Fork of my original MQTTGateway

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File content as of revision 0:a1734fe1ec4b:

 * @file    SPIRIT_Regs.h
  * @author  VMA division - AMS
  * @version 3.2.2
  * @date    08-July-2015
 * @brief   This file contains all the SPIRIT registers address and masks.
 * @details
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
  *      without specific prior written permission.

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __SPIRIT1_REGS_H
#define __SPIRIT1_REGS_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

 * @addtogroup SPIRIT_Registers         SPIRIT Registers
 * @brief Header file containing all the SPIRIT registers address and masks.
 * @details See the file <i>@ref SPIRIT_Regs.h</i> for more details.
 * @{

/** @defgroup General_Configuration_Registers
  * @{

/** @defgroup ANA_FUNC_CONF_1_Register
  * @{

 *  \brief ANA_FUNC_CONF register 1
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x0C
 *   7:5 NUM_EN_PIPES: Number of enabled pipes (starting from Data Pipe 0).
 *   4:2 GM_CONF[2:0]: Sets the driver gm of the XO at start-up:
 *       GM_CONF2 | GM_CONF1 | GM_CONF0 | GM [mS]
 *       ------------------------------------------
 *           0    |    0     |     0    |  13.2
 *           0    |    0     |     1    |  18.2
 *           0    |    1     |     0    |  21.5
 *           0    |    1     |     1    |  25.6
 *           1    |    0     |     0    |  28.8
 *           1    |    0     |     1    |  33.9
 *           1    |    1     |     0    |  38.5
 *           1    |    1     |     1    |  43.0
 *   1:0 SET_BLD_LVL[1:0]: Sets the Battery Level Detector threshold:
 *       SET_BLD_LVL1 | SET_BLD_LVL0 | Threshold [V]
 *       ------------------------------------------
 *             0      |      0       |     2.7
 *             0      |      1       |     2.5
 *             1      |      0       |     2.3
 *             1      |      1       |     2.1
 *   \endcode

#define ANA_FUNC_CONF1_BASE					((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< ANA_FUNC_CONF1 Address (R/W) */

#define ANA_FUNC_CONF1_NUM_PIPES_MASK                           ((uint8_t)0xE0) /*!< Mask for number of enabled pipes*/

#define ANA_FUNC_CONF1_GMCONF_MASK		        	((uint8_t)0x1C) /*!< Mask of the GmConf field of ANA_FUNC_CONF1 register (R/W) */

#define GM_13_2				                        ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Transconducatance Gm at start-up 13.2 mS */
#define GM_18_2				                        ((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< Transconducatance Gm at start-up 18.2 mS */
#define GM_21_5				                        ((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< Transconducatance Gm at start-up 21.5 mS */
#define GM_25_6				                        ((uint8_t)0x0C) /*!< Transconducatance Gm at start-up 25.6 mS */
#define GM_28_8				                        ((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< Transconducatance Gm at start-up 28.8 mS */
#define GM_33_9				                        ((uint8_t)0x14) /*!< Transconducatance Gm at start-up 33.9 mS */
#define GM_38_5				                        ((uint8_t)0x18) /*!< Transconducatance Gm at start-up 38.5 mS */
#define GM_43_0				                        ((uint8_t)0x1C) /*!< Transconducatance Gm at start-up 43.0 mS */

#define ANA_FUNC_CONF1_SET_BLD_LVL_MASK		        	((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< Mask of the SET_BLD_LV field of ANA_FUNC_CONF1 register (R/W) */

#define BLD_LVL_2_7				                ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Sets the Battery Level Detector threshold to 2.7V */
#define BLD_LVL_2_5				                ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Sets the Battery Level Detector threshold to 2.5V */
#define BLD_LVL_2_3				                ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Sets the Battery Level Detector threshold to 2.3V */
#define BLD_LVL_2_1				                ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< Sets the Battery Level Detector threshold to 2.1V */

 * @}

/** @defgroup ANA_FUNC_CONF_0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief ANA_FUNC_CONF register 0
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0xC0
 *   7 Reserved.
 *   6 24_26_MHz_SELECT: 1 - 26 MHz configuration
 *                       0 - 24 MHz configuration
 *   5 AES_ON:           1 - AES engine enabled
 *                       0 - AES engine disabled
 *   4 EXT_REF:          1 - Reference signal from XIN pin
 *                       0 - Reference signal from XO circuit
 *   3 HIGH_POWER_MODE:  1 - SET_SMPS_LEVEL word will be set to the value to
 *                           PM_TEST register in RX state, while in TX state it
 *                           will be fixed to 111 (which programs the SMPS output
 *                           at max value 1.8V)
 *                       0 - SET_SMPS_LEVEL word will hold the value written in the
 *                           PM_TEST register both in RX and TX state
 *   2 BROWN_OUT:        1 - Brown_Out Detection enabled
 *                       0 - Brown_Out Detection disabled
 *   1 BATTERY_LEVEL:    1 - Battery level detector enabled
 *                       0 - Battery level detector disabled
 *   0 TS:               1 - Enable the "Temperature Sensor" function
 *                       0 - Disable the "Temperature Sensor" function
 *   \endcode

#define ANA_FUNC_CONF0_BASE					((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< ANA_FUNC_CONF0 Address (R/W) */

#define SELECT_24_26_MHZ_MASK              			((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< Configure the RCO if using 26 MHz or 24 MHz master clock/reference signal */
#define AES_MASK                				((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< AES engine on/off */
#define EXT_REF_MASK          				        ((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< Reference signal from XIN pin (oscillator external) or from XO circuit (oscillator internal)*/
#define HIGH_POWER_MODE_MASK	                		((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< SET_SMPS_LEVEL word will be set to the value to PM_TEST register
                                                                                     in RX state, while in TX state it will be fixed to 111
                                                                                     (which programs the SMPS output at max value, 1.8V) */
#define BROWN_OUT_MASK  			          	((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< Accurate Brown-Out detection on/off */
#define BATTERY_LEVEL_MASK  	                		((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Battery level detector circuit on/off */
#define TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_MASK 	        		((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< The Temperature Sensor (available on GPIO0) on/off */

 * @}

/** @defgroup ANT_SELECT_CONF_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief ANT_SELECT_CONF register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x05
 *   7:5   Reserved.
 *   4   CS_BLANKING: Blank received data if signal is below the CS threshold
 *   3   AS_ENABLE: Enable antenna switching
 *                       1 - Enable
 *                       0 - Disable
 *   2:0 AS_MEAS_TIME[2:0]: Measurement time according to the formula Tmeas = 24*2^(EchFlt)*2^AS_MEAS_TIME/fxo
 *   \endcode
#define	ANT_SELECT_CONF_BASE					((uint8_t)0x27) /*!< Antenna diversity (works only in static carrier sense mode) */
#define ANT_SELECT_CS_BLANKING_MASK                             ((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< CS data blanking on/off */
#define ANT_SELECT_CONF_AS_MASK           			((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< Antenna diversity on/off */

 * @}

/** @defgroup DEVICE_INFO1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief DEVICE_INFO1[7:0]  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x01
 *   Read
 *   7:0       PARTNUM[7:0]:   Device part number
 *   \endcode
#define	DEVICE_INFO1_PARTNUM					((uint8_t)(0xF0)) /*!< Device part number [7:0] */

 * @}

/** @defgroup DEVICE_INFO0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief DEVICE_INFO0[7:0]  registers
 *  \code
 *   Read
 *   7:0       VERSION[7:0]:  Device version number
 *   \endcode
#define	DEVICE_INFO0_VERSION					((uint8_t)(0xF1)) /*!< Device version [7:0]; (0x55 in CUT1.0) */

 * @}

 * @}

/** @defgroup GPIO_Registers
 * @{

/** @defgroup GPIOx_CONF_Registers
 * @{

 *  \brief GPIOx registers
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x03
 *   7:3 GPIO_SELECT[4:0]: Specify the I/O signal.
 *       GPIO_SELECT[4:0] |    I/O    |      Signal
 *       ------------------------------------------------
 *               0        |  Output   |  nIRQ
 *               0        |  Input    |  TX command
 *               1        |  Output   |  POR inverted
 *               1        |  Input    |  RX command
 *               2        |  Output   |  Wake-Up timer expiration
 *               2        |  Input    |  TX data for direct modulation
 *               3        |  Output   |  Low Battery Detection
 *               3        |  Input    |  Wake-up from external input
 *               4        |  Output   |  TX clock output
 *               5        |  Output   |  TX state
 *               6        |  Output   |  TX FIFO Almost Empty Flag
 *               7        |  Output   |  TX FIFO ALmost Full Flag
 *               8        |  Output   |  RX data output
 *               9        |  Output   |  RX clock output
 *               10       |  Output   |  RX state
 *               11       |  Output   |  RX FIFO Almost Full Flag
 *               12       |  Output   |  RX FIFO Almost Empty Flag
 *               13       |  Output   |  Antenna switch
 *               14       |  Output   |  Valid preamble detected
 *               15       |  Output   |  Sync word detected
 *               16       |  Output   |  RSSI above threshold
 *               17       |  Output   |  MCU clock
 *               18       |  Output   |  TX or RX mode indicator
 *               19       |  Output   |  VDD
 *               20       |  Output   |  GND
 *               21       |  Output   |  External SMPS enable signal
 *               22-31    |  Not Used |  Not Used
 *   2 Reserved
 *   1:0 GpioMode[1:0]: Specify the mode:
 *        GPIO_MODE1  |  GPIO_MODE0  |               MODE
 *       ------------------------------------------------------------
 *             0      |      0       |    Analog (valid only for GPIO_0)
 *             0      |      1       |    Digital Input
 *             1      |      0       |    Digital Output Low Power
 *             1      |      1       |    Digital Output High Power
 *   Note: The Analog mode is used only for temperature sensor indication. This is available only
 *         on GPIO_0 by setting the TS bit in the ANA_FUNC_CONF_0_Register.
 *   \endcode

#define GPIO3_CONF_BASE						((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< GPIO_3 register address */
#define GPIO2_CONF_BASE						((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< GPIO_3 register address */
#define GPIO1_CONF_BASE						((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< GPIO_3 register address */
#define GPIO0_CONF_BASE						((uint8_t)0x05) /*!< GPIO_3 register address */

#define CONF_GPIO_IN_TX_Command				        ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< TX command direct from PIN (rising edge, width min=50ns) */
#define CONF_GPIO_IN_RX_Command				        ((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< RX command direct from PIN (rising edge, width min=50ns)*/
#define CONF_GPIO_IN_TX_Data				        ((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< TX data input for direct modulation */
#define CONF_GPIO_IN_WKUP_Ext				        ((uint8_t)0x18) /*!< Wake up from external input */

#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_nIRQ				        ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< nIRQ (Interrupt Request, active low) , default configuration after POR */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_POR_Inv				        ((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< POR inverted (active low) */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_WUT_Exp				        ((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< Wake-Up Timer expiration: ‘1’ when WUT has expired */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_LBD				        ((uint8_t)0x18) /*!< Low battery detection: ‘1’ when battery is below threshold setting */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_TX_Data				        ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< TX data internal clock output (TX data are sampled on the rising edge of it) */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_TX_State				        ((uint8_t)0x28) /*!< TX state indication: ‘1’ when Spirit1 is transiting in the TX state */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_TX_FIFO_Almost_Empty			((uint8_t)0x30) /*!< TX FIFO Almost Empty Flag */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_TX_FIFO_Amost_Full			((uint8_t)0x38) /*!< TX FIFO Almost Full Flag */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_RX_Data				        ((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< RX data output */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_RX_Clock				        ((uint8_t)0x48) /*!< RX clock output (recovered from received data) */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_RX_State				        ((uint8_t)0x50) /*!< RX state indication: ‘1’ when Spirit1 is transiting in the RX state */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_RX_FIFO_Almost_Full			((uint8_t)0x58) /*!< RX FIFO Almost Full Flag */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_RX_FIFO_Almost_Empty			((uint8_t)0x60) /*!< RX FIFO Almost Empty Flag */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_Antenna_Switch				((uint8_t)0x68) /*!< Antenna switch used for antenna diversity */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_Valid_Preamble				((uint8_t)0x70) /*!< Valid Preamble Detected Flag */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_Sync_Detected				((uint8_t)0x78) /*!< Sync WordSync Word Detected Flag */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_RSSI_Threshold				((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< CCA Assessment Flag */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_MCU_Clock				        ((uint8_t)0x88) /*!< MCU Clock */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_TX_RX_Mode				((uint8_t)0x90) /*!< TX or RX mode indicator (to enable an external range extender) */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_VDD				        ((uint8_t)0x98) /*!< VDD (to emulate an additional GPIO of the MCU, programmable by SPI) */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_GND				        ((uint8_t)0xA0) /*!< GND (to emulate an additional GPIO of the MCU, programmable by SPI) */
#define CONF_GPIO_OUT_SMPS_Ext				        ((uint8_t)0xA8) /*!< External SMPS enable signal (active high) */

