i2c driver for PiBorg PicoBorgReverse

Dependents:   TheBubbleWorks_MicroBorg



File content as of revision 8:021bfdc07443:

// PicoBorg Reverse i2c based Motor driver controller
// Wayne Keenan

// Based on https://www.piborg.org/comment/498#comment-498

#include "mbed.h"

/***** PicoBorg Reverse Constants *****/

// Commands
// GET commands sent should be followed by a read for the result
// All other commands are send only (no reply)
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_LED         (1)     // Set the LED status
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_LED         (2)     // Get the LED status
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_A_FWD       (3)     // Set motor 2 PWM rate in a forwards direction
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_A_REV       (4)     // Set motor 2 PWM rate in a reverse direction
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_A           (5)     // Get motor 2 direction and PWM rate
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_B_FWD       (6)     // Set motor 1 PWM rate in a forwards direction
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_B_REV       (7)     // Set motor 1 PWM rate in a reverse direction
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_B           (8)     // Get motor 1 direction and PWM rate
#define PBR_COMMAND_ALL_OFF         (9)     // Switch everything off
#define PBR_COMMAND_RESET_EPO       (10)    // Resets the EPO flag, use after EPO has been tripped and switch is now clear
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_EPO         (11)    // Get the EPO latched flag
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_EPO_IGNORE  (12)    // Set the EPO ignored flag, allows the system to run without an EPO
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_EPO_IGNORE  (13)    // Get the EPO ignored flag
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_DRIVE_FAULT (14)    // Get the drive fault flag, indicates faults such as short-circuits and under voltage
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_ALL_FWD     (15)    // Set all motors PWM rate in a forwards direction
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_ALL_REV     (16)    // Set all motors PWM rate in a reverse direction
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_FAILSAFE    (17)    // Set the failsafe flag, turns the motors off if communication is interrupted
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_FAILSAFE    (18)    // Get the failsafe flag
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_ENC_MODE    (19)    // Set the board into encoder or speed mode
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_ENC_MODE    (20)    // Get the boards current mode, encoder or speed
#define PBR_COMMAND_MOVE_A_FWD      (21)    // Move motor 2 forward by n encoder ticks
#define PBR_COMMAND_MOVE_A_REV      (22)    // Move motor 2 reverse by n encoder ticks
#define PBR_COMMAND_MOVE_B_FWD      (23)    // Move motor 1 forward by n encoder ticks
#define PBR_COMMAND_MOVE_B_REV      (24)    // Move motor 1 reverse by n encoder ticks
#define PBR_COMMAND_MOVE_ALL_FWD    (25)    // Move all motors forward by n encoder ticks
#define PBR_COMMAND_MOVE_ALL_REV    (26)    // Move all motors reverse by n encoder ticks
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_ENC_MOVING  (27)    // Get the status of encoders moving
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_ENC_SPEED   (28)    // Set the maximum PWM rate in encoder mode
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_ENC_SPEED   (29)    // Get the maximum PWM rate in encoder mode
#define PBR_COMMAND_GET_ID          (0x99)  // Get the board identifier
#define PBR_COMMAND_SET_I2C_ADD     (0xAA)  // Set a new I2C address

// Values
// These are the corresponding numbers for states used by the above commands
#define PBR_COMMAND_VALUE_FWD       (1)     // I2C value representing forward
#define PBR_COMMAND_VALUE_REV       (2)     // I2C value representing reverse
#define PBR_COMMAND_VALUE_ON        (1)     // I2C value representing on
#define PBR_COMMAND_VALUE_OFF       (0)     // I2C value representing off
#define PBR_I2C_ID_PICOBORG_REV     (0x15)  // I2C values returned when calling the GET_ID command
#define PBR_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS     (0x44)  // I2C address set by default (before using SET_I2C_ADD)
#define PBR_ERROR_READING           (888)   // Returned from GetMotor commands when value failed to read

