p kj
Fork of BalanceCar by
- Committer:
- lixianyu
- Date:
- 2016-06-07
- Revision:
- 3:c6caae712d5d
- Parent:
- 2:99785a1007a4
File content as of revision 3:c6caae712d5d:
// Microduino_Stepper.cpp // // Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Shenyang // $Id: Microduino_Stepper.cpp,v 1.00 2016/04/07 $ #include "Microduino_Stepper_PWM.h" extern Timer g_Timer; extern Serial mpc; DigitalOut gSteperE(PIN_EN); Ticker g_Ticker; static Stepper_t steppers[MAX_STEPPERS] = { {false,NULL},{false,NULL},{false,NULL},{false,NULL} }; uint8_t StepperCount = 0; // Some debugging assistance void stepperAllEnable() { //digitalWrite(PIN_EN, LOW); gSteperE = 0; } void stepperAllDisable() { //digitalWrite(PIN_EN, HIGH); gSteperE = 1; } #if 0 static inline void handle_interrupts() { for(uint8_t channel=0; channel < MAX_STEPPERS; channel++) { if(steppers[channel].isActive) steppers[channel].stepper->computeStep(); } } #endif #if 0 static void initISR() { #if defined(_useTimer1) cli(); TCCR1A = 0; TCCR1B = _BV(WGM12)|_BV(CS11); OCR1A = TIMER_COMP; TCNT1 = 0; TIMSK1 = _BV(OCIE1A); sei(); #endif pinMode(PIN_EN, OUTPUT); stepperAllEnable(); } #if defined(_useTimer1) ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { handle_interrupts(); } #endif #endif static void timerHandle() { for (uint8_t channel=0; channel < MAX_STEPPERS; channel++) { if(steppers[channel].isActive) steppers[channel].stepper->computeStep(); } } static bool isTimerActive() { for(uint8_t channel=0; channel <MAX_STEPPERS ; channel++) { if(steppers[channel].isActive == true) return true; } return false; } /****************** end of static functions ******************************/ Stepper::Stepper(PinName dirPin, PinName stepPin) { if(StepperCount < MAX_STEPPERS) { this->stepperIndex = StepperCount++; } else { this->stepperIndex = INVALID_STEPPER; } gpio_init_out(&dirOUT, dirPin); period = PERIOD_MIN; pwmout_init(&pwmStep, stepPin); pwmout_period_us(&pwmStep, period); pwmout_pulsewidth_us(&pwmStep, 2); speed = 0; steppers[this->stepperIndex].isActive = false; } uint8_t Stepper::begin() { if (this->stepperIndex < MAX_STEPPERS) { setMaxAccel(DEFAULT_ACCEL); if (isTimerActive() == false) { //initISR(); //pinMode(PIN_EN, OUTPUT); //g_Ticker.attach_us(&timerHandle, 40); stepperAllEnable(); //mpc.printf("isTimerActive==false\r\n"); } steppers[this->stepperIndex].isActive = true; steppers[this->stepperIndex].stepper = this; //pwmout_pulsewidth_us(&pwmStep, 1); // Stepper will work. } return this->stepperIndex; } extern long map(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max); #define constrain(x,a,b) ((x) < (a) ? (a) : ((x) > (b) ? (b) : (x))) void Stepper::setSpeed(int16_t _speed) { //mpc.printf("Enter setSpeed(%d)\r\n", _speed); speed += constrain((_speed-speed), -(int16_t)maxAccel, (int16_t)maxAccel); if (speed == 0) { //pwmout_pulsewidth_us(&pwmStep, 0); stepperAllDisable(); return; } else if (speed > 0) { gpio_write(&dirOUT, 0); period = map(speed, 1, 1200, PERIOD_MAX, PERIOD_MIN); //pwmout_period_us(&pwmStep, period); } else { gpio_write(&dirOUT, 1); period = map(speed, -1200, -1, PERIOD_MAX, PERIOD_MIN); pwmout_period_us(&pwmStep, period); } //stepperAllEnable(); //pwmout_period_us(&pwmStep, period); //mpc.printf("speed : %d, period : %d\r\n", speed, period); } void Stepper::setMaxAccel(uint16_t _accel) { maxAccel = _accel; } int16_t Stepper::getSpeed() { return speed; } uint16_t Stepper::getMaxAccel() { return maxAccel; } #if 0 void Stepper::computeStep() { counter++; if(counter > period) { counter = 0; if(period > 0) { //PIN_SET(stepPin); gpio_write(&stepOUT, 1); //delayMicroseconds(1); wait_us(1); //PIN_CLR(stepPin); gpio_write(&stepOUT, 0); } } } #endif