#define CONF_GPIO_MODE_ANALOG				        ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Analog test BUS on GPIO; used only in test mode (except for temperature sensor) */
#define CONF_GPIO_MODE_DIG_IN				        ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Digital Input on GPIO */
#define CONF_GPIO_MODE_DIG_OUTL				        ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Digital Output on GPIO (low current) */
#define CONF_GPIO_MODE_DIG_OUTH				        ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< Digital Output on GPIO (high current) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup MCU_CK_CONF_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief MCU_CK_CONF  register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   7   Reserved.
 *   6:5 CLOCK_TAIL[1:0]: Specifies the number of extra cylces provided before entering in STANDBY state.
 *       CLOCK_TAIL1   |   CLOCK_TAIL0    |  Number of Extra Cycles
 *       ------------------------------------------------------------
 *            0        |        0         |           0
 *            0        |        1         |           64
 *            1        |        0         |           256
 *            1        |        1         |           512
 *   4:1 XO_RATIO[3:0]: Specifies the division ratio when XO oscillator is the clock source
 *       XO_RATIO[3:0] |   Division Ratio
 *       -----------------------------------
 *               0     |        1
 *               1     |       2/3
 *               2     |       1/2
 *               3     |       1/3
 *               4     |       1/4
 *               5     |       1/6
 *               6     |       1/8
 *               7     |       1/12
 *               8     |       1/16
 *               9     |       1/24
 *               10    |       1/36
 *               11    |       1/48
 *               12    |       1/64
 *               13    |       1/96
 *               14    |       1/128
 *               15    |       1/256
 *   0   RCO_RATIO: Specifies the divsion ratio when RC oscillator is the clock source
 *                0 - Division Ratio equal to 0
 *                1 - Division Ratio equal to 1/128
 *   \endcode

#define MCU_CK_CONF_BASE					((uint8_t)0x06) /*!< MCU Clock Config register address */

#define MCU_CK_ENABLE                                           ((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< MCU clock enable bit */

#define MCU_CK_CONF_CLOCK_TAIL_0				((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< 0   extra clock cycles provided to the MCU before switching to STANDBY state */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_CLOCK_TAIL_64				((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< 64  extra clock cycles provided to the MCU before switching to STANDBY state */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_CLOCK_TAIL_256				((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< 256 extra clock cycles provided to the MCU before switching to STANDBY state */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_CLOCK_TAIL_512				((uint8_t)0x60) /*!< 512 extra clock cycles provided to the MCU before switching to STANDBY state */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1					((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1     */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_2_3				((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 2/3   */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_2				((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/2   */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_3				((uint8_t)0x06) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/3   */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_4				((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/4   */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_6				((uint8_t)0x0A) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/6   */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_8				((uint8_t)0x0C) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/8   */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_12				((uint8_t)0x0E) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/12  */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_16				((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/16  */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_24				((uint8_t)0x12) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/24  */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_36				((uint8_t)0x14) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/36  */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_48				((uint8_t)0x16) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/48  */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_64				((uint8_t)0x18) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/64  */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_96				((uint8_t)0x1A) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/96  */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_128				((uint8_t)0x1C) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/128 */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_XO_RATIO_1_192				((uint8_t)0x1E) /*!< XO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/196 */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_RCO_RATIO_1					((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< RCO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1    */
#define MCU_CK_CONF_RCO_RATIO_1_128				((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< RCO Clock signal available on the GPIO divided by 1/128*/

 * @}

 * @}

/** @defgroup Radio_Configuration_Registers
 * @{

/** @defgroup SYNT3_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief SYNT3  register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x0C
 *   7:5 WCP[2:0]: Set the charge pump current according to the VCO frequency in RX mode.
 *         VCO Frequency    |        WCP2      |       WCP1       |       WCP0        |    Charge Pump Current (uA)
 *       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *          4644-4678       |         0        |        0         |        0          |             378.4
 *          4708-4772       |         0        |        0         |        1          |             368.9
 *          4772-4836       |         0        |        1         |        0          |             359.5
 *          4836-4902       |         0        |        1         |        1          |             350
 *          4902-4966       |         1        |        0         |        0          |             340.5
 *          4966-5030       |         1        |        0         |        1          |             331.1
 *          5030-5095       |         1        |        1         |        0          |             321.6
 *          5095-5161       |         1        |        1         |        1          |             312.2
 *          5161-5232       |         0        |        0         |        0          |             378.4
 *          5232-5303       |         0        |        0         |        1          |             368.9
 *          5303-5375       |         0        |        1         |        0          |             359.5
 *          5375-5448       |         0        |        1         |        1          |             350
 *          5448-5519       |         1        |        0         |        0          |             340.5
 *          5519-5592       |         1        |        0         |        1          |             331.1
 *          5592-5663       |         1        |        1         |        0          |             321.6
 *          5663-5736       |         1        |        1         |        1          |             312.2
 *   4:0  SYNT[25:21]: highest 5 bits of the PLL programmable divider
 *                     The valid range depends on fXO and REFDIV settings; for
 *                     fXO=26MHz
 *                     REFDIV = 0 - SYNT[25:21] = 11...13
 *                     REFDIV = 1 - SYNT[25:21] = 22…27
 *   \endcode
#define	SYNT3_BASE						((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< [4:0] -> SYNT[25:21], highest 5 bits of the PLL programmable divider */

#define WCP_CONF_WCP_378UA                                      ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Charge pump current nominal value = 378uA [VCO 4644-4708]&[VCO 5161-5232] */
#define WCP_CONF_WCP_369UA                                      ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Charge pump current nominal value = 369uA [VCO 4708-4772]&[VCO 5232-5303] */
#define WCP_CONF_WCP_359UA                                      ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Charge pump current nominal value = 359uA [VCO 4772-4836]&[VCO 5303-5375] */
#define WCP_CONF_WCP_350UA                                      ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< Charge pump current nominal value = 350uA [VCO 4836-4902]&[VCO 5375-5448] */
#define WCP_CONF_WCP_340UA                                      ((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< Charge pump current nominal value = 340uA [VCO 4902-4966]&[VCO 5448-5519] */
#define WCP_CONF_WCP_331UA                                      ((uint8_t)0x05) /*!< Charge pump current nominal value = 331uA [VCO 4966-5030]&[VCO 5519-5592] */
#define WCP_CONF_WCP_321UA                                      ((uint8_t)0x06) /*!< Charge pump current nominal value = 321uA [VCO 5030-5095]&[VCO 5592-5563] */
#define WCP_CONF_WCP_312UA                                      ((uint8_t)0x07) /*!< Charge pump current nominal value = 312uA [VCO 5095-5160]&[VCO 5563-5736] */

 * @}

/** @defgroup SYNT2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief SYNT2  register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x84
 *   7:0  SYNT[20:13]: intermediate bits of the PLL programmable divider.
 *   \endcode

#define	SYNT2_BASE						((uint8_t)0x09) /*!< SYNT[20:13], intermediate bits of the PLL programmable divider */

 * @}

/** @defgroup SYNT1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief SYNT1  register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0xEC
 *   7:0  SYNT[12:5]: intermediate bits of the PLL programmable divider.
 *   \endcode

#define	SYNT1_BASE						((uint8_t)0x0A) /*!< SYNT[12:5], intermediate bits of the PLL programmable divider */

 * @}

/** @defgroup SYNT0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief SYNT0  register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x51
 *   7:3  SYNT[4:0]: lowest bits of the PLL programmable divider.
 *   2:0  BS[2:0]:   Synthesizer band select. This parameter selects the out-of-loop divide factor of the synthesizer
 *                   according to the formula fxo/(B/2)/D*SYNT/2^18
 *              BS2        |       BS1       |       BS0        |     value of B
 *       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *               0         |        0        |        1         |       6
 *               0         |        1        |        0         |       8
 *               0         |        1        |        1         |       12
 *               1         |        0        |        0         |       16
 *               1         |        0        |        1         |       32
 *   \endcode
#define	SYNT0_BASE						((uint8_t)0x0B) /*!< [7:3] -> SYNT[4:0], lowest bits of the PLL programmable divider */

#define	SYNT0_BS_6						((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Synthesizer band select (out-of-loop divide factor of the synthesizer)=6  (779-956MHz) */
#define	SYNT0_BS_8						((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Synthesizer band select (out-of-loop divide factor of the synthesizer)=8  (387-470MHz)*/
#define	SYNT0_BS_12						((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< Synthesizer band select (out-of-loop divide factor of the synthesizer)=12 (387-470MHz)*/
#define	SYNT0_BS_16						((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< Synthesizer band select (out-of-loop divide factor of the synthesizer)=16 (300-348MHz)*/
#define	SYNT0_BS_32						((uint8_t)0x05) /*!< Synthesizer band select (out-of-loop divide factor of the synthesizer)=32 (150-174MHz)*/

 * @}

/** @defgroup CHSPACE_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief CHSPACE  register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0xFC
 *   7:0  CH_SPACING[7:0]: Channel spacing. From ~793Hz to ~200KHz in 793Hz steps
 *                         (in general, frequency step is fXO/215=26MHz/215~793Hz).
 *   \endcode

#define	CHSPACE_BASE						((uint8_t)0x0C) /*!< Channel spacing. From ~0.8KHz to ~200KHz in (fXO/2^15)Hz (793Hz for 26MHz XO) steps */

 * @}

/** @defgroup IF_OFFSET_DIG_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief IF_OFFSET_DIG  register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0xA3
 *   7:0  IF_OFFSET_DIG[7:0]: Intermediate frequency setting for the digital shift-to-baseband circuits. According to the formula: fIF=fXO*(IF_OFFSET_ANA+64)/(12*2^10)=fCLK*(IF_OFFSET_DIG+64)/(12*2^10) Hz.
 *   \endcode
#define	IF_OFFSET_DIG_BASE						((uint8_t)0x0D) /*!< Intermediate frequency fIF=fXO*(IF_OFFSET_ANA+64)/(12*2^10)=fCLK*(IF_OFFSET_DIG+64)/(12*2^10) Hz */

 * @}

/** @defgroup IF_OFFSET_ANA_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief IF_OFFSET_ANA  register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0xA3
 *   7:0  IF_OFFSET_ANA[7:0]: Intermediate frequency setting for the digital shift-to-baseband circuits. According to the formula: fIF=fXO*(IF_OFFSET_ANA+64)/(12*2^10)=fCLK*(IF_OFFSET_DIG+64)/(12*2^10) Hz.
 *   \endcode
#define	IF_OFFSET_ANA_BASE						((uint8_t)0x07) /*!< Intermediate frequency fIF=fXO*(IF_OFFSET_ANA+64)/(12*2^10)=fCLK*(IF_OFFSET_DIG+64)/(12*2^10) Hz */

 * @}

/** @defgroup FC_OFFSET1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief FC_OFFSET1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0xA3
 *   7:4  Reserved.
 *   3:0  FC_OFFSET[11:8]: Carrier offset. This value is the higher part of a 12-bit 2’s complement integer
 *                         representing an offset in 99Hz(2) units added/subtracted to the
 *                         carrier frequency set by registers SYNT3…SYNT0.
 *                         This register can be used to set a fixed correction value
 *                         obtained e.g. from crystal measurements.
 *   \endcode
#define	FC_OFFSET1_BASE						((uint8_t)0x0E) /*!< [3:0] -> [11:8] Carrier offset (upper part) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup FC_OFFSET0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief FC_OFFSET0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0  FC_OFFSET[7:0]: Carrier offset. This value is the lower part of a 12-bit 2’s complement integer
 *                         representing an offset in 99Hz(2) units added/subtracted to the
 *                         carrier frequency set by registers SYNT3…SYNT0.
 *                         This register can be used to set a fixed correction value
 *                         obtained e.g. from crystal measurements.
 *   \endcode
#define	FC_OFFSET0_BASE						((uint8_t)0x0F) /*!< [7:0] -> [7:0] Carrier offset (lower part). This value is a 12-bit 2’s complement integer
																	representing an offset in fXO/2^18 (99Hz for 26 MHz XO) units added/subtracted to the carrier frequency
															set by registers SYNT3…SYNT0. Range is +/-200kHz with 26 MHz XO */
 * @}

/** @defgroup PA_LEVEL_x_Registers
 * @{

 *  \brief PA_POWER_x[8:1]  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default values from 8 to 1: [0x03, 0x0E, 0x1A, 0x25, 0x35, 0x40, 0x4E, 0x00]
 *   Read Write
 *   7    Reserved.
 *   6:0  PA_LEVEL_(x-1)[6:0]: Output power level for x-th slot.
 *   \endcode

#define	PA_POWER8_BASE						((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< PA Power level for 8th slot of PA ramping or ASK modulation */
#define	PA_POWER7_BASE						((uint8_t)0x11) /*!< PA Power level for 7th slot of PA ramping or ASK modulation */
#define	PA_POWER6_BASE						((uint8_t)0x12) /*!< PA Power level for 6th slot of PA ramping or ASK modulation */
#define	PA_POWER5_BASE						((uint8_t)0x13) /*!< PA Power level for 5th slot of PA ramping or ASK modulation */
#define	PA_POWER4_BASE						((uint8_t)0x14) /*!< PA Power level for 4th slot of PA ramping or ASK modulation */
#define	PA_POWER3_BASE						((uint8_t)0x15) /*!< PA Power level for 3rd slot of PA ramping or ASK modulation */
#define	PA_POWER2_BASE						((uint8_t)0x16) /*!< PA Power level for 2nd slot of PA ramping or ASK modulation */
#define	PA_POWER1_BASE						((uint8_t)0x17) /*!< PA Power level for 1st slot of PA ramping or ASK modulation */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PA_POWER_CONF_Registers
 * @{

