
Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of all_combined_week6 by green rosh

--- a/ACS.cpp	Tue Jul 15 10:04:38 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#include "ACS.h"
-PwmOut PWM1(p6);        //Functions used to generate PWM signal 
-                        //PWM output comes from pins p6
-Serial pc1(USBTX, USBRX);
- {
-     printf("\nEnterd PWMGEN function\n");
-     double DCx = 0;         //Duty cycle of Moment in x, y, z directions
-     double ix = 0;          //Current sent in x, y, z TR's
-     float timep = 0.02 ;  
-     double Mx=1.5;            //Time period is set to 0.2s  
-                             //Moment in x, y, z directions
-        ix = Mx * 0.3 ;      //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
-        if( ix>0&& ix < 0.006 )                     //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
-         {
-             DCx =  6*1000000*pow(ix,4) - 377291*pow(ix,3) + 4689.6*pow(ix,2) + 149.19*ix - 0.0008;
-             PWM1.period(timep);
-             PWM1 = DCx/100 ;
-         }
-        else if( ix >= 0.006&& ix < 0.0116)
-         { 
-            DCx = 1*100000000*pow(ix,4) - 5*1000000*pow(ix,3) + 62603*pow(ix,2) - 199.29*ix + 0.7648;
-            PWM1.period(timep);
-            PWM1 = DCx/100 ;             
-         }
-        else if (ix >= 0.0116&& ix < 0.0624)
-         {
-            DCx = 212444*pow(ix,4) - 33244*pow(ix,3) + 1778.4*pow(ix,2) + 120.91*ix + 0.3878;
-            PWM1.period(timep);
-            PWM1 = DCx/100 ;            
-         }
-        else if(ix >= 0.0624&& ix < 0.555)
-         {
-            printf("\nACS entered if\n");
-            DCx =  331.15*pow(ix,4) - 368.09*pow(ix,3) + 140.43*pow(ix,2) + 158.59*ix + 0.0338;
-            PWM1.period(timep);
-            PWM1 = DCx/100 ;            
-         }
-         else if(ix==0)
-         {
-             DCx = 0;
-            PWM1.period(timep);
-            PWM1 = DCx/100 ;            
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            // pc.printf("!!!!!!!!!!Error!!!!!!!!!");
-         } 
-printf("\nExited PWMGEN function\n");
\ No newline at end of file