code to access the AT30TSE75x temperature and E-prom device

Dependents:   AT30TSE752TST AT30TSE752TST2

diff -r c0db18a0c56b -r 91836ad02096 AT30TSE75x.h
--- a/AT30TSE75x.h	Tue Jan 17 13:43:08 2017 +0000
+++ b/AT30TSE75x.h	Wed Jan 18 17:52:08 2017 +0000
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include "I2CInterface.h" 
-#define VERSION_AT30TSE75x_HDR "0.86"
+#define VERSION_AT30TSE75x_HDR "0.90"
 /** AT30TSE75x class.
  *  Used for interfacing with a AT30TSE75x temperature sensor and ee-prom  
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
  *  version 0.8  : read of temperature  12 bits, fixed configuration
  *                  read /write ee-prom 
  *  version 0.86 : added ee-prom write protect mode tested  ( un-protect not tested)
+ *  version 0.90 : added all set and get functions for reading the config register(s)
+ *                  most of the functions are not tested .                
  *  this code is only tested with the AT30TSE752  version ( 2 KBit version) 
- * 
+ *  v 
  *  processor board  for the testing : FRDM-KL25Z 
  * (C) Wim Beaumont Universiteit Antwerpen 2016, 2017
@@ -33,17 +35,117 @@
    uint8_t buffer[4];
    int Taddr, Eaddr;  // base address for temperature and eeprom 
    int Esize;
-   int resolution;
+   void set_LimitRegister(int &error ,uint8_t reg  ,float temperature, int Nonvolatile);
+   float  get_LimitRegister(int &error ,uint8_t reg  , int Nonvolatile);
+   void CopyRegisters( int &error , uint8_t reg);
+   float  convert_temperature( uint16_t datain);
+   uint16_t  set_temperature(float temperature );
+   int initstatus;
+   struct configreg {
+        bool oneshot;
+        uint8_t resolution;
+        uint8_t faultTolQueue;
+        bool alertpol;
+        bool alarmMode;
+        bool shutdownMode;
+        bool NVregBusy;
+        bool RegisterLockDown;
+        bool RegisterLock;
+    };
+    struct configreg  CregNV, Creg;
     /** pointer to the I2C interface driver. */
     I2CInterface* _i2c;
+   enum { active_mode=0, disabled_mode=1 } shutdownmodes;
+   enum { comparator_mode=0 , interrupt_mode=1 } alarmthermostatmodes;
    AT30TSE75x (I2CInterface* i2cinterface,  int device_address_bits, int eepromsize=2);
+    int getInitStatus(void) { return initstatus;}
     int getTaddr(){ return Taddr;};
     int getEaddr(){ return Eaddr;};
-    float get_temperature(int *error = 0);
-    int set_config( int Nonvolatille=0 );
-    int read_config( int Nonvolatille=0, int *error = 0 );
+    float get_temperature(int &error);
+    // write the status of the configreg  structure to the register ( NV or volatile ) r
+    // @error , report error I2C error or 43 in case the register is locked permanent and writing to nonvolatile register
+    //            error is 44 when register lock bit  is active (in the structure) no update is done 
+    // @param Nonevolatile  , write to Nonvolatile register if 1 ( so no effect )
+    //                          write to volatile config register  so effect 
+    void set_config( int &error, int Nonvolatile=0 );
+    uint16_t read_config(int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0  );
+    // set the one_shot bit in the (Volatile) config register and force a temperture read during shutdown mode 
+    // it reads first the config register and then set the bit and writes the config register
+    // @return 0 
+    void activate_oneshot(int &error  ); 
+    // reads the resolution bits from the sconfig structure
+    // @param  Nonvolatile  if 1 read from the Nonvolatile register 
+    // @param update  if 1  reads first the register and fills the structure
+    // @param error is  0 if success else error ( I2C error in case update =1) 
+    // @return  the resolution bits 
+    int get_resolution(int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0, bool update=0 );
+    int get_FaultTollerantQueue(int &error, int Nonvolatile=0, bool update=0 );
+    int get_AlertPinPolarity(int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0, bool update=0 );
+    int get_AlarmThermostateMode(int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0, bool update=0 );
+    int get_ShutdownMode(int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0, bool update=0 );
+    // reads the resolution bits from the sconfig structure
+    // @param  Nonvolatile  has to be 1 , in case of 0 no read is done and error is set to none zero
+    // @param update  if 1  reads first the register and fills the structure