 *  \brief PA_POWER_CONF_Registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value:0x07
 *   Read Write
 *   7:6  CWC[1:0]: Output stage additional load capacitors bank (to be used to
 *                      optimize the PA for different sub-bands).
 *         CWC1       |        CWC0      |     Total capacity in pF
 *       ---------------------------------------------------------
 *          0         |         0        |        0
 *          0         |         1        |        1.2
 *          1         |         0        |        2.4
 *          1         |         1        |        3.6
 *   5   PA_RAMP_ENABLE:
 *                       1 - Enable the power ramping
 *                       0 - Disable the power ramping
 *   4:3 PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH[1:0]: Step width in bit period
 *         PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH1       |        PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH0       |     PA ramping time step
 *       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *                 0                 |                0                 |        1/8 Bit period
 *                 0                 |                1                 |        2/8 Bit period
 *                 1                 |                0                 |        3/8 Bit period
 *                 1                 |                1                 |        4/8 Bit period
 *   2:0 PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX[2:0]: Fixes the MAX PA LEVEL in PA ramping or ASK modulation
 *   \endcode
#define	PA_POWER0_BASE						((uint8_t)0x18) /*!< PA ramping settings and additional load capacitor banks used
																	for PA optimization in different sub bands*/
#define PA_POWER0_CWC_MASK                                      ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< Output stage additional load capacitors bank */
#define PA_POWER0_CWC_0						((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< No additional PA load capacitor */
#define PA_POWER0_CWC_1_2P					((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< 1.2pF additional PA load capacitor */
#define PA_POWER0_CWC_2_4P					((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< 2.4pF additional PA load capacitor */
#define PA_POWER0_CWC_3_6P					((uint8_t)0xC0) /*!< 3.6pF additional PA load capacitor */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_RAMP_MASK  				((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< The PA power ramping */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH_MASK                       ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< The step width */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH_TB_8			((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< PA ramping time step = 1/8 Bit period*/
#define PA_POWER0_PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH_TB_4			((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< PA ramping time step = 2/8 Bit period*/
#define PA_POWER0_PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH_3TB_8			((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< PA ramping time step = 3/8 Bit period*/
#define PA_POWER0_PA_RAMP_STEP_WIDTH_TB_2			((uint8_t)0x18) /*!< PA ramping time step = 4/8 Bit period*/
#define PA_POWER0_PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX                            ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< Final level for power ramping */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX_0				((uint8_t)0x00) /*!<                                                           */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX_1				((uint8_t)0x01) /*!<  Fixes the MAX PA LEVEL in PA ramping or ASK modulation   */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX_2				((uint8_t)0x02) /*!<                                                           */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX_3				((uint8_t)0x03) /*!<                     _________                             */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX_4				((uint8_t)0x04) /*!<     PA_LVL2       _|                 <--|                 */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX_5				((uint8_t)0x05) /*!<                 _|                      |                 */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX_6				((uint8_t)0x06) /*!<     PA_LVL1   _|                        |                 */
#define PA_POWER0_PA_LEVEL_MAX_INDEX_7				((uint8_t)0x07) /*!<     PA_LVL0 _|                 MAX_INDEX-                 */

 * @}

/** @defgroup MOD1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief MOD1 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x83
 *   7:0  DATARATE_M[7:0]: The Mantissa of the specified data rate
 *   \endcode
#define	MOD1_BASE					        ((uint8_t)0x1A) /*!< The Mantissa of the specified data rate */

 * @}

/** @defgroup MOD0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief MOD0 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x1A
 *   7  CW:              1 - CW Mode enabled - enables the generation of a continous wave carrier without any modulation
 *                       0 - CW Mode disabled
 *   6 BT_SEL:  Select BT value for GFSK
 *                       1 - BT=0.5
 *                       0 - BT=1
 *   5:4 MOD_TYPE[1:0]: Modulation type
 *         MOD_TYPE1       |        MOD_TYPE0      |     Modulation
 *       ---------------------------------------------------------
 *             0           |           0           |        2-FSK,MSK
 *             0           |           1           |        GFSK,GMSK
 *             1           |           0           |        ASK/OOK
 *   3:0  DATARATE_E[3:0]: The Exponent of the specified data rate
 *   \endcode
#define	MOD0_BASE						((uint8_t)0x1B) /*!< Modulation Settings, Exponent of the specified data rate, CW mode*/

#define MOD0_MOD_TYPE_2_FSK					((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Modulation type 2-FSK (MSK if the frequency deviation is identical to a quarter of the data rate) */
#define MOD0_MOD_TYPE_GFSK					((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< Modulation type GFSK (GMSK if the frequency deviation is identical to a quarter of the data rate) */
#define MOD0_MOD_TYPE_ASK					((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< Modulation type ASK (OOK the PA is switched off for symbol "0") */
#define MOD0_MOD_TYPE_MSK					((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Modulation type MSK (the frequency deviation must be identical to a quarter of the data rate) */
#define MOD0_MOD_TYPE_GMSK					((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< Modulation type GMSK (the frequency deviation must be identical to a quarter of the data rate) */
#define MOD0_BT_SEL_BT_MASK       				((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Select the BT = 1 or BT = 0.5 valid only for GFSK or GMSK modulation*/
#define MOD0_CW							((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< Set the Continous Wave (no modulation) transmit mode */

 * @}

/** @defgroup FDEV0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief FDEV0 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x45
 *   7:4  FDEV_E[3:0]:       Exponent of the frequency deviation (allowed values from 0 to 9)
 *   3 CLOCK_REC_ALGO_SEL:  Select PLL or DLL mode for clock recovery
 *                       1 - DLL mode
 *                       0 - PLL mode
 *   2:0 FDEV_M[1:0]: Mantissa of the frequency deviation (allowed values from 0 to 7)
 *   \endcode
#define	FDEV0_BASE						((uint8_t)0x1C) /*!< Sets the Mantissa and exponent of frequency deviation (frequency separation/2)
																and PLL or DLL alogrithm from clock recovery in RX digital demod*/
#define FDEV0_CLOCK_REG_ALGO_SEL_MASK			        ((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< Can be DLL or PLL algorithm for clock recovery in RX digital demod (see CLOCKREC reg) */
#define FDEV0_CLOCK_REG_ALGO_SEL_PLL				((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Sets PLL alogrithm for clock recovery in RX digital demod (see CLOCKREC reg) */
#define FDEV0_CLOCK_REG_ALGO_SEL_DLL				((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< Sets DLL alogrithm for clock recovery in RX digital demod (see CLOCKREC reg) */
 * @}

/** @defgroup CHFLT_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief CHFLT register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x23
 *   7:4  CHFLT_M[3:0]:       Mantissa of the channel filter BW (allowed values from 0 to 8)
 *   3:0  CHFLT_E[3:0]:       Exponent of the channel filter BW (allowed values from 0 to 9)
 *         M\E |   0   |   1   |   2   |   3   |   4  |   5  |  6   |   7 |  8  |  9  |
 *        -----+-------+-------+-------+-------+------+------+------+-----+-----+-----+
 *         0   | 800.1 | 450.9 | 224.7 | 112.3 | 56.1 | 28.0 | 14.0 | 7.0 | 3.5 | 1.8 |
 *         1   | 795.1 | 425.9 | 212.4 | 106.2 | 53.0 | 26.5 | 13.3 | 6.6 | 3.3 | 1.7 |
 *         2   | 768.4 | 403.2 | 201.1 | 100.5 | 50.2 | 25.1 | 12.6 | 6.3 | 3.1 | 1.6 |
 *         3   | 736.8 | 380.8 | 190.0 | 95.0  | 47.4 | 23.7 | 11.9 | 5.9 | 3.0 | 1.5 |
 *         4   | 705.1 | 362.1 | 180.7 | 90.3  | 45.1 | 22.6 | 11.3 | 5.6 | 2.8 | 1.4 |
 *         5   | 670.9 | 341.7 | 170.6 | 85.3  | 42.6 | 21.3 | 10.6 | 5.3 | 2.7 | 1.3 |
 *         6   | 642.3 | 325.4 | 162.4 | 81.2  | 40.6 | 20.3 | 10.1 | 5.1 | 2.5 | 1.3 |
 *         7   | 586.7 | 294.5 | 147.1 | 73.5  | 36.7 | 18.4 | 9.2  | 4.6 | 2.3 | 1.2 |
 *         8   | 541.4 | 270.3 | 135.0 | 67.5  | 33.7 | 16.9 | 8.4  | 4.2 | 2.1 | 1.1 |
 *   \endcode
#define	CHFLT_BASE						((uint8_t)0x1D) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth */

#define CHFLT_800_1						((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 800.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_795_1						((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 795.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_768_4						((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 768.4 kHz */
#define CHFLT_736_8						((uint8_t)0x30) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 736.8 kHz */
#define CHFLT_705_1						((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 705.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_670_9						((uint8_t)0x50) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 670.9 kHz */
#define CHFLT_642_3						((uint8_t)0x60) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 642.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_586_7						((uint8_t)0x70) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 586.7 kHz */
#define CHFLT_541_4						((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 541.4 kHz */
#define CHFLT_450_9						((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 450.9 kHz */
#define CHFLT_425_9						((uint8_t)0x11) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 425.9 kHz */
#define CHFLT_403_2						((uint8_t)0x21) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 403.2 kHz */
#define CHFLT_380_8						((uint8_t)0x31) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 380.8 kHz */
#define CHFLT_362_1						((uint8_t)0x41) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 362.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_341_7						((uint8_t)0x51) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 341.7 kHz */
#define CHFLT_325_4						((uint8_t)0x61) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 325.4 kHz */
#define CHFLT_294_5						((uint8_t)0x71) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 294.5 kHz */
#define CHFLT_270_3						((uint8_t)0x81) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 270.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_224_7						((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 224.7 kHz */
#define CHFLT_212_4						((uint8_t)0x12) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 212.4 kHz */
#define CHFLT_201_1						((uint8_t)0x22) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 201.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_190						((uint8_t)0x32) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 190.0 kHz */
#define CHFLT_180_7						((uint8_t)0x42) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 180.7 kHz */
#define CHFLT_170_6						((uint8_t)0x52) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 170.6 kHz */
#define CHFLT_162_4						((uint8_t)0x62) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 162.4 kHz */
#define CHFLT_147_1						((uint8_t)0x72) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 147.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_135						((uint8_t)0x82) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 135.0 kHz */
#define CHFLT_112_3						((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 112.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_106_2						((uint8_t)0x13) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 106.2 kHz */
#define CHFLT_100_5						((uint8_t)0x23) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 100.5 kHz */
#define CHFLT_95						((uint8_t)0x33) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 95.0 kHz */
#define CHFLT_90_3						((uint8_t)0x43) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 90.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_85_3						((uint8_t)0x53) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 85.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_81_2						((uint8_t)0x63) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 81.2 kHz */
#define CHFLT_73_5						((uint8_t)0x73) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 73.5 kHz */
#define CHFLT_67_5						((uint8_t)0x83) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 67.5 kHz */
#define CHFLT_56_1						((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 56.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_53						((uint8_t)0x14) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 53.0 kHz */
#define CHFLT_50_2						((uint8_t)0x24) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 50.2 kHz */
#define CHFLT_47_4						((uint8_t)0x34) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 47.4 kHz */
#define CHFLT_45_1						((uint8_t)0x44) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 45.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_42_6						((uint8_t)0x54) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 42.6 kHz */
#define CHFLT_40_6						((uint8_t)0x64) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 40.6 kHz */
#define CHFLT_36_7						((uint8_t)0x74) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 36.7 kHz */
#define CHFLT_33_7						((uint8_t)0x84) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 33.7 kHz */
#define CHFLT_28						((uint8_t)0x05) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 28.0 kHz */
#define CHFLT_26_5						((uint8_t)0x15) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 26.5 kHz */
#define CHFLT_25_1						((uint8_t)0x25) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 25.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_23_7						((uint8_t)0x35) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 23.7 kHz */
#define CHFLT_22_6						((uint8_t)0x45) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 22.6 kHz */
#define CHFLT_21_3						((uint8_t)0x55) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 21.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_20_3						((uint8_t)0x65) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 20.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_18_4						((uint8_t)0x75) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 18.4 kHz */
#define CHFLT_16_9						((uint8_t)0x85) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 16.9 kHz */
#define CHFLT_14						((uint8_t)0x06) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 14.0 kHz */
#define CHFLT_13_3						((uint8_t)0x16) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 13.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_12_6						((uint8_t)0x26) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 12.6 kHz */
#define CHFLT_11_9						((uint8_t)0x36) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 11.9 kHz */
#define CHFLT_11_3						((uint8_t)0x46) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 11.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_10_6						((uint8_t)0x56) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 10.6 kHz */
#define CHFLT_10_1						((uint8_t)0x66) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 10.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_9_2						((uint8_t)0x76) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 9.2 kHz */
#define CHFLT_8_4						((uint8_t)0x86) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 8.4 kHz */
#define CHFLT_7							((uint8_t)0x07) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 7.0 kHz */
#define CHFLT_6_6						((uint8_t)0x17) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 6.6 kHz */
#define CHFLT_6_3						((uint8_t)0x27) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 6.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_5_9						((uint8_t)0x37) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 5.9 kHz */
#define CHFLT_5_6						((uint8_t)0x47) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 5.6 kHz */
#define CHFLT_5_3						((uint8_t)0x57) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 5.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_5_1						((uint8_t)0x67) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 5.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_4_6						((uint8_t)0x77) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 4.6 kHz */
#define CHFLT_4_2						((uint8_t)0x87) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 4.2 kHz */
#define CHFLT_3_5						((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 3.5 kHz */
#define CHFLT_3_3						((uint8_t)0x18) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 3.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_3_1						((uint8_t)0x28) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 3.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_3							((uint8_t)0x38) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 3.0 kHz */
#define CHFLT_2_8						((uint8_t)0x48) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 2.8 kHz */
#define CHFLT_2_7						((uint8_t)0x58) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 2.7 kHz */
#define CHFLT_2_5						((uint8_t)0x68) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 2.5 kHz */
#define CHFLT_2_3						((uint8_t)0x78) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 2.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_2_1						((uint8_t)0x88) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 2.1 kHz */
#define CHFLT_1_8						((uint8_t)0x09) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 1.8 kHz */
#define CHFLT_1_7						((uint8_t)0x19) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 1.7 kHz */
#define CHFLT_1_6						((uint8_t)0x29) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 1.6 kHz */
#define CHFLT_1_5						((uint8_t)0x39) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 1.5 kHz */
#define CHFLT_1_4						((uint8_t)0x49) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 1.4 kHz */
#define CHFLT_1_3a						((uint8_t)0x59) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 1.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_1_3						((uint8_t)0x69) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 1.3 kHz */
#define CHFLT_1_2						((uint8_t)0x79) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 1.2 kHz */
#define CHFLT_1_1						((uint8_t)0x89) /*!< RX Channel Filter Bandwidth = 1.1 kHz */

