HDSP253X Smart Alphanumeric LED matrix display

Dependents:   mbed_bus

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00001 /* HDSP253X_Display - Intelligent 8 digit 5x7 LED matrix display
00002  *
00003  * Copyright (c) 2011 Wim Huiskamp
00004  * Modified software based on sourcecode by RAC 06/08/2008
00005  *
00006  * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit
00007  *
00008  * version 0.2 Initial Release
00009 */
00010 #include "mbed.h"
00011 //#include "Utils.h"
00012 #include "PCF8574_DataBus.h"
00013 #include "PCF8574_AddressBus.h"
00014 #include "PCF8574_EnableBus.h"
00015 #include "MBED_ControlBus.h"
00016 #include "HDSP253X.h"
00018 /** Create an HDSP253X_Display object connected to the proper busses
00019  *
00020  * @param  PCF8574_DataBus data databus to connect to 
00021  * @param  PCF8574_AddressBus address addressbus to connect to 
00022  * @param  PCF8574_EnableBus enable enablebus to connect to 
00023  * @param  MBED_ControlBus control controlbus to connect to 
00024 */
00025 HDSP253X_Display::HDSP253X_Display (PCF8574_DataBus &databus, PCF8574_AddressBus &addressbus, PCF8574_EnableBus &enablebus, MBED_ControlBus &controlbus) : 
00026                                      _databus(databus), _addressbus(addressbus), _enablebus(enablebus), _controlbus(controlbus) {
00028    _init();
00029 }    
00031 /** Init HDSP253X_Display
00032  * @param
00033  * @returns 
00034  */
00035 void HDSP253X_Display::_init(void)
00036 {
00037     // Apply reset
00038     reset();  // Note that this also resets the LED status display. 
00040     // Note: Brightness is 100% after reset
00041     set_brightness(HDSP253X_DEF_DISPLAY_BRIGHT);
00043     // Reset cursor 
00044     locate(0);
00045 }
00048 /*****************************************************************************/
00049 /*******************  LOW LEVEL HDSP253X SUPPORT FUNCTIONS  ******************/
00050 /*****************************************************************************/
00052 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00053  |
00054  |  Function:       HDSP253X_reset
00055  |
00056  |  Description:    Reset routine for HDSP253X display, applying reset, 
00057  |                  removing reset, then waiting for preset delay.
00058  |                  With the internal clock, the delay should be around 1
00059  |                  millisecond, but slower clocks will require longer delays.
00060  |                  After reset the Char RAM and Flash RAM is cleared, the CTRL word is
00061  |                  cleared (Blink Off, Flash Off, Brightness 100%). UDC RAM and address
00062  |                  are unaffected.
00063  |
00064  |  Parameters:     None
00065  |
00066  |  Returns:        Nothing.
00067  |
00068 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00069 void HDSP253X_Display::reset(void)
00070 {
00071 //NOTE: On LF28A the Reset* pin is connected to the display and to the latches.
00072 //      That implies they are all reset when the Reset* pin is used !
00073 // 
00074 // Alternative for the Display may be SW reset instruction
00076     // Apply the reset condition and then remove after short delay
00077     _enablebus.chipselect(CS_DISP, HIGH);  
00078     wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00080     _enablebus.reset(LOW);   
00081     wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);    
00082     wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);        
00083     _enablebus.reset(HIGH);             
00085     // Wait for the preset delay to allow operation to complete
00086     wait_ms(HDSP253X_RST_CLR_DELAY_MS);
00088     // Reset cursor 
00089     locate(0);
00090 }
00093 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00094  |
00095  |  Function:       HDSP253X_write
00096  |
00097  |  Description:    Low level data write routine for HDSP253X. Takes in data
00098  |                  and address (including Flash as top bit) and writes
00099  |                  it to the display. For simplicity, entire address byte
00100  |                  is written, even though top two bits are unused inputs.
00101  |                  After performing the operation, address lines are set
00102  |                  all high, in order to eliminate current drain through
00103  |                  pullup resistors (0.5mA per pin with 10K pullups)
00104  |
00105  |  Parameters:     address - full address in bits 0-5 (bit 5 is flash)
00106  |                  data - data byte to write out
00107  |
00108  |  Returns:        Nothing.
