtrl_0;

              // Restore cursormode on primary LCD controller
              _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, _currentCursor);    
            return 0x00 + (row * 0x40) + column;          
          else {

            // Test to see if we need to switch between controllers  
            if (_ctrl_idx != _LCDCtrl_1) {
              // Primary LCD controller Cursor Off
              _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, CurOff_BlkOff);    

              // Select secondary controller
              _ctrl_idx = _LCDCtrl_1;

              // Restore cursormode on secondary LCD controller
              _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, _currentCursor);    
            return 0x00 + ((row-2) * 0x40) + column;          
        // Should never get here.
            return 0x00;        

/** Set the memoryaddress of screen column and row location
  * @param column  The horizontal position from the left, indexed from 0
  * @param row     The vertical position from the top, indexed from 0
void TextLCD_Base::setAddress(int column, int row) {
// Sanity Check column
    if (column < 0) {
      _column = 0;
    else if (column >= columns()) {
      _column = columns() - 1;
    } else _column = column;
// Sanity Check row
    if (row < 0) {
      _row = 0;
    else if (row >= rows()) {
      _row = rows() - 1;
    } else _row = row;
// Compute the memory address
// For LCD40x4:  switch controllers if needed
//               switch cursor if needed
    int addr = getAddress(_column, _row);
    _writeCommand(0x80 | addr);

/** Return the number of columns
  * @param return  The number of columns
  * Note: some configurations are commented out because they have not yet been tested due to lack of hardware     
int TextLCD_Base::columns() {
  // Columns encoded in b7..b0
  //return (_type & 0xFF);          
  return _nr_cols;           

/** Return the number of rows
  * @param return  The number of rows
  * Note: some configurations are commented out because they have not yet been tested due to lack of hardware     
int TextLCD_Base::rows() {

  // Rows encoded in b15..b8  
  //return ((_type >> 8) & 0xFF); 
  return _nr_rows;          

/** Set the Cursormode
  * @param cursorMode  The Cursor mode (CurOff_BlkOff, CurOn_BlkOff, CurOff_BlkOn, CurOn_BlkOn)
void TextLCD_Base::setCursor(LCDCursor cursorMode) { 

  // Save new cursor mode, needed when 2 controllers are in use or when display is switched off/on
  _currentCursor = cursorMode;
  // Configure only current LCD controller
  _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, _currentCursor);    

/** Set the Displaymode
  * @param displayMode The Display mode (DispOff, DispOn)
void TextLCD_Base::setMode(LCDMode displayMode) { 

  // Save new displayMode, needed when 2 controllers are in use or when cursor is changed
  _currentMode = displayMode;
  // Select and configure second LCD controller when needed
  if(_type==LCD40x4) {
    if (_ctrl_idx==_LCDCtrl_0) {      
      // Configure primary LCD controller
      _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, _currentCursor);

      // Select 2nd controller
      // Configure secondary LCD controller    
      _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, CurOff_BlkOff);

      // Restore current controller
    else {
      // Select primary controller
      // Configure primary LCD controller
      _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, CurOff_BlkOff);
      // Restore current controller

      // Configure secondary LCD controller    
      _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, _currentCursor);
  else {
    // Configure primary LCD controller
    _setCursorAndDisplayMode(_currentMode, _currentCursor);

/** Low level method to restore the cursortype and display mode for current controller
void TextLCD_Base::_setCursorAndDisplayMode(LCDMode displayMode, LCDCursor cursorType) { 
    // Configure current LCD controller       
    _writeCommand(0x08 | displayMode | cursorType);