 * @}

/** @defgroup AFC2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief AFC2 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x48
 *   7  AFC Freeze on Sync: Freeze AFC correction upon sync word detection.
 *                       1 - AFC Freeze enabled
 *                       0 - AFC Freeze disabled
 *   6  AFC Enabled:  Enable AFC
 *                       1 - AFC enabled
 *                       0 - AFC disabled
 *   5  AFC Mode:    Select AFC mode
 *                       1 - AFC Loop closed on 2nd conversion stage.
 *                       0 - AFC Loop closed on slicer
 *   4:0  AFC PD leakage[4:0]: Peak detector leakage. This parameter sets the decay speed of the min/max frequency peak detector (AFC2 register),
 *                             the range allowed is 0..31 (0 - no leakage, 31 - high leakage). The recommended value for this parameter is 4.
 *   \endcode
#define	AFC2_BASE						((uint8_t)0x1E) /*!< Automatic frequency compensation algorithm parameters (FSK/GFSK/MSK)*/

#define AFC2_AFC_FREEZE_ON_SYNC_MASK				((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< The frequency correction value is frozen when SYNC word is detected */
#define AFC2_AFC_MASK			        		((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< Mask of Automatic Frequency Correction */
#define AFC2_AFC_MODE_MASK					((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< Automatic Frequency Correction can be in Main MODE or Auxiliary MODE*/
#define AFC2_AFC_MODE_SLICER					((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Automatic Frequency Correction Main MODE */
#define AFC2_AFC_MODE_MIXER					((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< Automatic Frequency Correction Auxiliary MODE */
 * @}

/** @defgroup AFC1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief AFC1 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x18
 *   7:0  AFC_FAST_PERIOD: Length of the AFC fast period. this parameter sets the length of the fast period in number of samples (AFC1 register), the range allowed
 *                         is 0..255. The recommended setting for this parameter is such that the fast period equals the preamble length. Since the
 *                         algorithm operates typically on 2 samples per symbol, the programmed value should be twice the number of preamble
 *                         symbols.
 *   \endcode
#define	AFC1_BASE						((uint8_t)0x1F) /*!< Length of the AFC fast period */

 * @}

/** @defgroup AFC0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief AFC0 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x25
 *   7:4  AFC_FAST_GAIN_LOG2[3:0]: AFC loop gain in fast mode (2's log)
 *   3:0  AFC_SLOW_GAIN_LOG2[3:0]: AFC loop gain in slow mode (2's log)
 *   \endcode
#define	AFC0_BASE						((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< AFC loop gain in fast and slow modes (2's log) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup CLOCKREC_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief CLOCKREC register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x58
 *   7:5 CLK_REC_P_GAIN [2:0]: Clock recovery loop gain (log2)
 *   4   PSTFLT_LEN: Set Postfilter length
 *                       1 - 16 symbols
 *                       0 - 8 symbols
 *   3:0 CLK_REC_I_GAIN[3:0]: Integral gain for the clock recovery loop
 *   \endcode

#define	CLOCKREC_BASE						((uint8_t)0x23) /*!< Gain of clock recovery loop - Postfilter length 0-8 symbols, 1-16 symbols */

 * @}

/** @defgroup AGCCTRL2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief AGCCTRL2 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x22
 *   7   Reserved
 *   6   FREEZE_ON_STEADY: Enable freezing on steady state
 *                       1 - Enable
 *                       0 - Disable
 *   5   FREEZE_ON_SYNC: Enable freezing on sync detection
 *                       1 - Enable
 *                       0 - Disable
 *   4   START_MAX_ATTENUATION: Start with max attenuation
 *                       1 - Enable
 *                       0 - Disable
 *   3:0  MEAS_TIME[3:0]: Measure time during which the signal peak is detected (according to the formula 12/fxo*2^MEAS_TIME)
 *   \endcode
#define	AGCCTRL2_BASE						((uint8_t)0x24) /*!< AGC freeze strategy, AGC attenuation  strategy, AGC measure time */

#define AGCCTRL2_FREEZE_ON_STEADY_MASK			        ((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< The attenuation settings will be frozen as soon as signal level
										     is betweeen min and max treshold (see AGCCTRL1) */
#define AGCCTRL2_FREEZE_ON_SYNC_MASK				((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< The attenuation settings will be frozen as soon sync word is detected */
#define AGCCTRL2_START_MAX_ATTENUATION_MASK			((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< The AGC algorithm can start with MAX attenuation or MIN attenuation */

 * @}

/** @defgroup AGCCTRL1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief AGCCTRL1 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x65
 *   7:4   THRESHOLD_HIGH[3:0]: High threshold for the AGC
 *   3:0   THRESHOLD_LOW[3:0]: Low threshold for the AGC
 *   \endcode
#define	AGCCTRL1_BASE						((uint8_t)0x25) /*!< Sets low and high threshold for AGC */

 * @}

/** @defgroup AGCCTRL0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief AGCCTRL0 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x8A
 *   7   AGC S_ENABLE: Enable AGC
 *                       1 - Enable
 *                       0 - Disable
 *   6   AGC_MODE: Set linear-Binary AGC mode
 *                       1 - Enable
 *                       0 - Disable
 *   5:0 HOLD_TIME[5:0]: Hold time after gain adjustment according to formula 12/fxo*HOLD_TIME
 *   \endcode
#define	AGCCTRL0_BASE						((uint8_t)0x26) /*!< Enables AGC, set AGC algo between linear/binary mode, set hold time
																	to account signal propagation through RX chain */
#define AGCCTRL0_AGC_MASK				        ((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< AGC on/off */
#define AGCCTRL0_AGC_MODE_MASK  				((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< AGC search correct attenuation in binary mode or sequential mode */
#define AGCCTRL0_AGC_MODE_LINEAR				((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< AGC search correct attenuation in sequential mode (recommended) */
#define AGCCTRL0_AGC_MODE_BINARY				((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< AGC search correct attenuation in binary mode */

 * @}

/** @defgroup CHNUM_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief CHNUM  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0     CH_NUM[7:0]: Channel number. This value is multiplied by the channel spacing and added to the
 *                        synthesizer base frequency to generate the actual RF carrier frequency.
 *   \endcode
#define	CHNUM_BASE						((uint8_t)0x6C) /*!< Channel number. This value is multiplied by the channel
										spacing and added to the synthesizer base frequency to generate the actual RF carrier frequency */
 * @}

/** @defgroup AFC_CORR_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief AFC_CORR  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:0   AFC_CORR[7:0]: AFC word of the received packet
 *   \endcode
#define	AFC_CORR_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xC4)) /*!< AFC word of the received packet */

 * @}

 * @}

/** @defgroup Packet_Configuration_Registers
 * @{

/** @defgroup PCKTCTRL4_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKTCTRL4 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   7:5   NOT_USED.
 *   4:3   ADDRESS_LEN[1:0]: length of address field in bytes
 *   2:0   control_len[2:0]: length of control field in bytes
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKTCTRL4_BASE						((uint8_t)0x30) /*!< lenghts of address and control field */

#define PCKTCTRL4_ADDRESS_LEN_MASK                              ((uint8_t)0x18)
#define PCKTCTRL4_CONTROL_LEN_MASK                              ((uint8_t)0x07)

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKTCTRL3_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKTCTRL3 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x07
 *   7:6   PCKT_FRMT[1:0]: format of packet
 *          PCKT_FRMT1       |        PCKT_FRMT0       |        Format
 *       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *             0             |           0             |        BASIC
 *             1             |           0             |        MBUS
 *             1             |           1             |        STACK
 *   5:4   RX_MODE[1:0]: length of address 0x30 field in bytes
 *          RX_MODE1       |        RX_MODE0       |            Rx Mode
 *       --------------------------------------------------------------------
 *             0           |           0           |              normal
 *             0           |           1           |       direct through FIFO
 *             1           |           0           |       direct through GPIO
 *   3:0   LEN_WID[3:0]: length of length field in bits
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKTCTRL3_BASE						((uint8_t)0x31) /*!< packet format, RX mode, lenght of length field */

#define	PCKTCTRL3_PCKT_FRMT_BASIC				((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Basic Packet Format */
#define	PCKTCTRL3_PCKT_FRMT_MBUS				((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< Wireless M-BUS Packet Format */
#define	PCKTCTRL3_PCKT_FRMT_STACK				((uint8_t)0xC0) /*!< STack Packet Format */

#define	PCKTCTRL3_RX_MODE_NORMAL				((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Normal RX Mode */
#define	PCKTCTRL3_RX_MODE_DIRECT_FIFO				((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< RX Direct Mode; data available through FIFO */
#define	PCKTCTRL3_RX_MODE_DIRECT_GPIO				((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< RX Direct Mode; data available through selected GPIO */

#define PCKTCTRL3_PKT_FRMT_MASK                                 ((uint8_t)0xC0)
#define PCKTCTRL3_RX_MODE_MASK                                  ((uint8_t)0x30)
#define PCKTCTRL3_LEN_WID_MASK                                  ((uint8_t)0x0F)

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKTCTRL2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKTCTRL2 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x1E
 *   7:3   PREAMBLE_LENGTH[4:0]: length of preamble field in bytes (0..31)
 *   2:1   SYNC_LENGTH[1:0]: length of sync field in bytes
 *   0     FIX_VAR_LEN: fixed/variable packet length
 *                       1 - Variable
 *                       0 - Fixed
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKTCTRL2_BASE						((uint8_t)0x32) /*!< length of preamble and sync fields (in bytes), fix or variable packet length */
#define	PCKTCTRL2_FIX_VAR_LEN_MASK				((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Enable/disable the length mode */
#define PCKTCTRL2_PREAMBLE_LENGTH_MASK                          ((uint8_t)0xF8)
#define PCKTCTRL2_SYNC_LENGTH_MASK                              ((uint8_t)0x06)

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKTCTRL1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKTCTRL1 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x20
 *   7:5   CRC_MODE[2:0]: CRC type (0, 8, 16, 24 bits)
 *          CRC_MODE2     |       CRC_MODE1     |        CRC_MODE0     |       CRC Mode  (n. bits - poly)
 *       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *             0           |         0          |          1           |       8 - 0x07
 *             0           |         1          |          0           |       16 -  0x8005
 *             0           |         1          |          1           |       16 - 0x1021
 *             1           |         0          |          0           |       24 - 0x864CBF
 *   4     WHIT_EN[0]: Enable Whitening
 *                       1 - Enable
 *                       0 - Disable
 *   3:2   TX_SOURCE[1:0]: length of sync field in bytes
 *          TX_SOURCE1     |        TX_SOURCE0     |        Tx Mode
 *       --------------------------------------------------------------------
 *             0           |           0           |       normal
 *             0           |           1           |       direct through FIFO
 *             1           |           0           |       direct through GPIO
 *             1           |           1           |       pn9
 *   1   NOT_USED
 *   0   FEC_EN: enable FEC
 *                       1 - FEC in TX , Viterbi decoding in RX
 *                       0 - Disabled
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKTCTRL1_BASE						((uint8_t)0x33) /*!< CRC type, whitening enable, TX mode */

#define	PCKTCTRL1_FEC_MASK					((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Enable/disable the Forward Error Correction */
#define PCKTCTRL1_TX_SOURCE_MASK                                ((uint8_t)0x0C) /*!< TX source mode */
#define PCKTCTRL1_CRC_MODE_MASK                                 ((uint8_t)0xE0) /*!< CRC type */
#define PCKTCTRL1_WHIT_MASK                                     ((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< Enable/disable the Whitening */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKTLEN1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKTLEN1 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   7:0   pktlen1[7:0]: lenght of packet in bytes (upper field) LENGHT/256
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKTLEN1_BASE						((uint8_t)0x34) /*!< lenght of packet in bytes (upper field) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKTLEN0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKTLEN0 register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x14
 *   7:0   pktlen0[7:0]: lenght of packet in bytes (lower field) LENGHT%256
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKTLEN0_BASE						((uint8_t)0x35) /*!< lenght of packet in bytes (lower field) [PCKTLEN=PCKTLEN1x256+PCKTLEN0]*/

 * @}

/** @defgroup SYNCx_Registers
 * @{
 *  \brief SYNCx[4:1] Registers
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x88
 *   7:0   SYNCx[7:0]: xth sync word
 *   \endcode
#define	SYNC4_BASE						((uint8_t)0x36) /*!< Sync word 4 */
#define	SYNC3_BASE						((uint8_t)0x37) /*!< Sync word 3 */
#define	SYNC2_BASE						((uint8_t)0x38) /*!< Sync word 2 */
#define	SYNC1_BASE						((uint8_t)0x39) /*!< Sync word 1 */

 * @}

/** @defgroup MBUS_PRMBL_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief MBUS_PRMBL register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x20
 *   7:0 MBUS_PRMBL[7:0]: MBUS preamble control
 *   \endcode
#define	MBUS_PRMBL_BASE						((uint8_t)0x3B) /*!< MBUS preamble lenght (in 01 bit pairs) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup MBUS_PSTMBL_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief MBUS_PSTMBL register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x20
 *   7:0 MBUS_PSTMBL[7:0]: MBUS postamble control
 *   \endcode
#define	MBUS_PSTMBL_BASE					((uint8_t)0x3C) /*!< MBUS postamble length (in 01 bit pairs) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup MBUS_CTRL_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief MBUS_CTRL register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   7:4   NOT_USED
 *   3:1   MBUS_SUBMODE[2:0]: MBUS submode (allowed values are 0,1,3,5)
 *   0     NOT_USED
 *   \endcode
#define	MBUS_CTRL_BASE						((uint8_t)0x3D) /*!< MBUS sub-modes (S1, S2 short/long header, T1, T2, R2) */

