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ssl.h File Reference

ssl.h File Reference

SSL/TLS functions. More...

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Data Structures

struct  mbedtls_ssl_config
 SSL/TLS configuration to be shared between mbedtls_ssl_context structures. More...


typedef int mbedtls_ssl_send_t (void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
 Callback type: send data on the network.
typedef int mbedtls_ssl_recv_t (void *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
 Callback type: receive data from the network.
typedef int mbedtls_ssl_recv_timeout_t (void *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len, uint32_t timeout)
 Callback type: receive data from the network, with timeout.
typedef void mbedtls_ssl_set_timer_t (void *ctx, uint32_t int_ms, uint32_t fin_ms)
 Callback type: set a pair of timers/delays to watch.
typedef int mbedtls_ssl_get_timer_t (void *ctx)
 Callback type: get status of timers/delays.
typedef int mbedtls_ssl_ticket_write_t (void *p_ticket, const mbedtls_ssl_session *session, unsigned char *start, const unsigned char *end, size_t *tlen, uint32_t *lifetime)
 Callback type: generate and write session ticket.
typedef int mbedtls_ssl_export_keys_t (void *p_expkey, const unsigned char *ms, const unsigned char *kb, size_t maclen, size_t keylen, size_t ivlen)
 Callback type: Export key block and master secret.
typedef int mbedtls_ssl_ticket_parse_t (void *p_ticket, mbedtls_ssl_session *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
 Callback type: parse and load session ticket.
typedef int mbedtls_ssl_cookie_write_t (void *ctx, unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end, const unsigned char *info, size_t ilen)
 Callback type: generate a cookie.
typedef int mbedtls_ssl_cookie_check_t (void *ctx, const unsigned char *cookie, size_t clen, const unsigned char *info, size_t ilen)
 Callback type: verify a cookie.


