Fork of my original MQTTGateway

Dependencies:   mbed-http

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
ApiFrameClass for XBee API frames
AtCmdFrameClass for the AT command api frames
ATParserParser class for parsing AT commands
BufferedSerialA serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices
ClockOutputInitSPIRIT Clock Output initialization structure definition
CsmaInitSPIRIT CSMA Init structure definition
ESP8266ESP8266Interface class
ESP8266InterfaceESP8266Interface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for the ESP8266
FP< retT, argT >Example using the FP Class with global functions
FrameBufferStorage class for incoming frames
FrameHandlerClass for the frame handlers
IOSample802Class to handle the incoming IO Data Samples in 802.15.4 modules
IOSampleDMClass to handle the incoming IO Data Samples in ZigBee modules
IOSampleZBClass to handle the incoming IO Data Samples in ZigBee modules
jsmn_parserJSON parser
jsmntok_tJSON token description
MQTTHeaderBitfields for the MQTT header byte
MQTTPacket_willOptionsDefines the MQTT "Last Will and Testament" (LWT) settings for the connect packet
MyBuffer< T >A templated software ring buffer
NTPClientNTP Client to update the mbed's RTC using a remote time server
radio_driverThe structure of a device driver for a radio in Contiki
RemoteXBeeClass for Remote XBee modules
RemoteXBee802Class for 802.15.4 Remote XBee modules
RemoteXBeeDMClass for DigiMesh Remote XBee modules
RemoteXBeeZBClass for ZigBee Remote XBee modules
SGpioInitSPIRIT GPIO Init structure definition
SpiritIrqsIRQ bitfield structure for SPIRIT
SRadioInitSPIRIT Radio Init structure definition
XBeeParent Class for XBee modules, not to be directly used
XBee802Class for XBee ZigBee modules, derived from XBee
XBeeDMClass for XBee ZigBee modules, derived from XBee
XBeeZBClass for XBee ZigBee modules, derived from XBee