+    // @param error is  0 if success else error ( I2C error in case update =1) 
+    // @return  the  Register lock status 
+    int get_RegisterLock (int &error,  int Nonvolatile=1, bool update=0 );
+    int get_RegisterLockdown (int &error,  int Nonvolatile=1, bool update=0 );
+    // reads the config register updates the reg structure  and reports the  Nonvolatile busy bit 
+    int get_NonevolatileBussy(int &error);
+    // reads the resolution bits from the sconfig structure
+    // @resolution to be set can be either bit value 0 .. 3  or 9,10, 11, 12 for bit resolution
+    // @param  Nonvolatile  if 1 set the Nonvolatile register 
+    // @param write if 0 only the  structure is updated and no write to the config register 
+    // @param update  if 1  reads first the register and fills the structure
+    // @param error is  0 if success else error ( I2C error in case update =1) 
+    void set_resolution(int resolution , int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0,bool write=0, bool update=0 );
+    void set_FaultTollerantQueue(int ftq, int &error, int Nonvolatile=0, bool write=0, bool update=0 );
+    void set_FaultTollerantQueue(char nrfaults, int &error, int Nonvolatile=0,bool write=0,  bool update=0 );
+    void set_AlertPinPolarity(int pol, int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0,bool write=0, bool update=0 );
+    //void set_AlarmThermostateMode(AT30TSE75x::alarmthermostatmodes mode , int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0, bool update=0 ){
+     //   set_AlarmThermostateMode((int) mode , error,  Nonvolatile,  update=0 );}
+    void set_AlarmThermostateMode(int mode , int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0, bool write=0,bool update=0 );
+    //void set_ShutdownMode(AT30TSE75x::shutdownmodes mode , int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0, bool update=0 ){
+     //    set_ShutdownMode((int) mode , error,  Nonvolatile, bool ) ;}
+    void set_ShutdownMode(int mode , int &error,  int Nonvolatile=0,bool write=0, bool update=0 );
+    // set the register loc bit reads nonvolitaile config register and update the structure CregNV
+    // @param lock  locks status and limits registers ( None Volitaile and volitaile) if set to   1 or unlock ( lock=0) 
+    // @param error is  0 if success else error ( I2C error in case update =1) 
+    void set_RegisterLock (int &error, int lock   );
+    // set the register loc bit reads nonvolitaile config register and update the structure CregNV
+    // @param error  reports an I2C error or wrong condition.  Has to be 123 when called; 
+    // use this with caution 
+    //  error will be 35 if #define RegisterLocDownEnable 0 in the code file 
+    //  error will be 36 if called with error an other value then 123 
+    // most likely this function is not tested. 
+    void set_RegisterLockdown (int &error, int lockpermanent  );
+    // limit registers
+    // set the low limit temperature register 
+    //@param error  reports I2C error , in case the lock bit is set it error will  44 an no attempt is done to write 
+    //                          if Nonvolatile=1 and the permanentlock bit is set error will be 43 
+    //@param temperature   the temperature to be set in the register 
+    //@param Nonvolatile   set the Nonvolataile register if set to none zero 
+    void set_TlowLimitRegister(int &error ,  float temperture, int Nonvolatile=0) ;
+    void set_THighLimitRegister(int &error ,  float temperture, int Nonvolatile=0) ;
+    float get_THighLimitRegister(int &error ,  float temperture, int Nonvolatile=0) ;
+    float get_TLowLimitRegister(int &error ,  float temperture, int Nonvolatile=0) ;
+    // copies the Volatile registers to the NoneVolataile registers 
+    // reads the volataile config register to check the NoneVolataile register status
+    // if bussy waits for 100ms and tries again ( max 300ms wait) 
+    // @param error   returns the I2C error , 
+    //              returns 22 in case register stays busy 
+    //              returns 43 if lock bit is set
+    //              returns 44 if lockdown bit is set 
+    void CopyVolatile2NoneVolatileRegisters( int &error); 
+    void CopyNonVolatile2VolatileRegisters( int &error) ;
+    //eeprom
     // max lenght =16 for 1 page.  If word =0 
     int read_eeprompage(char *data, uint8_t length, uint8_t word_addr, uint8_t page);
     int write_eeprompage(char *data, uint8_t length, uint8_t word_addr, uint8_t page);