const int * mbedtls_ssl_list_ciphersuites (void)
 Returns the list of ciphersuites supported by the SSL/TLS module.
const char * mbedtls_ssl_get_ciphersuite_name (const int ciphersuite_id)
 Return the name of the ciphersuite associated with the given ID.
int mbedtls_ssl_get_ciphersuite_id (const char *ciphersuite_name)
 Return the ID of the ciphersuite associated with the given name.
void mbedtls_ssl_init (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Initialize an SSL context Just makes the context ready for mbedtls_ssl_setup() or mbedtls_ssl_free()
int mbedtls_ssl_setup (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, const mbedtls_ssl_config *conf)
 Set up an SSL context for use.
int mbedtls_ssl_session_reset (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Reset an already initialized SSL context for re-use while retaining application-set variables, function pointers and data.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_endpoint (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int endpoint)
 Set the current endpoint type.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_transport (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int transport)
 Set the transport type (TLS or DTLS).
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int authmode)
 Set the certificate verification mode Default: NONE on server, REQUIRED on client.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_verify (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int(*f_vrfy)(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *), void *p_vrfy)
 Set the verification callback (Optional).
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_rng (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int(*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_rng)
 Set the random number generator callback.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_dbg (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, void(*f_dbg)(void *, int, const char *, int, const char *), void *p_dbg)
 Set the debug callback.
void mbedtls_ssl_set_bio (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, void *p_bio, mbedtls_ssl_send_t *f_send, mbedtls_ssl_recv_t *f_recv, mbedtls_ssl_recv_timeout_t *f_recv_timeout)
 Set the underlying BIO callbacks for write, read and read-with-timeout.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_read_timeout (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, uint32_t timeout)
 Set the timeout period for mbedtls_ssl_read() (Default: no timeout.)
void mbedtls_ssl_set_timer_cb (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, void *p_timer, mbedtls_ssl_set_timer_t *f_set_timer, mbedtls_ssl_get_timer_t *f_get_timer)
 Set the timer callbacks (Mandatory for DTLS.)
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_session_tickets_cb (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, mbedtls_ssl_ticket_write_t *f_ticket_write, mbedtls_ssl_ticket_parse_t *f_ticket_parse, void *p_ticket)
 Configure SSL session ticket callbacks (server only).
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_export_keys_cb (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, mbedtls_ssl_export_keys_t *f_export_keys, void *p_export_keys)
 Configure key export callback.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_dtls_cookies (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, mbedtls_ssl_cookie_write_t *f_cookie_write, mbedtls_ssl_cookie_check_t *f_cookie_check, void *p_cookie)
 Register callbacks for DTLS cookies (Server only.
int mbedtls_ssl_set_client_transport_id (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, const unsigned char *info, size_t ilen)
 Set client's transport-level identification info.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_dtls_anti_replay (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, char mode)
 Enable or disable anti-replay protection for DTLS.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_dtls_badmac_limit (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, unsigned limit)
 Set a limit on the number of records with a bad MAC before terminating the connection.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_handshake_timeout (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, uint32_t min, uint32_t max)
 Set retransmit timeout values for the DTLS handshake.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_session_cache (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, void *p_cache, int(*f_get_cache)(void *, mbedtls_ssl_session *), int(*f_set_cache)(void *, const mbedtls_ssl_session *))
 Set the session cache callbacks (server-side only) If not set, no session resuming is done (except if session tickets are enabled too).
int mbedtls_ssl_set_session (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, const mbedtls_ssl_session *session)
 Request resumption of session (client-side only) Session data is copied from presented session structure.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_ciphersuites (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, const int *ciphersuites)
 Set the list of allowed ciphersuites and the preference order.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_ciphersuites_for_version (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, const int *ciphersuites, int major, int minor)
 Set the list of allowed ciphersuites and the preference order for a specific version of the protocol.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_cert_profile (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile *profile)
 Set the X.509 security profile used for verification.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, mbedtls_x509_crt *ca_chain, mbedtls_x509_crl *ca_crl)
 Set the data required to verify peer certificate.
int mbedtls_ssl_conf_own_cert (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, mbedtls_x509_crt *own_cert, mbedtls_pk_context *pk_key)
 Set own certificate chain and private key.
int mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, const unsigned char *psk, size_t psk_len, const unsigned char *psk_identity, size_t psk_identity_len)
 Set the Pre Shared Key (PSK) and the expected identity name.
int mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_psk (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, const unsigned char *psk, size_t psk_len)
 Set the Pre Shared Key (PSK) for the current handshake.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk_cb (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int(*f_psk)(void *, mbedtls_ssl_context *, const unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_psk)
 Set the PSK callback (server-side only).
int mbedtls_ssl_conf_dh_param (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, const char *dhm_P, const char *dhm_G)
 Set the Diffie-Hellman public P and G values, read as hexadecimal strings (server-side only) (Default: MBEDTLS_DHM_RFC5114_MODP_2048_[PG])
int mbedtls_ssl_conf_dh_param_ctx (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, mbedtls_dhm_context *dhm_ctx)
 Set the Diffie-Hellman public P and G values, read from existing context (server-side only)
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_dhm_min_bitlen (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, unsigned int bitlen)
 Set the minimum length for Diffie-Hellman parameters.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, const mbedtls_ecp_group_id *curves)
 Set the allowed curves in order of preference.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_sig_hashes (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, const int *hashes)
 Set the allowed hashes for signatures during the handshake.
int mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, const char *hostname)
 Set the hostname to check against the received server certificate.
int mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_own_cert (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, mbedtls_x509_crt *own_cert, mbedtls_pk_context *pk_key)
 Set own certificate and key for the current handshake.
void mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_ca_chain (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, mbedtls_x509_crt *ca_chain, mbedtls_x509_crl *ca_crl)
 Set the data required to verify peer certificate for the current handshake.
void mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_authmode (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, int authmode)
 Set authmode for the current handshake.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_sni (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int(*f_sni)(void *, mbedtls_ssl_context *, const unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_sni)
 Set server side ServerName TLS extension callback (optional, server-side only).
int mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_ecjpake_password (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, const unsigned char *pw, size_t pw_len)
 Set the EC J-PAKE password for current handshake.
int mbedtls_ssl_conf_alpn_protocols (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, const char **protos)
 Set the supported Application Layer Protocols.
const char * mbedtls_ssl_get_alpn_protocol (const mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Get the name of the negotiated Application Layer Protocol.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_max_version (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int major, int minor)
 Set the maximum supported version sent from the client side and/or accepted at the server side (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_MAJOR_VERSION, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_MINOR_VERSION)
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int major, int minor)
 Set the minimum accepted SSL/TLS protocol version (Default: TLS 1.0)
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_fallback (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, char fallback)
 Set the fallback flag (client-side only).
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_encrypt_then_mac (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, char etm)
 Enable or disable Encrypt-then-MAC (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_ETM_ENABLED)
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_extended_master_secret (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, char ems)
 Enable or disable Extended Master Secret negotiation.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_arc4_support (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, char arc4)
 Disable or enable support for RC4 (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_ARC4_DISABLED)
int mbedtls_ssl_conf_max_frag_len (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, unsigned char mfl_code)
 Set the maximum fragment length to emit and/or negotiate (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_CONTENT_LEN, usually 2^14 bytes) (Server: set maximum fragment length to emit, usually negotiated by the client during handshake (Client: set maximum fragment length to emit *and* negotiate with the server during handshake)
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_truncated_hmac (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int truncate)
 Activate negotiation of truncated HMAC (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNC_HMAC_DISABLED)
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_cbc_record_splitting (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, char split)
 Enable / Disable 1/n-1 record splitting (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_CBC_RECORD_SPLITTING_ENABLED)
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_session_tickets (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int use_tickets)
 Enable / Disable session tickets (client only).
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_renegotiation (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int renegotiation)
 Enable / Disable renegotiation support for connection when initiated by peer (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED)
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_legacy_renegotiation (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int allow_legacy)
 Prevent or allow legacy renegotiation.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_renegotiation_enforced (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int max_records)
 Enforce renegotiation requests.
void mbedtls_ssl_conf_renegotiation_period (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, const unsigned char period[8])
 Set record counter threshold for periodic renegotiation.
size_t mbedtls_ssl_get_bytes_avail (const mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Return the number of data bytes available to read.
uint32_t mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result (const mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Return the result of the certificate verification.
const char * mbedtls_ssl_get_ciphersuite (const mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Return the name of the current ciphersuite.
const char * mbedtls_ssl_get_version (const mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Return the current SSL version (SSLv3/TLSv1/etc)
int mbedtls_ssl_get_record_expansion (const mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Return the (maximum) number of bytes added by the record layer: header + encryption/MAC overhead (inc.
size_t mbedtls_ssl_get_max_frag_len (const mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Return the maximum fragment length (payload, in bytes).
const mbedtls_x509_crtmbedtls_ssl_get_peer_cert (const mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Return the peer certificate from the current connection.
int mbedtls_ssl_get_session (const mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, mbedtls_ssl_session *session)
 Save session in order to resume it later (client-side only) Session data is copied to presented session structure.
int mbedtls_ssl_handshake (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Perform the SSL handshake.
int mbedtls_ssl_handshake_step (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Perform a single step of the SSL handshake.
int mbedtls_ssl_renegotiate (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Initiate an SSL renegotiation on the running connection.
int mbedtls_ssl_read (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
 Read at most 'len' application data bytes.
int mbedtls_ssl_write (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
 Try to write exactly 'len' application data bytes.
int mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, unsigned char level, unsigned char message)
 Send an alert message.
int mbedtls_ssl_close_notify (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Notify the peer that the connection is being closed.
void mbedtls_ssl_free (mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
 Free referenced items in an SSL context and clear memory.
void mbedtls_ssl_config_init (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf)
 Initialize an SSL configuration context Just makes the context ready for mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults() or mbedtls_ssl_config_free().
int mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf, int endpoint, int transport, int preset)
 Load reasonnable default SSL configuration values.
void mbedtls_ssl_config_free (mbedtls_ssl_config *conf)
 Free an SSL configuration context.
void mbedtls_ssl_session_init (mbedtls_ssl_session *session)
 Initialize SSL session structure.
void mbedtls_ssl_session_free (mbedtls_ssl_session *session)
 Free referenced items in an SSL session including the peer certificate and clear memory.

Detailed Description

SSL/TLS functions.

Copyright (C) 2006-2015, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

This file is part of mbed TLS (https://tls.mbed.org)

Definition in file ssl.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef int mbedtls_ssl_cookie_check_t(void *ctx, const unsigned char *cookie, size_t clen, const unsigned char *info, size_t ilen)

Callback type: verify a cookie.

ctxContext for the callback
cookieCookie to verify
clenLength of cookie
infoClient ID info that was passed to mbedtls_ssl_set_client_transport_id()
ilenLength of info in bytes
The callback must return 0 if cookie is valid, or a negative error code.

Definition at line 1315 of file ssl.h.

typedef int mbedtls_ssl_cookie_write_t(void *ctx, unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end, const unsigned char *info, size_t ilen)

Callback type: generate a cookie.

ctxContext for the callback
pBuffer to write to, must be updated to point right after the cookie
endPointer to one past the end of the output buffer
infoClient ID info that was passed to mbedtls_ssl_set_client_transport_id()
ilenLength of info in bytes
The callback must return 0 on success, or a negative error code.

Definition at line 1298 of file ssl.h.

typedef int mbedtls_ssl_export_keys_t(void *p_expkey, const unsigned char *ms, const unsigned char *kb, size_t maclen, size_t keylen, size_t ivlen)

Callback type: Export key block and master secret.

This is required for certain uses of TLS, e.g. EAP-TLS (RFC 5216) and Thread. The key pointers are ephemeral and therefore must not be stored. The master secret and keys should not be used directly except as an input to a key derivation function.
p_expkeyContext for the callback
msPointer to master secret (fixed length: 48 bytes)
kbPointer to key block, see RFC 5246 section 6.3 (variable length: 2 * maclen + 2 * keylen + 2 * ivlen).
maclenMAC length
keylenKey length
ivlenIV length
0 if successful, or a specific MBEDTLS_ERR_XXX code.