#define	MBUS_CTRL_MBUS_SUBMODE_S1_S2L				((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< MBUS sub-modes S1 & S2L, header lenght min 279, sync 0x7696, Manchester */
#define	MBUS_CTRL_MBUS_SUBMODE_S2_S1M_T2_OTHER			((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< MBUS sub-modes S2, S1-m, T2 (only other to meter) short header, header lenght min 15, sync 0x7696, Manchester */
#define	MBUS_CTRL_MBUS_SUBMODE_T1_T2_METER			((uint8_t)0x06) /*!< MBUS sub-modes T1, T2 (only meter to other), header lenght min 19, sync 0x3D, 3 out of 6 */
#define	MBUS_CTRL_MBUS_SUBMODE_R2				((uint8_t)0x0A) /*!< MBUS sub-mode R2, header lenght min 39, sync 0x7696, Manchester */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROLx_MASK_Registers
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROLx_MASK  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0    CONTROLx_MASK[7:0]:   All 0s - no filtering
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROL0_MASK_BASE			((uint8_t)0x42) /*!< Packet control field #3 mask, all 0s -> no filtering */

#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROL1_MASK_BASE			((uint8_t)0x43) /*!< Packet control field #2 mask, all 0s -> no filtering */

#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROL2_MASK_BASE			((uint8_t)0x44) /*!< Packet control field #1 mask, all 0s -> no filtering */

#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROL3_MASK_BASE			((uint8_t)0x45) /*!< Packet control field #0 mask, all 0s -> no filtering */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROLx_FIELD_Registers
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROLx_FIELD  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0    CONTROLx_FIELD[7:0]:   Control field (byte x) to be used as reference
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROL0_FIELD_BASE			((uint8_t)0x46) /*!< Control field (byte #3) */

#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROL1_FIELD_BASE			((uint8_t)0x47) /*!< Control field (byte #2) */

#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROL2_FIELD_BASE			((uint8_t)0x48) /*!< Control field (byte #1) */

#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_CONTROL3_FIELD_BASE			((uint8_t)0x49) /*!< Control field (byte #0) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKT_FLT_GOALS_SOURCE_MASK_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKT_FLT_GOALS_SOURCE_MASK  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0    RX_SOURCE_MASK[7:0]:   For received packet only: all 0s - no filtering
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_SOURCE_MASK_BASE				((uint8_t)0x4A) /*!< Source address mask, valid in RX mode */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKT_FLT_GOALS_SOURCE_ADDR_Register
 * @{
 *  \brief PCKT_FLT_GOALS_SOURCE_ADDR  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0    RX_SOURCE_ADDR[7:0]:  RX packet source / TX packet destination fields
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_SOURCE_ADDR_BASE				((uint8_t)0x4B) /*!< Source address */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKT_FLT_GOALS_BROADCAST_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKT_FLT_GOALS_BROADCAST  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0    BROADCAST[7:0]:  Address shared for broadcast communication link
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_BROADCAST_BASE				((uint8_t)0x4C) /*!< Address shared for broadcast communication links */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKT_FLT_GOALS_MULTICAST_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKT_FLT_GOALS_MULTICAST  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0    MULTICAST[7:0]:  Address shared for multicast communication links
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_MULTICAST_BASE				((uint8_t)0x4D) /*!< Address shared for multicast communication links */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKT_FLT_GOALS_TX_SOURCE_ADDR_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKT_FLT_GOALS_TX_SOURCE_ADDR  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0    TX_SOURCE_ADDR[7:0]:  TX packet source / RX packet destination fields
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKT_FLT_GOALS_TX_ADDR_BASE				((uint8_t)0x4E) /*!< Address of the destination (also device own address) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PCKT_FLT_OPTIONS_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PCKT_FLT_OPTIONS  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x70
 *   Read Write
 *   7   Reserved.
 *   6   RX_TIMEOUT_AND_OR_SELECT[0]:  1 - ‘OR’ logical function applied to CS/SQI/PQI
 *                                     values (masked by 7:5 bits in PROTOCOL register)
 *   5   CONTROL_FILTERING[0]:         1 - RX packet accepted if its control fields matches
 *                                     with masked CONTROLx_FIELD registers.
 *   4   SOURCE_FILTERING[0]:          1 - RX packet accepted if its source field
 *                                     matches w/ masked RX_SOURCE_ADDR register.
 *   3   DEST_VS_ SOURCE _ADDR[0]:   1 - RX packet accepted if its destination
 *                                   address matches with TX_SOURCE_ADDR reg.
 *   2   DEST_VS_MULTICAST_ADDR[0]:  1 - RX packet accepted if its destination
 *                                   address matches with MULTICAST register
 *   1   DEST_VS_BROADCAST_ADDR[0]:  1 - RX packet accepted if its destination
 *                                   address matches with BROADCAST register.
 *   0   CRC_CHECK[0]:               1 - packet discarded if CRC not valid.
 *   \endcode
#define	PCKT_FLT_OPTIONS_BASE					((uint8_t)0x4F) /*!< Options relative to packet filtering */

#define	PCKT_FLT_OPTIONS_CRC_CHECK_MASK 			((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Enable/disable of CRC check: packet is discarded if CRC is not valid [RX] */
#define	PCKT_FLT_OPTIONS_DEST_VS_BROADCAST_ADDR_MASK		((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Packet discarded if destination address differs from BROADCAST register [RX] */
#define	PCKT_FLT_OPTIONS_DEST_VS_MULTICAST_ADDR_MASK		((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< Packet discarded if destination address differs from MULTICAST register [RX] */
#define	PCKT_FLT_OPTIONS_DEST_VS_TX_ADDR_MASK			((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< Packet discarded if destination address differs from TX_ADDR register [RX] */
#define	PCKT_FLT_OPTIONS_SOURCE_FILTERING_MASK		        ((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< Packet discarded if source address (masked by the SOURCE_MASK register)
                                                                                     differs from SOURCE_ADDR register [RX] */
#define	PCKT_FLT_OPTIONS_CONTROL_FILTERING_MASK		        ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< Packet discarded if the x-byte (x=1¸4) control field  (masked by the CONTROLx_MASK register)
                                                                                     differs from CONTROLx_FIELD register [RX] */
#define	PCKT_FLT_OPTIONS_RX_TIMEOUT_AND_OR_SELECT		((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< Logical function applied to CS/SQI/PQI values (masked by [7:5] bits in PROTOCOL[2]
                                                                                     register) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup TX_CTRL_FIELD_Registers
 * @{

 *  \brief TX_CTRL_FIELDx  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0     TX_CTRLx[7:0]: Control field value to be used in TX packet as byte n.x
 *   \endcode
#define	TX_CTRL_FIELD3_BASE					((uint8_t)0x68) /*!< Control field value to be used in TX packet as byte n.3 */

#define	TX_CTRL_FIELD2_BASE					((uint8_t)0x69) /*!< Control field value to be used in TX packet as byte n.2 */

#define	TX_CTRL_FIELD1_BASE					((uint8_t)0x6A) /*!< Control field value to be used in TX packet as byte n.1 */

#define	TX_CTRL_FIELD0_BASE					((uint8_t)0x6B) /*!< Control field value to be used in TX packet as byte n.0 */

 * @}

/** @defgroup TX_PCKT_INFO_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief TX_PCKT_INFO  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:6     Not used.
 *   5:4     TX_SEQ_NUM:   Current TX packet sequence number
 *   0       N_RETX[3:0]:  Number of retransmissions done on the
 *                        last TX packet
 *   \endcode
#define	TX_PCKT_INFO_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xC2)) /*!< Current TX packet sequence number [5:4];
                                                                                        Number of retransmissions done on the last TX packet [3:0]*/
 * @}

/** @defgroup RX_PCKT_INFO_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief RX_PCKT_INFO  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:3     Not used.
 *   2       NACK_RX:   NACK field of the received packet
 *   1:0     RX_SEQ_NUM[1:0]:  Sequence number of the received packet
 *   \endcode
#define	RX_PCKT_INFO_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xC3)) /*!< NO_ACK field of the received packet [2];
                                                                                       sequence number of the received packet [1:0]*/

#define	TX_PCKT_INFO_NACK_RX					((uint8_t)(0x04)) /*!< NACK field of the received packet */

 * @}

/** @defgroup RX_PCKT_LEN1
 * @{

 *  \brief RX_PCKT_LEN1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:0   RX_PCKT_LEN1[7:0]:  Length (number of bytes) of the received packet: RX_PCKT_LEN=RX_PCKT_LEN1 × 256 + RX_PCKT_LEN0
 *                             This value is packet_length/256
 *   \endcode
#define	RX_PCKT_LEN1_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xC9)) /*!< Length (number of  bytes) of the received packet: */

 * @}

/** @defgroup RX_PCKT_LEN0
 * @{

 *  \brief RX_PCKT_LEN0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:0   RX_PCKT_LEN0[7:0]:  Length (number of bytes) of the received packet: RX_PCKT_LEN=RX_PCKT_LEN1 × 256 + RX_PCKT_LEN0
 *                             This value is packet_length%256
 *   \endcode
#define	RX_PCKT_LEN0_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xCA)) /*!< RX_PCKT_LEN=RX_PCKT_LEN1 × 256 + RX_PCKT_LEN0 */

 * @}

/** @defgroup CRC_FIELD_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief CRC_FIELD[2:0]  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:0   CRC_FIELDx[7:0]:    upper(x=2), middle(x=1) and lower(x=0) part of the crc field of the received packet
 *  \endcode
#define	CRC_FIELD2_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xCB)) /*!< CRC2 field of the received packet */

#define	CRC_FIELD1_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xCC)) /*!< CRC1 field of the received packet */

#define	CRC_FIELD0_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xCD)) /*!< CRC0 field of the received packet */

 * @}

/** @defgroup RX_CTRL_FIELD_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief RX_CTRL_FIELD[3:0]  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:0   RX_CTRL_FIELDx[7:0]:    upper(x=3), middle(x=2), middle(x=1) and lower(x=0) part of the control field of the received packet
 *   \endcode
#define	RX_CTRL_FIELD0_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xCE)) /*!< CRTL3 Control field of the received packet */

#define	RX_CTRL_FIELD1_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xCF)) /*!< CRTL2 Control field of the received packet */

#define	RX_CTRL_FIELD2_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xD0)) /*!< CRTL1 Control field of the received packet */

#define	RX_CTRL_FIELD3_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xD1)) /*!< CRTL0 Control field of the received packet */

 * @}

/** @defgroup RX_ADDR_FIELD_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief RX_ADDR_FIELD[1:0]  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:0   RX_ADDR_FIELDx[7:0]:    source(x=1) and destination(x=0) address field of the received packet
 *   \endcode
#define	RX_ADDR_FIELD1_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xD2)) /*!< ADDR1 Address field of the received packet */

#define	RX_ADDR_FIELD0_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xD3)) /*!< ADDR0 Address field of the received packet */

 * @}

 * @}

/** @defgroup Protocol_Registers
 * @{

/** @defgroup PROTOCOL2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PROTOCOL2  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x06
 *   Read Write
 *   7   CS_TIMEOUT_MASK:              1 - CS value contributes to timeout disabling
 *   6   SQI_TIMEOUT_MASK:             1 - SQI value contributes to timeout disabling
 *   5   PQI_TIMEOUT_MASK:             1 - PQI value contributes to timeout disabling
 *   4:3  TX_SEQ_NUM_RELOAD[1:0]:      TX sequence number to be used when counting reset is required using the related command.
 *   2   RCO_CALIBRATION[0]:           1 - Enables the automatic RCO calibration
 *   1   VCO_CALIBRATION[0]:           1 - Enables the automatic VCO calibration
 *   0   LDCR_MODE[0]:                 1 - LDCR mode enabled
 *   \endcode
#define	PROTOCOL2_BASE						((uint8_t)0x50) /*!< Protocol2 regisetr address */

#define	PROTOCOL2_LDC_MODE_MASK				        ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Enable/disable Low duty Cycle mode */
#define	PROTOCOL2_VCO_CALIBRATION_MASK			        ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Enable/disable VCO automatic calibration */
#define	PROTOCOL2_RCO_CALIBRATION_MASK			        ((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< Enable/disable RCO automatic calibration */
#define	PROTOCOL2_PQI_TIMEOUT_MASK			        ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< PQI value contributes to timeout disabling */
#define	PROTOCOL2_SQI_TIMEOUT_MASK			        ((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< SQI value contributes to timeout disabling */
#define	PROTOCOL2_CS_TIMEOUT_MASK			        ((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< CS value contributes to timeout disabling */
 * @}

/** @defgroup PROTOCOL1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PROTOCOL1  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7   LDCR_RELOAD_ON_SYNC:          1 - LDCR timer will be reloaded with the value stored in the LDCR_RELOAD registers
 *   6   PIGGYBACKING:                 1 - PIGGYBACKING enabled
 *   5:4   Reserved.
 *   3   SEED_RELOAD[0]:               1 - Reload the back-off random generator
 *                                        seed using the value written in the
 *                                        BU_COUNTER_SEED_MSByte / LSByte registers
 *   2   CSMA_ON   [0]:                1 - CSMA channel access mode enabled
 *   1   CSMA_PERS_ON[0]:              1 - CSMA persistent (no back-off) enabled
 *   0   AUTO_PCKT_FLT[0]:             1 - automatic packet filtering mode enabled
 *   \endcode
#define	PROTOCOL1_BASE						((uint8_t)0x51) /*!< Protocol1 regisetr address */