/** Set the Backlight mode
  *  @param backlightMode The Backlight mode (LightOff, LightOn)
void TextLCD_Base::setBacklight(LCDBacklight backlightMode) {

    if (backlightMode == LightOn) {
    else {

/** Set User Defined Characters
  * @param unsigned char c   The Index of the UDC (0..7)
  * @param char *udc_data    The bitpatterns for the UDC (8 bytes of 5 significant bits)     
void TextLCD_Base::setUDC(unsigned char c, char *udc_data) {
  // Select and configure second LCD controller when needed
  if(_type==LCD40x4) {
    _LCDCtrl_Idx current_ctrl_idx = _ctrl_idx; // Temp save current controller
    // Select primary controller     
    // Configure primary LCD controller
    _setUDC(c, udc_data);

    // Select 2nd controller
    // Configure secondary LCD controller    
    _setUDC(c, udc_data);

    // Restore current controller
  else {
    // Configure primary LCD controller
    _setUDC(c, udc_data); 

/** Low level method to store user defined characters for current controller
void TextLCD_Base::_setUDC(unsigned char c, char *udc_data) {
  // Select CG RAM for current LCD controller
  _writeCommand(0x40 + ((c & 0x07) << 3)); //Set CG-RAM address,
                                           //8 sequential locations needed per UDC
  // Store UDC pattern 
  for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
  //Select DD RAM again for current LCD controller
  int addr = getAddress(_column, _row);
  _writeCommand(0x80 | addr);  

//--------- End TextLCD_Base -----------

//--------- Start TextLCD Bus -----------

/* Create a TextLCD interface for using regular mbed pins
 * @param rs     Instruction/data control line
 * @param e      Enable line (clock)
 * @param d4-d7  Data lines for using as a 4-bit interface
 * @param type   Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
 * @param bl     Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)  
 * @param e2     Enable2 line (clock for second controller, LCD40x4 only) 
 * @param ctrl   LCD controller (default = HD44780)   
TextLCD::TextLCD(PinName rs, PinName e,
                 PinName d4, PinName d5, PinName d6, PinName d7,
                 LCDType type, PinName bl, PinName e2, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
                 TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
                 _rs(rs), _e(e), _d(d4, d5, d6, d7) {

  // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
  if (bl != NC) {
    _bl = new DigitalOut(bl);   //Construct new pin 
    _bl->write(0);              //Deactivate    
  else {
    // No Hardware Backlight pin       
    _bl = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     

  // The hardware Enable2 pin is only needed for LCD40x4. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
  if (e2 != NC) {
    _e2 = new DigitalOut(e2);   //Construct new pin 
    _e2->write(0);              //Deactivate    
  else {
    // No Hardware Enable pin       
    _e2 = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     

/** Destruct a TextLCD interface for using regular mbed pins
  * @param  none
  * @return none
TextLCD::~TextLCD() {
   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin
   if (_e2 != NULL) {delete _e2;}  // E2 pin

/** Set E pin (or E2 pin)
  * Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
  * Default PinName value for E2 is NC, must be used as pointer to avoid issues with mbed lib and DigitalOut pins
  *   @param  value true or false
  *   @return none 
void TextLCD::_setEnable(bool value) {

  if(_ctrl_idx==_LCDCtrl_0) {
    if (value) {
      _e  = 1;    // Set E bit 
    else { 
      _e  = 0;    // Reset E bit  
  else { 
    if (value) {
      if (_e2 != NULL) {_e2->write(1);}  //Set E2 bit
    else { 
      if (_e2 != NULL) {_e2->write(0);}  //Reset E2 bit     

// Set RS pin
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD::_setRS(bool value) {

  if (value) {
    _rs  = 1;    // Set RS bit 
  else  {
    _rs  = 0;    // Reset RS bit 

/** Set BL pin
  * Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
  * Default PinName value is NC, must be used as pointer to avoid issues with mbed lib and DigitalOut pins
  *   @param  value true or false
  *   @return none  
void TextLCD::_setBL(bool value) {

  if (value) {
    if (_bl != NULL) {_bl->write(1);}  //Set BL bit
  else { 
    if (_bl != NULL) {_bl->write(0);}  //Reset BL bit  