Definition at line 1211 of file ssl.h.

typedef int mbedtls_ssl_get_timer_t(void *ctx)

Callback type: get status of timers/delays.

ctxContext pointer
This callback must return: -1 if cancelled (fin_ms == 0), 0 if none of the delays have passed, 1 if only the intermediate delay has passed, 2 if the final delay has passed.

Definition at line 523 of file ssl.h.

typedef int mbedtls_ssl_recv_t(void *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len)

Callback type: receive data from the network.

That callback may be either blocking or non-blocking.
ctxContext for the receive callback (typically a file descriptor)
bufBuffer to write the received data to
lenLength of the receive buffer
The callback must return the number of bytes received, or a non-zero error code. If performing non-blocking I/O, MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ must be returned when the operation would block.
The callback may receive fewer bytes than the length of the buffer. It must always return the number of bytes actually received and written to the buffer.

Definition at line 456 of file ssl.h.

typedef int mbedtls_ssl_recv_timeout_t(void *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len, uint32_t timeout)

Callback type: receive data from the network, with timeout.

That callback must block until data is received, or the timeout delay expires, or the operation is interrupted by a signal.
ctxContext for the receive callback (typically a file descriptor)
bufBuffer to write the received data to
lenLength of the receive buffer
timeoutMaximum nomber of millisecondes to wait for data 0 means no timeout (potentially waiting forever)
The callback must return the number of bytes received, or a non-zero error code: MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_TIMEOUT if the operation timed out, MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ if interrupted by a signal.
The callback may receive fewer bytes than the length of the buffer. It must always return the number of bytes actually received and written to the buffer.

Definition at line 482 of file ssl.h.

typedef int mbedtls_ssl_send_t(void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len)

Callback type: send data on the network.

That callback may be either blocking or non-blocking.
ctxContext for the send callback (typically a file descriptor)
bufBuffer holding the data to send
lenLength of the data to send
The callback must return the number of bytes sent if any, or a non-zero error code. If performing non-blocking I/O, MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE must be returned when the operation would block.
The callback is allowed to send fewer bytes than requested. It must always return the number of bytes actually sent.

Definition at line 433 of file ssl.h.

typedef void mbedtls_ssl_set_timer_t(void *ctx, uint32_t int_ms, uint32_t fin_ms)

Callback type: set a pair of timers/delays to watch.

ctxContext pointer
int_msIntermediate delay in milliseconds
fin_msFinal delay in milliseconds 0 cancels the current timer.
This callback must at least store the necessary information for the associated mbedtls_ssl_get_timer_t callback to return correct information.
If using a event-driven style of programming, an event must be generated when the final delay is passed. The event must cause a call to mbedtls_ssl_handshake() with the proper SSL context to be scheduled. Care must be taken to ensure that at most one such call happens at a time.
Only one timer at a time must be running. Calling this function while a timer is running must cancel it. Cancelled timers must not generate any event.

Definition at line 508 of file ssl.h.

typedef int mbedtls_ssl_ticket_parse_t(void *p_ticket, mbedtls_ssl_session *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len)

Callback type: parse and load session ticket.

This describes what a callback implementation should do. This callback should parse a session ticket as generated by the corresponding mbedtls_ssl_ticket_write_t function, and, if the ticket is authentic and valid, load the session.
The implementation is allowed to modify the first len bytes of the input buffer, eg to use it as a temporary area for the decrypted ticket contents.
p_ticketContext for the callback
sessionSSL session to be loaded
bufStart of the buffer containing the ticket
lenLength of the ticket.
0 if successful, or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_INVALID_MAC if not authentic, or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_SESSION_TICKET_EXPIRED if expired, or any other non-zero code for other failures.

Definition at line 1242 of file ssl.h.

typedef int mbedtls_ssl_ticket_write_t(void *p_ticket, const mbedtls_ssl_session *session, unsigned char *start, const unsigned char *end, size_t *tlen, uint32_t *lifetime)

Callback type: generate and write session ticket.

This describes what a callback implementation should do. This callback should generate an encrypted and authenticated ticket for the session and write it to the output buffer. Here, ticket means the opaque ticket part of the NewSessionTicket structure of RFC 5077.
p_ticketContext for the callback
sessionSSL session to be written in the ticket
startStart of the output buffer
endEnd of the output buffer
tlenOn exit, holds the length written
lifetimeOn exit, holds the lifetime of the ticket in seconds
0 if successful, or a specific MBEDTLS_ERR_XXX code.

Definition at line 1183 of file ssl.h.

Function Documentation

int mbedtls_ssl_close_notify ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Notify the peer that the connection is being closed.

sslSSL context
0 if successful, or a specific SSL error code.
If this function returns something other than 0 or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE, then the ssl context becomes unusable, and you should either free it or call mbedtls_ssl_session_reset() on it before re-using it for a new connection; the current connection must be closed.

Definition at line 6891 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_conf_alpn_protocols ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
const char **  protos 

Set the supported Application Layer Protocols.

confSSL configuration
protosPointer to a NULL-terminated list of supported protocols, in decreasing preference order. The pointer to the list is recorded by the library for later reference as required, so the lifetime of the table must be atleast as long as the lifetime of the SSL configuration structure.

Definition at line 6003 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_arc4_support ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
char  arc4 

Disable or enable support for RC4 (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_ARC4_DISABLED)

Use of RC4 in DTLS/TLS has been prohibited by RFC 7465 for security reasons. Use at your own risk.
This function is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future version of the library. RC4 is disabled by default at compile time and needs to be actively enabled for use with legacy systems.
confSSL configuration

Definition at line 6068 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  authmode 

Set the certificate verification mode Default: NONE on server, REQUIRED on client.

confSSL configuration
authmodecan be:

MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_NONE: peer certificate is not checked (default on server) (insecure on client)

MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_OPTIONAL: peer certificate is checked, however the handshake continues even if verification failed; mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result() can be called after the handshake is complete.

MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_REQUIRED: peer *must* present a valid certificate, handshake is aborted if verification failed. (default on client)

On client, MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_REQUIRED is the recommended mode. With MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_OPTIONAL, the user needs to call mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result() at the right time(s), which may not be obvious, while REQUIRED always perform the verification as soon as possible. For example, REQUIRED was protecting against the "triple handshake" attack even before it was found.

Definition at line 5600 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
mbedtls_x509_crt ca_chain,
mbedtls_x509_crl ca_crl 

Set the data required to verify peer certificate.

confSSL configuration
ca_chaintrusted CA chain (meaning all fully trusted top-level CAs)
ca_crltrusted CA CRLs

Definition at line 5762 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_cbc_record_splitting ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
char  split 

Enable / Disable 1/n-1 record splitting (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_CBC_RECORD_SPLITTING_ENABLED)

Only affects SSLv3 and TLS 1.0, not higher versions. Does not affect non-CBC ciphersuites in any version.
confSSL configuration

Definition at line 6097 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_cert_profile ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
const mbedtls_x509_crt_profile profile 

Set the X.509 security profile used for verification.