00109  |
00110 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00112 void HDSP253X_Display::_write(uint8_t address, uint8_t data)
00113 {
00114 //    // Switch databus buffer to outputs
00115 //    _controlbus.busdir(WRITE);        
00116 //    // Switch databus to outputs
00117 //    _databus.busdir(WRITE);   
00120     // Write out the address on to the addressbus and wait
00121     _addressbus.write(address);
00122 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00124     // Set CE low and wait
00125     _enablebus.chipselect(CS_DISP, LOW);  
00126 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00128     // Write data to the databus
00129     _databus.write(data);        
00130 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00132     // Set WR low, wait, then set high and wait
00133     _controlbus.WR(LOW);
00134 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00135     _controlbus.WR(HIGH);
00136 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00138     // Set CE high and wait
00139     _enablebus.chipselect(CS_DISP, HIGH);  
00140 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00142 //    // Switch databus back to inputs
00143 //    _databus.busdir(READ);        
00144 //    // Switch databus buffer back to inputs
00145 //    _controlbus.busdir(READ);  
00147 //    // Set address lines all high to minimise power through pullups
00148 //    _addressbus.write(HDSP253X_ADDR_LOW_POWER);
00149 }
00151 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00152  |
00153  |  Function:       HDSP253X_read
00154  |
00155  |  Description:    Low level data read routine for HDSP253X. Takes in 
00156  |                  address (including Flash as top bit) and reads data
00157  |                  from the display. For simplicity, entire address byte
00158  |                  is written, even though top two bits are unused inputs.
00159  |                  After performing the operation, address lines are set
00160  |                  all high, in order to eliminate current drain through
00161  |                  pullup resistors (0.5mA per pin with 10K pullups)
00162  |
00163  |  Parameters:     address - full address in bits 0-5 (bit 5 is flash)
00164  |
00165  |  Returns:        data - data byte read in (Note that D7 is masked out)
00166  |
00167 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00169 uint8_t HDSP253X_Display::_read(uint8_t address)
00170 {
00171     uint8_t data = 0;
00173     // Switch databus to inputs
00174     _databus.busdir(READ);        
00175     // Switch databus buffer to inputs
00176     _controlbus.busdir(READ);      
00178     // Write out the address on to the addressbus and wait
00179     _addressbus.write(address);
00180 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00182     // Set CE low and wait
00183     _enablebus.chipselect(CS_DISP, LOW);
00184 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00186     // Set RD low and wait
00187     _controlbus.RD(LOW);
00188 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00190     // Read the data byte from databus
00191     // Mask out the not-readable D7 bit, this mask is needed for my specific targetboard !
00192     // Reading the unconnected D7 bit results in 'H' level. A RMW cycle on the Ctrl register
00193     // would then always result in a Clearscreen !
00194     data = _databus.read() & HDSP253X_CTRL_MASK;
00196     // set RD high and wait
00197     _controlbus.RD(HIGH);
00198 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00200     // Set CE high and wait
00201     _enablebus.chipselect(CS_DISP, HIGH);
00202 //    wait_ms(HDSP253X_1TCY_WAIT_MS);
00204 //    // Set address lines all high to minimise power through pullups
00205 //    _addressbus.write(HDSP253X_ADDR_LOW_POWER);
00207     // Switch databus buffer back to outputs
00208     _controlbus.busdir(WRITE);        
00209     // Switch databus to outputs
00210     _databus.busdir(WRITE);   
00212     // Return read data to caller
00213     return data;
00214 }
00217 /*****************************************************************************/
00218 /**************  HIGH LEVEL HDSP253X CHARACTER DISPLAY FUNCTIONS  ************/
00219 /*****************************************************************************/
00222 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00223  |
00224  |  Function:       HDSP253X_putudc
00225  |
00226  |  Description:    Displays specified UDC character on the display at current
00227  |                  position. Used defined characters use codes from 128-142.
00228  |                  Note that the normal putc write routines can also be used
00229  |                  to show UDCs, using ASCII values 128 to 143 inclusive.
00230  |
00231  |  Parameters:     udc_char_num - UDC character, 16 possible UDC values from 0-15
00232  |
00233  |  Returns:        Nothing
00234  |
00235 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00237 void HDSP253X_Display::putudc (char udc_char_num)
00238 {
00239   putc(HDSP253X_ASCII_UDC_CHARS + udc_char_num);
00240 }
00242 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00243  |
00244  |  Function:       HDSP253X_printf
00245  |
00246  |  Description:    Displays specified string on the display at current
00247  |                  cursor position. Increments cursor.