// Place the 4bit data on the databus
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shifregister
void TextLCD::_setData(int value) {
  _d = value & 0x0F;   // Write Databits 
//----------- End TextLCD ---------------

//--------- Start TextLCD_I2C -----------

/** Create a TextLCD interface using an I2C PC8574 (or PCF8574A) or MCP23008 portexpander
  * @param i2c             I2C Bus
  * @param deviceAddress   I2C slave address (PCF8574, PCF8574A or MCP23008, default = 0x40)
  * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
  * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = HD44780)    
TextLCD_I2C::TextLCD_I2C(I2C *i2c, char deviceAddress, LCDType type, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
                         TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
  _slaveAddress = deviceAddress & 0xFE;

  // Setup the I2C bus
  // The max bitrate for PCF8574 is 100kbit, the max bitrate for MCP23008 is 400kbit, 
//  _i2c->frequency(100000);
#if (MCP23008==1)
  // MCP23008 portexpander Init
  _write_register(IODIR,   0x00);  // All outputs
  _write_register(IPOL,    0x00);  // No reverse polarity 
  _write_register(GPINTEN, 0x00);  // No interrupt 
  _write_register(DEFVAL,  0x00);  // Default value to compare against for interrupts
  _write_register(INTCON,  0x00);  // No interrupt on changes 
  _write_register(IOCON,   0x00);  // Interrupt polarity   
  _write_register(GPPU,    0x00);  // No Pullup 
  _write_register(INTF,    0x00);  //    
  _write_register(INTCAP,  0x00);  //    
  _write_register(GPIO,    0x00);  // Output/Input pins   
  _write_register(OLAT,    0x00);  // Output Latch  
  // Init the portexpander bus
  _lcd_bus = D_LCD_BUS_DEF;
  // write the new data to the portexpander
  _write_register(GPIO, _lcd_bus);      
  // PCF8574 of PCF8574A portexpander

  // Init the portexpander bus
  _lcd_bus = D_LCD_BUS_DEF;

  // write the new data to the portexpander
  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);    


// Set E pin (or E2 pin)
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD_I2C::_setEnable(bool value) {

  if(_ctrl_idx==_LCDCtrl_0) {
    if (value) {
      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E;     // Set E bit 
    else {                    
      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E;    // Reset E bit                     
  else {
    if (value) {
      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E2;    // Set E2 bit 
    else {
      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E2;   // Reset E2bit                     

#if (MCP23008==1)
  // MCP23008 portexpander
  // write the new data to the portexpander
  _write_register(GPIO, _lcd_bus);      
  // PCF8574 of PCF8574A portexpander

  // write the new data to the I2C portexpander
  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);    

// Set RS pin
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD_I2C::_setRS(bool value) {

  if (value) {
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_RS;    // Set RS bit 
  else {                    
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_RS;   // Reset RS bit                     

#if (MCP23008==1)
  // MCP23008 portexpander
  // write the new data to the portexpander
  _write_register(GPIO, _lcd_bus);      
  // PCF8574 of PCF8574A portexpander

  // write the new data to the I2C portexpander
  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);    

// Set BL pin
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD_I2C::_setBL(bool value) {

  if (value) {
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_BL;    // Set BL bit 
  else {                    
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_BL;   // Reset BL bit                     
#if (MCP23008==1)
  // MCP23008 portexpander
  // write the new data to the portexpander
  _write_register(GPIO, _lcd_bus);      
  // PCF8574 of PCF8574A portexpander

  // write the new data to the I2C portexpander
  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);    

// Place the 4bit data on the databus
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shifregister
void TextLCD_I2C::_setData(int value) {
  int data;