The restrictions are enforced for all certificates in the chain. However, signatures in the handshake are not covered by this setting but by mbedtls_ssl_conf_sig_hashes().
confSSL configuration
profileProfile to use

Definition at line 5718 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_ciphersuites ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
const int *  ciphersuites 

Set the list of allowed ciphersuites and the preference order.

First in the list has the highest preference. (Overrides all version-specific lists)

The ciphersuites array is not copied, and must remain valid for the lifetime of the ssl_config.

Note: The server uses its own preferences over the preference of the client unless MBEDTLS_SSL_SRV_RESPECT_CLIENT_PREFERENCE is defined!

confSSL configuration
ciphersuites0-terminated list of allowed ciphersuites

Definition at line 5695 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_ciphersuites_for_version ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
const int *  ciphersuites,
int  major,
int  minor 

Set the list of allowed ciphersuites and the preference order for a specific version of the protocol.

(Only useful on the server side)

The ciphersuites array is not copied, and must remain valid for the lifetime of the ssl_config.

confSSL configuration
ciphersuites0-terminated list of allowed ciphersuites
majorMajor version number (only MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 supported)

Definition at line 5704 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
const mbedtls_ecp_group_id curves 

Set the allowed curves in order of preference.

(Default: all defined curves.)

On server: this only affects selection of the ECDHE curve; the curves used for ECDH and ECDSA are determined by the list of available certificates instead.

On client: this affects the list of curves offered for any use. The server can override our preference order.

Both sides: limits the set of curves accepted for use in ECDHE and in the peer's end-entity certificate.

This has no influence on which curves are allowed inside the certificate chains, see mbedtls_ssl_conf_cert_profile() for that. For the end-entity certificate however, the key will be accepted only if it is allowed both by this list and by the cert profile.
This list should be ordered by decreasing preference (preferred curve first).
confSSL configuration
curvesOrdered list of allowed curves, terminated by MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_NONE.

Definition at line 5955 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_dbg ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
void(*)(void *, int, const char *, int, const char *)  f_dbg,
void *  p_dbg 

Set the debug callback.

The callback has the following argument: void * opaque context for the callback int debug level const char * file name int line number const char * message

confSSL configuration
f_dbgdebug function
p_dbgdebug parameter

Definition at line 5623 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_conf_dh_param ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
const char *  dhm_P,
const char *  dhm_G 

Set the Diffie-Hellman public P and G values, read as hexadecimal strings (server-side only) (Default: MBEDTLS_DHM_RFC5114_MODP_2048_[PG])

confSSL configuration
dhm_PDiffie-Hellman-Merkle modulus
dhm_GDiffie-Hellman-Merkle generator
0 if successful

Definition at line 5898 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_conf_dh_param_ctx ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
mbedtls_dhm_context dhm_ctx 

Set the Diffie-Hellman public P and G values, read from existing context (server-side only)

confSSL configuration
dhm_ctxDiffie-Hellman-Merkle context
0 if successful

Definition at line 5913 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_dhm_min_bitlen ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
unsigned int  bitlen 

Set the minimum length for Diffie-Hellman parameters.

(Client-side only.) (Default: 1024 bits.)

confSSL configuration
bitlenMinimum bit length of the DHM prime

Definition at line 5933 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_dtls_anti_replay ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
char  mode 

Enable or disable anti-replay protection for DTLS.

(DTLS only, no effect on TLS.) Default: enabled.

confSSL configuration
Disabling this is a security risk unless the application protocol handles duplicated packets in a safe way. You should not disable this without careful consideration. However, if your application already detects duplicated packets and needs information about them to adjust its transmission strategy, then you'll want to disable this.

Definition at line 5579 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_dtls_badmac_limit ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
unsigned  limit 

Set a limit on the number of records with a bad MAC before terminating the connection.

(DTLS only, no effect on TLS.) Default: 0 (disabled).

confSSL configuration
limitLimit, or 0 to disable.
If the limit is N, then the connection is terminated when the Nth non-authentic record is seen.
Records with an invalid header are not counted, only the ones going through the authentication-decryption phase.
This is a security trade-off related to the fact that it's often relatively easy for an active attacker ot inject UDP datagrams. On one hand, setting a low limit here makes it easier for such an attacker to forcibly terminated a connection. On the other hand, a high limit or no limit might make us waste resources checking authentication on many bogus packets.

Definition at line 5586 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_dtls_cookies ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
mbedtls_ssl_cookie_write_t f_cookie_write,
mbedtls_ssl_cookie_check_t f_cookie_check,
void *  p_cookie 

Register callbacks for DTLS cookies (Server only.

DTLS only.)

Default: dummy callbacks that fail, in order to force you to register working callbacks (and initialize their context).

To disable HelloVerifyRequest, register NULL callbacks.

Disabling hello verification allows your server to be used for amplification in DoS attacks against other hosts. Only disable if you known this can't happen in your particular environment.
See comments on mbedtls_ssl_handshake() about handling the MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_HELLO_VERIFY_REQUIRED that is expected on the first handshake attempt when this is enabled.
This is also necessary to handle client reconnection from the same port as described in RFC 6347 section 4.2.8 (only the variant with cookies is supported currently). See comments on mbedtls_ssl_read() for details.
confSSL configuration
f_cookie_writeCookie write callback
f_cookie_checkCookie check callback
p_cookieContext for both callbacks

Definition at line 78 of file ssl_srv.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_encrypt_then_mac ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
char  etm 

Enable or disable Encrypt-then-MAC (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_ETM_ENABLED)

This should always be enabled, it is a security improvement, and should not cause any interoperability issue (used only if the peer supports it too).
confSSL configuration

Definition at line 6054 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_endpoint ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  endpoint 

Set the current endpoint type.

confSSL configuration

Definition at line 5568 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_export_keys_cb ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
mbedtls_ssl_export_keys_t f_export_keys,
void *  p_export_keys 

Configure key export callback.

(Default: none.)

See mbedtls_ssl_export_keys_t.
confSSL configuration context
f_export_keysCallback for exporting keys
p_export_keysContext for the callback

Definition at line 6148 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_extended_master_secret ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
char  ems 

Enable or disable Extended Master Secret negotiation.


This should always be enabled, it is a security fix to the protocol, and should not cause any interoperability issue (used only if the peer supports it too).
confSSL configuration

Definition at line 6061 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_fallback ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
char  fallback 

Set the fallback flag (client-side only).