00248  |
00249  |  Parameters:     format - format string
00250  |                  args   - data
00251  |
00252  |  Returns:        Nothing
00253  |
00254 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00256 void HDSP253X_Display::printf (char * format, ...) {
00257    char display_string[64];
00258 //   int rv;   
00259    int string_len, i;   
00260    va_list args;
00261    va_start (args, format);
00263 //   rv=vsprintf (display_string, format, args);
00264    vsprintf (display_string, format, args);   
00265    va_end (args);   
00266 // printf("printing:'%s'\n", display_string);
00267 //   writeString (buffer);
00269    // loop round, writing characters
00270    string_len = strlen(display_string);   // obtain length of string
00271    for (i = 0; i < string_len; i++) {
00272      putc(display_string[i]);
00273    };
00275    // return rv;
00276 }
00280 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00281  |
00282  |  Function:       HDSP253X_putc
00283  |
00284  |  Description:    Displays specified character on the display at current
00285  |                  cursor position. Increments cursor.
00286  |                  Position on the display (0 to 7, Leftmost = 0)
00287  |
00288  |  Parameters:     disp_char - single character to display
00289  |                    - ASCII characters, 128 values between 0-127
00290  |                    - UDC character, 15 possible UDC values from 128-142
00291  |
00292  |  Returns:        Nothing
00293  |
00294 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00295 void HDSP253X_Display::putc(char disp_char) {
00297     // Write selected character to display at current position
00299     if ((disp_char & HDSP253X_UDC_SEL) == HDSP253X_UDC_SEL) {      
00300         // Write UDC character to display, code between 128-143
00301         disp_char &= HDSP253X_UDC_MASK;        // mask off unused bits
00302         disp_char |= HDSP253X_UDC_SEL;         // add in top bit to specify UDC        
00303         _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_CHAR_BASE + _column, disp_char);
00304     }
00305     else {
00306         // Write ASCII character, code between 0-127
00307         disp_char &= HDSP253X_CHAR_MASK;        // mask off unused bits
00308         _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_CHAR_BASE + _column, disp_char);        
00309     }
00311     // Incr and wrap around cursorposition
00312     _column++; 
00313     _column = _column % HDSP253X_NUM_CHARS;    
00314 }
00318 #if(0)
00319 char HDSP253X_Display::getc() {
00320   return -1;
00321 }
00322 #endif
00324 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00325  |
00326  |  Function:       HDSP253X_locate
00327  |
00328  |  Description:    Set the cursor address where the next character will be written. 
00329  |
00330  |  Parameters:     Cursor Column address
00331  |
00332  |  Returns:        Nothing
00333  |
00334 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00336 void HDSP253X_Display::locate(uint8_t column) {
00338 //    _row = row % HDSP253X_NUM_ROWS;
00339     _column = column % HDSP253X_NUM_CHARS;
00340 }
00343 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00344  |
00345  |  Function:       HDSP253X_cls
00346  |
00347  |  Description:    Clears the displayed data and flash RAM, but not the user
00348  |                  defined characters. Waits for the preset delay to ensure the 
00349  |                  display is ready for operation; with an internal clock,
00350  |                  this delay needs to be around 1 millisecond. 
00351  |
00352  |  Parameters:     None
00353  |
00354  |  Returns:        Nothing
00355  |
00356 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00358 void HDSP253X_Display::cls(void) {
00360     uint8_t disp_data;
00362     // Read in control word, modify and write back out
00363     disp_data = _read(HDSP253X_ADDR_CTRL_WORD);
00364     disp_data |= HDSP253X_CTRL_CLEAR_MASK;
00365     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_CTRL_WORD, disp_data);
00367     // Wait for the preset delay to allow operation to complete
00368     wait_ms(HDSP253X_RST_CLR_DELAY_MS);
00370     // Reset cursor 
00371     locate(0);
00372 }
00375 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00376  |
00377  |  Function:       HDSP253X_set_brightness
00378  |
00379  |  Description:    Sets the brightness of the HDSP253X display, by performing
00380  |                  a read-modify-write on the control register.