  // Set bit by bit to support any mapping of expander portpins to LCD pins
  data = value & 0x0F;
  if (data & 0x01){
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D4;   // Set Databit 
  else { 
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D4;  // Reset Databit

  if (data & 0x02){
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D5;   // Set Databit 
  else {
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D5;  // Reset Databit

  if (data & 0x04) {
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D6;   // Set Databit 
  else {                    
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D6;  // Reset Databit

  if (data & 0x08) {
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D7;   // Set Databit 
  else {
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D7;  // Reset Databit
#if (MCP23008==1)
  // MCP23008 portexpander
  // write the new data to the portexpander
  _write_register(GPIO, _lcd_bus);      
  // PCF8574 of PCF8574A portexpander

  // write the new data to the I2C portexpander
  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, &_lcd_bus, 1);    

// Write data to MCP23008 I2C portexpander
void TextLCD_I2C::_write_register (int reg, int value) {
  char data[] = {reg, value};
  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, data, 2); 

//---------- End TextLCD_I2C ------------

//--------- Start TextLCD_I2C_N ---------

 /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with native I2C interface
   * @param i2c             I2C Bus
   * @param deviceAddress   I2C slave address (default = 0x7C)  
   * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
   * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)     
   * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = ST7032_3V3)                     
TextLCD_I2C_N::TextLCD_I2C_N(I2C *i2c, char deviceAddress, LCDType type, PinName bl, LCDCtrl ctrl) : 
                               TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
  _slaveAddress = deviceAddress & 0xFE;
  // Setup the I2C bus
  // The max bitrate for ST7032i is 400kbit, lets stick to default here
//  _i2c->frequency(50000);
  // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
  if (bl != NC) {
    _bl = new DigitalOut(bl);   //Construct new pin 
    _bl->write(0);              //Deactivate    
  else {
    // No Hardware Backlight pin       
    _bl = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     
  //Sanity check
  if (_ctrl & LCD_C_I2C) {
  else {
    error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support native I2C interface\n\r");           


TextLCD_I2C_N::~TextLCD_I2C_N() {
   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin

// Not used in this mode
void TextLCD_I2C_N::_setEnable(bool value) {

// Set RS pin
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister and native I2C or SPI
void TextLCD_I2C_N::_setRS(bool value) {
// The controlbyte defines the meaning of the next byte. This next byte can either be data or command.
// Start Slaveaddress+RW  b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0   b7...........b0  Stop
//                        Co RS RW  0  0  0  0  0   command or data
//   C0=1 indicates that another controlbyte will follow after the next data or command byte 
//   RS=1 means that next byte is data, RS=0 means that next byte is command
//   RW=0 means write to controller. RW=1 means that controller will be read from after the next command. 
//        Many native I2C controllers dont support this option and it is not used by this lib. 

  if (value) {
    _controlbyte = 0x40; // Next byte is data, No more control bytes will follow
  else {
    _controlbyte = 0x00; // Next byte is command, No more control bytes will follow     

// Set BL pin
void TextLCD_I2C_N::_setBL(bool value) {
    if (_bl) {
// Not used in this mode
void TextLCD_I2C_N::_setData(int value) {

// Write a byte using I2C
void TextLCD_I2C_N::_writeByte(int value) {
// The controlbyte defines the meaning of the next byte. This next byte can either be data or command.
// Start Slaveaddress+RW  b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0   b7...........b0  Stop
//                        Co RS RW  0  0  0  0  0   command or data
//   C0=1 indicates that another controlbyte will follow after the next data or command byte 
//   RS=1 means that next byte is data, RS=0 means that next byte is command
//   RW=0 means write to controller. RW=1 means that controller will be read from after the next command. 
//        Many native I2C controllers dont support this option and it is not used by this lib. 
  char data[] = {_controlbyte, value};
  _i2c->write(_slaveAddress, data, 2); 

//-------- End TextLCD_I2C_N ------------

//--------- Start TextLCD_SPI -----------

 /** Create a TextLCD interface using an SPI 74595 portexpander
   * @param spi             SPI Bus
   * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
   * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
   * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = HD44780)      
TextLCD_SPI::TextLCD_SPI(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
                         TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
                         _cs(cs) {      
  // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, low steady state clock,
  // rising edge capture, with a 500KHz or 1MHz clock rate  