Set to MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_FALLBACK when preparing a fallback connection, that is a connection with max_version set to a lower value than the value you're willing to use. Such fallback connections are not recommended but are sometimes necessary to interoperate with buggy (version-intolerant) servers.
You should NOT set this to MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_FALLBACK for non-fallback connections! This would appear to work for a while, then cause failures when the server is upgraded to support a newer TLS version.
confSSL configuration

Definition at line 6047 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_handshake_timeout ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
uint32_t  min,
uint32_t  max 

Set retransmit timeout values for the DTLS handshake.

(DTLS only, no effect on TLS.)

confSSL configuration
minInitial timeout value in milliseconds. Default: 1000 (1 second).
maxMaximum timeout value in milliseconds. Default: 60000 (60 seconds).
Default values are from RFC 6347 section
The 'min' value should typically be slightly above the expected round-trip time to your peer, plus whatever time it takes for the peer to process the message. For example, if your RTT is about 600ms and you peer needs up to 1s to do the cryptographic operations in the handshake, then you should set 'min' slightly above 1600. Lower values of 'min' might cause spurious resends which waste network resources, while larger value of 'min' will increase overall latency on unreliable network links.
The more unreliable your network connection is, the larger your max / min ratio needs to be in order to achieve reliable handshakes.
Messages are retransmitted up to log2(ceil(max/min)) times. For example, if min = 1s and max = 5s, the retransmit plan goes: send ... 1s -> resend ... 2s -> resend ... 4s -> resend ... 5s -> give up and return a timeout error.

Definition at line 5593 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_legacy_renegotiation ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  allow_legacy 

Prevent or allow legacy renegotiation.


MBEDTLS_SSL_LEGACY_NO_RENEGOTIATION allows connections to be established even if the peer does not support secure renegotiation, but does not allow renegotiation to take place if not secure. (Interoperable and secure option)

MBEDTLS_SSL_LEGACY_ALLOW_RENEGOTIATION allows renegotiations with non-upgraded peers. Allowing legacy renegotiation makes the connection vulnerable to specific man in the middle attacks. (See RFC 5746) (Most interoperable and least secure option)

MBEDTLS_SSL_LEGACY_BREAK_HANDSHAKE breaks off connections if peer does not support secure renegotiation. Results in interoperability issues with non-upgraded peers that do not support renegotiation altogether. (Most secure option, interoperability issues)

confSSL configuration

Definition at line 6103 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_conf_max_frag_len ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
unsigned char  mfl_code 

Set the maximum fragment length to emit and/or negotiate (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_CONTENT_LEN, usually 2^14 bytes) (Server: set maximum fragment length to emit, usually negotiated by the client during handshake (Client: set maximum fragment length to emit *and* negotiate with the server during handshake)

confSSL configuration
mfl_codeCode for maximum fragment length (allowed values: MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAG_LEN_512, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAG_LEN_1024, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAG_LEN_2048, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAG_LEN_4096)

Definition at line 6075 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_max_version ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  major,
int  minor 

Set the maximum supported version sent from the client side and/or accepted at the server side (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_MAJOR_VERSION, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_MINOR_VERSION)

This ignores ciphersuites from higher versions.
confSSL configuration
majorMajor version number (only MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 supported)

Definition at line 6034 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  major,
int  minor 

Set the minimum accepted SSL/TLS protocol version (Default: TLS 1.0)

Input outside of the SSL_MAX_XXXXX_VERSION and SSL_MIN_XXXXX_VERSION range is ignored.
MBEDTLS_SSL_MINOR_VERSION_0 (SSL v3) should be avoided.
confSSL configuration
majorMajor version number (only MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 supported)

Definition at line 6040 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_conf_own_cert ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
mbedtls_x509_crt own_cert,
mbedtls_pk_context pk_key 

Set own certificate chain and private key.

own_cert should contain in order from the bottom up your certificate chain. The top certificate (self-signed) can be omitted.
On server, this function can be called multiple times to provision more than one cert/key pair (eg one ECDSA, one RSA with SHA-256, one RSA with SHA-1). An adequate certificate will be selected according to the client's advertised capabilities. In case mutliple certificates are adequate, preference is given to the one set by the first call to this function, then second, etc.
On client, only the first call has any effect. That is, only one client certificate can be provisioned. The server's preferences in its CertficateRequest message will be ignored and our only cert will be sent regardless of whether it matches those preferences - the server can then decide what it wants to do with it.
confSSL configuration
own_certown public certificate chain
pk_keyown private key

Definition at line 5755 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
const unsigned char *  psk,
size_t  psk_len,
const unsigned char *  psk_identity,
size_t  psk_identity_len 

Set the Pre Shared Key (PSK) and the expected identity name.

This is mainly useful for clients. Servers will usually want to use mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk_cb() instead.
Currently clients can only register one pre-shared key. In other words, the servers' identity hint is ignored. Support for setting multiple PSKs on clients and selecting one based on the identity hint is not a planned feature but feedback is welcomed.
confSSL configuration
pskpointer to the pre-shared key
psk_lenpre-shared key length
psk_identitypointer to the pre-shared key identity
psk_identity_lenidentity key length

Definition at line 5822 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk_cb ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int(*)(void *, mbedtls_ssl_context *, const unsigned char *, size_t)  f_psk,
void *  p_psk 

Set the PSK callback (server-side only).

If set, the PSK callback is called for each handshake where a PSK ciphersuite was negotiated. The caller provides the identity received and wants to receive the actual PSK data and length.

The callback has the following parameters: (void *parameter, mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, const unsigned char *psk_identity, size_t identity_len) If a valid PSK identity is found, the callback should use mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_psk() on the ssl context to set the correct PSK and return 0. Any other return value will result in a denied PSK identity.

If you set a PSK callback using this function, then you don't need to set a PSK key and identity using mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk().
confSSL configuration
f_pskPSK identity function
p_pskPSK identity parameter

Definition at line 5887 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_read_timeout ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
uint32_t  timeout 

Set the timeout period for mbedtls_ssl_read() (Default: no timeout.)

confSSL configuration context
timeoutTimeout value in milliseconds. Use 0 for no timeout (default).
With blocking I/O, this will only work if a non-NULL f_recv_timeout was set with mbedtls_ssl_set_bio(). With non-blocking I/O, this will only work if timer callbacks were set with mbedtls_ssl_set_timer_cb().
With non-blocking I/O, you may also skip this function altogether and handle timeouts at the application layer.

Definition at line 5643 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_renegotiation ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  renegotiation 

Enable / Disable renegotiation support for connection when initiated by peer (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED)

It is recommended to always disable renegotation unless you know you need it and you know what you're doing. In the past, there have been several issues associated with renegotiation or a poor understanding of its properties.
Server-side, enabling renegotiation also makes the server susceptible to a resource DoS by a malicious client.
confSSL configuration

Definition at line 6109 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_renegotiation_enforced ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  max_records 

Enforce renegotiation requests.

(Default: enforced, max_records = 16)

When we request a renegotiation, the peer can comply or ignore the request. This function allows us to decide whether to enforce our renegotiation requests by closing the connection if the peer doesn't comply.