#define	PROTOCOL1_AUTO_PCKT_FLT_MASK				((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Enable/disable automatic packet filtering mode */
#define	PROTOCOL1_CSMA_PERS_ON_MASK				((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Enable/disable CSMA persistent (no back-off)  */
#define	PROTOCOL1_CSMA_ON_MASK				        ((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< Enable/disable CSMA channel access mode */
#define	PROTOCOL1_SEED_RELOAD_MASK				((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< Reloads the seed of the PN generator for CSMA procedure */
#define	PROTOCOL1_PIGGYBACKING_MASK				((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< Enable/disable Piggybacking */
#define	PROTOCOL1_LDC_RELOAD_ON_SYNC_MASK			((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< LDC timer will be reloaded with the value stored in the LDC_RELOAD registers */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PROTOCOL0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief PROTOCOL0  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x08
 *   Read Write
 *   7:4   NMAX_RETX[3:0]:             Max number of re-TX.  0 - re-transmission is not performed
 *   3     NACK_TX[0]:                 1 - field NO_ACK=1 on transmitted packet
 *   2     AUTO_ACK[0]:                1 - automatic ack after RX
 *   1     PERS_RX[0]:                 1 - persistent reception enabled
 *   0     PERS_TX[0]:                 1 - persistent transmission enabled
 *   \endcode
#define	PROTOCOL0_BASE						((uint8_t)0x52) /*!< Persistent RX/TX, autoack, Max number of retransmissions */

#define	PROTOCOL0_PERS_TX_MASK				        ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Enables persistent transmission */
#define	PROTOCOL0_PERS_RX_MASK				        ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Enables persistent reception */
#define	PROTOCOL0_AUTO_ACK_MASK				        ((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< Enables auto acknowlegment */
#define	PROTOCOL0_NACK_TX_MASK				        ((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< Writes field NO_ACK=1 on transmitted packet */
#define	PROTOCOL0_NMAX_RETX_MASK                                ((uint8_t)0xF0) /*!< Retransmission mask */

 * @}

/** @defgroup TIMERS5_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief TIMERS5  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   RX_TIMEOUT_PRESCALER[7:0] :             RX operation timeout: prescaler value
 *   \endcode
#define	TIMERS5_RX_TIMEOUT_PRESCALER_BASE			((uint8_t)0x53) /*!< RX operation timeout: prescaler value */

 * @}

/** @defgroup TIMERS4_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief TIMERS4  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   RX_TIMEOUT_COUNTER[7:0] :               RX operation timeout: counter value
 *   \endcode
#define	TIMERS4_RX_TIMEOUT_COUNTER_BASE				((uint8_t)0x54) /*!< RX operation timeout: counter value */

 * @}

/** @defgroup TIMERS3_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief TIMERS3  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   LDCR_PRESCALER[7:0] :                   LDC Mode: Prescaler part of the wake-up value
 *   \endcode
#define	TIMERS3_LDC_PRESCALER_BASE				((uint8_t)0x55) /*!< LDC Mode: Prescaler of the wake-up timer */

 * @}

/** @defgroup TIMERS2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief TIMERS2  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   LDCR_COUNTER[7:0] :                    LDC Mode: counter part of the wake-up value
 *   \endcode
#define	TIMERS2_LDC_COUNTER_BASE				((uint8_t)0x56) /*!< LDC Mode: counter of the wake-up timer */

 * @}

/** @defgroup TIMERS1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief TIMERS1  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   LDCR_RELOAD_PRESCALER[7:0] :           LDC Mode: Prescaler part of the reload value
 *   \endcode
#define	TIMERS1_LDC_RELOAD_PRESCALER_BASE			((uint8_t)0x57) /*!< LDC Mode: Prescaler part of the reload value */

 * @}

/** @defgroup TIMERS0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief TIMERS0  register
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   LDCR_RELOAD_COUNTER[7:0] :           LDC Mode: Counter part of the reload value
 *   \endcode
#define	TIMERS0_LDC_RELOAD_COUNTER_BASE				((uint8_t)0x58) /*!< LDC Mode: Counter part of the reload value */

 * @}

/** @defgroup CSMA_CONFIG3_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief CSMA_CONFIG3  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0xFF
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0     BU_COUNTER_SEED_MSByte: Seed of the random number generator used to apply the BEB (Binary Exponential Backoff) algorithm (MSB)
 *   \endcode
#define	CSMA_CONFIG3_BASE		                      ((uint8_t)0x64) /*!< CSMA/CA: Seed of the random number generator used to apply the BEB (Binary Exponential Backoff) algorithm (MSB) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup CSMA_CONFIG2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief CSMA_CONFIG2  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0     BU_COUNTER_SEED_LSByte: Seed of the random number generator used to apply the BEB (Binary Exponential Backoff) algorithm (LSB)
 *   \endcode
#define	CSMA_CONFIG2_BASE		                      ((uint8_t)0x65) /*!< CSMA/CA: Seed of the random number generator used to apply the BEB (Binary Exponential Backoff) algorithm (LSB) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup CSMA_CONFIG1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief CSMA_CONFIG1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x04
 *   Read Write
 *   7:2     BU_PRESCALER[5:0]: Used to program the back-off unit BU
 *   1:0     CCA_PERIOD[1:0]: Used to program the Tcca time (64 / 128 /256 / 512 × Tbit.
 *   \endcode
#define	CSMA_CONFIG1_BASE				      ((uint8_t)0x66) /*!< CSMA/CA: Prescaler of the back-off time unit (BU); CCA period */

#define	CSMA_CCA_PERIOD_64TBIT				      ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< CSMA/CA: Sets CCA period to 64*TBIT */
#define	CSMA_CCA_PERIOD_128TBIT				      ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< CSMA/CA: Sets CCA period to 128*TBIT */
#define	CSMA_CCA_PERIOD_256TBIT				      ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< CSMA/CA: Sets CCA period to 256*TBIT */
#define	CSMA_CCA_PERIOD_512TBIT				      ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< CSMA/CA: Sets CCA period to 512*TBIT */

 * @}

/** @defgroup CSMA_CONFIG0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief CSMA_CONFIG0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:4     CCA_LENGTH[3:0]: Used to program the Tlisten time
 *   3       Reserved.
 *   2:0     NBACKOFF_MAX[2:0]: Max number of back-off cycles.
 *   \endcode
#define	CSMA_CONFIG0_BASE				      ((uint8_t)0x67) /*!< CSMA/CA: CCA lenght; Max number of backoff cycles */

 * @}

 * @}

/** @defgroup Link_Quality_Registers
 * @{

/** @defgroup QI_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief QI register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x02
 *   7:6   SQI_TH[1:0]: SQI threshold according to the formula: 8*SYNC_LEN - 2*SQI_TH
 *   5:2   PQI_TH[3:0]: PQI threshold according to the formula: 4*PQI_THR
 *   1     SQI_EN[0]:  SQI enable
 *                 1 - Enable
 *                 0 - Disable
 *   0     PQI_EN[0]: PQI enable
 *                 1 - Enable
 *                 0 - Disable
 *   \endcode
#define	QI_BASE							((uint8_t)0x3A) /*!< QI register */

#define	QI_PQI_MASK					        ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< PQI enable/disable  */
#define	QI_SQI_MASK					        ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< SQI enable/disable  */

 * @}

/** @defgroup LINK_QUALIF2
 * @{

 *  \brief LINK_QUALIF2  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:0   PQI[7:0]: PQI value of the received packet
 *   \endcode
#define	LINK_QUALIF2_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xC5)) /*!< PQI value of the received packet */

 * @}

/** @defgroup LINK_QUALIF1
 * @{

 *  \brief LINK_QUALIF1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7 CS:  Carrier Sense indication
 *   6:0   SQI[6:0]: SQI value of the received packet
 *   \endcode
#define	LINK_QUALIF1_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xC6)) /*!< Carrier sense indication [7]; SQI value of the received packet */

#define	LINK_QUALIF1_CS						((uint8_t)(0x80)) /*!< Carrier sense indication [7] */

 * @}

/** @defgroup LINK_QUALIF0
 * @{

 *  \brief LINK_QUALIF0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:4   LQI [3:0]:  LQI value of the received packet
 *   3:0   AGC_WORD[3:0]: AGC word of the received packet
 *   \endcode
#define	LINK_QUALIF0_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xC7)) /*!< LQI value of the received packet [7:4]; AGC word of the received packet [3:0] */

 * @}

/** @defgroup RSSI_LEVEL
 * @{

 *  \brief RSSI_LEVEL  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:0   RSSI_LEVEL[7:0]:  RSSI level of the received packet
 *   \endcode
#define	RSSI_LEVEL_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xC8)) /*!< RSSI level of the received packet */

 * @}

/** @defgroup RSSI_FLT_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief RSSI register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0xF3
 *   7:4  RSSI_FLT[3:0]: Gain of the RSSI filter
 *   3:2  CS_MODE[1:0]: AFC loop gain in slow mode (2's log)
 *          CS_MODE1       |        CS_MODE0       |                     CS Mode
 *       -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *             0           |           0           |        Static CS
 *             0           |           1           |        Dynamic CS with 6dB dynamic threshold
 *             1           |           0           |        Dynamic CS with 12dB dynamic threshold
 *             1           |           1           |        Dynamic CS with 18dB dynamic threshold
 *   1:0   OOK_PEAK_DECAY[1:0]: Peak decay control for OOK: 3 slow decay; 0 fast decay
 *   \endcode
#define	RSSI_FLT_BASE						((uint8_t)0x21) /*!< Gain of the RSSI filter; lower value is fast but inaccurate,
																	higher value is slow and more accurate */
#define RSSI_FLT_CS_MODE_MASK					((uint8_t)0x0C) /*!< Carrier sense mode mask */
#define RSSI_FLT_CS_MODE_STATIC					((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Carrier sense mode;  static carrier sensing */
#define RSSI_FLT_CS_MODE_DYNAMIC_6				((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< Carrier sense mode;  dynamic carrier sensing with 6dB threshold */
#define RSSI_FLT_CS_MODE_DYNAMIC_12				((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< Carrier sense mode;  dynamic carrier sensing with 12dB threshold */
#define RSSI_FLT_CS_MODE_DYNAMIC_18				((uint8_t)0x0C) /*!< Carrier sense mode;  dynamic carrier sensing with 18dB threshold */
#define RSSI_FLT_OOK_PEAK_DECAY_MASK			        ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< Peak decay control for OOK mask */
#define RSSI_FLT_OOK_PEAK_DECAY_FAST			        ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Peak decay control for OOK: fast decay */
#define RSSI_FLT_OOK_PEAK_DECAY_MEDIUM_FAST		        ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Peak decay control for OOK: medium_fast decay */
#define RSSI_FLT_OOK_PEAK_DECAY_MEDIUM_SLOW		        ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Peak decay control for OOK: medium_fast decay */
#define RSSI_FLT_OOK_PEAK_DECAY_SLOW			        ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< Peak decay control for OOK: slow decay */

 * @}

/** @defgroup RSSI_TH_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief RSSI_TH register
 *  \code
 *   Read Write
 *   Default value: 0x24
 *   7:0 RSSI_THRESHOLD [7:0]:    Signal detect threshold in 0.5dB.  -120dBm corresponds to 20
 *   \endcode
#define	RSSI_TH_BASE						((uint8_t)0x22) /*!< Signal detect threshold in 0.5dB stp. 20 correspond to -120 dBm */

 * @}

 * @}

/** @defgroup FIFO_Registers
 * @{

/** @defgroup FIFO_CONFIG3_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief FIFO_CONFIG3  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x30
 *   Read Write
 *   7    Reserved.
 *   6:0  rxafthr [6:0]: FIFO Almost Full threshold for rx fifo.
 *   \endcode
#define	FIFO_CONFIG3_RXAFTHR_BASE				((uint8_t)0x3E) /*!< FIFO Almost Full threshold for rx fifo [6:0] */

 * @}

/** @defgroup FIFO_CONFIG2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief FIFO_CONFIG2  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x30
 *   Read Write
 *   7    Reserved.
 *   6:0  rxaethr [6:0]: FIFO Almost Empty threshold for rx fifo.
 *   \endcode
#define	FIFO_CONFIG2_RXAETHR_BASE				((uint8_t)0x3F) /*!< FIFO Almost Empty threshold for rx fifo [6:0] */

 * @}

/** @defgroup FIFO_CONFIG1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief FIFO_CONFIG1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x30
 *   Read Write
 *   7    Reserved.
 *   6:0  txafthr [6:0]: FIFO Almost Full threshold for tx fifo.
 *   \endcode
#define	FIFO_CONFIG1_TXAFTHR_BASE				((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< FIFO Almost Full threshold for tx fifo [6:0] */

 * @}

/** @defgroup FIFO_CONFIG0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief FIFO_CONFIG0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x30
 *   Read Write
 *   7    Reserved.
 *   6:0  txaethr [6:0]: FIFO Almost Empty threshold for tx fifo.
 *   \endcode
#define	FIFO_CONFIG0_TXAETHR_BASE				((uint8_t)0x41) /*!< FIFO Almost Empty threshold for tx fifo [6:0] */

 * @}

/** @defgroup LINEAR_FIFO_STATUS1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief LINEAR_FIFO_STATUS1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7     Reserved.
 *   6:0   elem_txfifo[6:0]:     Number of elements in the linear TXFIFO (<=96)
 *   \endcode
#define	LINEAR_FIFO_STATUS1_BASE				((uint8_t)(0xE6)) /*!< Number of elements in the linear TX FIFO [6:0] (<=96) */