  // Init the portexpander bus
  _lcd_bus = D_LCD_BUS_DEF;
  // write the new data to the portexpander


// Set E pin (or E2 pin)
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD_SPI::_setEnable(bool value) {

  if(_ctrl_idx==_LCDCtrl_0) {
    if (value) {
      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E;     // Set E bit 
    else {                    
      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E;    // Reset E bit                     
  else {
    if (value) {
      _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_E2;    // Set E2 bit 
    else {
      _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_E2;   // Reset E2 bit                     
  // write the new data to the SPI portexpander

// Set RS pin
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD_SPI::_setRS(bool value) {

  if (value) {
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_RS;    // Set RS bit 
  else {                    
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_RS;   // Reset RS bit                     
  // write the new data to the SPI portexpander

// Set BL pin
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD_SPI::_setBL(bool value) {

  if (value) {
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_BL;    // Set BL bit 
  else {
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_BL;   // Reset BL bit                     
  // write the new data to the SPI portexpander

// Place the 4bit data on the databus
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD_SPI::_setData(int value) {
  int data;

  // Set bit by bit to support any mapping of expander portpins to LCD pins
  data = value & 0x0F;
  if (data & 0x01) {
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D4;   // Set Databit 
  else {                    
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D4;  // Reset Databit                     
  if (data & 0x02) {
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D5;   // Set Databit 
  else {
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D5;  // Reset Databit                     
  if (data & 0x04) {
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D6;   // Set Databit 
  else {
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D6;  // Reset Databit                     
  if (data & 0x08) {
    _lcd_bus |= D_LCD_D7;   // Set Databit 
  else {
    _lcd_bus &= ~D_LCD_D7;  // Reset Databit
  // write the new data to the SPI portexpander

// Set CS line.
// Only used for SPI bus
void TextLCD_SPI::_setCS(bool value) {

  if (value) {   
    _cs  = 1;    // Set CS pin 
  else {
    _cs  = 0;    // Reset CS pin 

//---------- End TextLCD_SPI ------------

//--------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N ---------

 /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with a native SPI4 interface
   * @param spi             SPI Bus
   * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
   * @param rs              Instruction/data control line
   * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
   * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)  
   * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = ST7032_3V3) 
TextLCD_SPI_N::TextLCD_SPI_N(SPI *spi, PinName cs, PinName rs, LCDType type, PinName bl, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
                             TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
                             _rs(rs) {      
  // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, low steady state clock,
  // rising edge capture, with a 500KHz or 1MHz clock rate  
  // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
  if (bl != NC) {
    _bl = new DigitalOut(bl);   //Construct new pin 
    _bl->write(0);              //Deactivate    
  else {
    // No Hardware Backlight pin       
    _bl = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     

  //Sanity check
  if (_ctrl & LCD_C_SPI4) {
  else {
    error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support native SPI4 interface\n\r");           

TextLCD_SPI_N::~TextLCD_SPI_N() {
   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin

// Not used in this mode
void TextLCD_SPI_N::_setEnable(bool value) {

// Set RS pin
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD_SPI_N::_setRS(bool value) {
    _rs = value;

// Set BL pin
void TextLCD_SPI_N::_setBL(bool value) {
    if (_bl) {

// Not used in this mode
void TextLCD_SPI_N::_setData(int value) {

// Write a byte using SPI
void TextLCD_SPI_N::_writeByte(int value) {
    _cs = 0;
    _cs = 1;
//-------- End TextLCD_SPI_N ------------

//Code checked out on logic analyser. Not yet tested on hardware..