However, records could already be in transit from the peer when the request is emitted. In order to increase reliability, we can accept a number of records before the expected handshake records.

The optimal value is highly dependent on the specific usage scenario.

With DTLS and server-initiated renegotiation, the HelloRequest is retransmited every time mbedtls_ssl_read() times out or receives Application Data, until:
  • max_records records have beens seen, if it is >= 0, or
  • the number of retransmits that would happen during an actual handshake has been reached. Please remember the request might be lost a few times if you consider setting max_records to a really low value.
On client, the grace period can only happen during mbedtls_ssl_read(), as opposed to mbedtls_ssl_write() and mbedtls_ssl_renegotiate() which always behave as if max_record was 0. The reason is, if we receive application data from the server, we need a place to write it, which only happens during mbedtls_ssl_read().
confSSL configuration
max_recordsUse MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_NOT_ENFORCED if you don't want to enforce renegotiation, or a non-negative value to enforce it but allow for a grace period of max_records records.

Definition at line 6114 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_renegotiation_period ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
const unsigned char  period[8] 

Set record counter threshold for periodic renegotiation.

(Default: 2^64 - 256.)

Renegotiation is automatically triggered when a record counter (outgoing or ingoing) crosses the defined threshold. The default value is meant to prevent the connection from being closed when the counter is about to reached its maximal value (it is not allowed to wrap).

Lower values can be used to enforce policies such as "keys must be refreshed every N packets with cipher X".

confSSL configuration
periodThe threshold value: a big-endian 64-bit number. Set to 2^64 - 1 to disable periodic renegotiation

Definition at line 6119 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_rng ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int(*)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t)  f_rng,
void *  p_rng 

Set the random number generator callback.

confSSL configuration
f_rngRNG function
p_rngRNG parameter

Definition at line 5615 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_session_cache ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
void *  p_cache,
int(*)(void *, mbedtls_ssl_session *)  f_get_cache,
int(*)(void *, const mbedtls_ssl_session *)  f_set_cache 

Set the session cache callbacks (server-side only) If not set, no session resuming is done (except if session tickets are enabled too).

The session cache has the responsibility to check for stale entries based on timeout. See RFC 5246 for recommendations.

Warning: session.peer_cert is cleared by the SSL/TLS layer on connection shutdown, so do not cache the pointer! Either set it to NULL or make a full copy of the certificate.

The get callback is called once during the initial handshake to enable session resuming. The get function has the following parameters: (void *parameter, mbedtls_ssl_session *session) If a valid entry is found, it should fill the master of the session object with the cached values and return 0, return 1 otherwise. Optionally peer_cert can be set as well if it is properly present in cache entry.

The set callback is called once during the initial handshake to enable session resuming after the entire handshake has been finished. The set function has the following parameters: (void *parameter, const mbedtls_ssl_session *session). The function should create a cache entry for future retrieval based on the data in the session structure and should keep in mind that the mbedtls_ssl_session object presented (and all its referenced data) is cleared by the SSL/TLS layer when the connection is terminated. It is recommended to add metadata to determine if an entry is still valid in the future. Return 0 if successfully cached, return 1 otherwise.

confSSL configuration
p_cacheparmater (context) for both callbacks
f_get_cachesession get callback
f_set_cachesession set callback

Definition at line 5662 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_session_tickets ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  use_tickets 

Enable / Disable session tickets (client only).


On server, use mbedtls_ssl_conf_session_tickets_cb().
confSSL configuration

Definition at line 6128 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_session_tickets_cb ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
mbedtls_ssl_ticket_write_t f_ticket_write,
mbedtls_ssl_ticket_parse_t f_ticket_parse,
void *  p_ticket 

Configure SSL session ticket callbacks (server only).

(Default: none.)

On server, session tickets are enabled by providing non-NULL callbacks.
On client, use mbedtls_ssl_conf_session_tickets().
confSSL configuration context
f_ticket_writeCallback for writing a ticket
f_ticket_parseCallback for parsing a ticket
p_ticketContext shared by the two callbacks

Definition at line 6135 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_sig_hashes ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
const int *  hashes 

Set the allowed hashes for signatures during the handshake.

(Default: all available hashes except MD5.)

This only affects which hashes are offered and can be used for signatures during the handshake. Hashes for message authentication and the TLS PRF are controlled by the ciphersuite, see mbedtls_ssl_conf_ciphersuites(). Hashes used for certificate signature are controlled by the verification profile, see mbedtls_ssl_conf_cert_profile().
This list should be ordered by decreasing preference (preferred hash first).
confSSL configuration
hashesOrdered list of allowed signature hashes, terminated by MBEDTLS_MD_NONE.

Definition at line 5944 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_sni ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int(*)(void *, mbedtls_ssl_context *, const unsigned char *, size_t)  f_sni,
void *  p_sni 

Set server side ServerName TLS extension callback (optional, server-side only).

If set, the ServerName callback is called whenever the server receives a ServerName TLS extension from the client during a handshake. The ServerName callback has the following parameters: (void *parameter, mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl, const unsigned char *hostname, size_t len). If a suitable certificate is found, the callback must set the certificate(s) and key(s) to use with mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_own_cert() (can be called repeatedly), and may optionally adjust the CA and associated CRL with mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_ca_chain() as well as the client authentication mode with mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_authmode(), then must return 0. If no matching name is found, the callback must either set a default cert, or return non-zero to abort the handshake at this point.

confSSL configuration
f_sniverification function
p_sniverification parameter

Definition at line 5992 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_transport ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  transport 

Set the transport type (TLS or DTLS).

Default: TLS

For DTLS, you must either provide a recv callback that doesn't block, or one that handles timeouts, see mbedtls_ssl_set_bio(). You also need to provide timer callbacks with mbedtls_ssl_set_timer_cb().
confSSL configuration

Definition at line 5573 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_truncated_hmac ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  truncate 

Activate negotiation of truncated HMAC (Default: MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNC_HMAC_DISABLED)

confSSL configuration

Definition at line 6090 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_conf_verify ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int(*)(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *)  f_vrfy,
void *  p_vrfy 

Set the verification callback (Optional).

If set, the verify callback is called for each certificate in the chain. For implementation information, please see x509parse_verify()

confSSL configuration
f_vrfyverification function
p_vrfyverification parameter

Definition at line 5606 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf,
int  endpoint,
int  transport,
int  preset 

Load reasonnable default SSL configuration values.

(You need to call mbedtls_ssl_config_init() first.)

confSSL configuration context
See mbedtls_ssl_conf_transport() for notes on DTLS.
0 if successful, or MBEDTLS_ERR_XXX_ALLOC_FAILED on memory allocation error.

Definition at line 7177 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_config_free ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf )

Free an SSL configuration context.

confSSL configuration context

Definition at line 7326 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_config_init ( mbedtls_ssl_config conf )

Initialize an SSL configuration context Just makes the context ready for mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults() or mbedtls_ssl_config_free().