00381  |
00382  |  Parameters:     brightness - 3 bit brightness value
00383  |
00384  |  Returns:        Nothing
00385  |
00386 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00388 void HDSP253X_Display::set_brightness(uint8_t brightness) {
00390     uint8_t ctrl_data;
00392     // Read in control word, modify and write back out
00393     ctrl_data = _read(HDSP253X_ADDR_CTRL_WORD);
00394     ctrl_data &= ~HDSP253X_CTRL_BRIGHT_MASK;
00395     ctrl_data |= (brightness & HDSP253X_CTRL_BRIGHT_MASK);
00396     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_CTRL_WORD, ctrl_data);
00397 }
00399 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00400  |
00401  |  Function:       HDSP253X_start_self_test
00402  |
00403  |  Description:    Starts the HDSP253X self test, setting the relevant 
00404  |                  control word bit. The caller should then wait for 
00405  |                  the required number of seconds before checking the result.
00406  |                  With the internal display clock, the self test takes 
00407  |                  around 5 seconds, so waiting for 6 seconds should
00408  |                  be OK. Slower clocks will require longer delays.
00409  |
00410  |                  Note that some displays such as the Siemens HDSP2111
00411  |                  appear to take longer than the official 4.5 seconds
00412  |                  so it is advisable to wait for longer (say 6 seconds)
00413  |                  before checking the result. Attempting to access the
00414  |                  display before it is ready may result in the self test
00415  |                  status failing to clear down.
00416  |
00417  |                  Also note that some display datasheets suggest that
00418  |                  the display must be reset BEFORE running the self
00419  |                  test routine, so this routine does this.
00420  |
00421  |  Parameters:     None
00422  |
00423  |  Returns:        Nothing
00424  |
00425 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00427 void HDSP253X_Display::start_self_test(void) {
00429     // Reset the display to ensure it is ready for the self test
00430     reset();
00432     // Directly write the self test request, as control word is wiped at end
00434 }
00436 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00437  |
00438  |  Function:       HDSP253X_finish_self_test
00439  |
00440  |  Description:    Reads the control register to determine the self test
00441  |                  result. Then issues a display reset to ensure 
00442  |                  that it is ready for operation afterwards. While such
00443  |                  a reset should not be necessary if an adequate delay
00444  |                  occurs between starting the self test and checking the 
00445  |                  result, issuing a reset guarantees that the display will 
00446  |                  be ready for operation. This also means that this function
00447  |                  can be called early to prematurely terminate a self test.
00448  |
00449  |  Parameters:     None
00450  |
00451  |  Returns:        True if passed, False if failed
00452  |
00453 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00455 bool HDSP253X_Display::finish_self_test(void) {
00456     uint8_t ctrl_data;
00457     bool result;
00459     // Read back control word and obtain self test result
00460     ctrl_data = _read(HDSP253X_ADDR_CTRL_WORD);
00461     result = ((ctrl_data & HDSP253X_CTRL_STRESULT_MASK) != 0);
00463     // Reset the display to ensure it is ready for normal operation
00464     reset();
00466     // Indicate the self test result
00467     return result;
00468 }
00471 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00472  |
00473  |  Function:       HDSP253X_set_blink_mode
00474  |
00475  |  Description:    Enables or disables the blinking function on the display.
00476  |                  When enabled, blinking will flash the whole display 
00477  |                  irrespective of the flash RAM. With the internal clock,
00478  |                  the blink rate is 2Hz. Note that blink mode overrides 
00479  |                  the normal flashing mode.
00480  |
00481  |  Parameters:     enable - true to enable, false to disable
00482  |
00483  |  Returns:        Nothing
00484  |
00485 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00487 void HDSP253X_Display::set_blink_mode(bool enable) {
00488     uint8_t ctrl_data;
00490     // read in control word, modify and write back out
00491     ctrl_data = _read(HDSP253X_ADDR_CTRL_WORD);
00492     if (enable) {
00493       ctrl_data |= HDSP253X_CTRL_BLINK_MASK;
00494     }
00495     else {
00496       ctrl_data &= ~HDSP253X_CTRL_BLINK_MASK;
00497     }
00498     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_CTRL_WORD, ctrl_data);
00499 }
00501 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00502  |
00503  |  Function:       HDSP253X_set_flash_mode
00504  |
00505  |  Description:    Enables or disables the flashing function on the display.
00506  |                  When enabled, characters with the flashing bit set in the 
00507  |                  RAM will flash. With the internal clock, the flash rate is 2Hz.