//-------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9 --------

 /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with a native SPI3 9 bits interface
   * @param spi             SPI Bus
   * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
   * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
   * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)  
   * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = AIP31068) 
TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9::TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type, PinName bl, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
                                     TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
                                     _cs(cs) {      
  // Setup the spi for 9 bit data, low steady state clock,
  // rising edge capture, with a 500KHz or 1MHz clock rate  
  // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
  if (bl != NC) {
    _bl = new DigitalOut(bl);   //Construct new pin 
    _bl->write(0);              //Deactivate    
  else {
    // No Hardware Backlight pin       
    _bl = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     

  //Sanity check
  if (_ctrl & LCD_C_SPI3_9) {
  else {
    error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support native SPI3 9 bits interface\n\r");           

TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9::~TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9() {
   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin

// Not used in this mode
void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9::_setEnable(bool value) {

// Set RS pin
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9::_setRS(bool value) {
// The controlbits define the meaning of the next byte. This next byte can either be data or command.
//   b8  b7...........b0 
//   RS  command or data
//   RS=1 means that next byte is data, RS=0 means that next byte is command

  if (value) {
    _controlbyte = 0x01; // Next byte is data
  else {
    _controlbyte = 0x00; // Next byte is command

// Set BL pin
void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9::_setBL(bool value) {
    if (_bl) {

// Not used in this mode
void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9::_setData(int value) {

// Write a byte using SPI3 9 bits mode
void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9::_writeByte(int value) {
    _cs = 0;
    _spi->write( (_controlbyte << 8) | (value & 0xFF));
    _cs = 1;
//------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_9 -----------

//Code checked out on logic analyser. Not yet tested on hardware..

//------- Start TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10 --------

 /** Create a TextLCD interface using a controller with a native SPI3 10 bits interface
   * @param spi             SPI Bus
   * @param cs              chip select pin (active low)
   * @param type            Sets the panel size/addressing mode (default = LCD16x2)
   * @param bl              Backlight control line (optional, default = NC)  
   * @param ctrl            LCD controller (default = AIP31068) 
TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10::TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10(SPI *spi, PinName cs, LCDType type, PinName bl, LCDCtrl ctrl) :
                                       TextLCD_Base(type, ctrl), 
                                       _cs(cs) {      
  // Setup the spi for 10 bit data, low steady state clock,
  // rising edge capture, with a 500KHz or 1MHz clock rate  
  // The hardware Backlight pin is optional. Test and make sure whether it exists or not to prevent illegal access.
  if (bl != NC) {
    _bl = new DigitalOut(bl);   //Construct new pin 
    _bl->write(0);              //Deactivate    
  else {
    // No Hardware Backlight pin       
    _bl = NULL;                 //Construct dummy pin     

  //Sanity check
  if (_ctrl & LCD_C_SPI3_10) {
  else {
    error("Error: LCD Controller type does not support native SPI3 10 bits interface\n\r");           

TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10::~TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10() {
   if (_bl != NULL) {delete _bl;}  // BL pin

// Not used in this mode
void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10::_setEnable(bool value) {

// Set RS pin
// Used for mbed pins, I2C bus expander or SPI shiftregister
void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10::_setRS(bool value) {
// The controlbits define the meaning of the next byte. This next byte can either be data or command.
//   b9 b8  b7...........b0 
//   RS RW  command or data
//   RS=1 means that next byte is data, RS=0 means that next byte is command
//   RW=0 means that next byte is writen, RW=1 means that next byte is read (not used in this lib)

  if (value) {
    _controlbyte = 0x02; // Next byte is data
  else {
    _controlbyte = 0x00; // Next byte is command

// Set BL pin
void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10::_setBL(bool value) {
    if (_bl) {

// Not used in this mode
void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10::_setData(int value) {

// Write a byte using SPI3 10 bits mode
void TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10::_writeByte(int value) {
    _cs = 0;
    _spi->write( (_controlbyte << 8) | (value & 0xFF));
    _cs = 1;
//------- End TextLCD_SPI_N_3_10 ----------