You need to call mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults() unless you manually set all of the relevent fields yourself.
confSSL configuration context

Definition at line 7130 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_free ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Free referenced items in an SSL context and clear memory.

sslSSL context

Definition at line 7051 of file ssl_tls.c.

const char* mbedtls_ssl_get_alpn_protocol ( const mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Get the name of the negotiated Application Layer Protocol.

This function should be called after the handshake is completed.

sslSSL context
Protcol name, or NULL if no protocol was negotiated.

Definition at line 6028 of file ssl_tls.c.

size_t mbedtls_ssl_get_bytes_avail ( const mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Return the number of data bytes available to read.

sslSSL context
how many bytes are available in the read buffer

Definition at line 6160 of file ssl_tls.c.

const char* mbedtls_ssl_get_ciphersuite ( const mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Return the name of the current ciphersuite.

sslSSL context
a string containing the ciphersuite name

Definition at line 6176 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_get_ciphersuite_id ( const char *  ciphersuite_name )

Return the ID of the ciphersuite associated with the given name.

ciphersuite_nameSSL ciphersuite name
the ID with the ciphersuite or 0 if not found

Definition at line 1786 of file ssl_ciphersuites.c.

const char* mbedtls_ssl_get_ciphersuite_name ( const int  ciphersuite_id )

Return the name of the ciphersuite associated with the given ID.

ciphersuite_idSSL ciphersuite ID
a string containing the ciphersuite name

Definition at line 1774 of file ssl_ciphersuites.c.

size_t mbedtls_ssl_get_max_frag_len ( const mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Return the maximum fragment length (payload, in bytes).

This is the value negotiated with peer if any, or the locally configured value.

With DTLS, mbedtls_ssl_write() will return an error if called with a larger length value. With TLS, mbedtls_ssl_write() will fragment the input if necessary and return the number of bytes written; it is up to the caller to call mbedtls_ssl_write() again in order to send the remaining bytes if any.
sslSSL context
Current maximum fragment length.

Definition at line 6257 of file ssl_tls.c.

const mbedtls_x509_crt* mbedtls_ssl_get_peer_cert ( const mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Return the peer certificate from the current connection.

Note: Can be NULL in case no certificate was sent during the handshake. Different calls for the same connection can return the same or different pointers for the same certificate and even a different certificate altogether. The peer cert CAN change in a single connection if renegotiation is performed.

sslSSL context
the current peer certificate

Definition at line 6280 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_get_record_expansion ( const mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Return the (maximum) number of bytes added by the record layer: header + encryption/MAC overhead (inc.


sslSSL context
Current maximum record expansion in bytes, or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE if compression is enabled, which makes expansion much less predictable

Definition at line 6222 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_get_session ( const mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
mbedtls_ssl_session *  session 

Save session in order to resume it later (client-side only) Session data is copied to presented session structure.

Currently, peer certificate is lost in the operation.
sslSSL context
sessionsession context
0 if successful, MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_ALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed, MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_INPUT_DATA if used server-side or arguments are otherwise invalid
See also:

Definition at line 6290 of file ssl_tls.c.

uint32_t mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result ( const mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Return the result of the certificate verification.

sslSSL context
0 if successful, -1 if result is not available (eg because the handshake was aborted too early), or a combination of BADCERT_xxx and BADCRL_xxx flags, see x509.h

Definition at line 6165 of file ssl_tls.c.

const char* mbedtls_ssl_get_version ( const mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Return the current SSL version (SSLv3/TLSv1/etc)

sslSSL context
a string containing the SSL version

Definition at line 6184 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_handshake ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Perform the SSL handshake.

sslSSL context
0 if successful, or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE, or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_HELLO_VERIFY_REQUIRED (see below), or a specific SSL error code.
If this function returns something other than 0 or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE, then the ssl context becomes unusable, and you should either free it or call mbedtls_ssl_session_reset() on it before re-using it for a new connection; the current connection must be closed.
If DTLS is in use, then you may choose to handle MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_HELLO_VERIFY_REQUIRED specially for logging purposes, as it is an expected return value rather than an actual error, but you still need to reset/free the context.

Definition at line 6329 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_handshake_step ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Perform a single step of the SSL handshake.

The state of the context (ssl->state) will be at the next state after execution of this function. Do not call this function if state is MBEDTLS_SSL_HANDSHAKE_OVER.
If this function returns something other than 0 or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE, then the ssl context becomes unusable, and you should either free it or call mbedtls_ssl_session_reset() on it before re-using it for a new connection; the current connection must be closed.
sslSSL context
0 if successful, or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE, or a specific SSL error code.

Definition at line 6307 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_init ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Initialize an SSL context Just makes the context ready for mbedtls_ssl_setup() or mbedtls_ssl_free()

sslSSL context

Definition at line 5385 of file ssl_tls.c.

const int * mbedtls_ssl_list_ciphersuites ( void   )

Returns the list of ciphersuites supported by the SSL/TLS module.

a statically allocated array of ciphersuites, the last entry is 0.

Definition at line 1707 of file ssl_ciphersuites.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_read ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
unsigned char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Read at most 'len' application data bytes.

sslSSL context
bufbuffer that will hold the data
lenmaximum number of bytes to read
the number of bytes read, or 0 for EOF, or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE, or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CLIENT_RECONNECT (see below), or another negative error code.
If this function returns something other than a positive value or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CLIENT_RECONNECT, then the ssl context becomes unusable, and you should either free it or call mbedtls_ssl_session_reset() on it before re-using it for a new connection; the current connection must be closed.
When this function return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CLIENT_RECONNECT (which can only happen server-side), it means that a client is initiating a new connection using the same source port. You can either treat that as a connection close and wait for the client to resend a ClientHello, or directly continue with mbedtls_ssl_handshake() with the same context (as it has beeen reset internally). Either way, you should make sure this is seen by the application as a new connection: application state, if any, should be reset, and most importantly the identity of the client must be checked again. WARNING: not validating the identity of the client again, or not transmitting the new identity to the application layer, would allow authentication bypass!

Definition at line 6506 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_renegotiate ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Initiate an SSL renegotiation on the running connection.

Client: perform the renegotiation right now. Server: request renegotiation, which will be performed during the next call to mbedtls_ssl_read() if honored by client.

sslSSL context
0 if successful, or any mbedtls_ssl_handshake() return value.
If this function returns something other than 0 or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE, then the ssl context becomes unusable, and you should either free it or call mbedtls_ssl_session_reset() on it before re-using it for a new connection; the current connection must be closed.

Definition at line 6427 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
unsigned char  level,
unsigned char  message 

Send an alert message.

sslSSL context
messageThe alert message (SSL_ALERT_MSG_*)
0 if successful, or a specific SSL error code.
If this function returns something other than 0 or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE, then the ssl context becomes unusable, and you should either free it or call mbedtls_ssl_session_reset() on it before re-using it for a new connection; the current connection must be closed.