00508  |
00509  |  Parameters:     enable - true to enable, false to disable
00510  |
00511  |  Returns:        Nothing
00512  |
00513 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00515 void HDSP253X_Display::set_flash_mode(bool enable) {
00516     uint8_t ctrl_data;
00518     // read in control word, modify and write back out
00519     ctrl_data = _read(HDSP253X_ADDR_CTRL_WORD);
00520     if (enable) {
00521       ctrl_data |= HDSP253X_CTRL_FLASH_MASK;
00522     }
00523     else {
00524       ctrl_data &= ~HDSP253X_CTRL_FLASH_MASK;
00525     }
00526     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_CTRL_WORD, ctrl_data);
00527 }
00529 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00530  |
00531  |  Function:       HDSP253X_set_all_flash_states
00532  |
00533  |  Description:    Sets flashing states of all characters in flash RAM, using 
00534  |                  supplied bit mask. Each bit corresponds to a character
00535  |                  (bit 7 on left, bit 0 on right), and is set to flash and
00536  |                  clear for steady operation. NOTE: The overall flashing 
00537  |                  enable/disable state is set by the separate set flash 
00538  |                  mode function.
00539  |
00540  |  Parameters:     flash_bits - bitmask containing flash states
00541  |
00542  |  Returns:        Nothing
00543  |
00544 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00546 void HDSP253X_Display::set_all_flash_states(uint8_t flash_bits)
00547 {
00548     int i;
00549     uint8_t char_pos;
00551     // loop round all character positions, extracting each bit in turn
00552     for (i = 1; i <= HDSP253X_NUM_CHARS; i++)
00553     {
00554       // Get state of bottom bit from mask and use to adjust flash state
00555       // Note that character address is reversed as we start from right
00556       char_pos = HDSP253X_NUM_CHARS - i;
00557       _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_FLASH_BASE + char_pos, flash_bits & 0x01);
00559       // Shift the mask to the right, ready for the next go
00560       flash_bits >>= 1;
00561     }
00562 }
00564 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00565  |
00566  |  Function:       HDSP253X_set_char_flash_state
00567  |
00568  |  Description:    Sets flashing state of one character in flash RAM, using 
00569  |                  supplied character position and enable state. NOTE: The 
00570  |                  overall flashing enable/disable state is set by the 
00571  |                  separate set flash mode function.
00572  |
00573  |  Parameters:     flash_state - TRUE to flash, FALSE for steady operation
00574  |                  char_pos - position on the display (0 to 7)
00575  |
00576  |  Returns:        Nothing
00577  |
00578 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00580 void HDSP253X_Display::set_char_flash_state(bool flash_state, uint8_t char_pos) {
00581     // Write out the new flash state to the flash RAM
00582     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_FLASH_BASE + char_pos, flash_state);
00583 }
00585 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00586  |
00587  |  Function:       HDSP253X_define_user_char
00588  |
00589  |  Description:    Full definition of UDC, firstly setting the UDC address
00590  |                  to specified character, and then loading all 7 data rows.
00591  |                  Note that for each row, only the bottom 5 bits are used.
00592  |  
00593  |  Parameters:     udc_char_num - number of UDC character, from 0 to 15
00594  |                  row_data_1 - top row data
00595  |                  row_data_2 - second row data
00596  |                  row_data_3 - third row data
00597  |                  row_data_4 - fourth row data
00598  |                  row_data_5 - fifth row data
00599  |                  row_data_6 - sixth row data
00600  |                  row_data_7 - bottomp row data
00601  |  
00602  |  Returns:        Nothing
00603  |
00604 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00606 void HDSP253X_Display::define_user_char(uint8_t udc_char_num, uint8_t row_data_1, uint8_t row_data_2,
00607                                         uint8_t row_data_3, uint8_t row_data_4, uint8_t row_data_5, 
00608                                         uint8_t row_data_6, uint8_t row_data_7)
00609 {
00610     // firstly set the UDC character address, by writing to the UDC addr reg
00611     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_UDC_ADDRESS, udc_char_num);
00613     // now write out the 7 rows to the UDC RAM
00614     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_UDC_ROW_BASE+0, row_data_1);
00615     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_UDC_ROW_BASE+1, row_data_2);
00616     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_UDC_ROW_BASE+2, row_data_3);
00617     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_UDC_ROW_BASE+3, row_data_4);
00618     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_UDC_ROW_BASE+4, row_data_5);
00619     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_UDC_ROW_BASE+5, row_data_6);
00620     _write(HDSP253X_ADDR_UDC_ROW_BASE+6, row_data_7);
00621 }
00624 /*****************************************************************************/
00625 /******************************  END OF FILE  ********************************/
00626 /*****************************************************************************/