 * @}

/** @defgroup LINEAR_FIFO_STATUS0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief LINEAR_FIFO_STATUS0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7     Reserved.
 *   6:0   elem_rxfifo[6:0]:     Number of elements in the linear RXFIFO (<=96)
 *   \endcode
#define	LINEAR_FIFO_STATUS0_BASE				((uint8_t)(0xE7)) /*!< Number of elements in the linear RX FIFO [6:0] (<=96) */

 * @}

 * @}

/** @defgroup Calibration_Registers
 * @{

/** @defgroup RCO_VCO_CALIBR_IN2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief RCO_VCO_CALIBR_IN2  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x70
 *   Read Write
 *   7:4     RWT_IN[3:0]: RaWThermometric word value for the RCO [7:4]
 *   3:0     RFB_IN[4:1]: ResistorFineBit word value for the RCO (first 4 bits)
 *   \endcode
#define	RCO_VCO_CALIBR_IN2_BASE					((uint8_t)0x6D) /*!< RaWThermometric word value for the RCO [7:4]; ResistorFineBit word value for the RCO [3:0] */

 * @}

/** @defgroup RCO_VCO_CALIBR_IN1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief RCO_VCO_CALIBR_IN1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x48
 *   Read Write
 *   7     RFB_IN[0]: ResistorFineBit word value for the RCO (LSb)
 *   6:0   VCO_CALIBR_TX[6:0]:  Word value for the VCO to be used in TX mode
 *   \endcode
#define	RCO_VCO_CALIBR_IN1_BASE					((uint8_t)0x6E) /*!< ResistorFineBit word value for the RCO [7]; Word value for the VCO to be used in TX mode  [6:0]*/

 * @}

/** @defgroup RCO_VCO_CALIBR_IN0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief RCO_VCO_CALIBR_IN0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x48
 *   Read Write
 *   7     Reserved.
 *   6:0   VCO_CALIBR_RX[6:0]:  Word value for the VCO to be used in RX mode
 *   \endcode
#define	RCO_VCO_CALIBR_IN0_BASE					((uint8_t)0x6F) /*!< Word value for the VCO to be used in RX mode [6:0] */

 * @}

/** @defgroup RCO_VCO_CALIBR_OUT1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief RCO_VCO_CALIBR_OUT1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:4   RWT_OUT[3:0]:    RWT word from internal RCO calibrator
 *   3:0   RFB_OUT[4:1]:     RFB word from internal RCO calibrator (upper part)
 *   \endcode
#define	RCO_VCO_CALIBR_OUT1_BASE				((uint8_t)(0xE4)) /*!< RaWThermometric RWT word from internal RCO calibrator [7];
                                                                                       ResistorFineBit RFB word from internal RCO oscillator [6:0] */
 * @}

/** @defgroup RCO_VCO_CALIBR_OUT0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief RCO_VCO_CALIBR_OUT0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7     RFB_OUT[0]:    RFB word from internal RCO calibrator (last bit LSB)
 *   6:0   VCO_CALIBR_DATA[6:0]:     Output word from internal VCO calibrator
 *   \endcode
#define	RCO_VCO_CALIBR_OUT0_BASE				((uint8_t)(0xE5)) /*!< ResistorFineBit RFB word from internal RCO oscillator [0];
                                                                                       Output word from internal calibrator [6:0]; */
 * @}

 * @}

/** @defgroup AES_Registers
 * @{

/** @defgroup AES_KEY_IN_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief AES_KEY_INx  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   AES_KEY_INx[7:0]:  AES engine key input (total - 128 bits)
 *   \endcode
#define	AES_KEY_IN_15_BASE					((uint8_t)0x70) /*!< AES engine key input 15 */
#define	AES_KEY_IN_14_BASE					((uint8_t)0x71) /*!< AES engine key input 14 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_13_BASE					((uint8_t)0x72) /*!< AES engine key input 13 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_12_BASE					((uint8_t)0x73) /*!< AES engine key input 12 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_11_BASE					((uint8_t)0x74) /*!< AES engine key input 11 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_10_BASE					((uint8_t)0x75) /*!< AES engine key input 10 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_9_BASE					((uint8_t)0x76) /*!< AES engine key input 9 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_8_BASE					((uint8_t)0x77) /*!< AES engine key input 8 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_7_BASE					((uint8_t)0x78) /*!< AES engine key input 7 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_6_BASE					((uint8_t)0x79) /*!< AES engine key input 6 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_5_BASE					((uint8_t)0x7A) /*!< AES engine key input 5 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_4_BASE					((uint8_t)0x7B) /*!< AES engine key input 4 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_3_BASE					((uint8_t)0x7C) /*!< AES engine key input 3 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_2_BASE					((uint8_t)0x7D) /*!< AES engine key input 2 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_1_BASE					((uint8_t)0x7E) /*!< AES engine key input 1 */

#define	AES_KEY_IN_0_BASE					((uint8_t)0x7F) /*!< AES engine key input 0 */

 * @}

/** @defgroup AES_DATA_IN_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief AES_DATA_INx  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   AES_DATA_INx[7:0]:  AES engine data input (total - 128 bits)
 *   \endcode
#define	AES_DATA_IN_15_BASE					((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< AES engine data input 15
                                                                                     Take care: Address is in reverse order respect data numbering; eg.: 0x81 -> AES_data14[7:0] */
#define	AES_DATA_IN_14_BASE					((uint8_t)0x81) /*!< AES engine data input 14 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_13_BASE					((uint8_t)0x82) /*!< AES engine data input 13 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_12_BASE					((uint8_t)0x83) /*!< AES engine data input 12 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_11_BASE					((uint8_t)0x84) /*!< AES engine data input 11 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_10_BASE					((uint8_t)0x85) /*!< AES engine data input 10 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_9_BASE					((uint8_t)0x86) /*!< AES engine data input 9 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_8_BASE					((uint8_t)0x87) /*!< AES engine data input 8 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_7_BASE					((uint8_t)0x88) /*!< AES engine data input 7 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_6_BASE					((uint8_t)0x89) /*!< AES engine data input 6 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_5_BASE					((uint8_t)0x8A) /*!< AES engine data input 5 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_4_BASE					((uint8_t)0x8B) /*!< AES engine data input 4 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_3_BASE					((uint8_t)0x8C) /*!< AES engine data input 3 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_2_BASE					((uint8_t)0x8D) /*!< AES engine data input 2 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_1_BASE					((uint8_t)0x8E) /*!< AES engine data input 1 */

#define	AES_DATA_IN_0_BASE					((uint8_t)0x8F) /*!< AES engine data input 0 */

 * @}

/** @defgroup AES_DATA_OUT_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief AES_DATA_OUT[15:0]  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:0   AES_DATA_OUTx[7:0]:    AES engine data output (128 bits)
 *   \endcode
#define	AES_DATA_OUT_15_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xD4)) /*!< AES engine data output 15 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_14_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xD5)) /*!< AES engine data output 14 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_13_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xD6)) /*!< AES engine data output 13 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_12_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xD7)) /*!< AES engine data output 12 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_11_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xD8)) /*!< AES engine data output 11 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_10_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xD9)) /*!< AES engine data output 10 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_9_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xDA)) /*!< AES engine data output 9 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_8_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xDB)) /*!< AES engine data output 8 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_7_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xDC)) /*!< AES engine data output 7 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_6_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xDD)) /*!< AES engine data output 6 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_5_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xDE)) /*!< AES engine data output 5 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_4_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xDF)) /*!< AES engine data output 4 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_3_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xE0)) /*!< AES engine data output 3 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_2_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xE1)) /*!< AES engine data output 2 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_1_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xE2)) /*!< AES engine data output 1 */

#define	AES_DATA_OUT_0_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xE3)) /*!< AES engine data output 0 */

 * @}

 * @}

/** @defgroup IRQ_Registers
 * @{

/** @defgroup IRQ_MASK0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief IRQ_MASK0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   INT_MASK0:  IRQ mask, if the correspondent bit is set and IRQ can be generated (according to the next table)
 *            Bit |     Events Group Interrupt Event
 *           -------------------------------------------------------
 *            0   |       RX data ready
 *            1   |       RX data discarded (upon filtering)
 *            2   |       TX data sent
 *            3   |       Max re-TX reached
 *            4   |       CRC error
 *            5   |       TX FIFO underflow/overflow error
 *            6   |       RX FIFO underflow/overflow error
 *            7   |       TX FIFO almost full
 *    \endcode

#define	IRQ_MASK0_BASE						((uint8_t)0x93) /*!< IRQ_MASK is split into 4 registers*/

#define IRQ_MASK0_RX_DATA_READY					((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< IRQ: RX data ready */
#define IRQ_MASK0_RX_DATA_DISC					((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< IRQ: RX data discarded (upon filtering) */
#define IRQ_MASK0_TX_DATA_SENT					((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< IRQ: TX data sent */
#define IRQ_MASK0_MAX_RE_TX_REACH				((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< IRQ: Max re-TX reached */
#define IRQ_MASK0_CRC_ERROR					((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< IRQ: CRC error */
#define IRQ_MASK0_TX_FIFO_ERROR					((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< IRQ: TX FIFO underflow/overflow error */
#define IRQ_MASK0_RX_FIFO_ERROR					((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< IRQ: RX FIFO underflow/overflow error */
#define IRQ_MASK0_TX_FIFO_ALMOST_FULL				((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< IRQ: TX FIFO almost full */

 * @}

/** @defgroup IRQ_MASK1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief IRQ_MASK1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   INT_MASK1:  IRQ mask, if the correspondent bit is set and IRQ can be generated (according to the next table)
 *            Bit |     Events Group Interrupt Event
 *           -------------------------------------------------------
 *            8   |       TX FIFO almost empty
 *            9   |       RX FIFO almost full
 *            10  |       RX FIFO almost empty
 *            11  |       Max number of back-off during CCA
 *            12  |       Valid preamble detected
 *            13  |       Sync word detected
 *            14  |       RSSI above threshold (Carrier Sense)
 *            15  |       Wake-up timeout in LDCR mode13
 *     \endcode

#define	IRQ_MASK1_BASE						((uint8_t)0x92) /*!< IRQ_MASK is split into 4 registers*/

#define IRQ_MASK1_TX_FIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY				((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< IRQ: TX FIFO almost empty */
#define IRQ_MASK1_RX_FIFO_ALMOST_FULL				((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< IRQ: RX FIFO almost full */
#define IRQ_MASK1_RX_FIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY				((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< IRQ: RX FIFO almost empty  */
#define IRQ_MASK1_MAX_BO_CCA_REACH				((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< IRQ: Max number of back-off during CCA */
#define IRQ_MASK1_VALID_PREAMBLE				((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< IRQ: Valid preamble detected */
#define IRQ_MASK1_VALID_SYNC					((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< IRQ: Sync word detected */
#define IRQ_MASK1_RSSI_ABOVE_TH					((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< IRQ: RSSI above threshold */
#define IRQ_MASK1_WKUP_TOUT_LDC					((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< IRQ: Wake-up timeout in LDC mode */

 * @}

/** @defgroup IRQ_MASK2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief IRQ_MASK2  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   INT_MASK2:  IRQ mask, if the correspondent bit is set and IRQ can be generated (according to the next table)
 *            Bit |     Events Group Interrupt Event
 *           -------------------------------------------------------
 *            16  |       READY state in steady condition14
 *            17  |       STANDBY state switching in progress
 *            18  |       Low battery level
 *            19  |       Power-On reset
 *            20  |       Brown-Out event
 *            21  |       LOCK state in steady condition
 *            22  |       PM start-up timer expiration
 *            23  |       XO settling timeout
 *   \endcode
#define	IRQ_MASK2_BASE						((uint8_t)0x91) /*!< IRQ_MASK is split into 4 registers*/

#define IRQ_MASK2_READY						((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< IRQ: READY state */
#define IRQ_MASK2_STANDBY_DELAYED				((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< IRQ: STANDBY state after MCU_CK_CONF_CLOCK_TAIL_X clock cycles */
#define IRQ_MASK2_LOW_BATT_LVL					((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< IRQ: Battery level below threshold*/
#define IRQ_MASK2_POR						((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< IRQ: Power On Reset */
#define IRQ_MASK2_BOR						((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< IRQ: Brown out event (both accurate and inaccurate)*/
#define IRQ_MASK2_LOCK						((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< IRQ: LOCK state */
#define IRQ_MASK2_PM_COUNT_EXPIRED				((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< IRQ: only for debug; Power Management startup timer expiration (see reg PM_START_COUNTER, 0xB5) */
#define IRQ_MASK2_XO_COUNT_EXPIRED				((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< IRQ: only for debug; Crystal oscillator settling time counter expired */

 * @}

/** @defgroup IRQ_MASK3_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief IRQ_MASK3  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   INT_MASK3:  IRQ mask, if the correspondent bit is set and IRQ can be generated (according to the next table)
 *            Bit |     Events Group Interrupt Event
 *           -------------------------------------------------------
 *            24  |       SYNTH locking timeout
 *            25  |       SYNTH calibration start-up time
 *            26  |       SYNTH calibration timeout
 *            27  |       TX circuitry start-up time
 *            28  |       RX circuitry start-up time
 *            29  |       RX operation timeout
 *            30  |       Others AES End–of –Operation
 *            31  |       Reserved
 *   \endcode
#define	IRQ_MASK3_BASE						((uint8_t)0x90) /*!< IRQ_MASK is split into 4 registers*/

