test program for the AT30TSE75X class

Dependencies:   AT30TSE75x DevInterfaces I2Cinterfaces mbed

Fork of MCP4728test by wimbeaumont Project

This is a program to use the AT30TSE752 with MBED . The program is used to test this device as temperature probes for the the SOLID project. It also is able to write to the ee-prom and is able to write protect the ee-prom and unprotect.

diff -r 8ce5a2128381 -r 789bc6653f83 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Jan 13 12:28:09 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jan 17 13:44:20 2017 +0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  * (C) Wim Beaumont Universiteit Antwerpen 2017 
-#define AT30TSE753EXAMPLEVER "0.40"
+#define AT30TSE753EXAMPLEVER "0.56"
 #include "mbed.h"
@@ -49,15 +49,21 @@
-int main(void) {
-   char str1[16] = "SOLID Temp";
-   char write_eprom= 'n';
+int main(void) {  //432109876543210 \0   
+   char str1[16] = "SOLTEMPERAT0230";
+   char str2[16] ;
+   char str3[16]=  "20170116...0230" ;
+   char resp[3];
    // get the version of getVersion 
    getVersion gv;
    int addr=0;
+   int i2cerr;
+   int cnt=0;
    printf("AT30TSE752  example program version %s, compile date %s time %s\n\r",AT30TSE753EXAMPLEVER,__DATE__,__TIME__);
    printf("getVersion :%s\n\r ",gv.getversioninfo());
    printf("give new addr "); scanf("%d", &addr);
    if ( addr < 0 || addr > 15) addr=0;
@@ -65,28 +71,51 @@
    AT30TSE75x tid( i2cdev ,addr); 
    printf ( "AT30SE75x version :%s\n\r ",tid.getversioninfo());
    printf( "Taddr %x , Eaddr %x  subaddr %d\n\r ", tid.getTaddr(),tid.getEaddr(), addr);
+   i2cerr=tid.get_eeprom_protec();
+   if ( i2cerr ) { printf("ee-prom write protected \n\r");}
+   else { printf("ee-prom NOT write protected \n\r"); }
-   int cnt=0;
-   int i2cerr;
    if( i2cerr) printf("config not set  %d \n\r", i2cerr);
    int configrd= tid.read_config( 0, &i2cerr);
    printf( " config %x  I2cerr %d \n\r", configrd,i2cerr ); 
-   printf("write to eprom ?"); scanf("%c",&write_eprom);
-   int pagenr=0;write_eprom = 'y';
-   if(write_eprom == 'y'){   
-    printf("\n\rgive pagenr");
-    scanf("%d",&pagenr);
-    i2cerr= tid.write_eeprompage(str1, 16, 0, (uint8_t) pagenr);
+   printf("write to eprom ?"); scanf("%s",resp);
+   int pagenr=0;
+   int sernr;
+   if(resp[0] == 'y'){  
+    i2cerr= tid.write_eeprompage(str1, 16, 0, (uint8_t) pagenr++);
     if(i2cerr) printf("eeprom write error %d\n\r",i2cerr);
+    printf("give serial nr to write "); scanf("%d",&sernr);
+    sprintf(str2,"%015d",sernr);
+    i2cerr= tid.write_eeprompage(str2, 16, 0, (uint8_t) pagenr++);
+    wait_ms(400); // give some time to write 
+    i2cerr= tid.write_eeprompage(str3, 16, 0, (uint8_t) pagenr);
    wait_ms(400); // give some time to write 
+   //strcpy(str1,"newstr1");strcp(str2,"newstr2");strcp(str3,"newstr3");
+   bool fix=true;
    while(1) {
-    i2cerr=tid.read_eeprompage(str1, 16, 0, (uint8_t) pagenr);
+    pagenr=0;
+    i2cerr=tid.read_eeprompage(str1, 16, 0, (uint8_t) pagenr++);
+    if(i2cerr) printf("eeprom read error %d \n\r",i2cerr);
+    i2cerr=tid.read_eeprompage(str2, 16, 0, (uint8_t) pagenr++);
+    if(i2cerr) printf("eeprom read error %d \n\r",i2cerr);
+    i2cerr=tid.read_eeprompage(str3, 16, 0, (uint8_t) pagenr);
     if(i2cerr) printf("eeprom read error %d \n\r",i2cerr);
-    str1[15]='\0'; //make sure it ends 
-    printf("eeprom content page %d :\n\r %s\n\r",pagenr,str1);
+    str1[15]='\0';str2[15]='\0';str3[15]='\0'; //make sure it ends 
+    printf("eeprom content page %d :\n\r %s  %s  %s \n\r",pagenr,str1 ,str2 ,str3 );
     //print_buf_hex( str1,16);
+    if ( fix) {
+        printf("protect eeprom ?") ; scanf("%s",resp);
+        if(resp[0] == 'y'){  
+            i2cerr=tid.protect_eeprom();
+            if(i2cerr) printf("eeprom  protect failed %d \n\r", i2cerr);
+        }
+        // fix=false;
+    }
     char singlechar;
     i2cerr=tid.read_eeprombyte(singlechar, 3, (uint8_t) pagenr); 
     if(i2cerr) printf("eeprom read error %d \n\r",i2cerr);