// Limits
// These define the maximums that the PicoBorg Reverse will accept
#define PBR_I2C_MAX_LEN             (4)     // Maximum number of bytes in an I2C message
#define PBR_PWM_MAX                 (255)   // Maximum I2C value for speed settings (represents 100% drive)
#define PBR_MINIMUM_I2C_ADDRESS     (0x03)  // Minimum allowed value for the I2C address
#define PBR_MAXIMUM_I2C_ADDRESS     (0x77)  // Maximum allowed value for the I2C address

extern Serial serial;

class PicoBorgReverse
    PicoBorgReverse(I2C* _i2c, char address=PBR_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS) :  i2c(_i2c), addr( address<< 1) {
    /***** PicoBorg Reverse Functions *****/
    // All motor drive levels are from +PBR_PWM_MAX to -PBR_PWM_MAX
    // Positive values indicate forwards motion
    // Negative values indicate reverse motion
    // 0 indicates stationary
    // Values outside PBR_PWM_MAX will be capped to PBR_PWM_MAX (100%)

    /***** Motor functions *****/

    // Sets the drive level for motor 2
    void setMotor2(int power);

    // Gets the drive level for motor 2
    int getMotor2(void);

    // Sets the drive level for motor 1
    void setMotor1(int power);

    // Gets the drive level for motor 1
    int getMotor1(void);

    // Sets the drive level for all motors
    void setMotors(int power);

    // Sets all motors to stopped, useful when ending a program
    void motorsOff(void);

    /***** General functions *****/

    // Reads the board identifier and checks it is a PicoBorg Reverse, false for incorrect, true for correct
    bool checkId(void);

    // Sets the current state of the LED, false for off, true for on
    void setLed(bool state);

    // Reads the current state of the LED, false for off, true for on
    bool getLed(void);

    // Resets the EPO latch state, use to allow movement again after the EPO has been tripped
    void resetEpo(void);

    // Reads the system EPO latch state.
    // If false the EPO has not been tripped, and movement is allowed.
    // If true the EPO has been tripped, movement is disabled if the EPO is not ignored (see PbrSetEpoIgnore)
    //     Movement can be re-enabled by calling PbrResetEpo.
    bool getEpo(void);

    // Sets the system to ignore or use the EPO latch, set to false if you have an EPO switch, true if you do not
    void setEpoIgnore(bool state);

    // Reads the system EPO ignore state, False for using the EPO latch, True for ignoring the EPO latch
    bool getEpoIgnore(void);

    // Sets the system to enable or disable the communications failsafe
    // The failsafe will turn the motors off unless it is commanded at least once every 1/4 of a second
    // Set to True to enable this failsafe, set to False to disable this failsafe
    // The failsafe is disabled at power on
    void setCommsFailsafe(bool state);

    // Read the current system state of the communications failsafe, true for enabled, false for disabled
    // The failsafe will turn the motors off unless it is commanded at least once every 1/4 of a second
    bool getCommsFailsafe(void);

    // Reads the system drive fault state, False for no problems, True for a fault has been detected
    // Faults may indicate power problems, such as under-voltage (not enough power), and may be cleared by setting a lower drive power
    // If a fault is persistent, it repeatably occurs when trying to control the board, this may indicate a wiring problem such as:
    //     * The supply is not powerful enough for the motors
    //         The board has a bare minimum requirement of 6V to operate correctly
    //         A recommended minimum supply of 7.2V should be sufficient for smaller motors
    //     * The + and - connections for either motor are connected to each other
    //     * Either + or - is connected to ground (GND, also known as 0V or earth)
    //     * Either + or - is connected to the power supply (V+, directly to the battery or power pack)
    //     * One of the motors may be damaged
    // Faults will self-clear, they do not need to be reset, however some faults require both motors to be moving at less than 100% to clear
    // The easiest way to check is to put both motors at a low power setting which is high enough for them to rotate easily, such as 30%
    // Note that the fault state may be true at power up, this is normal and should clear when both motors have been driven
    // If there are no faults but you cannot make your motors move check PbrGetEpo to see if the safety switch has been tripped
    // For more details check the website at www.piborg.org/picoborgrev and double check the wiring instructions
    bool getDriveFault(void);

    void i2c_write(char b1)
        char data[1] = {b1};
        this->i2c->write(addr, data, 1);    
    void i2c_write(char b1, char b2)
        char data[2] = {b1, b2};
        this->i2c->write(addr, data, 2);

    int i2c_read(char* buf, int len) 
        return (this->i2c->read(addr, buf, len));

    /***** PicoBorg Reverse Properties *****/

    I2C* i2c;
    int addr; // define the I2C Address