#define IRQ_MASK3_SYNTH_LOCK_TIMEOUT			        ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< IRQ: only for debug; LOCK state timeout */
#define IRQ_MASK3_SYNTH_LOCK_STARTUP			        ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< IRQ: only for debug; see CALIBR_START_COUNTER */
#define IRQ_MASK3_SYNTH_CAL_TIMEOUT				((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< IRQ: only for debug; SYNTH calibration timeout */
#define IRQ_MASK3_TX_START_TIME					((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< IRQ: only for debug; TX circuitry startup time; see TX_START_COUNTER */
#define IRQ_MASK3_RX_START_TIME					((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< IRQ: only for debug; RX circuitry startup time; see TX_START_COUNTER */
#define IRQ_MASK3_RX_TIMEOUT					((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< IRQ: RX operation timeout */
#define IRQ_MASK3_AES_END					((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< IRQ: AES End of operation */

 * @}

/** @defgroup IRQ_STATUS0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief IRQ_STATUS0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   INT_STATUS0:  IRQ status, if the correspondent bit is set and IRQ has been generated (according to the next table)
 *            Bit |     Events Group Interrupt Event
 *           -------------------------------------------------------
 *            0   |       RX data ready
 *            1   |       RX data discarded (upon filtering)
 *            2   |       TX data sent
 *            3   |       Max re-TX reached
 *            4   |       CRC error
 *            5   |       TX FIFO underflow/overflow error
 *            6   |       RX FIFO underflow/overflow error
 *            7   |       TX FIFO almost full
 *   \endcode

#define IRQ_STATUS0_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xFD)) /*!< IRQ Events(RR, split into 4 registers) */

#define IRQ_STATUS0_SYNTH_LOCK_TIMEOUT				((uint8_t)(0x01)) /*!< IRQ: LOCK state timeout */
#define IRQ_STATUS0_SYNTH_LOCK_STARTUP				((uint8_t)(0x02)) /*!< IRQ: only for debug; see CALIBR_START_COUNTER */
#define IRQ_STATUS0_SYNTH_CAL_TIMEOUT				((uint8_t)(0x04)) /*!< IRQ: SYNTH locking timeout */
#define IRQ_STATUS0_TX_START_TIME				((uint8_t)(0x08)) /*!< IRQ: only for debug; TX circuitry startup time; see TX_START_COUNTER */
#define IRQ_STATUS0_RX_START_TIME				((uint8_t)(0x10)) /*!< IRQ: only for debug; RX circuitry startup time; see TX_START_COUNTER */
#define IRQ_STATUS0_RX_TIMEOUT					((uint8_t)(0x20)) /*!< IRQ: RX operation timeout expiration */
#define IRQ_STATUS0_AES_END					((uint8_t)(0x40)) /*!< IRQ: AES End of operation */

 * @}

/** @defgroup IRQ_STATUS1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief IRQ_STATUS1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   INT_STATUS1:  IRQ status, if the correspondent bit is set and IRQ has been generated (according to the next table)
 *            Bit |     Events Group Interrupt Event
 *           -------------------------------------------------------
 *            8   |       TX FIFO almost empty
 *            9   |       RX FIFO almost full
 *            10  |       RX FIFO almost empty
 *            11  |       Max number of back-off during CCA
 *            12  |       Valid preamble detected
 *            13  |       Sync word detected
 *            14  |       RSSI above threshold (Carrier Sense)
 *            15  |       Wake-up timeout in LDCR mode13
 *   \endcode

#define IRQ_STATUS1_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xFC)) /*!< IRQ Events(RR, split into 4 registers) */

#define IRQ_STATUS1_READY					((uint8_t)(0x01)) /*!< IRQ: READY state in steady condition*/
#define IRQ_STATUS1_STANDBY_DELAYED				((uint8_t)(0x02)) /*!< IRQ: STANDBY state after MCU_CK_CONF_CLOCK_TAIL_X clock cycles */
#define IRQ_STATUS1_LOW_BATT_LVL				((uint8_t)(0x04)) /*!< IRQ: Battery level below threshold*/
#define IRQ_STATUS1_POR						((uint8_t)(0x08)) /*!< IRQ: Power On Reset */
#define IRQ_STATUS1_BOR						((uint8_t)(0x10)) /*!< IRQ: Brown out event (both accurate and inaccurate)*/
#define IRQ_STATUS1_LOCK					((uint8_t)(0x20)) /*!< IRQ: LOCK state in steady condition */
#define IRQ_STATUS1_PM_COUNT_EXPIRED				((uint8_t)(0x40)) /*!< IRQ: Power Management startup timer expiration (see reg PM_START_COUNTER, 0xB5) */
#define IRQ_STATUS1_XO_COUNT_EXPIRED				((uint8_t)(0x80)) /*!< IRQ: Crystal oscillator settling time counter expired */

 * @}

/** @defgroup IRQ_STATUS2_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief IRQ_STATUS2  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   INT_STATUS2:  IRQ status, if the correspondent bit is set and IRQ has been generated (according to the next table)
 *            Bit |     Events Group Interrupt Event
 *           -------------------------------------------------------
 *            16  |       READY state in steady condition14
 *            17  |       STANDBY state switching in progress
 *            18  |       Low battery level
 *            19  |       Power-On reset
 *            20  |       Brown-Out event
 *            21  |       LOCK state in steady condition
 *            22  |       PM start-up timer expiration
 *            23  |       XO settling timeout
 *   \endcode

#define IRQ_STATUS2_BASE					((uint8_t)0xFB) /*!< IRQ Events(RR, split into 4 registers) */

#define IRQ_STATUS2_TX_FIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY			((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< IRQ: TX FIFO almost empty */
#define IRQ_STATUS2_RX_FIFO_ALMOST_FULL				((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< IRQ: RX FIFO almost full */
#define IRQ_STATUS2_RX_FIFO_ALMOST_EMPTY			((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< IRQ: RX FIFO almost empty */
#define IRQ_STATUS2_MAX_BO_CCA_REACH				((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< IRQ: Max number of back-off during CCA */
#define IRQ_STATUS2_VALID_PREAMBLE				((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< IRQ: Valid preamble detected */
#define IRQ_STATUS2_VALID_SYNC					((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< IRQ: Sync word detected */
#define IRQ_STATUS2_RSSI_ABOVE_TH				((uint8_t)(0x40)) /*!< IRQ: RSSI above threshold */
#define IRQ_STATUS2_WKUP_TOUT_LDC				((uint8_t)(0x80)) /*!< IRQ: Wake-up timeout in LDC mode */

 * @}

/** @defgroup IRQ_STATUS3_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief IRQ_STATUS3  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read Write
 *   7:0   INT_STATUS3:  IRQ status, if the correspondent bit is set and IRQ has been generated (according to the next table)
 *            Bit |     Events Group Interrupt Event
 *           -------------------------------------------------------
 *            24  |       SYNTH locking timeout
 *            25  |       SYNTH calibration start-up time
 *            26  |       SYNTH calibration timeout
 *            27  |       TX circuitry start-up time
 *            28  |       RX circuitry start-up time
 *            29  |       RX operation timeout
 *            30  |       Others AES End–of –Operation
 *            31  |       Reserved
 *    \endcode
#define IRQ_STATUS3_BASE					((uint8_t)0xFA) /*!< IRQ Events(RR, split into 4 registers) */

#define IRQ_STATUS3_RX_DATA_READY				((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< IRQ: RX data ready */
#define IRQ_STATUS3_RX_DATA_DISC				((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< IRQ: RX data discarded (upon filtering) */
#define IRQ_STATUS3_TX_DATA_SENT				((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< IRQ: TX data sent */
#define IRQ_STATUS3_MAX_RE_TX_REACH				((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< IRQ: Max re-TX reached */
#define IRQ_STATUS3_CRC_ERROR					((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< IRQ: CRC error */
#define IRQ_STATUS3_TX_FIFO_ERROR				((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< IRQ: TX FIFO underflow/overflow error */
#define IRQ_STATUS3_RX_FIFO_ERROR				((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< IRQ: RX FIFO underflow/overflow error */
#define IRQ_STATUS3_TX_FIFO_ALMOST_FULL				((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< IRQ: TX FIFO almost full */

 * @}

 * @}

/** @defgroup MC_STATE_Registers
 * @{

/** @defgroup MC_STATE1_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief MC_STATE1  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x50
 *   Read
 *   7:4     Reserved.
 *   3       ANT_SELECT:  Currently selected antenna
 *   2       TX_FIFO_Full:     1 - TX FIFO is full
 *   1       RX_FIFO_Empty:    1 - RX FIFO is empty
 *   0       ERROR_LOCK:       1 - RCO calibrator error
 *   \endcode
#define	MC_STATE1_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xC0)) /*!< MC_STATE1 register address (see the SpiritStatus struct */

 * @}

/** @defgroup MC_STATE0_Register
 * @{

 *  \brief MC_STATE0  registers
 *  \code
 *   Default value: 0x00
 *   Read
 *   7:1     STATE[6:0]: Current MC state.
 *      REGISTER VALUE |         STATE
 *   --------------------------------------------
 *            0x40     |         STANDBY
 *            0x36     |         SLEEP
 *            0x03     |         READY
 *            0x3B     |         PM setup
 *            0x23     |         XO settling
 *            0x53     |         SYNTH setup
 *            0x1F     |         PROTOCOL
 *            0x4F     |         SYNTH calibration
 *            0x0F     |         LOCK
 *            0x33     |         RX
 *            0x5F     |         TX
 *   0       XO_ON:       1 - XO is operating
 *   \endcode
#define	MC_STATE0_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xC1)) /*!< MC_STATE0 register address. In this version ALL existing states have been inserted
                                                                                       and are still to be verified */
 * @}

 * @}
/** @defgroup Engineering-Test_Registers
 * @{

#define	SYNTH_CONFIG1_BASE					((uint8_t)(0x9E)) /*!< Synthesizier registers: M, A, K data sync on positive/negative clock edges [4],
                                                                                       Enable Linearization of the charge pump [3], split time 1.75/3.45ns [2], VCO calibration window 16,32,64,128 clock cycles [1:0]*/
#define	SYNTH_CONFIG0_BASE					((uint8_t)(0x9F)) /*!< Enable DSM randomizer [7], Window width 1.2-7.5ns (Down-up) of lock detector*/
#define	VCOTH_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xA0)) /*!< Controls the threshold frequency between VCO low and VCO high [7:0]
                                                                                       VCOth frequency=2*fXO*(96+VCO_TH/16), fmin=4992 MHz, fmax=5820 MHz*/
#define	PM_CONFIG2_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xA4)) /*!< Enables high current buffer on Temperature sensor, sets SMPS options */
#define	PM_CONFIG1_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xA5)) /*!< Set SMPS options */
#define	PM_CONFIG0_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xA6)) /*!< Set SMPS options */
#define	VCO_CONFIG_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xA1)) /*!< Set VCO current [5:2]part and [1:0] part */
#define	XO_CONFIG_BASE						((uint8_t)(0xA7)) /*!< Clock management options from XO to digital part */

#define	XO_RCO_TEST_BASE					((uint8_t)(0xB4)) /*!< Test of XO and RCO */

 * @}

/** @addtogroup Commands
 * @{

#define	COMMAND_TX						((uint8_t)(0x60)) /*!< Start to transmit; valid only from READY */
#define	COMMAND_RX						((uint8_t)(0x61)) /*!< Start to receive; valid only from READY */
#define	COMMAND_READY					        ((uint8_t)(0x62)) /*!< Go to READY; valid only from STANDBY or SLEEP or LOCK */
#define	COMMAND_STANDBY					        ((uint8_t)(0x63)) /*!< Go to STANDBY; valid only from READY */
#define	COMMAND_SLEEP					        ((uint8_t)(0x64)) /*!< Go to SLEEP; valid only from READY */
#define	COMMAND_LOCKRX					        ((uint8_t)(0x65)) /*!< Go to LOCK state by using the RX configuration of the synth; valid only from READY */
#define	COMMAND_LOCKTX					        ((uint8_t)(0x66)) /*!< Go to LOCK state by using the TX configuration of the synth; valid only from READY */
#define	COMMAND_SABORT					        ((uint8_t)(0x67)) /*!< Force exit form TX or RX states and go to READY state; valid only from TX or RX */
#define	COMMAND_LDC_RELOAD				        ((uint8_t)(0x68)) /*!< LDC Mode: Reload the LDC timer with the value stored in the  LDC_PRESCALER / COUNTER
                                                                                       registers; valid from all states  */
#define	COMMAND_SEQUENCE_UPDATE			                ((uint8_t)(0x69)) /*!< Autoretransmission: Reload the Packet sequence counter with the value stored in the PROTOCOL[2] register
                                                                                       valid from all states */
#define	COMMAND_AES_ENC					        ((uint8_t)(0x6A)) /*!< AES: Start the encryption routine; valid from all states; valid from all states */
#define	COMMAND_AES_KEY					        ((uint8_t)(0x6B)) /*!< AES: Start the procedure to compute the key for the decryption; valid from all states */
#define	COMMAND_AES_DEC					        ((uint8_t)(0x6C)) /*!< AES: Start the decryption routine using the current key; valid from all states */
#define	COMMAND_AES_KEY_DEC				        ((uint8_t)(0x6D)) /*!< AES: Compute the key and start the decryption; valid from all states */
#define	COMMAND_SRES					        ((uint8_t)(0x70)) /*!< Reset of all digital part, except SPI registers */
#define	COMMAND_FLUSHRXFIFO				        ((uint8_t)(0x71)) /*!< Clean the RX FIFO; valid from all states */
#define	COMMAND_FLUSHTXFIFO				        ((uint8_t)(0x72)) /*!< Clean the TX FIFO; valid from all states */

 * @}

 * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus


/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2015 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/