Definition at line 4023 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_session_free ( mbedtls_ssl_session *  session )

Free referenced items in an SSL session including the peer certificate and clear memory.

sessionSSL session

Definition at line 7028 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_session_init ( mbedtls_ssl_session *  session )

Initialize SSL session structure.

sessionSSL session

Definition at line 5279 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_session_reset ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl )

Reset an already initialized SSL context for re-use while retaining application-set variables, function pointers and data.

sslSSL context

Definition at line 5560 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_set_bio ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
void *  p_bio,
mbedtls_ssl_send_t f_send,
mbedtls_ssl_recv_t f_recv,
mbedtls_ssl_recv_timeout_t f_recv_timeout 

Set the underlying BIO callbacks for write, read and read-with-timeout.

sslSSL context
p_bioparameter (context) shared by BIO callbacks
f_sendwrite callback
f_recvread callback
f_recv_timeoutblocking read callback with timeout.
One of f_recv or f_recv_timeout can be NULL, in which case the other is used. If both are non-NULL, f_recv_timeout is used and f_recv is ignored (as if it were NULL).
The two most common use cases are:
  • non-blocking I/O, f_recv != NULL, f_recv_timeout == NULL
  • blocking I/O, f_recv == NULL, f_recv_timout != NULL
For DTLS, you need to provide either a non-NULL f_recv_timeout callback, or a f_recv that doesn't block.
See the documentations of mbedtls_ssl_sent_t, mbedtls_ssl_recv_t and mbedtls_ssl_recv_timeout_t for the conventions those callbacks must follow.
On some platforms, net_sockets.c provides mbedtls_net_send(), mbedtls_net_recv() and mbedtls_net_recv_timeout() that are suitable to be used here.

Definition at line 5631 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_set_client_transport_id ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
const unsigned char *  info,
size_t  ilen 

Set client's transport-level identification info.

(Server only. DTLS only.)

This is usually the IP address (and port), but could be anything identify the client depending on the underlying network stack. Used for HelloVerifyRequest with DTLS. This is *not* used to route the actual packets.

sslSSL context
infoTransport-level info identifying the client (eg IP + port)
ilenLength of info in bytes
An internal copy is made, so the info buffer can be reused.
0 on success, MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_INPUT_DATA if used on client, MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_ALLOC_FAILED if out of memory.

Definition at line 60 of file ssl_srv.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
const char *  hostname 

Set the hostname to check against the received server certificate.

It sets the ServerName TLS extension too, if the extension is enabled. (client-side only)

sslSSL context
hostnamethe server hostname

Definition at line 5963 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_authmode ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
int  authmode 

Set authmode for the current handshake.

Same as mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode() but for use within the SNI callback.
sslSSL context

Definition at line 5788 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_ca_chain ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
mbedtls_x509_crt ca_chain,
mbedtls_x509_crl ca_crl 

Set the data required to verify peer certificate for the current handshake.

Same as mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain() but for use within the SNI callback.
sslSSL context
ca_chaintrusted CA chain (meaning all fully trusted top-level CAs)
ca_crltrusted CA CRLs

Definition at line 5780 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_ecjpake_password ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
const unsigned char *  pw,
size_t  pw_len 

Set the EC J-PAKE password for current handshake.

An internal copy is made, and destroyed as soon as the handshake is completed, or when the SSL context is reset or freed.
The SSL context needs to be already set up. The right place to call this function is between mbedtls_ssl_setup() or mbedtls_ssl_reset() and mbedtls_ssl_handshake().
sslSSL context
pwEC J-PAKE password (pre-shared secret)
pw_lenlength of pw in bytes
0 on success, or a negative error code.

Definition at line 5799 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_own_cert ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
mbedtls_x509_crt own_cert,
mbedtls_pk_context pk_key 

Set own certificate and key for the current handshake.

Same as mbedtls_ssl_conf_own_cert() but for use within the SNI callback.
sslSSL context
own_certown public certificate chain
pk_keyown private key

Definition at line 5772 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_psk ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
const unsigned char *  psk,
size_t  psk_len 

Set the Pre Shared Key (PSK) for the current handshake.

This should only be called inside the PSK callback, ie the function passed to mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk_cb().
sslSSL context
pskpointer to the pre-shared key
psk_lenpre-shared key length

Definition at line 5866 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_set_session ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
const mbedtls_ssl_session *  session 

Request resumption of session (client-side only) Session data is copied from presented session structure.

sslSSL context
sessionsession context
0 if successful, MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_ALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed, MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_INPUT_DATA if used server-side or arguments are otherwise invalid
See also:

Definition at line 5674 of file ssl_tls.c.

void mbedtls_ssl_set_timer_cb ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
void *  p_timer,
mbedtls_ssl_set_timer_t f_set_timer,
mbedtls_ssl_get_timer_t f_get_timer 

Set the timer callbacks (Mandatory for DTLS.)

sslSSL context
p_timerparameter (context) shared by timer callbacks
f_set_timerset timer callback
f_get_timerget timer callback. Must return:
See the documentation of mbedtls_ssl_set_timer_t and mbedtls_ssl_get_timer_t for the conventions this pair of callbacks must fallow.
On some platforms, timing.c provides mbedtls_timing_set_delay() and mbedtls_timing_get_delay() that are suitable for using here, except if using an event-driven style.
See also the "DTLS tutorial" article in our knowledge base. https://tls.mbed.org/kb/how-to/dtls-tutorial

Definition at line 5648 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_setup ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
const mbedtls_ssl_config conf 

Set up an SSL context for use.

No copy of the configuration context is made, it can be shared by many mbedtls_ssl_context structures.
Modifying the conf structure after it has been used in this function is unsupported!
sslSSL context
confSSL configuration to use
0 if successful, or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_ALLOC_FAILED if memory allocation failed

Definition at line 5393 of file ssl_tls.c.

int mbedtls_ssl_write ( mbedtls_ssl_context *  ssl,
const unsigned char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Try to write exactly 'len' application data bytes.

This function will do partial writes in some cases. If the return value is non-negative but less than length, the function must be called again with updated arguments: buf + ret, len - ret (if ret is the return value) until it returns a value equal to the last 'len' argument.
sslSSL context
bufbuffer holding the data
lenhow many bytes must be written
the number of bytes actually written (may be less than len), or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE of MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ, or another negative error code.
If this function returns something other than a positive value or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE, the ssl context becomes unusable, and you should either free it or call mbedtls_ssl_session_reset() on it before re-using it for a new connection; the current connection must be closed.
When this function returns MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE/READ, it must be called later with the *same* arguments, until it returns a positive value.
If the requested length is greater than the maximum fragment length (either the built-in limit or the one set or negotiated with the peer), then:
  • with TLS, less bytes than requested are written.
  • with DTLS, MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_INPUT_DATA is returned. mbedtls_ssl_get_max_frag_len() may be used to query the active maximum fragment length.

Definition at line 6851 of file ssl_tls.c.